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Bathhouse Barry and the Mail-Ins ... What could go wrong??

Huh, Michigan primary, 900 mail-in votes rejected because the voter was dead.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Voter fraud is real:<br><br>Michigan clerks rejected 10,694 mailed ballots during the August 4 primary.<br><br>Almost 900 were rejected because the voter was dead.<br><br>Donald Trump will lose if Democrats get their way and spend billions of dollars for universal, mandatory, mail-in voting.</p>— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) <a href="https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1301582796528336896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Anti-zombie racism and alive-privilege rearing their ugly heads here.
You can't have a discussion if both sides aren't willing to concede points. To meet in the middle.

Yeah Djfan, I agree with Tim on this one. I appreciate your attempt for folks to bring things down a notch. Afterall, we're Americans who love this country with all our hearts. We may have stark differences politically, but at the end of the day we're Steelers fans and Americans who want good for the country. That should be enough to elevate the discourse, you'd think.

Problem is, this is like a toxic, bad marriage, me and this board. Posters like Tim expect me to ignore and wish away years of personal attacks and insults, just pretend that's not happening day in and day out. Just pretend everything is copacetic, so we can have calm, even-handed, normal conversations. The genie's been let out of the bottle a long, long time ago. This place is toxic beyond belief, where posters gang-up and take turns slamming the few of us on here with a differing opinion or political viewpoint. There is little room for adult conversation. It's attack or be attacked, or both simultaneously.

In a way, the board has become a genuine reflection of where the country is right now, politically. A lot of mudslinging and bad-mouthing of those we don't agree with. I've succumbed to it myself. It's all I've known here at SN for years on end. There are a few exceptions, of course. People that I've been able to go back and forth with, without being called a Hungarian communist, an America-hating Soros troll. It's not frequent, but it does happen on occasion.

Thus SN is like entering a lion's den from my perspective. That has become my approach, putting on a helmet and shoulder pads and getting into the trenches. That's the m.o. of the majority of posters here, who do not hesitate to come out swinging at the blow of the whistle.

It is what it is. It keeps my nerves steeled and my head on a swivel, which is probably how we should be going through life to begin with. I used to get along with everyone on the football side, even if things got heated. On the politics side, it's gotten way too personal for that.

Oh well, such is life.
Yeah Djfan, I agree with Tim on this one. I appreciate your attempt for folks to bring things down a notch. Afterall, we're Americans who love this country with all our hearts. We may have stark differences politically, but at the end of the day we're Steelers fans and Americans who want good for the country. That should be enough to elevate the discourse, you'd think.

Problem is, this is like a toxic, bad marriage, me and this board. Posters like Tim expect me to ignore and wish away years of personal attacks and insults, just pretend that's not happening day in and day out. Just pretend everything is copacetic, so we can have calm, even-handed, normal conversations. The genie's been let out of the bottle a long, long time ago. This place is toxic beyond belief, where posters gang-up and take turns slamming the few of us on here with a differing opinion or political viewpoint. There is little room for adult conversation. It's attack or be attacked, or both simultaneously.

In a way, the board has become a genuine reflection of where the country is right now, politically. A lot of mudslinging and bad-mouthing of those we don't agree with. I've succumbed to it myself. It's all I've known here at SN for years on end. There are a few exceptions, of course. People that I've been able to go back and forth with, without being called a Hungarian communist, an America-hating Soros troll. It's not frequent, but it does happen on occasion.

Thus SN is like entering a lion's den from my perspective. That has become my approach, putting on a helmet and shoulder pads and getting into the trenches. That's the m.o. of the majority of posters here, who do not hesitate to come out swinging at the blow of the whistle.

It is what it is. It keeps my nerves steeled and my head on a swivel, which is probably how we should be going through life to begin with. I used to get along with everyone on the football side, even if things got heated. On the politics side, it's gotten way too personal for that.

Oh well, such is life.
Translation for those without TDS:

Tibsy feels justified as he admits his toxicity here.

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Yeah Djfan, I agree with Tim on this one. I appreciate your attempt for folks to bring things down a notch. Afterall, we're Americans who love this country with all our hearts. We may have stark differences politically, but at the end of the day we're Steelers fans and Americans who want good for the country. That should be enough to elevate the discourse, you'd think.

Seems like the mature approach.

Problem is, this is like a toxic, bad marriage, me and this board. Posters like Tim expect me to ignore and wish away years of personal attacks and insults, just pretend that's not happening day in and day out. Just pretend everything is copacetic, so we can have calm, even-handed, normal conversations. The genie's been let out of the bottle a long, long time ago. This place is toxic beyond belief, where posters gang-up and take turns slamming the few of us on here with a differing opinion or political viewpoint. There is little room for adult conversation. It's attack or be attacked, or both simultaneously.

Maybe so, but it should probably stop somewhere. You? Him? Others? I keep trying.

In a way, the board has become a genuine reflection of where the country is right now, politically. A lot of mudslinging and bad-mouthing of those we don't agree with. I've succumbed to it myself. It's all I've known here at SN for years on end. There are a few exceptions, of course. People that I've been able to go back and forth with, without being called a Hungarian communist, an America-hating Soros troll. It's not frequent, but it does happen on occasion.

I have disagreed with you politically more than not, but refuse to make it personal. I have disagreed with Tim a time or two, but I will not make that personal either. I just want

Thus SN is like entering a lion's den from my perspective. That has become my approach, putting on a helmet and shoulder pads and getting into the trenches. That's the m.o. of the majority of posters here, who do not hesitate to come out swinging at the blow of the whistle.

It is what it is. It keeps my nerves steeled and my head on a swivel, which is probably how we should be going through life to begin with. I used to get along with everyone on the football side, even if things got heated. On the politics side, it's gotten way too personal for that.

Oh well, such is life.

It need not be. I regret that this division is so deep and wide that people can no longer talk to each other respectfully. Do this or don't. I will keep trying.

I hate the division, and those who profit from it. It's reminds me of Hitler's Nacht und Nebel approach to leadership. Bad things happen in grey areas. I love this country enough to call folks out about such things.

I am about to start a new thread on issues of agreement. I invite you, Tim, whomever to particiapte.
A lot of mudslinging and bad-mouthing of those we don't agree with. ... People that I've been able to go back and forth with, without being called a Hungarian communist ...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're HUNGARIAN?!?!?!?


That changes EV-ER-Y-THING.

But seriously, back to the point of the thread - Michigan disqualified more than 10,000 ballots in a primary, where some 900 came from dead voters. Can we please agree that not every hinky ballot is caught?

So if the general election results in three times as many votes (not relegated to one party, more interest, etc.), that suggests the mail-in balloting would result in about 30,000 ballots being disqualified, and maybe 2,700 votes from dead people.

That doesn't trouble you?? Think about that for a second - 30,000 ballots tossed? How many were good votes just tossed into the trash for minor violations? We. Don't. Know. How many are fraudulent. We. Don't. Know.

The incidence of in-person ballots being tossed is so miniscule as to be irrelevant. You simply cannot say that for mass-mail votes. You can't.
His Antifa DDay meme was colossally offensive to many.

It's really puzzling to me why you're so stuck on that meme, still, after all these years. We've gone back and forth at least a dozen times about it, yet it seems to be taped to your mirror or something, always front and center in your mind.

So you complain I never concede anything, that it's impossible to meet me halfway. I'll tell you why that is. Because I view so much of what you have to say to be disingenious, sanctimonious and hypocritical.

As an example, let's take this WWII anti-facist meme that's caused you so much malaise and consternation. That single meme threw your compass off true north for the better part of four years.

Now listen to what your President has to say about our veterans. How does this make you feel? Do you find this as 'colossally offensive' as you did that dumb meme?

Let's see if we can 'meet halfway' on this, and condemn this type of bullshit coming from the Commander in Chief, shall we?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump, in a White House meeting, asked that a military parade exclude wounded veterans, because "nobody wants to see" amputees. My story here: <a href="https://t.co/4PUGrR7tCS">https://t.co/4PUGrR7tCS</a></p>— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) <a href="https://twitter.com/JeffreyGoldberg/status/1301639887695773697?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Tibs, if Trump actually said that he did not want wounded soldiers at some function because "nobody wants to see amputees" and called those who died in war for America "losers and suckers," I presume you know what my reaction would be. However, those stories are blatant lies. Goldberg did not hear Trump make any such statement. He instead cites unnamed "sources."

He is spreading a claim he cannot possibly confirm, from people who are not identified. If one person who claims to have heard such a statement is one who would not be allowed near the President and has a vicious hatred of the guy, I presume we would take the claim with a tablet of salt. The facts however show that Trump, without fanfare, visits wounded soldiers, according to one of the speakers at least week's RNC convention. Why in the world would Trump pay quiet visits to injured troops if he actually had such disdain for those injured in combat?

Or how about the fact that the President had called the families of every American killed in uniform during his Presidency?

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Tuesday will call the families of four soldiers killed this month in Niger, the White House says, as Trump again casts doubt on whether his predecessor appropriately consoled the families of military personnel who died in war.

Trump in a radio interview Tuesday suggested that President Barack Obama did not call John Kelly, a former Marine general who is now White House chief of staff, when his son, Marine 2nd Lt. Robert Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan in 2010.

“I think I’ve called every family of someone who’s died,” Trump told Fox News radio host Brian Kilmeade. “As far as other representatives, I don’t know. You could ask General Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?”


I find these bloated, overhyped claims to be bogus and unbelievable. "Trump called those who died in war losers, idiots." Says who? "Unnamed sources." Huh. When did Trump supposedly say this? "We don't know." Where did he supposedly make this statement? "We don't know." Who was there? "We don't know." Who heard the statement? "Mr. Sources, first name, Unnamed."
Steeltime, are you suggesting The Atlantic isn't a credible news source? That seems to be what you're suggesting.

Yet you take this at face value:

Or how about the fact that the President had called the families of every American killed in uniform during his Presidency?

It's been widely reported not to be true. You also could have pulled up dozens of stories where members of veteran's families have been shunned and disrespected by Trump.
Steeltime, are you suggesting The Atlantic isn't a credible news source? That seems to be what you're suggesting.

The Atlantic has no idea who said what to whom or when; they are simply printing an unconfirmed claim by Goldberg, who admits he doesn't know anything in person about the claims.

Oh, and you can pull up stories about families angry at the President. Wow, that's a first. I bet I could not find stories about the Obamas disrespecting veterans or military families or our soldiers.








I can get you another 20 if you want.

It's really puzzling to me why you're so stuck on that meme, still, after all these years. We've gone back and forth at least a dozen times about it, yet it seems to be taped to your mirror or something, always front and center in your mind.

Simple. Because you never apologized. That's one where you say, as I've said, over and over again - "Whoops, I ****** up, that was insensitive."

Your reply has always been "Whoops...but here is why I did it, here is why it made sense, here is what I was trying to say, and truth be told I really wasn't wrong at all."

I don't expect you to see the difference.
One of the mods should just change Tibtard’s name to Butthurt Socialist.
The Atlantic, like all media, has their own political bent. I'm not certain an unbiased source exist anymore, and perhaps never did.
When it comes to Trump, I find it hard to believe any of the reporting on the guy. The news media hates the guy. They don’t even try to hide it. As many know, I’m not a big fan of Trump, but to suggest he is being treated fairly by the media is laughable. Reagan and the Bushes were treated like saints in comparison. If people don’t trust the media, it’s the media’s own fault. They have created the climate of distrust they decry.
The Atlantic is filled with stories from different writers making these claims, it's their MO. Perhaps some of it is true, we really don't know. But, I do know that I've seen the President go out of his way on may occasions to thank the military and first responders with handshakes, hugs, and the like.
Steeltime, are you suggesting The Atlantic isn't a credible news source? That seems to be what you're suggesting.

When you cite "anonymous" sources from something that supposedly happened almost 2 years ago and can't even get the below fact right, yeah, you're not looking very credible.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On that Atlantic Story - <a href="https://twitter.com/JeffreyGoldberg?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JeffreyGoldberg</a> and his "four sources" claim Trump's helicopter flight to the US/French cemetery wasn't cancelled due to weather.<br><br>FOIA docs prove this to be false.<br><br>Their "sources" are failing basic fact checks - making them essentially worthless. <a href="https://t.co/wAa7FrSxoW">pic.twitter.com/wAa7FrSxoW</a></p>— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) <a href="https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1301741080577298437?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

But Trump's gaining momentum and the Marxists are looking like criminally negligent imbeciles, so of course this is all of a sudden a story.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/Pn1Mx0GjvF">https://t.co/Pn1Mx0GjvF</a> <a href="https://t.co/y3u7c4swLN">pic.twitter.com/y3u7c4swLN</a></p>— Mrs. Brassenstein (@MBrassenstein) <a href="https://twitter.com/MBrassenstein/status/1301629838701268996?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ouch. You're not going to hear much of this story in the MSM.
Last edited:
When it comes to Trump, I find it hard to believe any of the reporting on the guy. The news media hates the guy. They don’t even try to hide it. As many know, I’m not a big fan of Trump, but to suggest he is being treated fairly by the media is laughable. Reagan and the Bushes were treated like saints in comparison. If people don’t trust the media, it’s the media’s own fault. They have created the climate of distrust they decry.

Who remembers when we were in school studying US History (not this "social studies" crap we have now), and we learned about "Yellow Journalism" and "Muckracking"? This simply is no longer taught. It is a real thing, and a strong tenancy of the media to fall into over the years. The US media found it's power again in the Watergate scandal. They have never let it go. They love to go after conservative, and less-than-conservative ideas. They are like hyenas near a dead zebra when it comes to non-socialist, totalitarian political realities.

The US media is scum lower than camel crap. I would rather make out with Whoopie Goldberg than watch anything on the media.
Donald J. Trump
The Atlantic Magazine is dying, like most magazines, so they make up a fake story in order to gain some relevance. Story already refuted, but this is what we are up against. Just like the Fake Dossier. You fight and and fight, and then people realize it was a total fraud!
10:44 AM · Sep 4, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Stevie, this is just the beginning. There are going to be a dozen different 'scandals' involving Trump from 'anonymous' sources in the coming weeks/months. It's all they have.

Instead of, you know, trying to work on actual solutions for the American people they work for (yeah I laughed for a second there too), this is all they know and care about.
Meanwhile, the Atlantic can't find the time or energy to investigate why Joe Biden challenges a guy to a push-up contest, loses his temper, calls a voter a "liar," hides in his basement for four months, forgets what state he is in, forgets the Declaration of Independence, and is being feed softball prepared questions during "town halls" and by the bootlicking media and even then cannot avoid ******* up the responses worse than a retarded kid tackling a calculus final.
I'm really interested to know why this video cut out where it did and where the rest of it is:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It appears Joe Biden's campaign is screening the participants at his event in Kenosha and even gave the participants a SCRIPT to read!<br><br>"I was told to go off this paper but I can't. You need the truth." <a href="https://t.co/KbHKtgvhVS">pic.twitter.com/KbHKtgvhVS</a></p>— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) <a href="https://twitter.com/SteveGuest/status/1301607488270336000?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Stevie, this is just the beginning. There are going to be a dozen different 'scandals' involving Trump from 'anonymous' sources in the coming weeks/months. It's all they have.

Instead of, you know, trying to work on actual solutions for the American people they work for (yeah I laughed for a second there too), this is all they know and care about.

Joe Biden pounced, if you will:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mr. President, if you don’t respect our troops, you can’t lead them. <a href="https://t.co/hcX9hGgdm5">pic.twitter.com/hcX9hGgdm5</a></p>— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1301913914922299393?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Six different White House officials now refuting that horseshit from anonymous sources.

The Walrus even has it written in his book. They're a nasty bunch.