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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Where the hell is 'lil IndySteel to tell us this is just more fake news? Probably trying to get a grip. Or simply waiting for a tweet from Trump or a post from daddy Spike, to tell him what to think.


Or maybe he is waiting for actual news. This is just hysteria at this point. It could mean almost nothing for Trump or it could be bad it could also mean something for Hillary or Obama for that matter. You and particularly Elfie are just like salivating dogs waiting on anything to bring down Trump with no rational thought. We don’t know **** yet and it is pointless to speculate what this means until we know what it even is.

And must I remind you again that an indictment regardless of who or what it is for is not a conviction or even proof of wrongdoing that takes a court and jury to decide not just just a grand jury.

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There's one thing for certain. It ain't me that's going to be arrested and that's all I'm concerned about.
Or maybe he is waiting for actual news. This is just hysteria at this point. It could mean almost nothing for Trump or it could be bad it could also mean something for Hillary or Obama for that matter. You and particularly Elfie are just like salivating dogs waiting on anything to bring down Trump with no rational thought. We don’t know **** yet and it is pointless to speculate what this means until we know what it even is.

And must I remind you again that an indictment regardless of who or what it is for is not a conviction or even proof of wrongdoing that takes a court and jury to decide not just just a grand jury.

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Cmon. We all know that Trump is going to get impeached, and Hillary will take her rightful place in the Oval Office.

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Anyone think Trump would have the stomach to go through an impeachment process? No way Jose. If Mueller files charges against let's say Manafort, Flynn or Kuschner that begins the process of getting them to cooperate and build the case against the President. From that point forward it's only a question of time before Trump kneels on his sword and throws in the towel. He will go out in a cloud of hysterics and self-pity, blaming Hillary, Obama and the media on his way out. Of that you can be sure.

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Where the hell is 'lil IndySteel to tell us this is just more fake news? Probably trying to get a grip. Or simply waiting for a tweet from Trump or a post from daddy Spike, to tell him what to think.


I’m not on much during the weekends Commie, I have a life. Just popped in to laugh at you and Twatty flounder around, all delusional with false hope. Great stuff! Keep it up. Your declining mental health is highly entertaining.
I’m not on much during the weekends, I have a life.
Oh alright, that's a relief. I was worried about you. Just wanted to check in to make sure you're okay.

How is Trump holding up, I wonder? Probably working hard on his his tax cut proposals or ironing out the details of his fight against the opioid crisis.


Trump travels to his Virginia golf club for fourth consecutive weekend

President Trump traveled to his Virginia golf club on Saturday for the fourth consecutive weekend.

Trump left the White House shortly after 10 a.m. Saturday wearing a white hat, a dark jacket, a white shirt and golf shoes, according to pool reports.

Trump’s motorcade arrived at Trump National Golf Club in Virginia shortly after 10:50 a.m.

One protestor greeted Trump’s motorcade at the entrance to his golf club holding a sign that read “Impeach,” according to pool reports.

Trump has no public events scheduled for this weekend.

This is Trump 76th visit to one of his golf properties since taking office, according to a NBC News tracker.
From Russia with love.....lol.

It'll be interesting to see what these indictments end up being about. If had to guess it's going to be some perjury and obstruction related to the investigation, a la Scooter Libby. You dig far and wide enough and someone is bound to **** up and try to hide something.

My prediction is no actual election violations or collusion will be found. But we'll see...
And you are correct, the Hillary uranium bullshit story ...

This is what I find so irritating. If the corruption or investigation is about your guy (Trump or Clinton), it's bullshit. If it's about the other guy, IT'S DEFINITELY TRUE!!

Clinton's involvement in the underhanded and illegal dealings involving a company owned by the Russian government is not "bullshit." Instead, it's a provable fact.
Clinton's involvement in the underhanded and illegal dealings involving a company owned by the Russian government is not "bullshit." Instead, it's a provable fact.

Come on man, how many times has this been debunked? Hard to believe you fell for this given the timing that right-wing news - fox & breitbart - suddenly 'rediscovered' and 'broke' this story, right when news of Mueller's indictments was rounding the corner. But sure, play along with Trump's ploy to distract, divert and try to draw false equivalency here. Nice try, but no cigar.

The desperation of the last week, in which every arm of the Republican machine has worked overtime to try and generate a Clinton scandal about something, anything, is the best indicator that Mueller’s first golden ticket could be a big one.

NBC News confirms: First indictment from Mueller to be served on Monday
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All these months later and this still seems to be no more than a Liberal wet dream.
Oh alright, that's a relief. I was worried about you. Just wanted to check in to make sure you're okay.

How is Trump holding up, I wonder? Probably working hard on his his tax cut proposals or ironing out the details of his fight against the opioid crisis.


Trump travels to his Virginia golf club for fourth consecutive weekend
Looks like he is really worried about the Monday indictments. Lol.

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Come on man, how many times has this been debunked? Hard to believe you fell for this given the timing that right-wing news - fox & breitbart - suddenly 'rediscovered' and 'broke' this story, right when news of Mueller's indictments was rounding the corner. But sure, play along with Trump's ploy to distract, divert and try to draw false equivalency here. Nice try, but no cigar.

NBC News confirms: First indictment from Mueller to be served on Monday

By liberal rules you set it is no more or no less debunked than all the debunking of the claims against Trump that has been done. By your own rules it need to be investigated by independent counsel. You can’t have it both ways.

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Looks like he is really worried about the Monday indictments. Lol.
Yeah, that must be it. Just another lazy weekend spent grab-assing on the golf course, not a worry in the world.

By liberal rules you set it is no more or no less debunked than all the debunking of the claims against Trump that has been done. By your own rules it need to be investigated by independent counsel. You can’t have it both ways.
Sure, why not? If it's legitimate there should have already been an independent counsel investigation, or surely there will be one now that breitbart/fox has regurgitated this shocking, breaking story. Keep me posted on that.
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Yeah, that must be it. Just another lazy weekend spent grab-assing on the golf course, not a worry in the world.

Sure, why not? If it's legitimate there should have already been an independent counsel investigation, or surely there will be one now that breitbart/fox has regurgitated this shocking, breaking story. Keep me posted on that.

There is, Mueller, he seems to be looking into Clinton things as well, so if you want him to keep investigating Trump you might not like what he finds. He has pretty much unlimited power to follow any lead. Hell we can’t even be sure this indictment is not against Clinton person. Hell if he truly digs enough he could bring down most of Washington himself included.

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There is, Mueller, he seems to be looking into Clinton things as well, so if you want him to keep investigating Trump you might not like what he finds. He has pretty much unlimited power to follow any lead. Hell we can’t even be sure this indictment is not against Clinton person. Hell if he truly digs enough he could bring down most of Washington himself included.
Anybody and everybody that broke the law - regardless of political party or affiliation - needs to be persecuted. I've said that from day one.
Looks like he is really worried about the Monday indictments. Lol.

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And that would be 'par for the course' (pun intended)
when it comes to these types of psychopaths. They've gotten away with so much for so long they think they always will.

Ask the guy with the mountain man beard......oh wait, you can't because justice was served, as it will on be on your criminal POTUS.....

And that would be 'par for the course' (pun intended)
when it comes to these types of psychopaths. They've gotten away with so much for so long they think they always will.

Ask the guy with the mountain man beard......oh wait, you can't because justice was served, as it will on be on your criminal POTUS.....


You could just as easily have written that about Hillary or just about any other top politician.

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And that would be 'par for the course' (pun intended)
when it comes to these types of psychopaths. They've gotten away with so much for so long they think they always will.

Ask the guy with the mountain man beard......oh wait, you can't because justice was served, as it will on be on your criminal POTUS.....

Tiny missing detail. ..........there needs to be a crime to be a criminal. Swing. Miss.

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Hell we can’t even be sure this indictment is not against Clinton person.

Trump lawyers scramble to prepare for new stage of Russia probe

The president’s legal team is bracing for the first charges just five months into the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

President Donald Trump’s White House and personal lawyers scrambled Saturday to learn where the knife might fall in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, triggering a guessing game among aides after days of trying to turn attention away from allegations of collusion with Russia during the election.

Attorneys involved in the case said their cellphones have been ringing nonstop as they connected with each other, and with reporters, trying to gather more concrete details after a CNN report Friday night that a federal grand jury had approved the first charges in the Russia investigation.

While the report did not cite names, attorneys close to the case said they were discussing whether the indictment was for two known Mueller targets: former campaign chairman Paul Manafort or former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Several attorneys who said they were in touch with the Manafort and Flynn lawyers said they had not been notified of any matter related to an indictment — which is customary in a white-collar criminal investigation — leading them to believe it wasn’t either of those two former high-ranking Trump aides. An attorney for Manafort did not respond to a request for comment. Michael Flynn’s attorney, Robert Kelner, declined to comment.

The attorneys close to the case also said they wouldn’t be surprised if the charges were targeting Flynn or Manafort family members, or a longtime accountant or lawyer.

Andrew Weissmann, one of Mueller’s top attorneys and a frequent presence over the last month at the grand jury proceedings in Washington, including on Friday, was known to use that tactic to gain advantage when attempting to prosecute Enron executives in the mid-2000s. “That moves you toward making a deal when the son or a wife is indicted,” said a white-collar attorney familiar with the Mueller probe.

For example, an indictment of Flynn’s son, who worked for his father’s lobbying firm, could put pressure on Flynn to begin to cooperate with investigators. Flynn and his son have been under scrutiny for their lobbying work on behalf of a Turkish client with ties to the country’s authoritarian president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is friendly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Flynn Jr. also accompanied his father to Moscow in December 2015 for a paid speech, which Putin attended, celebrating the Russian propaganda outlet RT. Michael Flynn did not disclose the payments in his application to renew his security clearance in 2016; the Democratic and GOP leaders of the House Oversight Committee earlier this year said that was likely an illegal omission.

Barry Coburn, Michael Flynn Jr.’s attorney, also declined to comment. Alan Futerfas, an attorney for Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., said he had no insight into the CNN story or any Mueller indictments.

Aaron May, an attorney for Jeffrey Yohai, Manafort’s former son-in-law, who has come under scrutiny for real estate transactions conducted with Paul Manafort, said he couldn’t talk about the case, but not because he was under any kind of court order. “I don’t know,” he said.

Several lawyers close to the case were trying to gauge the accuracy of the original report, which POLITICO has not independently confirmed. Speculation also was rising over who would release information that is sealed by a federal judge. “If the leaker isn’t the defense, that could be a legal issue,” said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor in Chicago, though he said that his “gut” suggests the story came from a defense attorney “who was told to have his client in court on Monday.”

I doubt it. Trump and his moron supporters will throw the hissy fit of the century.
We'll have to wait til next century for a group to claim Hissy Fit of the Century. The libs already got the title wrapped up for this century.
I'll just leave this here. This is the reason us libs had such a 'hissy fit' when Trump got elected. It had nothing to do with Hillary or her losing the election. It simply has to do with electing a criminal and traitor to run the country. That's what the so-called 'hissy fit' has been about and that's why Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation has been so crucial, to get to the bottom of the facts. And all that now is coming home to roost.

Lawyer Exposes “Single Most Important Fact” in Mueller’s Investigation

(THREAD) The single most important fact in the Trump-Russia investigation is a never-discussed one.

1/ Investigators are now trying to determine *exactly* when every member of the Trump campaign found out Russia was working to elect Trump.
2/ These dates are of legal importance because they establish a “mens rea” (mental state) for possible crimes committed by Trump and others.
3/ Once Trump, his family, and/or his campaign aides knew Russia was committing crimes to assist Trump, certain actions became *prohibited*.
4/ For instance, once Trump had this knowledge, he could not publicly deny it without running afoul of federal Aiding and Abetting statutes.
5/ For instance, once Don Jr. had this knowledge he couldn’t take any action in furtherance of a plan to benefit from Russia’s illegal acts.
6/ Knowledge of Russian illegalities—even broadly—is a necessary precursor to what we colloquially call “collusion” (not a legal term here).
7/ This is why *all* of Trump’s most audacious lies—and his family’s, and his aides’—center on their *knowledge* of what Russia was doing.
8/ Paul Manafort’s excuse for not knowing Russia was working to elect Trump? (a) he didn’t check his email; (b) he was looking at his phone.
9/ Jared Kushner’s excuse for not knowing Russia was working to elect Trump? (a) he left a big meeting early; (b) he didn’t check his email.
10/ What do the Trump aides who changed the GOP platform last July say in response to charges they were executing a quid pro quo for Russia?
11/ They say (a) they were executing orders Trump gave March 31, 2016; (b) but don’t blame Trump, because he didn’t know what we were doing.
12/ What’s *Trump’s* excuse as to Russia working to elect him—after *admitting* he knew and then *getting briefed on it* on August 17, 2016?
13/ Why, he just didn’t *believe* what U.S. intel agencies said, of course! He just didn’t *believe* the mountains of evidence we all saw!
14/ Now ask yourself: does Bob Mueller believe any of these lies? Does the FBI? Does the DOJ? Do American voters? Would a duly-seated jury?
15/ FACT: Don was directly told by a trusted friend that Putin was working to elect his dad. He knew this as of the first week of June 2016.
16/ Now consider: despite the way the Russia issue blew up after June 2016, Don says he *never told his dad* Putin was working to elect him.
17/ Don, Jared, and Manafort say they *never* discussed the issue again—with *anyone*—and deliberately plotted to keep this info from Trump.
18/ Do *you* believe that? Do you think Mueller does? Or the FBI? The DOJ? Most American voters? Most American Congressmen? Future jurors?
19/ You think Don sat there watching Russia news every single day for *months*, yet never told daddy Putin was confirmed as “in his corner”?
20/ Do you believe that—once the Russia news broke shortly after June 2016— Kushner and Manafort *never went back to look at their emails*?
21/ Do you think Kushner and Manafort were—start to finish—in the dark about who Veselnitskaya was, who she worked for, and what she wanted?
22/ Do you believe *none* of the Russia news between June 2016 and this summer caused Kushner *or* Manafort to reflect back on that meeting?
23/ Why did Trump witness-tamper with his son—exposing himself/Don to *prison*—with false statements on the meeting? Why? Knowledge matters.
24/ This explains fantastical tales of phone-checking/email-ignoring at the *exact* moments knowledge—legally speaking—could be established.
25/ This explains Trump’s increasingly grotesque and deranged denials of reality on Russian interference: if he says otherwise, *knowledge*.
26/ This is why the news that Don and Ivanka were about to be charged with felony fraud matters. It goes to their honesty—which is now key.
27/ Don/Ivanka *repeatedly lied to consumers* about how many Trump SoHo units had sold. So do you think they’d lie to save dad’s presidency?
28/ And this is why every single lie Trump tells is legally relevant on the question of his reputation/propensity for honesty versus deceit.
29/ Trump admitted Russia was helping—then was briefed on it—then reversed course and said otherwise when he saw the danger of an admission.
30/ But his reputation for deceit—it’s legendary—would prompt an investigator or juror to presume his initial briefing sealed his knowledge.
31/ The danger *now* is non-attorney journalists confusing evidence of Aiding and Abetting with “evidence of a cover-up.” They’re different.
32/ There’s evidence of a cover-up—Mueller could get Trump on Obstruction with a jury right now—but also Aiding and Abetting a Russian plot.
33/ The evidence of a cover-up overlaps in many particulars with the evidence Trump and his team knew Russia was interfering, then aided it.
34/ For instance, it *isn’t* legal for Trump to learn on August 17th, 2016 that Russia was committing crimes against the U.S., and *then*…
35/ …send his chief foreign policy aide—Sessions—to negotiate *unilateral sanctions-lifting* with Russia’s ambassador three weeks later.
36/ So let’s stop talking collusion—a vague and meaningless term in this legal scenario—and instead discuss “knowledge of illegal activity.”
37/ Don, Jared, and Manafort were on *legal notice* that Russia was illegally stealing information from June 9, 2016 onward—at the *latest*.
38/ So no, Don wasn’t entitled to take that meeting—given what he’d been told. And Manafort couldn’t push a GOP platform change weeks later.
39/ Indeed, arguably, the *entire campaign* was on notice Russia aimed to secretly negotiate with and aid Trump from March 24, 2016 onward.
40/ On that date, Papadopoulos told seven senior Trump staffers that Putin wanted to meet with Trump—and felt Trump could improve relations.
41/ On that basis, *any* subsequent revelation that Russia was committing crimes should’ve been read by the campaign as a pro-Trump proffer.
42/ Note that, in this analysis, I’m approaching this as a former criminal attorney and former criminal investigator—we *do* think this way.
43/ The media can’t—it feels—call Trump a liar when he lies to (dis)establish his legal knowledge. But as an attorney, I see it differently.
44/ But as we enter the intermediate stages of the Mueller probe, we *all* must be thinking in legal terms—as we’re in the legal sphere now.
45/ So if you want to talk Russia on social media, I’d suggest focusing on the date each actor had knowledge of Russia’s illegal acts. {end}
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I'll just leave this here. This is the reason us libs had such a 'hissy fit' when Trump got elected. It's had nothing to do with Hillary or her losing the election. It simply has to do with electing a criminal and traitor to run the country. That's what the so-called 'hissy fit' has been about and that's why Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation has been so crucial, to get to the bottom of the facts. And all that now is coming home to roost.

Lawyer Exposes “Single Most Important Fact” in Mueller’s Investigation

(THREAD) The single most important fact in the Trump-Russia investigation is a never-discussed one.

1/ Investigators are now trying to determine *exactly* when every member of the Trump campaign found out Russia was working to elect Trump.
2/ These dates are of legal importance because they establish a “mens rea” (mental state) for possible crimes committed by Trump and others.
3/ Once Trump, his family, and/or his campaign aides knew Russia was committing crimes to assist Trump, certain actions became *prohibited*.
4/ For instance, once Trump had this knowledge, he could not publicly deny it without running afoul of federal Aiding and Abetting statutes.
5/ For instance, once Don Jr. had this knowledge he couldn’t take any action in furtherance of a plan to benefit from Russia’s illegal acts.
6/ Knowledge of Russian illegalities—even broadly—is a necessary precursor to what we colloquially call “collusion” (not a legal term here).
7/ This is why *all* of Trump’s most audacious lies—and his family’s, and his aides’—center on their *knowledge* of what Russia was doing.
8/ Paul Manafort’s excuse for not knowing Russia was working to elect Trump? (a) he didn’t check his email; (b) he was looking at his phone.
9/ Jared Kushner’s excuse for not knowing Russia was working to elect Trump? (a) he left a big meeting early; (b) he didn’t check his email.
10/ What do the Trump aides who changed the GOP platform last July say in response to charges they were executing a quid pro quo for Russia?
11/ They say (a) they were executing orders Trump gave March 31, 2016; (b) but don’t blame Trump, because he didn’t know what we were doing.
12/ What’s *Trump’s* excuse as to Russia working to elect him—after *admitting* he knew and then *getting briefed on it* on August 17, 2016?
13/ Why, he just didn’t *believe* what U.S. intel agencies said, of course! He just didn’t *believe* the mountains of evidence we all saw!
14/ Now ask yourself: does Bob Mueller believe any of these lies? Does the FBI? Does the DOJ? Do American voters? Would a duly-seated jury?
15/ FACT: Don was directly told by a trusted friend that Putin was working to elect his dad. He knew this as of the first week of June 2016.
16/ Now consider: despite the way the Russia issue blew up after June 2016, Don says he *never told his dad* Putin was working to elect him.
17/ Don, Jared, and Manafort say they *never* discussed the issue again—with *anyone*—and deliberately plotted to keep this info from Trump.
18/ Do *you* believe that? Do you think Mueller does? Or the FBI? The DOJ? Most American voters? Most American Congressmen? Future jurors?
19/ You think Don sat there watching Russia news every single day for *months*, yet never told daddy Putin was confirmed as “in his corner”?
20/ Do you believe that—once the Russia news broke shortly after June 2016— Kushner and Manafort *never went back to look at their emails*?
21/ Do you think Kushner and Manafort were—start to finish—in the dark about who Veselnitskaya was, who she worked for, and what she wanted?
22/ Do you believe *none* of the Russia news between June 2016 and this summer caused Kushner *or* Manafort to reflect back on that meeting?
23/ Why did Trump witness-tamper with his son—exposing himself/Don to *prison*—with false statements on the meeting? Why? Knowledge matters.
24/ This explains fantastical tales of phone-checking/email-ignoring at the *exact* moments knowledge—legally speaking—could be established.
25/ This explains Trump’s increasingly grotesque and deranged denials of reality on Russian interference: if he says otherwise, *knowledge*.
26/ This is why the news that Don and Ivanka were about to be charged with felony fraud matters. It goes to their honesty—which is now key.
27/ Don/Ivanka *repeatedly lied to consumers* about how many Trump SoHo units had sold. So do you think they’d lie to save dad’s presidency?
28/ And this is why every single lie Trump tells is legally relevant on the question of his reputation/propensity for honesty versus deceit.
29/ Trump admitted Russia was helping—then was briefed on it—then reversed course and said otherwise when he saw the danger of an admission.
30/ But his reputation for deceit—it’s legendary—would prompt an investigator or juror to presume his initial briefing sealed his knowledge.
31/ The danger *now* is non-attorney journalists confusing evidence of Aiding and Abetting with “evidence of a cover-up.” They’re different.
32/ There’s evidence of a cover-up—Mueller could get Trump on Obstruction with a jury right now—but also Aiding and Abetting a Russian plot.
33/ The evidence of a cover-up overlaps in many particulars with the evidence Trump and his team knew Russia was interfering, then aided it.
34/ For instance, it *isn’t* legal for Trump to learn on August 17th, 2016 that Russia was committing crimes against the U.S., and *then*…
35/ …send his chief foreign policy aide—Sessions—to negotiate *unilateral sanctions-lifting* with Russia’s ambassador three weeks later.
36/ So let’s stop talking collusion—a vague and meaningless term in this legal scenario—and instead discuss “knowledge of illegal activity.”
37/ Don, Jared, and Manafort were on *legal notice* that Russia was illegally stealing information from June 9, 2016 onward—at the *latest*.
38/ So no, Don wasn’t entitled to take that meeting—given what he’d been told. And Manafort couldn’t push a GOP platform change weeks later.
39/ Indeed, arguably, the *entire campaign* was on notice Russia aimed to secretly negotiate with and aid Trump from March 24, 2016 onward.
40/ On that date, Papadopoulos told seven senior Trump staffers that Putin wanted to meet with Trump—and felt Trump could improve relations.
41/ On that basis, *any* subsequent revelation that Russia was committing crimes should’ve been read by the campaign as a pro-Trump proffer.
42/ Note that, in this analysis, I’m approaching this as a former criminal attorney and former criminal investigator—we *do* think this way.
43/ The media can’t—it feels—call Trump a liar when he lies to (dis)establish his legal knowledge. But as an attorney, I see it differently.
44/ But as we enter the intermediate stages of the Mueller probe, we *all* must be thinking in legal terms—as we’re in the legal sphere now.
45/ So if you want to talk Russia on social media, I’d suggest focusing on the date each actor had knowledge of Russia’s illegal acts. {end}

Sorry that is all a bunch of hogwash. It has come out this week they were not trying to elect Trump. Have you had your head in the sand? They were playing both sides. Therefore your premise is wrong from the start.

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