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Charleston shooting.

Helter skelter


A statue near The Battery memorializing Confederate defenders of the city was found vandalized Sunday with the message “Black lives matter.”

I believe it says "Black lives mater".
Someone should have taken spelling class more seriously.
It's a piece of cloth until 5 days ago that no one cared about. Nothing but white guilt political grandstanding.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Calls for Removal of Confederate Flag From State Capitol
I have a problem with the Confederate flag when it is bandied about by kids on their trucks up here in PA. They are stupid, sure, but it still pisses me off. At least down South, someone may have a relative who fought. And contrary to popular opinion, the common Southern soldier wasn't fighting for slavery any more than a Northern one was. Like a Southern soldier said when asked why he was fighting..."Cause you're down here."

It pisses me off because the kids are just doing it for the reaction. Anyway, they lost, for **** sake.

The flag should be banished, though. If it offends people, it should go. Would people fly a flag with a swastika?
As it pertains to labeling these idiots, those of us who are more conservative aren't doing that. As soon as something happens, those on the left immediately want to link the idiot to the tea party or something. They have made this fight.

I do believe, though, that those on the left are perfectly fine with the deaths. It is far more important to them to advance a political narrative. So they are fine with death. Selective death. Newtown, Auroura. Charelston. Nothing about Chicago, though. They don't want to talk about that. Only the deaths that advance their narrative. How people don't see through this is beyond me.
I have a problem with the Confederate flag when it is bandied about by kids on their trucks up here in PA. They are stupid, sure, but it still pisses me off. At least down South, someone may have a relative who fought. And contrary to popular opinion, the common Southern soldier wasn't fighting for slavery any more than a Northern one was. Like a Southern soldier said when asked why he was fighting..."Cause you're down here."

It pisses me off because the kids are just doing it for the reaction. Anyway, they lost, for **** sake.

The flag should be banished, though. If it offends people, it should go. Would people fly a flag with a swastika?

That's a slippery slope. What about people that are offended by the rainbow flag?
That's a slippery slope. What about people that are offended by the rainbow flag?
They're haters and probably white Christians so their opinion doesn't count.

What this country needs is tighter flag control laws

Walmart to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise

(CNN)—Walmart, the country's largest retailer, will remove all Confederate flag merchandise from its stores, the company told CNN Monday.

When the Stars and Bars are outlawed, only outlaws will have the Stars and Bars.

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That's a slippery slope. What about people that are offended by the rainbow flag?

Yea, you're right. I understand that. But nowhere would any government fly the Nazi flag. I think there are just some things in which the circumstances are such that you just don't do it. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word banished. I guess I wish that people would not do it just by choice because it is the decent thing to do. Like I wish I didn't have to turn on the TV and see sex or drug usage or crudeness or whatever all over the place. I'm no prude, but c'mon. I just wish people would say "Here we will not go." Like I would never run around disparaging a religion. I just don't think it should be done. I don't want my Christian faith to be disparaged, either, though.

Last night Jurassic Park was on again. I love the line in there where the Jeff Goldblum character says, "You were so preoccupied with if you could, you never asked if you should." I think that applies a lot to today.
Yea, you're right. I understand that. But nowhere would any government fly the Nazi flag. I think there are just some things in which the circumstances are such that you just don't do it. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word banished. I guess I wish that people would not do it just by choice because it is the decent thing to do. Like I wish I didn't have to turn on the TV and see sex or drug usage or crudeness or whatever all over the place. I'm no prude, but c'mon. I just wish people would say "Here we will not go." Like I would never run around disparaging a religion. I just don't think it should be done. I don't want my Christian faith to be disparaged, either, though.

Last night Jurassic Park was on again. I love the line in there where the Jeff Goldblum character says, "You were so preoccupied with if you could, you never asked if you should." I think that applies a lot to today.

As Christians, we have been "charged" to "love our neighbors - regardless of the facts of their offenses against us. We are to forgive those that trespass our morals. Someone, way back when, emblazoned four simple words on the money that we carry in our wallets - "In God We Trust". I would wager that if simply "trust in God" most of these problems would go away...
I'm fine with removing the flag from all state offices. I'm certainly not OK with banning it entirely. If you want to be a kook and goose step around waiving a Nazi flag, you knock yourself out.
It is no accident that Confederate symbols have been the mainstay of white supremacist organizations, from the Ku Klux Klan to the skinheads. They did not appropriate the Confederate battle flag simply because it was pretty. They picked it because it was the flag of a nation dedicated to their ideals: 'that the negro is not equal to the white man'. The Confederate flag, we are told, represents heritage, not hate. But why should we celebrate a heritage grounded in hate, a heritage whose self-avowed reason for existence was the exploitation and debasement of a sizeable segment of its population?[SUP][43][/SUP]

Confederate soldiers were treasonous enemy combatants that took up arms against American troops... Not a whole lot different than the crackpots that go join ISIS and take up arms against American soldiers now... The Confederate flag was/is the symbol of that treasonous act... Hard to believe so many patriotic Americans are perfectly okay with such a large segment of our population still embracing this symbol as part of their "heritage". Jane Fonda is hated to this day because of the images of her waving the North Vietnamese flag at a time when North Vietnam and the U.S. were at war. Ironically, much of the hatred for her is espoused by the very same redneck ***** that fly Confederate flags on their pick'em up trucks and sing "Dixie" with tears in their eyes. Kind of ****** up when you think about it.
Jane Fonda is hated by any America who has at least an ounce of common sense.
Confederate soldiers were treasonous enemy combatants that took up arms against American troops... Not a whole lot different than the crackpots that go join ISIS and take up arms against American soldiers now... The Confederate flag was/is the symbol of that treasonous act... Hard to believe so many patriotic Americans are perfectly okay with such a large segment of our population still embracing this symbol as part of their "heritage". Jane Fonda is hated to this day because of the images of her waving the North Vietnamese flag at a time when North Vietnam and the U.S. were at war. Ironically, much of the hatred for her is espoused by the very same redneck ***** that fly Confederate flags on their pick'em up trucks and sing "Dixie" with tears in their eyes. Kind of ****** up when you think about it.

You don't get it do you? Simply put, it's about Freedom. I don't support the Confederate flag and what it stands for, in any way. But I support the idiots' (notice that is plural) rights to Freedom of Speech. I support the right to burn the American Flag, though it makes me sick to my stomach to see it.

It's Liberals like you that want to make this Freedom no longer a Freedom that really makes me sick. You think you will improve the world by removing the right from some redneck to wave a Confederate flag. You will pat yourself on the back before you go to bed, thinking you made the world a better place by limiting one person's freedoms in lieu of another's. And you will have fooled yourself, and made our country worse for it.

Sleep well.

OH, and PS...Jane Fonda went on to come home, live without dying, and make millions in her career. Why? Because she was FREE to express her opinions, though it pissed off so many of us. Imagine if she had been Chinese and come home to her native China after similar acts. She'd have had her brains splattered on the pole she was tied to in front of a firing squad within weeks of her return.

Yes, America is a great country because of these Freedoms YOU want to limit.
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It's not like the DNC put the Grand Kleagle of the West Virginia KKK in office as a Senator for 50 years or so. Oh wait they did that with Robert "Sheets" Byrd.
Confederate soldiers were treasonous enemy combatants that took up arms against American troops... Not a whole lot different than the crackpots that go join ISIS and take up arms against American soldiers now... The Confederate flag was/is the symbol of that treasonous act... Hard to believe so many patriotic Americans are perfectly okay with such a large segment of our population still embracing this symbol as part of their "heritage". Jane Fonda is hated to this day because of the images of her waving the North Vietnamese flag at a time when North Vietnam and the U.S. were at war. Ironically, much of the hatred for her is espoused by the very same redneck ***** that fly Confederate flags on their pick'em up trucks and sing "Dixie" with tears in their eyes. Kind of ****** up when you think about it.


It's not like the Lincoln Administration was blatantly violating the Constitution and trying to impose tyranny on the south at the behest of the fat cats in NYC, Boston and Chicago that stood to make a killing off of closed trade and war profiteering.
You don't get it do you? Simply put, it's about Freedom. I don't support the Confederate flag and what it stands for, in any way. But I support the idiots' (notice that is plural) rights to Freedom of Speech. I support the right to burn the American Flag, though it makes me sick to my stomach to see it.

It's Liberals like you that want to make this Freedom no longer a Freedom that really makes me sick. You think you will improve the world by removing the right from some redneck to wave a Confederate flag. You will pat yourself on the back before you go to bed, thinking you made the world a better place by limiting one person's freedoms in lieu of another's. And you will have fooled yourself, and made our country worse for it.

Sleep well.

OH, and PS...Jane Fonda went on to come home, live without dying, and make millions in her career. Why? Because she was FREE to express her opinions, though it pissed off so many of us. Imagine if she had been Chinese and come home to her native China after similar acts. She'd have had her brains splattered on the pole she was tied to in front of a firing squad within weeks of her return.

Yes, America is a great country because of these Freedoms YOU want to limit.
Never once did I say that there should be a law against flying a confederate flag. People should be free to make any statement they want... and that includes showing your support for the traitors that made war against American soldiers and against the flag that they, the Union troops, flew as they marched into battle.... (Hint... It's the one that still flies over my, and probably your, house today... The Stars & Stripes). My problem is with the fact that there are those that still want to fly the confederate flag. I do not, however, have a problem with their right to fly it. I think you misunderstood the sentiment in my comments.
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Jane Fonda is hated by any America who has at least an ounce of common sense.

Fair enough.... My question is simply this:
Why do so many,who feel exactly as you, not feel the same when they see some redneck flying the flag of the armed insurgency that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American troops? The armed insurrection that I am of course referring to is the confederate army.
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all aboard the appeasement train - elections coming up!

Republican National Committee joins call to remove Confederate flag

In other words, polls show that people support the removal of the confederate flag 3:1.

South Carolina lawmakers compromised in 2000 by moving the Confederate battle flag off the top of the capitol dome and installing another version a few hundred feet away at the memorial to Rebel war dead.

So got moved from the top of the Capitol building to basically in front of it. It stands on State grounds, which is probably what pisses people off. I agree with those that say it belongs in a museum somewhere, not displayed publicly on State property.

The battle flag was never adopted by the Confederate Congress, never flew over any state capitols during the Confederacy, and was never officially used by Confederate veterans' groups. The flag probably would have been relegated to Civil War museums if it had not been resurrected by the resurgent KKK and used by Southern Dixiecrats during the 1948 presidential election.[SUP][42][/SUP]​

Southern historian Gordon Rhea further wrote in 2011 that:

It is no accident that Confederate symbols have been the mainstay of white supremacist organizations, from the Ku Klux Klan to the skinheads. They did not appropriate the Confederate battle flag simply because it was pretty. They picked it because it was the flag of a nation dedicated to their ideals: 'that the negro is not equal to the white man'. The Confederate flag, we are told, represents heritage, not hate. But why should we celebrate a heritage grounded in hate, a heritage whose self-avowed reason for existence was the exploitation and debasement of a sizeable segment of its population?[SUP][43][/SUP]

Do you have an issue with statues and/or memorials for the Confederate Soldiers?

It's not like the Lincoln Administration was blatantly violating the Constitution and trying to impose tyranny on the south at the behest of the fat cats in NYC, Boston and Chicago that stood to make a killing off of closed trade and war profiteering.

So I guess it's safe to assume that you feel Abraham Lincoln should not have pushed Congress to adopt the 13th Ammendment abolishing the enslavement of an entire race of human beings. In your opinion, protecting the sovereignty of the states was more important than ending slavery. Correct me if I misunderstood you.
So I guess it's safe to assume that you feel Abraham Lincoln should not have pushed Congress to adopt the 13th Ammendment abolishing the enslavement of an entire race of human beings. In your opinion, protecting the sovereignty of the states was more important than ending slavery. Correct me if I misunderstood you.

The War Of Northern Aggression wasn't started over slavery, it was started over the right of states to leave the United States. It wasn't officially about slavery until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
So I guess it's safe to assume that you feel Abraham Lincoln should not have pushed Congress to adopt the 13th Ammendment abolishing the enslavement of an entire race of human beings. In your opinion, protecting the sovereignty of the states was more important than ending slavery. Correct me if I misunderstood you.

You need to read up on your history. The South had legally per the Constitution seceded from the United States. Try this site out, it is very informative. The war started in 1861 at Ft. Sumter the Emancipation Proclamation did not happen till 1963.
