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Charleston shooting.

Yes, unlike Ferguson and Baltimore, Charleston is handling this correctly.
It does appear we are missing the common thread between almost all of these mass murders...psychotropic prescription drugs. I don't why that isn't being given any serious attention.
It does appear we are missing the common thread between almost all of these mass murders...psychotropic prescription drugs. I don't why that isn't being given any serious attention.

Because here is the left's position. Read a stupid article on Huff Po about it. Basically the theory is, that the fact that all of these murderers have been on psychotropic drugs SHOULD have prevented the shootings, and that we would have reason to be concerned if they were OFF of those drugs.

You got that right. No matter that every one of them used the drugs and needed them. Because they were on them, depression/anxiety/schizo disorders had nothing at all to do with them.

Hmmm...white conservative terrorist or white supremacist terrorist...I'll let you work out the semantics. If it makes you feel better, he probably didn't adhere to any mainstream conservative ideology. I'm also guessing he wasn't a card-carrying democrat either. Just a common day, far-right-racist-nazi-terrorist-mass-murderer scumbag. Call him what you want...

Nazi=Left wing. NAZI is an acronym for National Socialist Workers Party in German.
Just so we are clear. That is far left.

Nazi=Left wing. NAZI is an acronym for National Socialist Workers Party in German.

Yeah, I understand that's a popular, convenient belief, especially in recent times, for conservatives. Unfortunately, it's incorrect. The fact is, it's much more complicated than that as fascism drew it's ideology from both left and right ideologies. It really doesn't have a clear place on the traditional left-right political spectrum. "National socialism" does not equal "socialism", in fact they're entirely different concepts.

I urge you to read multiple sources on this issue, to gain a bit more clarity and maybe even clear up some significant misconceptions on the topic.

I'll leave you with this:

Contrary to what some opinions here have stated, you cannot determine "right wing" and "left wing" simply by how much role the government has- that's a quite recent American definition only, something that has fluxed significantly in our history. Whether a system is "left" or "right" is determined by a host of factors including social organization and policy and treatment of other nationalities. Scholar Roderick Stackleberg put it best: "the more a person deems absolute equality among all people to be a desirable condition, the further left he or she will be on the ideological spectrum. The more a person considers inequality to be unavoidable or even desirable, the further to the right he or she will be". Fascism's hatred for egalitarianism places it as the latter.

The fact that fascism is violently hostile to liberal democracy and socialism mark it as "right wing". It also embraces many other right wing positions, such as xenophobia, ethnocentrism, social conservatism, totalitarianism, sexism/chauvanism, extremely conservative sexual mores, and palingenesis.
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Does it REALLY matter what this fuckwit's political beliefs are? He's a piece of ****. We should stop trying to label him as "right" or "left" and call him what he really is. A deranged, piece of **** killer.
Does it REALLY matter what this fuckwit's political beliefs are? He's a piece of ****. We should stop trying to label him as "right" or "left" and call him what he really is. A deranged, piece of **** killer.

Yes, it's a ridiculous conversation. To try and claim he is representative of any political group is ludicrous. I'm somewhat conservative, I believe George Zimmerman was innocent of murder, and yet, I don't want to kill anyone, ever. I don't even like to kill spiders. Most conservatives and most liberals are not violent racist mass murderers.
It’s a sad event, but it’s also an event that can bring people together.
One thing is for sure, the the people in Charleston are a lot more civilized than the gangstas in Baltimore. And Ferguson.
Helter skelter


A statue near The Battery memorializing Confederate defenders of the city was found vandalized Sunday with the message “Black lives matter.”
Yeah, I understand that's a popular, convenient belief, especially in recent times, for conservatives. Unfortunately, it's incorrect. The fact is, it's much more complicated than that as fascism drew it's ideology from both left and right ideologies. It really doesn't have a clear place on the traditional left-right political spectrum. "National socialism" does not equal "socialism", in fact they're entirely different concepts.

I urge you to read multiple sources on this issue, to gain a bit more clarity and maybe even clear up some significant misconceptions on the topic.

I'll leave you with this:

Contrary to what some opinions here have stated, you cannot determine "right wing" and "left wing" simply by how much role the government has- that's a quite recent American definition only, something that has fluxed significantly in our history. Whether a system is "left" or "right" is determined by a host of factors including social organization and policy and treatment of other nationalities. Scholar Roderick Stackleberg put it best: "the more a person deems absolute equality among all people to be a desirable condition, the further left he or she will be on the ideological spectrum. The more a person considers inequality to be unavoidable or even desirable, the further to the right he or she will be". Fascism's hatred for egalitarianism places it as the latter.

The fact that fascism is violently hostile to liberal democracy and socialism mark it as "right wing". It also embraces many other right wing positions, such as xenophobia, ethnocentrism, social conservatism, totalitarianism, sexism/chauvanism, extremely conservative sexual mores, and palingenesis.

Not so fast there. Perhaps you should do some more reading, and less selective cutting and pasting from Wikipedia, leaving out the tenets of fascism that are Left-wing, to suit your position? While there is debate over the issue, the "is fascism Left or Right debate" isn't settled, and the likely answer is that it is in the center. More on that in a moment.

First, from the Wikipedia page you are selectively cutting and pasting from, it states: Italian Fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s.[43][44] A major element of fascism that has been deemed as clearly far right is its goal to promote the right of claimed superior people to dominate while purging society of claimed inferior elements. This very viewpoint can be deemed as right or left. Wiki editors chose to make the slant one that is right leaning. Consider it this way, and you have a leftist ideology: The state is more important than the individual, a position that has led to certain fascist governments to pursue genocide. Tomato, tomatoe. You can also consider religion. Fascists were/are very anti-religion. Religion is a key part of right-wing ideology.

Or you could consider these points:

Fascism is on the Left. Liberty and personal responsibility are on the Right. Fascism and Marxism are the two primary forms of Socialism, but for decades the Left has told the lie that Fascism is on the Political Right.

Fascists pursue government control of the economy, the people, and everything else. Since Fascism is statist, and those on the political Right embrace personal freedom and responsibility, Fascism has no logical relationship to the Conservative ideology of the political Right.

Conservatives support a small government, as our original Constitution mandates that there be little power in the Federal government. We Conservatives want most of the power to reside with the American people and want what government power is necessary to be kept at the local and state levels.

Those on the Right support Liberty, free enterprise, and personal responsibility. Fascism opposes each of these.

Fascists like Adolph Hitler destroy Liberty, free enterprise, and personal responsibility. Fascism and Marxism are the two Far Left components of Socialism.

“Nazism” is “National Socialism” and arose from the “National German Workers’ Party” and later became the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.” Such words are not used to identify those political ideologies that exist on the Right.

Crony Fascism is the economic model President Barack Obama has been using. Obama’s economic intentions have been to redistribute our tax money to his cronies and his supporters.

Barack Obama is foundationally a Marxist and wants government to eventually own and control everything. However, Obama is using a Fascist economic model, as he takes money and power from the people and from private businesses. Obama controls the businesses while allowing much of the business ownership to remain private for the time being.

This is just like the health insurance policies would be handled under ObamaCare. People and companies have been told by Obama that they can buy private insurance policies. However, government controls and red tape on private health insurance policies make the policies enormously expensive, which will eventually force almost everyone into government-controlled health care.

The Small Business Administration estimates that government regulations take $1.75 trillion each year from business. That accounts for many lost jobs, lost innovation, and lost growth. Most business leaders remain unimpressed by Obama and do not believe that Obama is on their side.

The Left can claim all it wants that Fascism is not what they support and is not Obama’s political economic model. Their repetitive claims will not make it so. Fascism and Marxism are the two primary forms of Socialism, whether the Left likes it or not.


For every link you can post saying that fascism is Right Wing, I can post one that says it is Left Wing.

Let's not. How about instead we look to this source and let well enough be alone?


There is a considerable dispute in some circles over whether fascism is a left- or right-wing idea. This dispute consists mainly of attempts to deny that one's own side of the political spectrum has anything in common with fascism, or alternatively to slime people on the opposite side of the political spectrum by claiming such commonalities. These tactics have been carried pretty far, with "fascist" becoming a general insult or accusation hurled around loosely, usually inappropriately and often childishly, to criticise anyone or anything we find even slightly overbearing or

The Political Compass generally rates fascists as in the economic center, well to the left of today's right-wing politicians but well to the right of socialist figures.

It's pretty clear to me, if you are white and from South Carolina, you are a racist

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What is the big deal about South Carolina's flag? Until this incident I didn't even know what their flag was. Now every time I turn on Fox News there is someone talking about it. This would not be as big an issue as it has become if it weren't for the media. Let it go already.
What is the big deal about South Carolina's flag? Until this incident I didn't even know what their flag was. Now every time I turn on Fox News there is someone talking about it. This would not be as big an issue as it has become if it weren't for the media. Let it go already.

Their flag isn't even the Confederate Flag. It's a palmetto tree. They fly the Confederate Flag on the State Capitol building, but it's not THEIR flag.

Not me...

He's guilty of manslaughter, but the prosecution overreached and wanted him tried for murder (for political reasons). If they had ignored the politics and tried him for manslaughter, then Zimmerman would be in jail. That's the prosecution's fault.
Their flag isn't even the Confederate Flag. It's a palmetto tree. They fly the Confederate Flag on the State Capitol building, but it's not THEIR flag.

Wrong , it doesn't fly on the State capital building. It was taken down a few years back to appease all of the people who said it was a symbol of hate. It actually flies at the Confederate war museum. Which by the way I doubt to many black people are going to anyway. I was born and raised here , so I have lived here almost 50 years. I could care less about the flag, doesn't bother me either way. My only issue with the whole thing it was moved years ago as a compromise and now because of this nut job it is a big deal again. Nothing but political grandstanding. The flag is part of history whether you like it or not it is history and the flag is flying at a museum about that history. I'm so sick of all of this white guilt bullshit. I don't own any slaves and never have.
Helter skelter


A statue near The Battery memorializing Confederate defenders of the city was found vandalized Sunday with the message “Black lives matter.”

Good. Then stop killing each other.
First, from the Wikipedia page you are selectively cutting and pasting from, it states: Italian Fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s.[43][44] A major element of fascism that has been deemed as clearly far right is its goal to promote the right of claimed superior people to dominate while purging society of claimed inferior elements. This very viewpoint can be deemed as right or left. Wiki editors chose to make the slant one that is right leaning. Consider it this way, and you have a leftist ideology: The state is more important than the individual, a position that has led to certain fascist governments to pursue genocide. Tomato, tomatoe. You can also consider religion. Fascists were/are very anti-religion. Religion is a key part of right-wing ideology.

While the Libs are creaming themselves over The Pope's newly declared stance on global (not) warming, it might be a good time to ask them their feelings about his stance on abortion and birth control.

A big part of Fascism is government control over private (and favored) businesses. That's pretty much where the Leftys are. Solyndra and Tesla get subsidies but they try to put coal and the UAW out of business.
Wrong , it doesn't fly on the State capital building. It was taken down a few years back to appease all of the people who said it was a symbol of hate. It actually flies at the Confederate war museum. Which by the way I doubt to many black people are going to anyway. I was born and raised here , so I have lived here almost 50 years. I could care less about the flag, doesn't bother me either way. My only issue with the whole thing it was moved years ago as a compromise and now because of this nut job it is a big deal again. Nothing but political grandstanding. The flag is part of history whether you like it or not it is history and the flag is flying at a museum about that history. I'm so sick of all of this white guilt bullshit. I don't own any slaves and never have.

The flag was put there by former Governor and Senator Fritz Hollings, a Democrat.
Wrong , it doesn't fly on the State capital building. It was taken down a few years back to appease all of the people who said it was a symbol of hate. It actually flies at the Confederate war museum. Which by the way I doubt to many black people are going to anyway. I was born and raised here , so I have lived here almost 50 years. I could care less about the flag, doesn't bother me either way. My only issue with the whole thing it was moved years ago as a compromise and now because of this nut job it is a big deal again. Nothing but political grandstanding. The flag is part of history whether you like it or not it is history and the flag is flying at a museum about that history. I'm so sick of all of this white guilt bullshit. I don't own any slaves and never have.

I stand corrected. I thought it was the State Capitol. My apologies. In any case, the Confederate Flag isn't the SC state flag, which is what a lot of people (read: SHEEP) believe.
I stand corrected. I thought it was the State Capitol. My apologies.


South Carolina lawmakers compromised in 2000 by moving the Confederate battle flag off the top of the capitol dome and installing another version a few hundred feet away at the memorial to Rebel war dead.

So got moved from the top of the Capitol building to basically in front of it. It stands on State grounds, which is probably what pisses people off. I agree with those that say it belongs in a museum somewhere, not displayed publicly on State property.

The battle flag was never adopted by the Confederate Congress, never flew over any state capitols during the Confederacy, and was never officially used by Confederate veterans' groups. The flag probably would have been relegated to Civil War museums if it had not been resurrected by the resurgent KKK and used by Southern Dixiecrats during the 1948 presidential election.[SUP][42][/SUP]​

Southern historian Gordon Rhea further wrote in 2011 that:

It is no accident that Confederate symbols have been the mainstay of white supremacist organizations, from the Ku Klux Klan to the skinheads. They did not appropriate the Confederate battle flag simply because it was pretty. They picked it because it was the flag of a nation dedicated to their ideals: 'that the negro is not equal to the white man'. The Confederate flag, we are told, represents heritage, not hate. But why should we celebrate a heritage grounded in hate, a heritage whose self-avowed reason for existence was the exploitation and debasement of a sizeable segment of its population?[SUP][43][/SUP]
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