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Comey says his belief Clinton would win election 'a factor' in email probe

If that were the case, why would he have announced that he was re-opening the Clinton investigation 11 days prior to the election?

Do you really think that didn’t hurt her at all?

He said so himself. He thought he was doing a favor for the future president Mrs. Clinton. That way she would be legitimate when elected. Too bad Trump F'd that **** up and won.
Hillary claims to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary who was first to climb. Mt Everest. She was born years before Everest was climbed. ***** lies about everything. Even **** that doesn’t matter.

Trump is an eagle scout compared to the Clintons.

LOL...Trump cult influence is strong around here.

Question: can you defend ANYTHING about Trump WITHOUT invoking Hillary ? I suspect yall want impeachment hearings vs Hillary and shes not even president nor relevant.

The phenomenon of "WHataboutism" has taken over
Its funny you mention crooked when you broach the subject of Comey and McCabe, but how are you feeling about Flynn or the lying orchestrated by Donnie Sr and Jr (the meeting that didn't happen that eventually happened that was said to be about adoptions)

Hillary claims to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary who was first to climb. Mt Everest. She was born years before Everest was climbed. ***** lies about everything. Even **** that doesn’t matter.

Trump is an eagle scout compared to the Clintons.
Remember when Hillary excited her plane under fire in Bosnia, or wherever that was. Trump ain't no choir boy , but is a saint compared to the Clinton crime syndicate. Comey is just another dirty cop, and is going to find out that he is not above it.

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Did you read a word of the post above how do you explain it ? They all worked with or for the Clintons. Come on man your better than that. Every single one of the slime balls is connected.

I read all that ****.....my point thru all of this...Trump cannot be trumped when it comes to the truth...get that thru your goddamn skull. Hes proven to be a liar and here you are throwing out some lengthy diatribe hinting and complicitness.

Wait til Meuller gets done with this investigation and puts Doritos McSmallhands under oath, and you will find out how much of a scumbag our president is. Stay tuned....

If Hillary is guilty, reopen a 7th investigation and appoint an independent committee..if shes found corrupt, lock her *** up too. Donnie will be in a cell close by with Flynn, Papadapolous, Donnie Jr, and Manafort

But whataboutism isn't a staple of defense of a candidate ...its EVERYTHING MAGA FREAKS do...Bring up Trump, its automatic "But Hillary....." But Obama...." His entire legacy pivots on Obama and shittalking Hillary. Its the only thing keeping you guys remotely engage with him...THE ONLY THING. Its red meat....and yall feast eagerly.
I read all that ****.....my point thru all of this...Trump cannot be trumped when it comes to the truth...get that thru your goddamn skull. Hes proven to be a liar and here you are throwing out some lengthy diatribe hinting and complicitness.

Wait til Meuller gets done with this investigation and puts Doritos McSmallhands under oath, and you will find out how much of a scumbag our president is. Stay tuned....

If Hillary is guilty, reopen a 7th investigation and appoint an independent committee..if shes found corrupt, lock her *** up too. Donnie will be in a cell close by with Flynn, Papadapolous, Donnie Jr, and Manafort

It's not just Hilliary can you read ?????

It's Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Lerner, Lynch. They have all been in bed together for the last 15 years. Can you not see that ? Is your hate for Trump so bad that it makes you blind to the facts.
If that were the case, why would he have announced that he was re-opening the Clinton investigation 11 days prior to the election?

Do you really think that didn’t hurt her at all?

No, that did not hurt her at all. The email scandal was out there for a long time. There were hearings where Hillary was asked if she wiped hard drives and the pathological liar Hillary used her liberal media privilege to answer “You mean with a cloth?"

Minds were already made up on the email scandal.

Comey only opened the investigation as a favor. In his own words he said as much. He opened an investigation and closed it about 3 days later so that when Hillary was Prez, she wouldn’t have to deal with it.
I think this whole book is just meant to eat at Trump. Some of the things he threw in there were just meant to get under trumps skin. Now Comey is laughing all the way to the bank. I do believe most of the stuff Comey wrote has truths to it, but it is embellished to the point where it would effect trump the most. I am sure the FBI has an extensive profile on Trump and knows exactly what to say to get at him the most. I believe what Comey did is not very professional, but he is just like everyone else looking for a quick dollar. Trumps best bet would be just to ignore it. The more he or his people speak, the more books that will be sold.
Its funny you mention crooked when you broach the subject of Comey and McCabe, but how are you feeling about Flynn or the lying orchestrated by Donnie Sr and Jr (the meeting that didn't happen that eventually happened that was said to be about adoptions)

I think if you lie to law enforcement about something relevant during an investigation, you pay the price. Flynn kinda/maybe/sorta lied though the FBI investigator who questioned him, Strozk, opined that he did not lie. His is most definitely paying the price.

What did Trump Jr. or Sr. tell the FBI that was untrue and material?

Meanwhile, we know HRC lied to the FBI several times during her interview, Comey lied under penalty of perjury before Congress when he said that he was never the source of leaked materials (in his book he admits he leaked), and denied authorizing any other FBI to leak protected information (he knew of and permitted leaks by McCabe).

So where is the moral outrage at the proven lies by Clinton and Comey, including lies under penalty of perjury?
If that were the case, why would he have announced that he was re-opening the Clinton investigation 11 days prior to the election?

Do you really think that didn’t hurt her at all?

That was a CYA move and he said so. He didn't want her getting elected and then everyone finding out the investigation that he had said publicly was closed, wasn't.
must remind you, Donald himself hung out with Jeffrey Epstein (a known pedophile) and there was a pending lawsuit that named Trump in a deposition for allegedly raping a 13yr old (there was a witness to this event)

You mean the Jeffrey Epstein who flew with Bill Clinton 26 times on his private jet?

I have no doubt Trump is a pig, it's one of the reasons I didn't vote for him. I'm guessing Clinton's done things that would make Trump blush.






another nothingburger!

Bout as comical as your about-face in the opposite direction on Comey.

Its funny you mention crooked when you broach the subject of Comey and McCabe, but how are you feeling about Flynn or the lying orchestrated by Donnie Sr and Jr (the meeting that didn't happen that eventually happened that was said to be about adoptions)

The FBI ineptitude and corruption is nothing new..as an African American I know too well about this nugget of info.

You don't believe Comey but you'd believe Trump over anything Comey says in relation to his experiences with Trump ? Why ? A known liar......At lease Comey had spoken about his engagement with Congress "under oath". Has Trump spoken his version of the truth under oath ?

I find it comical how Libtards truly, honestly believe they know what other people think. Cracks me up. That is such an arrogant (and ignorant) position to take.

And at "least" use the word lease correctly.
If that were the case, why would he have announced that he was re-opening the Clinton investigation 11 days prior to the election?

Do you really think that didn’t hurt her at all?

Have you not been paying attention? HE explained this. He did this because he believed she was going to win and they needed to reopen it so they could officially end it so she wouldn't be elected and be tainted as President with this hanging over her head as unresolved.






another nothingburger!


With all due respect to Gotti :rip:, Trump is the Teflon Don.
could you imagine the outcry from the left if Hillary did win and then it was exposed that Comey never closed his investigation?
could you?
"that ************!" would be the absolute headline on all leftist rags, websites and blogs. Comey would be fired within moments of this becoming news.

yet, it sure as **** wouldn't become news because the left-leaning media would shovel that **** under the rug with Bomma's bullshit, fawning over the "First Female President" and do Madam President's bidding as she pleased.

Those of us who voted against Shillary did so because we were tired of the same old bullshit from the pols in office, the exploding heads on every news network, those better than thou penning one-sided articles and being labeled everything under the sun while being told we must be tolerant while we are attacked non-stop.

that you forget that you hated Comey, then fell in love with him AFTER Trump fired him (Pro Tip: don't call for someone to be fired, then when they are fired question the person who did the firing).
lots of us weren't even aware who Comey was until the lid was released on that cesspool of the fbi.
likely none of you tolerant pusshat wearing tidepod eaters were, either.

so, stop with your faux outrage, man-up and get over it.

LOL...Trump cult influence is strong around here.

Question: can you defend ANYTHING about Trump WITHOUT invoking Hillary ? I suspect yall want impeachment hearings vs Hillary and shes not even president nor relevant.

The phenomenon of "WHataboutism" has taken over

Are you trying to convince me Trump is an *******? I know he’s an *******. I wouldn’t want him in my fantasy football league.

I guarantee that Trump has done lots of shady **** in his business career. You can’t rise to the top in NY without bending laws and having some shady dealings. I also know Trump probably has nailed porn stars and strippers and models all over the globe. I don’t care.

Why not? Because that’s stuff he did before he held office. That’s the difference between him and the Clintons. The Clintons used government to enrich themselves. They have no moral or idological core beliefs other than those that they think will get them more power that they will then improperly use to solicit "donations" to their foundation.

Trump was not my first choice. I would have preferred Cruz but the nomination was decided before PA voted. Besides, i’m registered Dem anyway so i couldn’t have voted anyway.

I don’t care about party affiliation. I don’t care about electing choir boys. I want people who will pursue conservative economic policies and somewhat libertarian social policies ( i’m against weed, nothing good will come from it). I also want people who will then actually try to implement those policies.

That’s how we got Trump. People got tired of guys talking a big game then doing nothing. Trump is actually trying to get his agenda through. He mostly stopped obamacare, he did tax reform. He’s trying for immigration reform (by actually enforcing current law) and a wall. It’s his own party stopping him on many things.

Trump is already a success because he stopped the horrific obama policies that were crushing the economy and his immigration and foreign policies that were making us less safe.
You place the facts in black and white right in front of libtards and they refuse to acknowledge and would rather deflect.

Did you Blitz Trog and Tibs not read Comeys own admission in the OP???

Your hatred for Trump is paramount. The truth or nothing else matters.
Nothing to see here. The right’s character assasination is on against Comey, full steam ahead. Expect the same for Rosenstein and Mueller the second Trump decides to make a move against them. But the American people will not be fooled, the truth will prevail.

You win again the most asinine post award in this thread. At one time you used to be a decent debater but since have gone full libtard.

No one is assasinating Comeys character. Comey is assasinating his own character, again:

Comeys admission:

"I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump. I'm sure that it was a factor. I don't remember spelling it out, but it had to have been. That she's going to be elected president, and if I hide this from the American people, she'll be illegitimate the moment she's elected, the moment this comes out."

"It is entirely possible that, because I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president, my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls."
Trump was not my first choice. I would have preferred Cruz but the nomination was decided before PA voted.
Yeah, I voted for Rand Paul in the primary even though he pulled out a week before we voted. Earlier I was circulating ballot petitions for him. As I recall by the time we voted it was down to Trump and Cruz and frankly I thought Cruz would win.

Besides, i’m registered Dem anyway so i couldn’t have voted anyway.
You better fix that ****.
More proof that Fake News MSM is nothing more than libtard propaganda. They sanitized Comey's criticism of Obama during the interview.

ABC News Cuts Comey Criticism of Obama’s Actions During Clinton Investigation

In the broadcast of its interview with former FBI Director James Comey, ABC News did not air Comey’s strong criticism of President Obama for twice publically stating that Hillary Clinton’s private email server did not endanger national security despite an ongoing investigation.
In the unaired remarks, Comey went so far as to describe Obama’s comments as creating the impression that the Justice Department was biased with regard to Clinton. He charged Obama’s remarks “created this drumbeat that the Obama Justice Department, the fix is in because the president has told them what result they should reach.”

Referring to Obama’s public comments, Comey said that Obama “shouldn’t have done it. It was inappropriate.”

Yet none of those statements made the cut for ABC’s broadcast edition of its exclusive interview with Comey conducted by host George Stephanopoulos that aired Sunday night.
GMA had Comey on again this morning, to address all of the things that got him into trouble from Sunday. George S.now qualifies as Comey's PR manager. It is really despicable how the MSM have become propaganda machines.

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“created this drumbeat that the Obama Justice Department, the fix is in because the president has told them what result they should reach.”

Well, that and the secret meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in an airplane on the tarmac. People always meet like that to talk about grandchildren.