The existence of intelligent design is not illogical. In fact, the greater the intelligence a being has, the more the being engages in designing and refining life - like humans with plants, or cattle, or DNA manipulation.
Therefore, once again, you are 100% wrong in your claim. Your tactic is to presume your conclusion to be true, a logical error known as "begging the question."
You mean the ignorant and frightened such as Einstein, Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Faraday, and Dostoevsky?
Yes, bunch of morons. Thank heavens we have true geniuses like you to correct those morons.
Actually you are the one engaged in a form of circular reasoning. You are presupposing a universe/human creator by saying that humans manipulate DNA and are intelligent; therefore there must be a greater intelligence that designed humans and by necessity the universe.
One glaring problem with that line of "reasoning" is we know that humans exist and that they manipulate DNA, where is ANY proof for your intelligent designer?
Let's play along with your presupposition though; for those here that might think you have a cogent argument.
If the rule is that a "greater intelligence" acts as a designing agent on life then your universe/human designer must obviously have far greater intelligence than it logically follows that it must have a designing agent acting on it.
What "being" designed your designer?