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Being a fan of the developing Chaos...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I'm really kind of thrilled with all the fallout that's happening. I knew this would be a watershed election because we had 2 really polarizing candidates. Ultimately neither were really good choices. But the Democrats gave us nothing. Really they gave us NOTHING to work with.

But now, there's uproar. I mean Obama took some heat. There were quite a few people who didn't like him from the start. There were people who even grew to dislike him more over time. Of course there WAS the race thing. Let's admit it. There really IS a current of racial tension in the country and there are folks who 8 years ago were pretty riled up about the election of a black President. So it's fair to say Obama had some negative publicity. Sure. But he also had quite a cult following of truly devoted admirers.

The same can be said to a lesser degree I suppose of Trump regarding the followers, but NEVER in American history have we seen a President so maligned by his own press and his own people.

What I don't think folks truly understand is the precedent being set here. The office of the President is supposed to MEAN something. You don't have to LIKE Donald Trump. I certainly don't. You don't even have to actually RESPECT Donald Trump personally. But so many Americans have taken the dreadfully wrong step of disrespecting the Office of the Presidency. And that's not something you do lightly.

This is precedent. This is forever. This is our future generations learning that we don't respect our leaders. We don't submit to lawfully elected authority. We don't adhere to the written tenets of our constitution and our fundamental principles as a country because "They're Stupid." People have gone entirely too far with this tantrum. And truthfully there's no going back. Suppose the Democrats get their dream and Michelle Obama is magically elected as the first woman President in 4 years. We're no longer expected to respect her. We're certainly not required to treat her as "Our President". Why if we disagree with the process that put her in the White House we can stage as many protests for as long as we wish and continue to be as disrespectful and present as fractured a country face to the rest of the world as we like, because that's the precedent that's been set. There is no more honorable and respectable President.

We've basically taken the most powerful position on the planet and devalued it to the level of a 3rd world despot because as a country we've refused to act like adults. And as I said, that's precedent. Too many feelings have been hurt, too many wounds opened.

Welcome to the **** show.

Chaos indeed. I'm going to need more popcorn.
The color of his skin had zero to do with the content of his character and the fact...I just don't vote for democrats. Ever. Not a single one in my lifetime. We are like night/ day in our views. John F Kennedy was the last democrat I liked. By today's standard he'd be a conservative republican. Barry was raised by commies and mentored by marxists. That is why I detested him and his nonsense.He also drove a wedge between Americans by race,religion and class. He could have united people in every way instead he always choose the latter. The anti law enforcement stuff alone from him got cops killed.Each election cycle has gotten nastier. Now it's as we see it. Violent nonsense all because one side lost power and can't deal with it.

This is how civil wars start. The divide gets wider. I'm just thankful I do not live in other countries like California and New York. I'd have to leave.
The good news, if you use Facebook you are now a Conservative Republican donor - "Facebook Contributes $120,000 to Funding CPAC"
The politicians don't respect each other. It starts there. It shows us right where it's at.

Kinda like cops that ignore driving laws...who the **** will obey driving laws if the ******* cops don't even do it.
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The race thing was more so amplified cause of the current racial groups out protesting. Things got ugly after the Charleston church shooting. That is where Obama could've addressed the nation to put these stupid differences aside. I do agree that racism is around and at times looks strong cause of the media access. But I'm under the belief most Americans just want to work and support their families without any drama.

The lack of respect comes a lot more from the younger generation. I'm 27 years old, I see the way millenials act. This election showed it. A lot is the "participation trophy" culture doesn't understand the meaning of hard work. So if they don't get what they want they whine and whine and whine. That is where the chaos stems from imo. **** 'em.

I also don't care about the color of his skin. But I do think Wig is right in the fact that a lot of people did not like him from the beginning because they thought he was elected solely because he was going to be the FBP. So it is a two way street. a lot of people voted for him because he was black and a lot of people did not like the fact that he was voted in just because he was black
I remember 2008 voting in Maryland. there was a group of kids around 18-19 talking amoungst themselves about being a part of history because they where going to vote for Obama.I asked them if they could name one thing that Obama was running on. Blank stares... Didn't know one thing that Obama stood for, but thy all voted for him because they wanted to be a part of history.

I didn't vote for him, but I certainly didn't want him to fail.
Agreed Blitz. And as Wig has stated, there is no respect for authority. I didn't like Obama either, but since he was our President. I respected his position and hoped he would succeed. There is a lot of factors in society right now where tensions are high
Here's your chaos

I too am a little nervous about the differences we are seeing across the Country. Things are getting worse, not better.

One of the most obvious differences that divides us is the double standard that has prevailed over the years.


It' is plain to see the major animosity between the left and right when they are so blatant about their dislike of one another. " Barry and the Marxist's" alone left so many land mines and greased floor actions behind when they left, you'da thunk ISIS was moving into the White House.


Not to be a Debby Downer though. There are still enough amusing moments to make a person chuckle.

but I certainly didn't want him to fail.
Exactly. In the past you may not have voted for a President, but once the guy was elected, even if you didn't agree with his policies, you had to hope he succeeded because he was the duly elected leader of your country. Sure we made jokes about Bush being dumb. Lots of us believe in all kinds of terrible conspiracy theories about a bunch of our past Presidents, but despite ALL that, you still hope like hell that they'll succeed and that the country will move forward.

But this - **** Trump can't even get ******* STARTED. I mean people are freaking calling for a national "cast a ******* SPELL day?'' Are you ******* kidding me? This is OUR leader. What kind of a ******* joke are we? Do we truly expect to ever be respected in the world again. And don't have Elfie or 21 come strutting up and say "Well, ya'll voted for Trump". This transcends Donald Trump. This is a problem that has been boiling for years and years and now it's completely out of control.

The good news? I see a complete loss in confidence in our political system within the next 8 to 16 years. Course I don't know if that means America maintains its sovereignty. Frankly it's looking like we're too ******* dumb to govern ourselves right now. We're certainly too immature. You can see that just by watching the "witches" cast their spells.
The good news? I see a complete loss in confidence in our political system within the next 8 to 16 years. Course I don't know if that means America maintains its sovereignty. Frankly it's looking like we're too ******* dumb to govern ourselves right now. We're certainly too immature. You can see that just by watching the "witches" cast their spells.

The socialist utopia of 'Global Political Correctness just got smashed in the face with a Trump hammer

But the world is still turning, the country will be just fine, the losers just have to get over it
Know your enemy

‘Allahu Akbar’ Becomes A Rallying Call As Leftists Join Forces With Radical Muslims

An “unholy alliance” between anti-Trump leftists and radical Muslims is beginning to emerge all over America. President Trump’s recent executive order that restricted immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries is bringing a very strange mixture of people out to street protests.

On the one hand you have hardcore Muslims that are chanting “Allahu Akbar” and that believe that Islamic law will someday prevail over the U.S. Constitution, and on the other hand you have radical leftists marching right next to them that are protesting for “women’s rights”, “gay rights” and “civil rights”.

The ironic thing about all of this is that if the radical Muslims have their way, the leftists will either convert to Islam someday or will be completely destroyed. But for now they need one another, and so a very odd marriage of convenience has taken place.


"I am a Muslim day"

Sorry, you were saying Spike?

If the Left ever gets their **** together and actually manages to get somebody elected, the conservative folks remaining will go as batshit crazy as the left has, but the left won't be as calm in their response. Know what I'm sayin'?
Did you just forget the 8 years we sat and watched Obama trying to destroy this country?

Can't remember any riots, lootings and car burnings during that ****....from the right
The regressive left is what we are seeing. All the bullshit protests.Traditional liberals are starting to tire of it. It is fueled by old hippies, and the millennial gimme types. They will lose steam, as will the far right. We will once again become a center nation. All will be good.

I disagree with Wig. I don't think a loss of confidence in our politicians is forthcoming. I believe it is here. It has given us The Donald.

I was willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt at the beginning. He lost me with Obamacare.
This is precedent. This is forever. This is our future generations learning that we don't respect our leaders. We don't submit to lawfully elected authority. We don't adhere to the written tenets of our constitution and our fundamental principles as a country because "They're Stupid." People have gone entirely too far with this tantrum. And truthfully there's no going back. Suppose the Democrats get their dream and Michelle Obama is magically elected as the first woman President in 4 years. We're no longer expected to respect her. We're certainly not required to treat her as "Our President". Why if we disagree with the process that put her in the White House we can stage as many protests for as long as we wish and continue to be as disrespectful and present as fractured a country face to the rest of the world as we like, because that's the precedent that's been set. There is no more honorable and respectable President.

I agree with you to some extent, on the respect thing.

And I don't like Trump.

However I take a slightly more positive view of what we are seeing. The people are standing up and questioning what has been spoon fed to them all of these years. They are no longer buying the establishment bullshit (and I mean on both sides of the aisle). They are not going to sit back and watch all of these games being played and their concerns ignored and just go about their lives acting like it doesn't affect them at all. Sure, some people will. But a big chunk of the country, people from all walks of life and political perspectives, are awakened and engaged. The old rules don't apply anymore. Things are being shaken up. People are being dragged out of their complacency. It's a revolution, hopefully a peaceful one.

There will be winners and losers of course, as there always are. But ultimately, if you believe that the most powerful nation on earth was created because the government was designed to be of the people, by the people and for the people, this can only be a good thing. If we trust that letting people self-rule is right and just and that this is a necessary adjustment away from the vast majority ceding power to a few political elites, it's a great thing.

It's an exciting time in world history IMHO.
I didn't vote for him, but I certainly didn't want him to fail.

Well, not exactly as far as I'm concerned.

I wanted to see him fail, and fail badly. But he succeeded. Growing up influenced by communist parents and under the mentorship of renowned Communist Frank Marshall Davis, you guys should have known what he meant when he said 'in 5 days we will fundamentally transform America.

Attending a Church in Chicago listening to a hate filled preacher spew anti-American hate for 20 yrs. should have been another clue.
Deciding to remove his American flag pin from his lapel during his campaign...remember that?
Him implying that the Constitution was out of date because it only says what the government cant do to you, but it doesn't say enough about what the government should be doing FOR you.
He scoffed at the idea of American Exceptionalism.
Remember "You didn't build that" and his redistribution of wealth statement to Joe the Plumber.

Yes I wanted the ****** to fail but he succeeded.

He succeeded at getting his socialized medicine agenda passed.
He succeeded in his gay, transgender, agenda.
He succeeded at transforming our military into a shadow of its former self.
He succeeded with his open border policy.
He succeeded with his plan to redistribute Americas wealth globally under the guise of "global warming"

You're only kidding yourself if you believe Obamas aim was to transform this country into a economic powerhouse... that was the furthest thing from that ******* mind.
His aim was to knock us down a few pegs because America is the root cause of the worlds problems, and we owe the world...remember this rhetoric was pounded into his head growing up. For the first time in American history its credit rating dropped from AAA to AA+ under Obama. The national debt that accrued under him is higher than all the presidents before him combined.
Bowing to foreign leaders on his world apology tour, his welcoming of NATO finger wagging America....

Thank God the ****** didn't succeed in taking away our right to bear arms.
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I disagree with Wig. I don't think a loss of confidence in our politicians is forthcoming. I believe it is here. It has given us The Donald.

Rosanne Barr, of all people, Tweeted yesterday that "Donald Trump IS the resistance." Damn, she got it right.

Sorry, you were saying Spike?

If the Left ever gets their **** together and actually manages to get somebody elected, the conservative folks remaining will go as batshit crazy as the left has, but the left won't be as calm in their response. Know what I'm sayin'?

Sorry Wig, but this is simply not true, and frankly, it's bullshit. Conservatives HATED having Obama as President for 8 years, but when did we riot? When did we burn down buildings and beat people up? That's right, it didn't happen. So to say the conservatives would be as batshit crazy as the left is simply ridiculous, and it's been proven.
I too am a little nervous about the differences we are seeing across the Country. Things are getting worse, not better.

One of the most obvious differences that divides us is the double standard that has prevailed over the years.



The Affordable Care Act is far from being a perfect piece of legislation..... but at least it was an attempt to address one of the biggest problems this country was/is dealing with..... the fact that a large percentage of the population... millions upon millions of people.... cannot afford to get sick. Not just people with no health insurance, but those that have it also. For millions of households across the nation, if one member of a family develops a serious health condition, it is nearly a 100% certainty that that household will be financially devastated. The only hope they have, if they are fortunate enough to be able to afford health insurance, is that their insurance provider will pay the majority of the bill. The only trouble is that insurance companies make money by NOT paying the bills of the people they cover. That is their business model.... gambling on the future health of their customers. It's insane that this is the best solution we can come up with to provide quality healthcare for the people of this country. Healthcare providers charge ridiculous amounts of money for the service they provide, so of course insurance companies have no choice but to make their policies very expensive. Republicans offered nothing as potential solutions to the above mentioned issues. All they could offer was constant criticism of the one democrats pushed forward. Here's an idea republicans...instead of standing around with your thumb up your ***** poking holes in other people's efforts to solve a huge problem, if you don't like the plan they came up with, how about trying to come up with a better one? I won't hold my breath.
Expanding Medicaid to more working families, health savings account expansion and allowing insurance to be sold across state lines would've went a long way to cost reductions and consumer choices being optimized. Obamacare is a bs wealth distribution tool.
Expanding Medicaid to more working families, health savings account expansion and allowing insurance to be sold across state lines would've went a long way to cost reductions and consumer choices being optimized. Obamacare is a bs wealth distribution tool.

Savings accounts? Are you ******* kidding me? Let me put this in perspective for you..... My mother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2002 and passed away in May 2003. In those 7 months she incurred over $800,000 dollars in total medical bills. She had insurance, but the 20% they didn't cover was over $150,000. Many days.... more than I care to recall in ICU at a cost of $7000 per day. Nothing will ever solve this problem unless something is done about the prices hospitals and doctors charge for their services.
Savings accounts? Are you ******* kidding me? Let me put this in perspective for you..... My mother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2002 and passed away in May 2003. In those 7 months she incurred over $800,000 dollars in total medical bills. She had insurance, but the 20% they didn't cover was over $150,000. Many days.... more than I care to recall in ICU at a cost of $7000 per day. Nothing will ever solve this problem unless something is done about the prices hospitals and doctors charge for their services.

That I can agree with. The costs associated with any sort of hospital stay is an absolute shake down. When you're being charged $40 for an aspirin and $300 for a linen fee something is wrong. It's all about what insurance will allow to be claimed and it has to be fixed. Conversely, limitations on malpractice suits also have to be addressed.
Conversely, limitations on malpractice suits also have to be addressed.

Winner winner chicken dinner. Even 20+ years ago when I was working at Allegheny General Hospital, most doctors' malpractice insurance premiums were more than my annual salary.