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Are Steeler fans, on average, more knowledgeable than other fan bases' fans?

Given the fact that we actually had a poster call a hall of famer a bust because his head size was too big. You cannot honestly say our fan base is more knowledgeable

One negative nugget does NOT a fan base make.!!!

Salute the nation

Cooch cooch cooch?
Given the fact that we actually had a poster call a hall of famer a bust because his head size was too big. You cannot honestly say our fan base is more knowledgeable
To be fair, that was when he was drafted and before he reached HOF status. Cooch was merely looking details like wind resistance and helmet weight hurting his speed.
To be fair, that was when he was drafted and before he reached HOF status. Cooch was merely looking details like wind resistance and helmet weight hurting his speed.
Is a cooch a flat earffer?
Cleat size, head size, hair should not be below shoulder level for wind resistance. Footbaws should be psi 2lbs above league requirement for shoulder endurance reasons.

Let’s play some footbawwww
From what I can tell around here most seem to know more than the leadership of this organization in terms of ownership and the selection of coaching and coaching and selection of assistants and players. That said many times I find people here and in real life think Steelers crap players are worth a hell of a lot more then they are. Or like this idea that Justin Fields is playing with crap and KP is playing with the 80s 49ers and Bill Walsh.
From what I can tell around here most seem to know more than the leadership of this organization in terms of ownership and the selection of coaching and coaching and selection of assistants and players. That said many times I find people here and in real life think Steelers crap players are worth a hell of a lot more then they are. Or like this idea that Justin Fields is playing with crap and KP is playing with the 80s 49ers and Bill Walsh.


Salute the nation
Like all walks of life, it varies by the one holding court. Some are way smart while others just get bye. Pulling names / dates / etc. proves more of a better memory, I’ve lived a lot of STEELERS football yet have trouble remembering some of those dates / names / events, does that make me less????

Now In my area, we have some very smart foortball fans (a few), but when speaking of % of STEELERS fan vs % of other’s fans, US STEELERS fans by far out maneuver the others when it comes to football and of course STEELERS football.

The average fan, football wide (including Steelers) have about the knowledge of what is preached to them off ESPN or pre-game show. Very few have in depth, such as here, even on their own message boards, that we here entertain on a daily basis.

(Outlaw Jose Whales).
Ten Bears: “I can see IRON in your words and it is clear for all to see.”

Jose Whales: “I ain’t promising you anything extra, we will hunt only what we need”

STEELERNATION.COM is definately way above the grade. Hell we even have a few ”smart” moderators.

Salute the nation
From what I can tell around here most seem to know more than the leadership of this organization in terms of ownership and the selection of coaching and coaching and selection of assistants and players. That said many times I find people here and in real life think Steelers crap players are worth a hell of a lot more then they are. Or like this idea that Justin Fields is playing with crap and KP is playing with the 80s 49ers and Bill Walsh.
Something that bothers me with coaches, especially coordinators is we as fans have a vantage point and can call common sense like plays from our couch. You’d figure a handsomely paid coordinator who studies the game for a living would adjust the playcalling.

Sometimes you just have to audible, scrap the playbook and simplify the stuff before the snap.
Something that bothers me with coaches, especially coordinators is we as fans have a vantage point and can call common sense like plays from our couch. You’d figure a handsomely paid coordinator who studies the game for a living would adjust the playcalling.

Sometimes you just have to audible, scrap the playbook and simplify the stuff before the snap.
I accept that some plays are throw aways. The het sweep and toss are designed to keep ends at home but are largely junk. Happy if they get 3 to 5. Bigger problem is they seemed to do exact same thing week in week out and any good coordinator wouod get an easy bead on that weak garbage route combos.
Biggest issue to me is when you see a guy like Bush. I can ****** see that guy is not capable. They trot him out there a year and a half longer then they should and ends up in same place.
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Where is our cooooch ?

Last time I saw him, I was giving him a ride to work on the BT50. He kept telling me to sloooow down.

No football talk other than if I knew where “Backdoor Butternut BoB” lived……. I just said near Coolie’s place…

Salute the nation
The Greg Lloyd guy reminds me of our coach
There is not 1 person on here including myself that is smarter than the dumbest OC or DC in the league at football.
No there is not one person on here including myself who is as experienced as the worst NFL coordinator. You can not tell me Matt Canada was a smart coordinator. Sorry. He kept trotting out the same weak **** week after week. Doesn't mean I could come in with better plays. I could not. But I can certainly critique what he does as terrible.
No there is not one person on here including myself who is as experienced as the worst NFL coordinator. You can not tell me Matt Canada was a smart coordinator. Sorry. He kept trotting out the same weak **** week after week. Doesn't mean I could come in with better plays. I could not. But I can certainly critique what he does as terrible.
Agreed. He was terrible for is and should never have been an OC for as long as he was. Bit that being said, he was better than any of us would have been
Agreed. He was terrible for is and should never have been an OC for as long as he was. Bit that being said, he was better than any of us would have been
Because you have not worked your way through the ranks and got the same experience. Same as you can say that guy is a ****** doctor. Doesn't mean you could do better surgery then him. I'm a youth coach. I have more expertise then some and less then others. But I can call a pig a pig. Not a chance I'd understand a quarter of the **** said by Tomlin at a meeting. But I'm more then qualified to say the only reason he has a better chance of coaching this team to a title is because he actually is an NFL quality coach. They will not win anything big with him. No way no how.
Because you have not worked your way through the ranks and got the same experience. Same as you can say that guy is a ****** doctor. Doesn't mean you could do better surgery then him. I'm a youth coach. I have more expertise then some and less then others. But I can call a pig a pig. Not a chance I'd understand a quarter of the **** said by Tomlin at a meeting. But I'm more then qualified to say the only reason he has a better chance of coaching this team to a title is because he actually is an NFL quality coach. They will not win anything big with him. No way no how.
I agree. Being smart at something is relative to one’s position in life. We come from all walks of life. We are “professionals” at our craft whatever that may be. I don’t fall under an illusion that these coaches or athletes are better than me. It’s such a small percantage of the population that even gets on as a player or a coach at the professional level. It is naive to think out millions of people within our country that these guys are the smartest.

Not everyone pursues sports careers because of the instability of the job
No there is not one person on here including myself who is as experienced as the worst NFL coordinator. You can not tell me Matt Canada was a smart coordinator. Sorry. He kept trotting out the same weak **** week after week. Doesn't mean I could come in with better plays. I could not. But I can certainly critique what he does as terrible.
Duh was not remotely qualified to be an NFL coach or coordinator. He was hired for one reason, because he was Shades’ buddy.
College OC to NFL assistant may be a natural progression but he hadn’t done that very long either and only had one good season at that.
He may not be stupid all his life but he came up through the ranks too quickly because he was friends with the HC, and that’s a HC who is not good at hiding his offenses deficiencies.
But then except for Haley and now Smith, all of our assistant coaches are here because they’re Shades’ buddies.
I agree. Being smart at something is relative to one’s position in life. We come from all walks of life. We are “professionals” at our craft whatever that may be. I don’t fall under an illusion that these coaches or athletes are better than me. It’s such a small percantage of the population that even gets on as a player or a coach at the professional level. It is naive to think out millions of people within our country that these guys are the smartest.

Not everyone pursues sports careers because of the instability of the job
There are two routes to this career. Be a gifted football player and continue into coaching with the 1000s of hours of instruction /experience if playing. Be a better than average high school player and grind your way through. Connections matter for the latter. While I believe scheme and technique at this level is incredibly complex at this many outside of football IQ might be dumb as rocks.
I think "yes" is the short answer.

For instance, as at the gym and a guy next to me says "Next year is our year." (I was i my Polamalu shirt). After I determined what he said/meant, I said "I don't know, we don't have a QB," at which time he quickly agreed and we exchanged the obvious intel: Kenny is crap, O goes way too many 3 and outs, D gets tired from being paired with such a crap offense, etc.

But the exchange made me realize, on average, Steeler fans know football, more than the average NFL fan.

Now when I got home I see that Steeler fans on FB are defending Kenny as a "great QB" and so on. Well, you can't win them all. Take Browns fan for instance: The majority think they will win the SB in 2024. I'm not exaggerating. 80% feel this way.
I think your post shows both stupid and smart fans. " next year is our year" but don't have a qb
, an o that goes 3 and out and a defense that gets tired. But other than that "next year will be our year"
No there is not one person on here including myself who is as experienced as the worst NFL coordinator. You can not tell me Matt Canada was a smart coordinator. Sorry. He kept trotting out the same weak **** week after week. Doesn't mean I could come in with better plays. I could not. But I can certainly critique what he does as terrible.

I hear yaz SteelerSask2, but you can put anyone one the coaching staff, ownership, players, trainers, ect. In my profession(s) head to head against me and I’ll out shine everyone of them in two different professions that I happen to be very good at.

I hear what uyou are saying, but also defending those in non-football related jobs who are very smart at what they do.

Don’t sell yourself short on O’Canada being so up there in brains, once you learned their language and had time to know their offensive play book,…… YOU and many here would out shine him. 1yr and you’d be surprised.

Salute the nation
I hear yaz SteelerSask2, but you can put anyone one the coaching staff, ownership, players, trainers, ect. In my profession(s) head to head against me and I’ll out shine everyone of them in two different professions that I happen to be very good at.

I hear what uyou are saying, but also defending those in non-football related jobs who are very smart at what they do.

Don’t sell yourself short on O’Canada being so up there in brains, once you learned their language and had time to know their offensive play book,…… YOU and many here would out shine him. 1yr and you’d be surprised.

Salute the nation
She's a long ways from Sask HS football to the NFL.
I hear yaz SteelerSask2, but you can put anyone one the coaching staff, ownership, players, trainers, ect. In my profession(s) head to head against me and I’ll out shine everyone of them in two different professions that I happen to be very good at.

I hear what uyou are saying, but also defending those in non-football related jobs who are very smart at what they do.

Don’t sell yourself short on O’Canada being so up there in brains, once you learned their language and had time to know their offensive play book,…… YOU and many here would out shine him. 1yr and you’d be surprised.

Salute the nation
If any one of us had that opportunity whether through career interest or luck. I think we would excel, granted if we could take what we know as fans.

Sit up in the box. Get a vantage point. During training camp. Get an understanding of your philosophy and how to get the team to buy in. A good coach/coordinator knows every player’s strengths and weaknesses and runs a system to limit those weaknesses. Those players are human, so they will make mistakes. It’s a coach’s responsibility to install a system to limit those mistakes. You do it for a living. You have all those workouts, meetings and an overall upper hand in preparation.

If a knowledgeable fan from the couch or even a youtube personality can dissect a playbook. I don’t see why any of us would be considered incapable