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Atheist kills 3 innocent college students

The existence of intelligent design is not illogical. In fact, the greater the intelligence a being has, the more the being engages in designing and refining life - like humans with plants, or cattle, or DNA manipulation.

Therefore, once again, you are 100% wrong in your claim. Your tactic is to presume your conclusion to be true, a logical error known as "begging the question."

You mean the ignorant and frightened such as Einstein, Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Faraday, and Dostoevsky?

Yes, bunch of morons. Thank heavens we have true geniuses like you to correct those morons.

Actually you are the one engaged in a form of circular reasoning. You are presupposing a universe/human creator by saying that humans manipulate DNA and are intelligent; therefore there must be a greater intelligence that designed humans and by necessity the universe.

One glaring problem with that line of "reasoning" is we know that humans exist and that they manipulate DNA, where is ANY proof for your intelligent designer?

Let's play along with your presupposition though; for those here that might think you have a cogent argument.

If the rule is that a "greater intelligence" acts as a designing agent on life then your universe/human designer must obviously have far greater intelligence than humans.....so it logically follows that it must have a designing agent acting on it.

What "being" designed your designer?
The existence of intelligent design is not illogical. In fact, the greater the intelligence a being has, the more the being engages in designing and refining life - like humans with plants, or cattle, or DNA manipulation.

Therefore, once again, you are 100% wrong in your claim. Your tactic is to presume your conclusion to be true, a logical error known as "begging the question."

You mean the ignorant and frightened such as Einstein, Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Faraday, and Dostoevsky?

Yes, bunch of morons. Thank heavens we have true geniuses like you to correct those morons.

Einstein didn't believe in god and I doubt if most the others you mentioned were living in this time they would either. Survival in their time was sometimes in the hands of religious extremists.

If Galileo were alive today he could tell us of the chilling thoughts he must have had concerning the church's many creative techniques of torture and death as he stood in front of the inquisitor awaiting his fate.
I don't defend Muslims I attack bigotry. All religion is a mental disorder.

I work with a guy who claims to be an atheist, and we have had discussions. He really seems to think that because he doesn't believe in any God, he will be above the fray, that nobody would have an issue with him. I keep trying to tell him an Islamic extremist hates anyone who isn't an Islamic extremist.

What if you are wrong? What if I am? If I am, it really makes no difference one way or the other. If you are, well...

As it pertains to Darwinism, isn't a a principle of evolution that we should continue to evolve? Evolution doesn't stop, does it? Where is the evidence that we are evolving? Beheadings, burnings, raping and pillaging through villages. That crap has been going on for thousands of years. Shouldn't we have, regardless of belief system, evolved beyond that?
Do come back after you've done some research..eh?

Like the 32nd of Octnever

1. It is not a simple fact
2. It is not demonstrably false

The default position for those capable of critical thought is atheism, let me show you why:

You can neither prove nor disprove that there is a magical unicorn that exists outside time and space and created everything.

You can neither prove nor disprove that there is a magical gnome that exists outside time and space and created everything.

You can neither prove nor disprove.........on and on and on ad infinitum. So you believe in ALL those things ad infinitum?

One is not called to disprove the illogical. Only the ignorant and frightened believe such nonsense.

Congrats on earning the 3rd Ever Rod Farva Negative Rep Award. You're in an elite class.....you may print and frame the page.

Really? Describe the tenets and dogma to me.

1. Arrogance
2. Ignorance
3. Dismissiveness
4. Rudeness
5. Disdain
6. Pomposity
8. Offensiveness

I got the wrong person I was addressing this from Hamster:

NP....that's only the everyeth time you've been wrong.

ISIS proves Darwin was full of ****. If evolution has basis, we should be evolving into something better, not going backwards. Beheadings, burning people alive and so on certainly isn't evolving.

I was referring to you as a genius, it's called sarcasm. The core of Darwinism is evolution through natural selection, this theory is empirically undeniable, scientific fact. What ever else he got wrong does not matter, it doesn't disprove the core of his work. He was also a racist, again does not invalidate his work.

Why did evolution cease in the middle east?
1. Arrogance
2. Ignorance
3. Dismissiveness
4. Rudeness
5. Disdain
6. Pomposity
8. Offensiveness
You forgot a space between the period and the next word on number 7. /boorishness

Why did evolution cease in the middle east?
I'd be pretty stupid too if the only book I ever read was the Bible and I was afraid of everything else.
Who the **** let this Elfie person back on the board? Weren't they kicked out awhile back?
I don't defend Muslims I attack bigotry. All religion is a mental disorder.

You are the biggest bigot here.......bigoted against all religions. As a matter of fact, liberals are the most bigoted people I know.
You CONservatives are to reason what kryptonite is to superman....laughable if it wasn't a tragedy. Atheism had nothing to do with it, Chapel Hill police are saying today(the 14th) that this guy had a long running dispute with these people over parking even calling tow trucks several times to have their cars towed, once with gun in hand.

Where have you ever seen or heard of an individual or political entity committing murder in the name of atheism??

Here let me spell it out for you hulk style maybe that will help:

Hulk know: " Angry White male/gun nut...even Hulk smart enuff to understand what happened here!"

If that still isn't clear enough for you maybe comedy will help illuminate things for you. Go to the 1 minute mark.

Left to their own device good people will do good and evil people will do evil. To get a good person to do evil...that takes religion----Steven Weinberg Nobel Prize winning physicist

Your analogy is backward, so you blew your own intended insult. Guess you didn't do too well on that part of the SAT.

I notice you like to cut and paste other's thoughts in these debates. Well, they are not really debates. It's more like you pasting info vaguely related to the topic that may or may not fit the actual argument.

As for your quote, It seems to me that communism has a fine track record of getting good people to do evil and there's no religion allowed.

Communism has killed 94 Million people just in the 20th century, That's just how many communists killed on purpose. There's also the 47 Million that died due to famine in communist countries because socialism/communism doesn't work in real life. Hence the need to shoot people to stay on board with it.

But hey, the crusades were like 1000 years ago, that seems more timely.
Your analogy is backward, so you blew your own intended insult. Guess you didn't do too well on that part of the SAT.

I notice you like to cut and paste other's thoughts in these debates. Well, they are not really debates. It's more like you pasting info vaguely related to the topic that may or may not fit the actual argument.

As for your quote, It seems to me that communism has a fine track record of getting good people to do evil and there's no religion allowed.

Communism has killed 94 Million people just in the 20th century, That's just how many communists killed on purpose. There's also the 47 Million that died due to famine in communist countries because socialism/communism doesn't work in real life. Hence the need to shoot people to stay on board with it.

But hey, the crusades were like 1000 years ago, that seems more timely.

Actually it seems that the juxtaposition of Superman and Hulk within the framework of mythology I was hinting at (yes Christianity) seems to have gone over your head as I'm sure it did 99% of the others on here. Guess you did really well at your community college.

So you believe that good people within the Soviet Union committed evil? There were millions who didn't join the party even though it would have made their lives easier, again what does atheism have to do with communism?

When the pogroms of the 19th century(before communism) murdered thousands of Jews who do you think was pushing the antisemitism in Russia? The Russian Orthodox Church that's who. While not complicit at the top levels of the church(can't be proven anyway) many, many bishops and priests were egging the people on with the old "they killed Jesus" mantra. Evil people raised in czarist Russia could easily be rallied to the new religion(the state) and it's murder and purges when the Bolsheviks came to power because they had already been conditioned BY THE CHURCH.

In Russia for centuries even before the 19th century pogroms Jews had been rounded up and murdered, in fact in all of Europe the hatred of the Jews had been fostered by the Christian church since Jews first arrived there. Which brings us to Hitler.

While you can not make any kind of a case for an individual or a political entity killing in the name of Atheism; again the communists killed for the state and in the case of Stalin because he was a psychopath, I can easily make the argument WITH PROOF that Hitler was a Christian and urged others to kill for the sake of Christianity and racism. Hitler is directly responsible for the deaths of 60 million and Hitler played on the hatred fostered by the church in Europe for centuries to motivate Germans : "to get a good person to do evil....that takes religion" Just like Weinberg said.


What a good Catholic..........I'll cut and paste now to humor your attempt to belittle the extent of my knowledge.

From Mein Kampf:

I was placed in a very favourable position to be emotionally impressed again and again by the magnificent splendour of ecclesiastical ceremonial. What could be more natural for me than to look upon the Abbot as representing the highest human ideal worth striving for, just as the position of the humble village priest had appeared to my father in his own boyhood days?

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.

And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.

Therefore, I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work.I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.

And the knockout punch:


My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.

I'd stay down if I were you
Lot of words.

Look, there is no doubt bad things have been done by Christians. But we are losing sight of what the issue is. Just because bad things have been done by Christians doesn't mean that bad things done by Islamists shouldn't be questioned and condemned and dealt with. And, one could not help but to deduce that is what Obama was saying when he made the statement about getting on the high horse. We shouldn't question. Well, bullshit. We should question, condemn and deal with evil acts done by Christians, Jews, Atheists, Tree Worshipers, whatever else, AND Islamists.
It was what came to mind as I had not forgotten that story(of the soldier). As far as the burning goes that happened a few years ago as well(2010?), so according to your twisted perception of "time sensitive" barbarism IT DOESN'T COUNT!

What will it take to satisfy your "time sensitive equivalence" criterion? How about Christians hacking Muslims to pieces with machetes last year...will that do? Or is it a question of days, hours, minutes ago?

I called the other guy an idiot, you can only aspire towards his level of mental acumen.


Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

The Christians and animists just need to shut up and take their punishment. In the future, you may want to cite sources that actually support your argument.

It was March 2013 when the predominantly Muslim rebel coalition Séléka swept into the riverside capital, Bangui, from the northeast. President François Bozizé fled as a vicious campaign of looting, torture and murder got underway. Séléka leader Michel Djotodia soon proclaimed himself the successor; he would later lose control of his ranks and an attempt that fall to disband them would do little to stop the atrocities.
At the same time, groups of militias called anti-balaka had begun to form and train and retaliate against Séléka. Their name in the local Sango language means “anti-machete”; their fighters are comprised of ex-soldiers, Christians and animists, who think magic will protect them. They’re adorned with amulets to ward off attacks and fight with hunting rifles, poison-tipped arrows and machetes.

here's a good one

Atheist must swear to God -- or leave US Air Force

Washington (AFP) - The US Air Force has told a sergeant he will have to leave the military unless he agrees to take an oath with the phrase "so help me God," officials said Tuesday.

In the latest religious controversy to roil the air force, the atheist airman last month was denied his request to re-enlist because of his refusal to swear to God -- and he is now poised to take the military to court, his lawyer said.

"We have not received word from the Air Force regarding our letter. It has not indicated a willingness to settle out of court," said Monica Miller, an attorney for the American Humanist Association, which has taken up the service member's case.

With the deadline for re-enlisting expiring in November, the technical sergeant at Creech Air Force base in Nevada -- whose name has not been released -- will be forced to sue the government in a federal court, Miller told AFP.

In the past, an airman could opt for an alternative phrase and omit the words "so help me God," but the US Air Force changed its policy in October 2013.

The other branches of the American military do not require the reference to God and make the phrase optional.

"This is the only branch to my knowledge that's actually requiring everyone in all instances to use the religious language," Miller said.

The requirement violates the US Constitution, which bars religious tests to hold office or other positions, Miller said of the case, which was first reported by the Air Force Times.

"The government cannot compel a nonbeliever to take an oath that affirms the existence of a supreme being," she said.

The sergeant's service expires in November and he has until then to re-enlist and take the oath

Weird that Elfie is back, defending Communists and quoting Mein Kampf.







Amazingly, she is knowledgeable enough in the study of despots who became genocidal maniacs to know that Stalin was just a psychopath that didn't need to invoke atheism to kill millions and millions, AND that Hitler was clearly a deranged Christian who targeted Jews specifically because of their religion. Just a couple sentences after acknowledging that Hitler played on that same religion for political purposes. I wonder what all the dead Catholic Poles/Czechs/Slovaks/Belgians/Dutch/French/etc. thought when the German armies rolled thru....
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elfiero said:
Evil people raised in czarist Russia could easily be rallied to the new religion(the state)

Sorry guys, people in Russia did evil stuff, so they get assigned a religion. Meanwhile, Atheists never do a single bad thing in the name of something larger than themselves . . .
Weird that Elfie is back, defending Communists and quoting Mein Kampf.







Amazingly, she is knowledgeable enough in the study of despots who became genocidal maniacs to know that Stalin was just a psychopath that didn't need to invoke atheism to kill millions and millions, AND that Hitler was clearly a deranged Christian who targeted Jews specifically because of their religion. Just a couple sentences after acknowledging that Hitler played on that same religion for political purposes. I wonder what all the dead Catholic Poles/Czechs/Slovaks/Belgians/Dutch/French/etc. thought when the German armies rolled thru....

You need to read my post again. They were both psychopaths, the difference is Stalin never waved the flag of Atheism for the masses to justify his genocide where as Hitler blatantly waved the Christian flag to his masses WHILE CLAIMING CHRISTIANITY HIMSELF.
They were both psychopaths, the difference is Stalin never waved the flag of Atheism for the masses to justify his genocide

What? He used the eradication of religion and promotion of atheism as justification for slaughtering tens of thousands, particularly priests nuns and monks. How is that not "waving the flag of atheism"?
You need to read my post again. They were both psychopaths, the difference is Stalin never waved the flag of Atheism for the masses to justify his genocide where as Hitler blatantly waved the Christian flag to his masses WHILE CLAIMING CHRISTIANITY HIMSELF.

That is your position, but it is not shared by others. D'Souza wrote:

Second, several atheist writers argued that Stalin and Maos crimes could not be blamed on atheism since atheism is not really a belief, it is really an absence of belief. As one writer put it, Leaders such as Stalin and Mao persecuted religious groups, not in a bid to expand atheism, but as a way of focusing peoples hatred on those groups to consolidate their own power. Of course I agree that murderous regimes, whether Christian or atheist, are generally seeking to strengthen their position. But if Christian regimes are held responsible for their crimes committed in the name of Christianity, then atheist regimes should be held accountable for their crimes committed in the name of atheism. And who can deny that Stalin and Mao, not to mention Pol Pot and a host of others, all committed atrocities in the name of a Communist ideology that was explicitly atheistic? Who can dispute that they did their bloody deeds by claiming to be establishing a new man and a religion-free utopia? These were mass murders performed with atheism as a central part of their ideological inspiration, they were not mass murders done by people who simply happened to be atheist.


You give genocidal communist leaders - avowed atheists - a pass by saying they did not commit genocide in the name of atheism, but then argue because Hitler believed killing Jews was a "Christian" thing to do, his murders should be linked to Christianity - despite the undeniable fact that Christianity was never a guiding force for the Nazis or Hitler.

If Hitler's personal beliefs require that his murders be linked to those beliefs, then the same holds true for Mao, and Stalin, and Pot, and Kim Jung Il, and on and on, no??
We have a President now who, before he was elected, claimed that he would have the most transparent administration and would be uniquely qualified to handle the middle east, among other whoppers.

Politicians will say whatever needs to be said for political expediency. That would include Hitler using Christianity. He really had nothing but contempt for Christianity.
That is your position, but it is not shared by others. D'Souza wrote:

Second, several atheist writers argued that Stalin and Maos crimes could not be blamed on atheism since atheism is not really a belief, it is really an absence of belief. As one writer put it, Leaders such as Stalin and Mao persecuted religious groups, not in a bid to expand atheism, but as a way of focusing peoples hatred on those groups to consolidate their own power. Of course I agree that murderous regimes, whether Christian or atheist, are generally seeking to strengthen their position. But if Christian regimes are held responsible for their crimes committed in the name of Christianity, then atheist regimes should be held accountable for their crimes committed in the name of atheism. And who can deny that Stalin and Mao, not to mention Pol Pot and a host of others, all committed atrocities in the name of a Communist ideology that was explicitly atheistic? Who can dispute that they did their bloody deeds by claiming to be establishing a new man and a religion-free utopia? These were mass murders performed with atheism as a central part of their ideological inspiration, they were not mass murders done by people who simply happened to be atheist.


You give genocidal communist leaders - avowed atheists - a pass by saying they did not commit genocide in the name of atheism, but then argue because Hitler believed killing Jews was a "Christian" thing to do, his murders should be linked to Christianity - despite the undeniable fact that Christianity was never a guiding force for the Nazis or Hitler.

If Hitler's personal beliefs require that his murders be linked to those beliefs, then the same holds true for Mao, and Stalin, and Pot, and Kim Jung Il, and on and on, no??

Well Dinesh as usual is wrong, if you've listened to him debate you would be quite familiar with that circumstance. As a side note since he's writing in a Catholic publication I have to ask; is the church planning to excommunicate Hitler anytime soon? I mean it's 2015 surely they've figured out by now he was a bad guy..........or was he? I guess perspective is everything.

The "writer" who Dinesh quotes is either a liar or a religious person with an agenda. The communists persecuted the church because they were the second pillar of the oligarchy that oppressed the Russian people, the Russian royal family line(the first) had already been eliminated. It was about the church's political influence just like born agains in the U.S. are fighting gay rights and exerting their political muscle today, that's what the commies didn't want. Follow me? Again they were not waving the flag of Atheism.

The Russian people KNEW the church had always worked with the czars to oppress them so the commies had their support. Later Stalin expanded the church's( from 500 to 22,000) once it was purged of the czarists WHY WOULD AN ATHEIST DO THAT?

Hitler did wave the flag of christianity and got his soldiers to easily commit atrocities against the jews specifically BECAUSE THEY WERE CHRISTIAN. All those good Catholic, Lutheran etc. Nazi soldiers knew exactly what Hitler was talking about in Mein Kampf because it had been taught by the church for centuries.

Again you(much like DInesh) learn little to nothing from debate... so back to the beginning:

I can prove(AND HAVE) that Hitler and his goons killed because of Christianity(and being nuts). It can also be proven that Stalin killed because of politics(and being nuts) not Atheism.
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We have a President now who, before he was elected, claimed that he would have the most transparent administration and would be uniquely qualified to handle the middle east, among other whoppers.

Politicians will say whatever needs to be said for political expediency. That would include Hitler using Christianity. He really had nothing but contempt for Christianity.

Really? What about Reagan, was he a hard core Christian? All the right wing born agains who never voted in the #'s they did till they were manipulated by the Straussian School of Mind F*****g Simpletons in 1980 seem to think so. What say you?
Really? What about Reagan, was he a hard core Christian? All the right wing born agains who never voted in the #'s they did till they were manipulated by the Straussian School of Mind F*****g Simpletons in 1980 seem to think so. What say you?

You're a big girl Elfie.

If you need to say/type ****, just do it.