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Bathhouse Barry and the Mail-Ins ... What could go wrong??

Wow look at that Tibbs trying to bolster his position by posting videos made by phony conservatives/RINO ‘s.

Whaaat? I watch a political ad and BOOM! My vote is locked in.

Until I see another ad ...
Whaaat? I watch a political ad and BOOM! My vote is locked in.

Until I see another ad ...

With the vital and factual ads I see anytime I turn on the TV, I should be changing my vote about every 20 seconds.

Is the American voter really that gullible? I can only imagine that they must be, or the political campaigns wouldn't be wasting millions of dollars on them.
USPS: Don't send cash via mail.
Dems: Send your ballots via mail.

Critical Thinkers:
With the number of people who did not vote in the last election, combined with the number of ballots deemed incorrectly marked, combined with those ballots unable to be read, this is surely a disaster waiting to happen and one that can be avoided by easily taking your mask-wearing, hand sanitizer drenched *** to the polling place and casting your vote in person. Lest you believe that the USPS, which loses mail daily, can deliver an extra 153 million (https://www.statista.com/statistics/273743/number-of-registered-voters-in-the-united-states/) pieces of mail by the cut-off time and that all of those ballots will 100% be marked correctly, 100% be read correctly, 100% be entered correctly and thus 100% calculated correctly.

To be fair, it's a lot more convenient to vote by mail, and it's also getting to be super-American to be lazy, so making mail-in voting the way to go is pandering to the sloth in all of us. Yet, the number of ballots mailed in doesn't matter. What matters is who counts them, and how and the oversight involved.

With such a close election last year, I do not see why the Dims are so much in favor of a process that WILL result in more lost ballots or those that cannot be counted for whatever reason.
USPS: Don't send cash via mail.
Dems: Send your ballots via mail.

Critical Thinkers:
With the number of people who did not vote in the last election, combined with the number of ballots deemed incorrectly marked, combined with those ballots unable to be read, this is surely a disaster waiting to happen and one that can be avoided by easily taking your mask-wearing, hand sanitizer drenched *** to the polling place and casting your vote in person. Lest you believe that the USPS, which loses mail daily, can deliver an extra 153 million (https://www.statista.com/statistics/273743/number-of-registered-voters-in-the-united-states/) pieces of mail by the cut-off time and that all of those ballots will 100% be marked correctly, 100% be read correctly, 100% be entered correctly and thus 100% calculated correctly.

To be fair, it's a lot more convenient to vote by mail, and it's also getting to be super-American to be lazy, so making mail-in voting the way to go is pandering to the sloth in all of us. Yet, the number of ballots mailed in doesn't matter. What matters is who counts them, and how and the oversight involved.

With such a close election last year, I do not see why the Dims are so much in favor of a process that WILL result in more lost ballots or those that cannot be counted for whatever reason.

So, they might be seeking a non-democratic advantage?
So, they might be seeking a non-democratic advantage?

someone might, but it's certainly NOT the Democratic Party.
They're American Patriots.
someone might, but it's certainly NOT the Democratic Party.
They're American Patriots.

So apparently their opening night featured Americans saying the pledge of allegiance, with the flag waving (not burning) in the background. Amazing how the party that thinks burning the American flag and burning bibles is awesome, and banning church services is a must-follow edict, suddenly claims to support the American flag and patriotism.

How about the scum tell the truth and feature flag burning, rioting and looting? Because they are lying mother@#$%ers, that's why.
Just sitting back waiting patiently for Steeltime - the patron saint of free and fair elections - to post a tidal wave of scorn and anger that Trump told his constituents in NC yesterday that they should ‘test the system’ and ‘go ahead and vote twice, once by mail and once in person.’

Then Bill Barr goes on CNN to double-down, and says ‘he doesn’t know’ if it’s illegal to vote twice in an election.

I know Trump is lagging behind Biden in the polls, but publicly encouraging voting fraud by his base? Really, he’s that desperate? It’s also a felony, as far as I know.

Okay, I’ll get out of the way as all the Trumpsters who’ve cried and wailed in this thread about possible mail-in voting fraud will surely want to chime in and condemn Trump & Barr in the strongest possible terms. Take it away, fellas.
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Just sitting back waiting patiently for Steeltime - the patron saint of free and fair elections - to post a tidal wave of scorn and anger that Trump told his constituents in NC yesterday that they should ‘test the system’ and ‘go ahead and vote twice, once by mail and once in person.’

Then Bill Barr goes on CNN to double-down, and says ‘he doesn’t know’ if it’s illegal to vote twice in an election.

I know Trump is lagging behind Biden in the polls, but publicly encouraging voting fraud by his base? Really, he’s that desperate? It’s also a felony, as far as I know.

Okay, I’ll get out of the way as all the Trumpsters who’ve cried and wailed in this thread about possible mail-in voting fraud will surely want to chime in and condemn Trump & Barr in the strongest possible terms. Take it away, fellas.

Just sitting back waiting patiently for Steeltime - the patron saint of free and fair elections - to post a tidal wave of scorn and anger that Trump told his constituents in NC yesterday that they should ‘test the system’ and ‘go ahead and vote twice, once by mail and once in person.’

Then Bill Barr goes on CNN to double-down, and says ‘he doesn’t know’ if it’s illegal to vote twice in an election.

I know Trump is lagging behind Biden in the polls, but publicly encouraging voting fraud by his base? Really, he’s that desperate? It’s also a felony, as far as I know.

Okay, I’ll get out of the way as all the Trumpsters who’ve cried and wailed in this thread about possible mail-in voting fraud will surely want to chime in and condemn Trump & Barr in the strongest possible terms. Take it away, fellas.

Selective Outrage Case by Tibs Example 4,397

Nary a peep by you when Bomma encouraged illegal aliens to vote, publicly encouraging voting fraud by his base. Was he really that desperate? That was a felony, as far as I know.
Selective Outrage Case by Tibs Example 4,397

Nary a peep by you when Bomma encouraged illegal aliens to vote, publicly encouraging voting fraud by his base. Was he really that desperate? That was a felony, as far as I know.

You're as dependable as a Swiss watch.

Right here and now in 2020, Trump calls for blatant voting fraud and election cheating by his base, in broad ******* daylight, and you have nothing to say. This, after hundreds and hundreds of posts crying and whining over every tiny percieved wrongdoing by the Dems. Just a typical red-hater. Zero integrity, zero spine, zero credibility. Color me surprised.
You're as dependable as a Swiss watch.

Right here and now in 2020, Trump calls for blatant voting fraud and election cheating by his base, in broad ******* daylight, and you have nothing to say. This, after hundreds and hundreds of posts crying and whining over every tiny percieved wrongdoing by the Dems. Just a typical red-hater. Zero integrity, zero spine, zero credibility. Color me surprised.
Fibsy, you vile virtue-signalling wench, do you have any common sense?
If mail in voting works or is legal, then all citizens can equally avail themselves of that privilege. Equally.

Since your faux outrage is only directed at one man (now Trump) because he doesn't represent your party, it is not possible to even discuss anything he says, even in awakening small minds like yours, because you cannot get past your TDS to comprehend context.

Time for your soma, comrade.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Since your faux outrage is only directed at one man (now Trump) because he doesn't represent your party

Your skull is so thick it must have been poured in a mold with rebar & cement. I'm not a Democrat, as I've stated a zillion times. So no politician 'represents' my party, since I don't have one. I agree with some conservative views and some that are more liberal. I'd be willing to vote Republican without hesitation, for the right candidate.

I guess your point can be taken to mean that Trump doesn't represent the Republican party, which he doesn't. At least not the Lincoln-Reagan GOP. He's about as far away from fiscal conservatism and basic values of honesty and decency as any politician in our lifetimes.

This is no longer the Republican party. The GOP has been taken hostage by the wretched love-child of Peter Griffin and Benito Mussolini. It has become a party of spineless, gutless, immoral ***-kissers, sycophants and enablers.

Hence why Trump can get away with saying the **** he does, day after day. The so-called 'leaders' of the GOP are so far up Trump's *******, they simply ignore him and play dumb, regardless how bad the stench is. The bamboozled base just dozes off and nods in agreement, wiping the drool from the corner of their mouths.

Not a pretty sight.
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Your skull is so thick it must have been poured in a mold with rebar & cement. I'm not a Democrat, as I've stated a zillion times. So no politician 'represents' my party, since I don't have one. I agree with some conservative views and some that are more liberal. I'd be willing to vote Republican without hesitation, for the right candidate.

I guess your point can be taken to mean that Trump doesn't represent the Republican party, which he doesn't. At least not the Lincoln-Reagan GOP. He's about as far away from fiscal conservatism and basic values of honesty and decency as any politician in our lifetimes.

This is no longer the Republican party. The GOP has been taken hostage by the wretched love-child of Peter Griffin and Benito Mussolini. It has become a party of spineless, gutless, immoral ***-kissers, sycophants and enablers.

Hence why Trump can get away with saying the **** he does, day after day. The so-called 'leaders' of the GOP are so far up Trump's *******, they simply ignore him and play dumb, regardless how bad the stench is. The bamboozled base just dozes off and nods in agreement, wiping the drool from the corner of their mouths.

Not a pretty sight.

Translation for those without TDS, The Republican Party finally has a leader who plays by the rules of the Democrats instead of rolling over for a belly scratch when when challenged. This backbone is intolerable in a Republican.
You're as dependable as a Swiss watch.

And just as accurate.

You should try some accuracy. You've been nothing but inaccurate for 4 years.
What you ******* need to be worried about is what happens on January 3rd and January 20th when the votes are still being counted and there is no Congress and President Trump and VP Pence are civilians again. It then goes to the Senate where some seats are no longer filled due to the election. Do they elect Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren?

Yeah...We're ******.
Tibs and Tim. Can't you see what has happened? The division is so deep that even rational people who care about the US political system cannot talk. My bet is that if you did just converse, you would agree on much. But, because there is power in division, and the media spouts hate constantly, there is no way to find those many commonalities.

Do either of you want to be the sheep led by deception? Then stop. You may each wish that there were better candidates available to vote on, or a multi-party system in the USA, or whatever. But, for God's sake, stop with the assault on each other. It takes the power from those who would benefit from your division.

United we stand. Divided we fall.
Since Bill Barr is clearly in over his head as AG and is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer and enabler, Rep. Ted Lieu had to sent him a letter set the record straight.

Sadly, it looks Barr will go out of his way to allow Trump to wreak havoc in these elections.

Since Bill Barr is clearly in over his head as AG and is nothing more than Trump's personal lawyer and enabler, Rep. Ted Lieu had to sent him a letter set the record straight.

Well, when I want a clear opinion on the law, I turn to anonymous internet sources and politicians commenting on the opposing party.

Guaranteed to get a credible opinion from those sources, yessiree.
Well, when I want a clear opinion on the law, I turn to anonymous internet sources and politicians commenting on the opposing party. Guaranteed to get a credible opinion from those sources, yessiree.

Let's put your legal prowess to the test: Is it legal to vote twice in a federal election?

If not, why is the President suggesting his supporters do so? Can that be considered a felony, to urge others to break the law?

Thanks for your kind attention.
Let's put your legal prowess to the test: Is it legal to vote twice in a federal election?

State elections? Pffft, vote as many times as possible.

Federal elections? Only if you are an illegal or a person of color.

Don't test my legal prowess, *****. I will legal your *** into next week.
State elections? Pffft, vote as many times as possible. Federal elections? Only if you are an illegal or a person of color. Don't test my legal prowess, *****. I will legal your *** into next week.

LOL, that made me laugh, thanks. You know it's illegal to vote more than once. Congrats on your spot-on Bill Barr impression, very impressive.
Tibs "liked" that beating. Who knew he was into bondage?
It is illegal to willfully vote twice with the intent of both counting, but it is not illegal to vote in person if you believe your absentee ballot was lost as the system is designed to not count the in person vote if the mail in ballot was counted. What Trump was suggesting was a check and balance to make sure your single vote is counted not to have both counted.
Tibs and Tim. Can't you see what has happened? The division is so deep that even rational people who care about the US political system cannot talk. My bet is that if you did just converse, you would agree on much. But, because there is power in division, and the media spouts hate constantly, there is no way to find those many commonalities.

Do either of you want to be the sheep led by deception? Then stop. You may each wish that there were better candidates available to vote on, or a multi-party system in the USA, or whatever. But, for God's sake, stop with the assault on each other. It takes the power from those who would benefit from your division.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

Here's the point, you can't have a rational discussion with Tibs. And I'll explain why and it's very simple. To have a "discussion" you need to have give and take. For instance, if I concede on points of his, he concedes on points of mine, I find fault with my side, he finds fault with his.

Tibs only goes one way. Period.

Pick any topic we debate. ANY. Take these recent shootings.

Any rational sane person, regardless of their affiliation, can step forward and say the people that threw molotov cocktails at Kyle Rittenhouse, who chased him down, made him fall, hit him with a skateboard, and pointed a gun at him were bad, wrong and instigators, and vermin and should be condemned.

Except Tibs. He won't. Avoids it. Throws out a straw man. Goes all whataboutism.

His Antifa DDay meme was colossally offensive to many. He never apologized (should have been a simple, whoops I ****** up you're right - and that's it). Instead he explained and justified WHY he posted it.

Tibs never conceded that Hillary violated laws with her email server. She factually did. He only provided cover.

Tibs assured us what he interpreted happened with the Indian and Nicholas Sandman was right. When he was unequivocally proven to be wrong, he didn't say whoops, my bad, or correct it. He simply ignored it.

There's a million other examples. I'll ask you to pay closer attention.

You can't have a discussion if both sides aren't willing to concede points. To meet in the middle. Read his posts for years as I have. He never concedes, he never gives, and therefore you can't have a discussion with him.

Believe me, we've all tried.