no... no one is saying that Timmons WOULD be almost as good. In fact, no one has said anything of the kind.
Do you not recall this exchange on this very page?
Mainly due to the fact he can't seem to master them. He failed at ROLB, and has failed at the Buck. That's one of the reasons we now play musical chairs at ILB.
I piped up on this because IMO Farrior was a phenomenal player and Timmons is a decent one.
ORRRRRRRRRRRRRR it could very well be that the talent around him isnt up to snuff
Sounds to me like you used supporting casts as an excuse as to why Timmons isn't quite on Farrior's level.
someone said Timmons is almost as good as Farrior.
which was as blasphemous to you as saying Batman is almost as good as Spiderman.
If someone said "Heyward is almost as good as Aaron Smith" would you not jump in? Farrior was a phenomenal two-way player
is ******* up a lot the exact definition of being blocked? really?
And that's Timmons' only flaw? Getting blocked too much?
Even if that were his only issue, he's washed out far too often to be mentioned within 4-5 sentences of James Badass Farrior. But there's more.
bench Deebo or Woodley? which? I mean, Woodley was drafted the same year... is it possible MAYBE that Deebo picked up on the defense more than a rookie did?
Woodley didn't start a single game as a rookie; a rapdily declining Haggans did. Timmons also failed to beat him out. The next year, Timmons failed to beat out Woodley - a lower draft pick - for the LOLB job. Since then, we've had numerous OLB openings and opportunities, and Timmons has been kept inside.
and, still, are you really saying that they should have sat Deebo solely because they drafted Timmons?
When did I say or insinuate that?
if the coaching staff can't admit a mistake
or that?
, why did they play Deebo instead of Timmons?
Because Deebo was 500,000,000x better for the job. My beef has never been with starting Harrison over Timmons. I questioned the pick because I thought Timmons was a good-not-great talent. I did a 180 and got really, really excited about the guy once he moved inside and flashed great play there. I'm now very "m'eh" on Timmons because I think he's not that good, but is paid (and beloved) like he is.
It really is that simple, I promise. I harbor no deep-seeded hatred for Mike Tomlin nor any black man. I don't assume a deep Steeler conspiracy. I just don't think the guy is all that good.
I believe it was pointed out previously that the level of talent Farrior had around him was superior to the talent Timmons had. Surely you can't argue against that. Or are you really suggesting ... nay, emphatically stating beyond the shadow of a doubt that the hulking combination of Spence/Williams is equal to that of Farrior?
is it possible, though unlikely, that a combination of Deebo, Timmons, Farrior and Woodley was better than the combination of Timmons, (insert virtually anyone here), Farrior, Woodley?
I'm having trouble following all of the excuse-making here. Does the supporting cast issue mean Timmons deserves more slack, or he's almost as good as Farrior, or what?