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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Tibs and Elfie will be along momentarily to dispel this and tell you how brilliant they are and how stupid you are because of bullshit they read elsewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Gateway Pundit isn’t some bullshit website.

The story is everywhere except...........drumroll..........CNN. Didn't see any mention of it. Instead, we are getting stories that Trump's lawyer supposedly paid a hooker to be quiet.
Impeachment pie, mmmmm mmmmm. Aaaaaaaany minute now. Trump and Russia! Trump and Russia! AAAGGHHH!!! ******* loons.
The story is everywhere except...........drumroll..........CNN. Didn't see any mention of it. Instead, we are getting stories that Trump's lawyer supposedly paid a hooker to be quiet.

With taxpayer slush fund like our reps or with his own money? The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
The story is everywhere except...........drumroll..........CNN. Didn't see any mention of it. Instead, we are getting stories that Trump's lawyer supposedly paid a hooker to be quiet.

She's not a hooker, she's a porn star. Know the difference. :eyebrows:
At this point the memo has to be made public or the repubs get carte blanch to claim the worse possible scenario... the only way that it isn't released is if it is the worse case scenario and the dems have no spin for it....
At this point the memo has to be made public or the repubs get carte blanch to claim the worse possible scenario... the only way that it isn't released is if it is the worse case scenario and the dems have no spin for it....

I think it’s going to show that Obama spearheaded the whole thing. He instructed the DOJ and FBI to move forward with the hoax witch hunt based on an unproven fake dossier. Puts Watergate to shame.
From what I hear,this thing is going to rock Washington, and expose some of the nefarious **** that goes on at the top of the food chain in the White House, DOJ, and FBI. We shall see. I hear that Rosenstein may be implicated, and if so, Sessions needs to un-recuse his sorry ***, fire or indict Rosenstein, and shut down the Mueller investigation. And if Congress doesn't want to release it, Trump should declassify it and send it to every newsroom in the world. The American public needs to see it, and if laws are broken, the perps need to see the inside of a federal prison. I don't care which side of the aisle they are on.
Gateway Pundit isn’t some bullshit website.

You may believe that, but the facts don't bear it out. I'll say it again: Repugnicans are truly the SCUM of the earth. Making up a memo themselves then pointing to the memo as proof of some conspiracy.....I mean really? They will stop at nothing to kiss the Criminal in Chief's ***, which of course is feeling more and more heat from Mueller's investigation bearing down on him. Anything ANY stupid nonsense to show they are helping the POS in the White House avoid justice....too bad, the American people Republican and Democrat want the investigation to continue, combine that with the upcoming sweep from Dems of the House, and possibly the Senate.....Mmmmmmm...mmmmmm...that pie is coming kids. Don't you worry.


House GOPers Say A Secret Memo Could End The Trump-Russia Probe. Their Staff Wrote It.

#ReleaseTheMemo is the latest way Republicans on Capitol Hill are trying to undermine the Mueller probe.

By Ryan J. Reilly

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans spent the end of the workweek telling everyone who would listen that the American people must be allowed to see a top-secret four-page document that could bring an end to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 elections.

One thing about that document: Republican staffers wrote it.

The memo Republican staffers compiled reveals information that is “absolutely shocking,” “sickening,” “jaw-dropping” and “worse than Watergate,” GOP members of Congress said Thursday and Friday. The document could send government officials to jail, one congressman said. “Is this happening in America or is this the KGB?” asked another.

Even the most plugged-in news consumer could be forgiven for thinking the classified memo is an executive branch document that exposes wrongdoing within the Justice Department and the FBI. It isn’t.

The document, which alleges abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the FBI’s quiet counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in the final months of the 2016 election, was actually compiled by Republican staffers on the House Intelligence Committee. That committee voted along partisan lines this week to allow any member of Congress to take a peek at the document themselves. Republican members soon flocked to a secure room to read the memo written by their allies — and then ran to tell the press about it.

Sara Carter, a Fox News contributor, wrote in a blog post on her personal website that the “bombshell” document “could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice” and potentially spell the end of the Mueller probe. Carter’s post was widely shared on Twitter, including by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), former Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch and former White House official Sebastian Gorka. Ahead of Carter’s appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Thursday night, Sean Hannity used the story to send a “message” to Mueller.

“Your witch hunt is now over,” Hannity said, addressing the Republican special counsel who was unanimously confirmed as FBI director in 2001 by the U.S. Senate, which a decade later unanimously voted to extend his term past the 10-year limit. “Time to close the doors.”

Overnight, #ReleaseTheMemo ― a hashtag reportedly given an additional boost by Russian-connected bots ― started trending on Twitter. In less than 24 hours, Donald Trump Jr. ― a likely target of the Mueller probe who communicated with Wikileaks before the election and held a meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton ― sent off more than 30 tweets and retweets about the memo to his nearly 2.5 million followers.

The broader theory of the case Republicans are pushing is that the FBI inappropriately used information gleaned from a controversial “dossier” on Trump to obtain a FISA warrant to monitor a Trump campaign affiliate. They hope that’s the poison pill that could somehow justify shutting down Mueller’s entire investigation (which of course didn’t begin until after Trump was elected, took office, and fired former FBI director James Comey).

Democrats say the Republican-drafted classified memo is full of omissions and distortions intended to fuel efforts to run cover for President Trump.

“It’s a distorted view of what the FBI has been doing,” one Hill source told HuffPost. “The majority of the committee is only sharing it so that other members of the caucus can also disparage and discredit the FBI.”

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said the document was a “profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican staff attacking the FBI” and the bureau’s handling of the investigation.

“Rife with factual inaccuracies and referencing highly classified materials that most of Republican Intelligence Committee members were forced to acknowledge they had never read, this is meant only to give Republican House members a distorted view of the FBI,” Schiff said. “This may help carry White House water, but it is a deep disservice to our law enforcement professionals.”

Is there actually a new bombshell in the report? It’s possible. But the motives and track records of the Republican lawmakers behind the media blitz surrounding the memo suggest there may be less to it than they claim.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who chairs the committee that cooked up the document, had been the public face of the GOP push to undermine the Mueller probe, although he’d taken a backseat as of late. Last year, Nunes was involved in an embarrassing episode in which he briefed President Trump on information he received from a source he wouldn’t name. It later turned out he’d met that person on White House grounds.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) ― who previously called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign (which would allow Trump to replace him with an official who could shut down the Mueller probe) ― said the memo was “absolutely shocking.” But Meadows thinks the entire Russia probe is manufactured hysteria.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who said the memo “is so alarming the American people have to see” it, has previously called for a new special counsel to investigate Mueller’s special counsel team.

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), who said he was shaking his head when he read the memo and that the “American people deserve the truth,” benefited politically from documents the Russians hacked, and pushed a measure that would kill the Mueller probe.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) ― who has called for reining in the Mueller probe by gutting its financing, and recently went pheasant hunting with Donald Trump Jr. ― said he was sickened by the memo and that it was “worse than Watergate.” He thinks the FBI was part of the #NeverTrump movement and wanted Clinton elected.

If the memo does eventually go public, it won’t end well for Republicans, Susan Hennessey, the executive editor of the legal commentary site Lawfare, argued Friday. “After causing completely unnecessary chaos today, this memo will be released in some redacted [form] in a few weeks and prove to be an utter embarrassment to Nunes personally, the [House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] majority, and frankly to US House of Representatives,” Hennessey predicted.

Some conservatives have urged caution, worrying that Republicans are overhyping a secret document. Republicans “should not oversell” the report, conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt wrote. Over at the conservative blog Hot Air, Ed Morrissey wondered if it was a “set-up for a let-down.” He argued the memo should be released, but warned conservatives to “not go all-in on it until we have a chance to see it for ourselves. In the meantime, remember that most things that seem too good to be true usually are.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz, a 35-year-old Republican freshman from Florida who recently flew on Air Force One with Trump and is friends with Roger Stone, is one of the believers. Gaetz has called for Mueller to be fired and said on “Hannity” on Thursday that officials might wind up in jail over what he saw in the memo.

HuffPost ran into Gaetz on Capitol Hill on Thursday evening, just a few hours after the congressman appeared on the Fox Business channel above the chyron “I JUST READ A 4-PAGE MEMO THAT THREATENS DEMOCRACY TO ITS CORE.”

“I believe that the contents of that memo need to be made available to the public immediately, and that that is a critical concern in kind of all of the Mueller, Russia, Trump discourse,” Gaetz told HuffPost of the memo, which he said “kind of aggregates” intelligence data.

In the interview with HuffPost, Gaetz ran into a common problem for Republicans who suggest the FBI was too rough on Trump but went too easy on Clinton during the 2016 campaign: the indisputable fact that the FBI’s actions then harmed Clinton. Comey’s conduct during the Clinton investigation was even the underlying justification the Trump administration provided last spring to explain Trump firing Comey. If people in the FBI and the so-called “deep state” were trying to get Clinton elected president, then frankly, they did a terrible job of it.

Surely Gaetz could concede the FBI’s actions ahead of the 2016 election were much more damaging to the Clinton campaign than they were to Trump? “I wouldn’t agree with that characterization,” he replied.

Under Gaetz’s theory, the FBI was hellbent on leaking information to the press to stop Trump from being elected. Gaetz told HuffPost that texts between FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page showed they were “talking about a plan to strategically leak information to embarrass Trump.” As HuffPost recently explained, a deeply flawed story by John Solomon of The Hill has left a lot of people with the inaccurate impression that the text messages show the FBI officials were leaking information to hurt Trump. That’s what Gaetz believes.

“That was explicit in their communications to each other,“ Gaetz claimed.

“How so?” HuffPost asked. Here’s how the conversation went from there:

Gaetz: Well, when they talked about the, um, I think it was the Wall Street Journal article, and they were talking about, oh, was it behind a paywall and did it contain the information that ―

HuffPost: What Wall Street Journal story was that, that was negative against Trump?

Gaetz: Uh, again it’s referenced in their communications back and forth, this was I think in October.

HuffPost: Mhmm. But do you know what story it was?

Gaetz: Yeah, it was all about the contents of the dossier.

HuffPost: The Wall Street Journal story on the 24th was about the contents of the dossier? The dossier wasn’t released until ―

Gaetz: No, it might not have been the one of the 24th. It was the communication that was referenced in the Page-Strzok text messages.

HuffPost: No, I know the one you’re talking about, you said the Wall Street Journal story. I just think the Wall Street Journal story that they were talking about, if you look at it in context, they were talking about a story that was actually negative about the FBI and to Hillary Clinton. It was the story about the then-deputy attorney general McCabe [Ed. note: McCabe is the FBI’s deputy director] who was basically being accused of ― I think you’ll probably recall this [from] the time ...

Gaetz: Mhmm.

HuffPost: ... was basically being accused, because his wife had received money, so that was what the story was about.

Gaetz: No, yeah, but I think there was other stuff that was included within that ―

HuffPost: Like what?

Gaetz: Well I don’t have it in front of me.

Gaetz’s theory ― that the FBI provided information for an Oct. 24, 2016, Wall Street Journal story on the Trump dossier ― doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, chiefly because no such story exists. The first story to reference the “dossier” was published by Mother Jones on Oct. 31, 2016, a full week after Strzok-Page exchanged texts about a Wall Street Journal article. The Mother Jones story only came out after Comey sent a letter about the Clinton investigation on Oct. 28 that set off a media frenzy Clinton has partially blamed for her loss.

But the secret GOP memo gave Gaetz a convenient pivot point: the suggestion that there’s something, a bombshell, that he can’t reveal publicly. And it totally supports the theory he’s been pushing this whole time.

“I can say that if this memo become available to the public, many of the concerns that have been raised by members of the Judiciary Committee will be highlighted,” Gaetz said.

Later on Friday, all nine Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee issued a statement calling the memo a “misleading set of talking points attacking the FBI.” Since the documents that the GOP-prepared memo cites are highly classified, the Democrats said, they will not be made public and it will become “impossible for the few Members who have seen the documents to explain the flaws and misstatements contained within the talking points” without disclosing sources and methods.

“This is by design,” they said. “Not surprisingly, the GOP campaign to attack the FBI now has been joined by the same forces that made common cause during the Trump campaign — Wikileaks, Julian Assange and a multitude of online Russian bots are now involved in promoting this effort. It should be seen for what it so plainly is: yet another desperate and flailing attempt to undermine Special Counsel Mueller and the FBI, regardless of the profound damage it does to our democratic institutions and national security agencies.”

Keep grasping Trumptards the know nothing, do nothing orange POS is going down. And no amount of Red Herrings are going to save him.
You may believe that, but the facts don't bear it out. I'll say it again: Repugnicans are truly the SCUM of the earth. Making up a memo themselves then pointing to the memo as proof of some conspiracy.....I mean really?

I see the leftstream media is in full damage control. Predictable.

Elfie, when have you ever been right?

When, in this universe, are the Democrats going to produce a memo that reveals their diabolical level of corruption? If you think they would, then your sanity must be questioned.
But I am going to be generous to you. I am not going to hysterically draw conclusions, and make assertions, until the facts are revealed and proven. I also understand that you are incapable of repaying in kind.

But I will tell you, if the contents of the memo are proven to be accurate, the public will finally see how corrupt Democratic Party has become, and how the mainstream media protects them.

But I am going to be generous to you. I am not going to hysterically draw conclusions, and make assertions, until the facts are revealed and proven. I also understand that you are incapable of repaying in kind.

Hamster, it seems as if you question the reliability of the Huffington Post. That news source is never wrong.


Oh, and the fact that the shithole rag HuffPost publishes article after article pushing for a $15 minimum wage??


That stupid rag PAYS THE VAST MAJORITY OF ITS WRITERS NOTHING!!! Yes, the stupid embarrassment of a wanna-be medium literally pays nothing for the vast, vast majority of its content.

Hey, Huffuckers, what would you say about a McDonald's that pays its employees nothing? Yeah, America thinks the same of you, shitbags.
Great article, and I would add that everyone involved needs to be prosecuted and jailed.

Why FBI's 'missing' five months of texts is worse than Watergate
Richard Manning By Richard Manning | Fox News

Congress seeks answers to FBI's claim of missing texts
Richard Nixon's secretary Rose Mary Woods erased 18 minutes of tape recording of the president and became infamous in1972. The FBI failed to preserve five months of text messages and expects the American public to believe it was a random mistake.

This is worse than Watergate. The text messages between agents Peter Strozk and Lisa Page are instructive for several reasons.

First, the texts were sent in the lead-up to Robert Mueller being named a special counsel in the investigation of Russia and the 2016 presidential election.

Second, earlier messages that have been released included not only the involvement of outgoing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, but the desire of top-level FBI officials to create an “insurance policy” against a Donald Trump presidency.

Strozk and Page eventually ended up working on Mueller’s probe into possible Russia connections to the Trump campaign. However, Strozk was removed after the Justice Department’s inspector general revealed Strozk’s extramarital affair with Page, and also disclosed the anti-Trump bias that was animating Strozk and Page. Page had already left the probe before the texts were discovered.

The period in question – Dec. 14, 2016 to May 17, 2017 – includes several key moments in the FBI’s investigation into alleged Trump campaign-Russia collusion. These include activities by Michael Flynn, who briefly served at national security adviser before he was fired by President Trump; Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal from overseeing the investigation; significant leaks from the FBI investigation, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court reprimanding the unmasking of U.S. citizens, and finally, the firing of former FBI Director James Comey.

All of these events surely would have involved Strozk and Page. But now we can only speculate what level of misconduct occurred after President Trump took office.

This apparent FBI cover-up and failure to retain evidence must be met with the harshest penalties available under the law. It is reassuring that Sessions promised to leave “no stone unturned in an investigation,” and that, “If any wrongdoing were to be found to have caused this gap, appropriate legal disciplinary action measures will be taken.”

Sessions is on solid legal ground to demand answers. The missing text messages may have included evidence of a crime having been committed, and that itself is a crime. 18 U.S.C. Section 1519 states: “Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

Now, we don’t know what is contained in these missing messages. But even if they did not contain evidence of crimes per se but were simply relevant to investigations by congressional committees’ and the Office of Inspector General at the Justice Department, those institutions were entitled to have the messages.

If the texts were destroyed intentionally, then that would absolutely be a crime.

It is beyond convenient that key pieces of potential evidence are disappearing before the American peoples’ eyes as congressional committees struggle to get answers about how the Trump campaign, transition and administration were targeted by the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This only fuels suspicion and further erodes public trust in these institutions.

If one was not already cynical about how power is wielded in Washington against political opponents, there is little left to keep public confidence intact. The entire manner in which the Obama administration seems to have carried out its investigation into the Trump campaign – which then carried over into the transition and administration in 2017 – could turn out to be one of the greatest scandals in modern U.S. history.

This is very much worse than Watergate. We’ll know more when the House Select Committee on Intelligence releases its own memo revealing its findings into this whole affair.

The only thing that separates the U.S. from a banana republic is respect for the outcome of elections – that is, the consent of the governed. Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, and now we are learning of what looks to be an attempt by our own government to target his campaign before he ever won by setting up an “insurance policy” investigation – and doing so using dubious sources like the infamous dossier paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign.

After Trump won, the investigation appears to have been put on steroids with the seeming incredible ultimate goal of overturning the 2016 elections.

Without prejudging the contents of either Chairman of the House Select Committee Devin Nunes’ memo or the erased texts, it is clear that the American people need to know what was done by the Obama FBI and Justice Department to attempt to interfere with the 2016 election and the peaceful transfer of power.

We can deal with how best to reform these institutions after we know the facts. But right now what we need is the truth – so that this can never happen again.
Impeachment pie, mmmmm mmmmm. Aaaaaaaany minute now. Trump and Russia! Trump and Russia! AAAGGHHH!!! ******* loons.

MORE wimmins marches!

that's what they need, that'll do it!

I don't know how anyone can defend the missing texts issue, regardless of partisanship. However, i watched them dismiss the lerner lost data, Bill and Lynch talking grandkids and Hillary's missing emails about weddings they can do whatever flps are necessary
Sessions: ‘No Stone Unturned’ To Find FBI Agents’ Missing Text Messages

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that the Justice Department “will leave no stone unturned” in trying to figure out how the FBI lost five months of text messages exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the FBI agents who exchanged anti-Trump messages while working on the Clinton and Trump investigations.

“We will leave no stone unturned to confirm with certainty why these text messages are not now available to be produced and will use every technology available to determine whether the missing messages are recoverable from another source,” Sessions said in a statement



Hannity just reported the dates of the missing texts go right up to the exact date that Mueller was appointed.

An obvious FBI cover up.
The NSA has everything, if they'll give it up.
In other Breaking News

12 Sexy Camels Kicked Out of Beauty Contest for Using Botox

Officials with the King Abdulaziz festival kicked out a dozen camels from a camel beauty contest for receiving Botox injections, according to a report published in The National, an Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates-based newspaper.

More than 30,000 camels and 300,000 human visitors showed up for the second annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, which runs from Jan. 1to Feb. 1 this year, The National reported. And the top spot of that horde of humped herbivores is worth a pretty penny: This year's prize money totals $57 million, with $31.8 million set aside for awards for "pageantry."



They look marvelous
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