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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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The most riveting video on this bogus investigation.

Former secret service investigator explains in detail the sequence of events from start to finish the greatest government scandal in our lifetime.
How the highest law enforcement and intelligence agencies at the highest level were weaponized against Donald Trump.

There was Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C...except that Plan B and C were not conceived until Plan A failed.

Names that we never heard of ...Mike Rodgers...former NSA employee uncovers the illegal unmasking and unauthorized access to the NSA database.

Ten days after Trump is elected Rogers visits Trump Towers and a secret meeting was held. Trump vacates Trump Towers and relocates to NJ.

The next day Rogers is fired.
Recall when Trump tweeted that Trump Towers were wiretapped and everyone scoffed? ….

Up next Plan B ...obtaining FISA warrant...using what they called evidence, a bogus dossier...

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The most riveting video on this bogus investigation.

Former secret service investigator explains in detail the sequence of events from start to finish the greatest government scandal in our lifetime.
How the highest law enforcement and intelligence agencies at the highest level were weaponized against Donald Trump.

There was Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C...except that Plan B and C were not conceived until Plan A failed.

Names that we never heard of ...Mike Rodgers...former NSA employee uncovers the illegal unmasking and unauthorized access to the NSA database.

Ten days after Trump is elected Rogers visits Trump Towers and a secret meeting was held. Trump vacates Trump Towers and relocates to NJ.

The next day Rogers is fired.
Recall when Trump tweeted that Trump Towers were wiretapped and everyone scoffed?

Up next Plan B ...obtaining FISA warrant...using what they called evidence, a bogus dossier...

I love Dan Bongino. Got to cast a vote for him. He is a true American Patriot. Not Michael Avenatti.
The **** is beginning to increasingly back-up all the drains in the WH. I believe that's affectionately referred to as a '**** storm'.

I was wondering what came of that raid on Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt last week.

Deutsche Bank Willing To Report Jared Kushner’s ‘Suspicious Transactions’ To Robert Mueller: Report

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Deutsche Bank is investigating suspicious money transfers of Kushner and his companies. <a href="https://t.co/W4SJs7dgfM">https://t.co/W4SJs7dgfM</a></p>— Philipp Alvares (@phalvares) <a href="https://twitter.com/phalvares/status/954263935452098560?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 19, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Wooo! That one should put the final nail in the imaginary coffin you're building for Trump there Tibs!

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Wooo! That should nail Trump to the cross Tibs!
That's literally all you Trump apologists have left, lame personal insults. A true sign of the times. Duly noted.
Uh, no, witch-hunts don’t end in findings that vindicate the person being investigated. But thanks for proving my point, Mueller’s findings do anything but vindicate Trump. You know it, I know it, Trump knows it.

In other words you ******* idiots still believe Trump and Russia rigged the election.
That's literally all you Trump apologists have left, lame personal insults. A true sign of the times. Duly noted.

If there was concrete evidence that Trump and Russia rigged the election and we made excuses and or defended his actions then you could call us apologists.

Lame only because my "insult" touched a nerve. I'm calling you what you are.
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you ******* idiots
you filthy Hungarian.
Same old, same old. Nothing but personal attacks and insults. All applauded by the fair & balanced mods around here. Just plain and utter trash, just like the unhinged mob boss you kneel down and pray to each and every day. You sure must cough up a lot of bile from all that wretched hatred inside of you.
I think in the end, they are going to get Trump on campaign finance violation stemming from the Stormy Daniels thing. I know they let Obama off the hook for his violation, but I expect Trump to be indicted. I don't think the collusion or obstruction stuff will bear fruit. But they are gonna get him on the campaign finance stuff. What that results in? Who knows? It's not sexy, mostly innocuous, but the government gets the bad guy. Trump can say "See, no collusion." The left can say "See we told you he was guilty of something." Everyone saves some face and everybody wins.
I think they can get Trump for lying to Mueller, but what will come of it who knows. I also think Kushner and Don Jr. may face some issues neither one seem too bright.
I think they can get Trump for lying to Mueller, but what will come of it who knows. I also think Kushner and Don Jr. may face some issues neither one seem too bright.

Do tell... What did Trump lie to Mueller about?
I think in the end, they are going to get Trump on campaign finance violation...I expect Trump to be indicted.

I think they can get Trump for lying to Mueller, but what will come of it who knows. I also think Kushner and Don Jr. may face some issues neither one seem too bright.

Trump tower meeting

Here's a story written by a former US Attorney about the subject.

For the first time in years, this thread is finally starting to veer back towards facts and cold, hard reality. It's sad to see a sitting president up to his neck in this much trouble, just two years in. The problem with Trump, is none of this is new or surprising information. It was pretty clear to those willing to read and listen he was a living, walking Pandora's box and his nomination as the GOP candidate would carry exactly this type of peril.

I'm afraid we're still seeing just slivers of the actual case that will be brought against Trump. I'm not sure he'll wait around long enough for that, as even now, there's enough meat on the bone that will make his legal standing wrought with peril. If the next shoes to drop are indictments against Kushner and Trump Jr, the pressure may be insurmountable. Particularly when the likes of Fox News and the GOP start tip-toing away.

A sad, turbulent and entirely avoidable period of American history. This is exactly what all the warnings and red flags were about heading into the election. And here we are.
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For the first time in years, this thread is finally starting to veer back towards facts and cold, hard reality.

Translation: Things are finally going in a way I like.

I would feel these investigations would have more validity to me personally if most of Washington didn't publicly state they were going to find a way to get him impeached......on election night.
Translation: Things are finally going in a way I like..
Not at all. What’s there to like about a President in legal peril, facing indíctments and possibly impeachment?

I’m just glad certain posters here are willing to discuss the facts in this case and the sobering turn of events. Otherwise, it’s just regurgitating Trump’s Twitter falsehoods and Pro-Trump, alt-right media propaganda. Who needs that?
Mueller is desperate. This is all he has, and it is a stretch. Nothing burger. The Dems will impeach in the house. It will die in the Senate. Dems will look like fools. In the meantime, lefties will be giddy, only to be dashed.

Have a nice day.

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It never ends...

Breaking: Alleged Russian agent Maria Butina poised to plead guilty in case involving suspected Kremlin attempts to influence NRA

Maria Butina, a Russian gun rights activist, is poised to plead guilty in a case involving accusations that she was working as an agent for the Kremlin in the United States, according to a new court filing.

Attorneys for Butina and federal prosecutors jointly requested in court documents Monday that U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan set a time for Butina to withdraw her previous plea of not guilty. They said they could be available for her to enter her plea as early as Tuesday.

A plea is not final until it is entered in court and accepted by a judge. Monday’s filing did not indicate to what charge she will plead.

Butina was accused of working to push the Kremlin’s agenda by forming bonds with National Rifle Association officials and other conservative leaders and making outreach to 2016 presidential candidates.

A native of Siberia, she founded a group to expand gun rights in Russia, a profile that allowed her to develop relationships with U.S. conservatives intrigued with her work. Prosecutors said Butina, 30, stepped up her activities after moving to Washington in September 2016 to attend graduate school at American University.
It never ends...

Breaking: Alleged Russian agent Maria Butina poised to plead guilty in case involving suspected Kremlin attempts to influence NRA


Butina has been jailed four months since her July arrest. In that time, her case had been embraced by the Russian government, which had vigorously protested that she was an innocent student whose incarceration was unjust. With the plea deal, Butina could be released in coming months and deported to Russia.

Butina was prosecuted by U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, rather than special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — an indication that Mueller may have determined that her activities did not directly connect to his investigation, which involves scrutinizing any links between Russia and President Trump’s campaign.
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