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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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I see nothing in them that is a crime. I see nothing that gives me any worry about this. It is much ado about nothing. If this was a crime every single elected ****** in government would be guilty. You really think this is some weird happening that does not happen all the time? Give me a ******* break. The naivety of the left is so ridiculously fake.
FYI he released the emails after learning the NY Times was set to release it themselves.

Once again, the leaks of the emails, if part of an investigation, is the only evidence of a crime I see committed.

And Kaine needs to suck a dick. Treason is when an American goes off to fight for an Islamist group. This is information gathering, nothing more, nothing less.

answer me this...

why would RUSSIA... Mother Russia... suddenly support Trump after all they'd invested in Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton's Pantsuit Presidency?
Ha ha ha!!! Look at the merry little band of libtards all excited "Trump and Russia! Trump and Russia! Blaaaahhhgggrrrrrr! Get ready for more disappointment, you commie *****. There's nothing there....
Funny how the left is suddenly so interested in truth and justice.

I mean i still don't think this is what the libs are hoping it is..

The naivety of the left is so ridiculously fake.

This is information gathering, nothing more, nothing less.

Ha ha ha!!! Look at the merry little band of libtards all excited "Trump and Russia! Trump and Russia! Blaaaahhhgggrrrrrr! Get ready for more disappointment, you commie *****. There's nothing there....

From the not-at-all-left National Review...

And this is why I marvel at the ability of some people to defend the White House every single day on this story. If there is one thing we’ve learned from this president, it’s that going too far out on a limb brings out the saw. Poor Steve Mnuchin. He went out on Sunday and heaped praise on this joint US-Russia Cyber Fox Force Five idea that the president blurted out on Twitter. Within a few hours, Trump left Mnuchin out to dry. It happens again and again.

It’s the same thing with this Donald Trump Jr. story. There were no meetings with Russians. Well there was that meeting about adoption with that Russian lawyer (attended by the campaign manager). Well, it was a meeting about opposition research that turned into a meeting about adoption, but I had no idea the Russian government was involved. Then the NYT reports last night about an email saying the meeting was pitched as part of a Russian-government operation. Then this morning the Russian lawyer says it was the Trump team that was desperate for Clinton dirt.

Now this story may end up being wrong, because shady Russian lawyers lie and the press screws stuff up a lot on this kind of thing too. It may be, as one often hears, that this is all an effort by Jared Kushner to screw his brother-in-law and distract the press from his woes. Or maybe it’s all a terrible dream.

But that’s my larger point. Who the hell knows?

What I just don’t understand is how conservatives can mock, scoff at, and ridicule the idea there might be some legs to this story
when Donald Trump does everything he can to make it look like there might be a there there. He fired the FBI director. He told the Russian ambassador he did it to thwart the Russia investigation. He told Lester Holt the same thing. Donald Trump is clearly obsessed with the Russia story and with forging a bromance with Vladimir Putin. Both his son and his son-in-law have ties to Russia and keep having to revise their denials, making anyone who believed them in the first place look foolish.

Why not just wait and see?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/449366/donald-trump-jr-russia-why-not-just-wait-and-see
probably because we were scoffed at, mocked, and ridiculed for eight years over the mind-numbing **** that Obama and his merry band of fuckwits concocted and distributed.

From the not-at-all-left National Review...

From the not-at-all-left National Review...

Ok. So where is the wait and see from the media and the left? It is "this is the smoking gun harrumph harrumph harrumph" then it is on to the next thing. There is no patience only glee in looking to bring down a man and party they hate with all their fiber. The constant reporting of things with out real knowledge of what the investigation will or wont find is damaging this country, the media and the Democratic Party just as much as it is trump and the Republicans. If the leftist media is going to endlessly do this you expect us to just sit back and take it?
I see nothing in them that is a crime.

On the one hand, you have the Logan Act:

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
<dl><dd>Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
</dd></dl> <dl><dd>This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).


And on the other, the Campaign Finance Law:

Campaign Finance Law: When “Collusion” with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime

Bauer pointed to a campaign finance law that prohibits foreign nationals from providing "anything of value … in connection with" an election.

"The hacking of the Podesta emails, which were then transmitted to Wikileaks for posting, clearly had value," Bauer noted, pointing to Trump's frequent praise of the organization. "And its connection to the election is not disputed."

Josh Douglas, an election and constitutional law expert who teaches at the University of Kentucky Law School, also cited campaign finance laws — specifically, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold act — when asked whether collusion with a foreign power to win an election was illegal.

Like Bauer, he said the question would be whether any of the Russian activity "would fall under that law as an expenditure," and whether the Americans involved — in this case, the Trump campaign — had a "specific intent to engage in that prohibited act."

To Bauer, the intent seems clear:
"The President and others associated with the campaign made no bones about the value to them of the purloined email communications. ... He drew on the emails in the debates with Secretary Clinton. Notably, when he was asked during the debates to acknowledge the Russian program of interference and given the opportunity to openly oppose the actions, he wouldn’t do so. He also mentioned Wikileaks 124 times in the last month of the campaign. The Russians could only have been strengthened in the conviction that their efforts were welcome and had value. That covers the evidence in plain sight."

And there is also the issue of Obstruction of Justice, ie Trump trying to influence Comey's FBI investigation into his affairs, leading to Trump outright firing the FBI director.
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Ok. So where is the wait and see from the media and the left?
I for one am willing to wait and see. This thread is about the ongoing investigation, which is a fact, thus updates to the investigation would seem prudent to post and discuss here.

It is "this is the smoking gun harrumph harrumph harrumph" then it is on to the next thing.
I didn't post anything about a smoking gun. This is just yet another set of circumstances that continues to be ignored or wished away by Trump and his supporters.

If the leftist media is going to endlessly do this you expect us to just sit back and take it?
It is the solemn duty of the media to report the facts as they become available. What do you suggest they do? Stop reporting this story?

Again, the truth will come out, one way or another. It seems there haven't been any leaks coming from Robert Mueller's investigation. I hope that is able to proceed unabated and reach its conclusions, fair and square, regardless of what's happening in the media or on internet message boards for that matter.
yeah? and?
you think that after nearly a year that this would FINALLY be coming to light? the left has been squawking about the Logan Act for quite some time now, but sure as ******* **** turned a blind eye to all the bullshit that Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton's pantsuits did while Sec of State. Of course, since she has a (D) next to her name and her husband is giving the (D) to others, this was not a problem.

Both seem like a serious stretch to try to find something. Campaigns have the legal right to meet with foreign powers and do so all the time. This has not even been proven that this was meeting with an official.

Don't you think this all just an attempt to bring him down by hook or by crook? Do you really believe anything happened here that has not happened on a regular basis? Be honest. Even Hillary's campaign emails showed this was a strategy rather than an honest investigation into a real crime. Put your hate of the man aside and honestly answer. If this were Obama you would not be saying the same things.
I for one am willing to wait and see. This thread is about the ongoing investigation, which is a fact, thus updates to the investigation would seem prudent to post and discuss here.

I didn't post anything about a smoking gun. This is just yet another set of circumstances that continues to be ignored or wished away by Trump and his supporters.

It is the solemn duty of the media to report the facts as they become available. What do you suggest they do? Stop reporting this story?

Again, the truth will come out, one way or another. It seems there haven't been any leaks coming from Robert Mueller's investigation. I hope that is able to proceed unabated and reach its conclusions, fair and square, regardless of what's happening in the media or on internet message boards for that matter.

Reporting facts is fine. Running a story on this email is fine. The problem is the hyperbole and total gleeful overreaction and over analysis of it at the expense of every other real story. It is not news to them it is a religion, not that Fox News has not been guilty of the same thing, they are both wrong. The media has got to get back to just reporting the facts and then letting us decide how we feel about it instead of telling us how we feel. The overt and worse hidden partisanship of the supposedly fair media is ruining this country. I see way to many people on Facebook hating on the other side that just are ******* stupid *** *************. Both sides. Yesterday on Rob Portmans page a clueless idiot was bitching to the delight of any others that Portman only wins his SENATE seat because of gerrymandering. It was not one person but many jumping in. Even after it was pointed out by myself that he is a Senator they had no clue. This is not just from liberals either their are many stupid voters out there on both sides who just eat what the media feeds them without a thought. This gives the media a responsibility to stop feeding the idiocy and get back to what they are supposed to do.
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Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof

The problem you have in relying on that statute is that there is literally zero evidence the lady lawyer is in any fashion even connected with the Russian government, let alone an "officer or agent" of the Russian government.

So there's that.
Don't you think this all just an attempt to bring him down by hook or by crook?
Why have Trump and his closest associates and family members constantly lied about their dealings with Russia? Why? There is no plausible explanation, if you truly believe they're innocent.
Why have Trump and his closest associates and family members constantly lied about their dealings with Russia? Why? There is no plausible explanation, if you truly believe they're innocent.

he's become a politician.
for that, you should love him.
...there is literally zero evidence the lady lawyer is in any fashion even connected with the Russian government, let alone an "officer or agent" of the Russian government.

Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr. Has Ties To Russian Government

Donald Trump Jr. insisted on Monday that his meeting with a Russian lawyer in the middle of the campaign last year was benign, but the lawyer has a number of ties to Russian government officials.

Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Trump Jr., as well as Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in June 2016, according to a statement Trump Jr. provided NPR. The New York Times reported late Monday that Trump Jr. was informed in an email that material damaging to Hillary Clinton promised in the meeting was part of a Russian government effort to help his father's campaign.

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

Trump Jr. said he met with Veselnitskaya because he was told that she could provide opposition research against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, but that the conversation devolved into a discussion of American sanctions against Russia.

Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer, who, like many involved in the Trump and Russia saga, isn't directly employed by the Russian government but has a number of deeper government ties. The Russian government often operates by using not only its own employees but those with informal or personal relationships to its key leaders.

The Washington Post reported
on Monday that the origin of the request for the meeting with Trump Jr. was with the family of Aras Agalarov, a billionaire developer who'd done business in the past with the Trumps.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

The sanctions spurred a response from the Kremlin that included a similar blacklist in Russia — and also included a provision that bars Americans from adopting Russian children.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.

'She's not just some private lawyer,' Mr. Browder said of Ms. Veselnitskaya. 'She is a tool of the Russian government.'

If you know anything at all about Russia, it is that all roads lead not to Rome, but to Putin.
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Why have Trump and his closest associates and family members constantly lied about their dealings with Russia? Why? There is no plausible explanation, if you truly believe they're innocent.

Let's see. Media constantly writing negative things about him, often making things up, using this Russia investigation to try to stop him from governing. He knows he did nothing wrong, so he tries to answer in ways that won't fan the flames. Pretty obvious why he'd be evasive in talking with people dedicated to destroying him.
I put Russian dressing on my salad. ****, now I have to report it, or get arrested for treason.
See and now ots totally marginalized... the dems obsession with the Russian angle is literally destroying any chance tgey have of ever being taken seriously again... its impeaching clinton over mild obstruction over sex all over again... they couldn't nail him for what they wanted so they tied other angles in till they got something to stick and it blew up in their faces...

Again push the fact that the repubs are impotent with all the power... not the spy novel get him imprached so we can ***** about the next more conservative guy in line angle... impeach trump over conjecture and risk losing his voters forever... and the next two to three elections too...
LOL, the struggle to defend Trump continues....just like reading this board.

[h=1]Fox News tried to spin Trump Jr.’s email dump as good news — then gave up[/h]
I talked to a Russian once. ]

It's all so predictable and silly. Obama holdovers leaking classified information as fast as they can get their hands on it

DeSantis named Ben Rhodes—the former National Security Council official responsible for creating an in-house "echo chamber" meant to mislead reporters and the public about the landmark nuclear deal with Iran—as a primary source of these leaks and urged the House Intelligence Committee to call Rhodes and other former Obama officials to testify publicly about any role they may be playing in spreading classified information to reporters.

Congressman and women spouting bullshit stories they can't back up with facts

and the media is in full battle mode, using anything they can find or make up.to just so that it hurts the Trump agenda...resist !


All fueled by a media paid for by Liberal elitists


It's all part of the old Obama play book.....Squirrel !! Anything to impede progress, cause MAGA is not their idea of what we are about.


Oh yeh and .......here's Bernie LOL


Football can't come soon enough, I'm almost out of popcorn.
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