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Comey says his belief Clinton would win election 'a factor' in email probe

More proof that Fake News MSM is nothing more than libtard propaganda

Schultz: MSNBC Fired Me Because They Were 'In the Tank for Hillary' and I Supported Bernie

Former MSNBC host Ed Schultz opened up in a recent interview about why he believes he was fired in 2015.

He described how MSNBC chief Phil Griffin was a "watchdog" who closely managed which stories were covered, and relayed one incident where his story about Sanders’s launch of his campaign was bumped in favor of other news.

Sanders gave his official campaign launch speech in Burlington, Vermont on May 26, 2015, and Schultz said he was the only cable news host planning to air it live. He had also taped an interview with Sanders at the lawmaker's home ahead of the speech.

However, he said Griffin called him five minutes before air time at 5 p.m. EST, and he said, "You're not covering this."

"It got rather contentious," Schultz said.

"I think the Clintons were connected to [NBC News chief] Andy Lack, connected at the hip," Schultz said. "I think that they didn't want anybody in their primetime or anywhere in their lineup supporting Bernie Sanders. I think that they were in the tank for Hillary Clinton, and I think that it was managed, and 45 days later I was out at MSNBC."

"I thought it stunk," he continued.



I love it when they eat their own.
hahahahahaha - Obama under investigation?

Obama Justice Department Tried To Shut Down FBI’s Investigation Into Clinton Foundation

The Department of Justice Inspector General report on the “lack of candor” by FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe also documents for the first time the Obama administration’s effort to shut down the bureau’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation. The IG claims McCabe leaked DOJ’s pressure to end the Clinton investigation to battle claims he was partial to the Clintons

The inspector general (IG) confirmed in its long-awaited report that in 2016 the FBI had ongoing field investigations of the Clinton Foundation in New York, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Arkansas and Washington, D.C. The multi-city investigation was launched when agents found “suspicious activity” between a foreign donor and Clinton Foundation activity in the Los Angeles area

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, a Republican from Virginia and the chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary, told Fox News Sunday that he thought the idea of shutting down the Clinton Foundation investigation could have emanated from the White House and not just the Justice Department.

“Well, it may well go higher up. It may even go all into the Obama White House,” he told Fox News. The chairman said he was worried “how the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation handled the investigation into all the aspects of what was going on with Hillary Clinton, with her emails, with the Clinton Foundation, so on, bending over backwards to not prosecute, to not investigate properly, to not continue to investigate is very disturbing.”

The IG’s report also indirectly criticizes Comey, who cooperated with the Justice Department’s plan to remain silent about the bureau’s Clinton Foundation investigation

Comey repeatedly refused to confirm to Congress if the bureau was looking into financial crimes or influential peddling by the foundation, which was amassing hundreds of millions of dollars from special interests in the U.S. and abroad, the IG noted.

FEDS DROP BOMBSHELL: Comey & Lynch Colluded with Clinton Campaign

Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department and James Comey’s FBI worked together with the Hillary Clinton campaign to entrap Donald Trump and associates — including his eldest son — prior to the 2016 presidential election, according to records and testimony of federal law enforcement insiders.

One high ranking official in the Justice Department called it a sweeping “highly illegal” scheme to ensure Hillary Clinton’s election to the White House.

“This was clearly a scheme using Justice (Department) resources and State (Department) resources to get the Russian lawyer into the United States,” one Justice Department insider said. “Who has the power to do this? Only the people at the very top.”

Lynch. Comey. Andrew McCabe. Preet Bhahara. Sally Yates.

And according to high ranking FBI sources, the Bureau played a definitive role in plotting this sweeping privacy breach. But the FBI had much help from the NSA, CIA, the Office of of the Director of National Intelligence, Treasury financial crimes division under DHS, and the Justice Department, federal law enforcement sources confirmed.

That places the Barack Obama administration directly into this illegal soup, led by Lynch, Yates, Comey and the FBI’s McCabe and associates.

In fact, Hillary Clinton along with the DNC bankrolled Fusion GPS to set up Donald Trump Jr. in the large scheme to undercut his father’s path to the presidency, sources said.

The Russian lawyer who set up Donald Trump Jr. — Natalia Veselnitskaya — was paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS was paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

Veselnitskaya and Fusion GPS worked together on another caper in 2014, two years before the Trump Jr. operation. In Russia.

Veselnitskaya was barred from entering the United States. Federal law enforcement sources said Lynch and Comey — using Preet Bhahara’s clout in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the southern district of New York — ensured she was granted a special visa for entry, just to set up the Trump inner circle.

A Justice Department official said Clinton likely never expected her campaign’s role and finances to be uncovered and broke a host of federal laws while trying to get elected in 2016,

Interesting that he right is all over Comey about collusion, when his actual statements were used by Trump to help him discredit Clinton, and get elected.

It was always ironic that he was fired at all, since he had a big part in aiding the Trump presidency. It was a poor tactical move by Trump to release him, since now he is free to write a book without his position in the FBI restraining him from opening up.
More right wing character assassinating of Comey

We have this dossier that has been bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton.

It was written by a retired British spy named Christopher Steele.

That document was used to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, who really had nothing significantly to do with the Trump campaign at all.

So it was really secured as a means of spying on Trump.

So on two different dates, January 6th, January 27th, Comey tells Trump about this dossier.

On neither occasion does Comey tell Trump what it is!

On one occasion, Comey tells Trump (paraphrasing), “Hey, you need to see this. This is this kind of stuff that’s out there. You’ve said that you don’t need a daily intelligence brief. Well, you really should because this is the kind of stuff that could be out there. You need to know the kind of stuff that’s going on.”

So Trump looks at it and sees the urination story. “Oh, my God, this is crazy. Do I look like a guy who would hire hookers to you?” And Comey thinks that that is an indictment statement, that Trump is admitting that he hires hookers but that it wouldn’t look like he does. “Do I look like.” But Comey doesn’t live in Trump’s world and never has and doesn’t know how people in Trump’s world think or talk.

In Trump’s world, appearances count. In Comey’s world it’s all but innuendo and evidence and, you know, what people say doesn’t count. You know, every perp denies the crime. So you never believe a denial.

The second time Comey mentioned it to it, Trump says, “You need to disprove that. I mean, if there’s a 1% chance my wife thinks that’s true, oh, my God. That could be horrible.”

Comey says (paraphrased), “My wife would never think that any of that could be true, not 1%, not 2%. I find that’s a really crazy marriage if your wife is somebody who thinks there’s even a 1% chance it could be true.” And then he says, “Mr. President, you might not want to have me investigate this because it’s very hard to prove that something didn’t happen.”

At no time did James Comey tell Donald Trump that this was a fraud document. At no time did James Comey tell Donald Trump that that document was essentially part of the Hillary Clinton campaign. At no time! If he had… Had James Comey told Donald Trump that that document, the Steele dossier, was work product of political opposition research bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign, it would have ended the entire investigation at that point, which Comey knew.

Therefore, Comey could not tell Trump the truth and never was gonna tell Trump the truth because this entire investigation is based not on intelligence, not on truth, not on evidence.

It’s based on nothing more than a political desire to nullify the election of Donald Trump. It has as its purpose to either get him thrown out of office or to force him to resign simply because the people who don’t like Trump inside the Beltway think it’s offensive that he won, and they want him gone.

If Comey had admitted what this was, it would have been the end of every aspect of the investigation. That is how important this is. Now, I must say, there’s a caveat to this. We don’t know for certain when it is that Comey knew about the origins of the dossier. I am assuming (and I am relatively sure) that when Comey told Trump about it, he knew that it was not intelligence, that he knew it was an opposition-research document bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC.

Not only did Comey know that this Steele dossier was political opposition research, they all knew it, folks. They all knew it — and by “all,” I mean every investigator. Strzok, Rosenstein, take your pick. They all knew that this dossier was a fraudulent, fake bunch of crap. John Brennan at the CIA — who I think is the general leading this army. I think Brennan is the guy running everybody, and the reason I think that is ’cause Brennan can’t shut up himself, in his opinions of Trump and Trump’s presidency and what he’s done.

Brennan just can’t shut up, and he is revealing his bitterness and his anger. Why should any of this be personal to Brennan? He was Obama’s CIA guy. Well, the reason it’s personal to Brennan is because this hasn’t worked. They were gonna get rid of Trump in six months, folks. That was their objective, and this was Exhibit A in doing it — the dossier — and they were hoping the American people would believe this and buy it and demand that thrown be thrown out on the basis that we can’t have such reprobates in the highest office in our land.
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I don't buy it that Comey doesn't know about things....he was the director of the FBI..he knows a helluva lot more than anyone in public knows about Trump as does Meuller. If there is a piss tape out there, Comey knows. Folks in intel know. Jeffrey Espstein knows as well.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcolbertlateshow%2Fvideos%2F1381391108672303%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I agree with everything Comey says here, particularly towards the end. He will go down as a true hero, along with Bob Mueller and those Congressmen that stood up to this President.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcolbertlateshow%2Fvideos%2F1381808868630527%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
lol... a "true hero"? That's a stretch Tibs and you know whatever they "find" on Trump will be very superfluous, not in the scope of the investigation's start, and unlikely to bring charges by Sessions or impeachment charges (or let alone actual 66% inpeachment) by a Republican congress.

Honestly, how naive are you in how you think this ends? You really think it's going to be cut/dry clear criminality at this point that everyone in the country is going to agree with? Where have you been?

Sometimes the things you say are so far off the farm, I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe you have been living in Hungary too long because you clearly are not plugged into what is happening over here in the States.
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That's a stretch Tibs and you know whatever they "find" on Trump will be very superfluous, not in the scope of the investigation's start.
No I don't know that, and you don't either.
Damn Tibs spit his dick out, you hated his freaking guts a few months back. You are a complete joke now. Dude is a admitted liar.
I agree with everything Comey says here, particularly towards the end. He will go down as a true hero, along with Bob Mueller and those Congressmen that stood up to this President.

He'll go down as a stooge who let politics interfere with an FBI investigation, instead of keeping the FBI apolitical as they are supposed to be. Keep grasping at straws tibbie
I agree with everything Comey says here, particularly towards the end. He will go down as a true hero, along with Bob Mueller and those Congressmen that stood up to this President.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcolbertlateshow%2Fvideos%2F1381808868630527%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

"Stood up to" implies that there was some specific issue they are battling over. Yes, Trump has denied this proven fake dossier and that russia has some kind of control over him. Comey and Muller have stood up to Trump by insisting he accept this fake dossier and that he admit something about russia even though there’s no evidence after a year of digging. All the while ignoring the blatant crimes and violations of Hillary and Obama that have been uncovered.

Heroes? They will be remembered as partisan hacks.
Yes, Trump has denied this proven fake dossier and that russia has some kind of control over him.
When was it proven the dossier was fake and by whom? When has it been clarified that Russia doesn't have 'some kind of control' over him? That's the whole point of the Special Counsel investigation. In your view Trump is completely innocent, the dossier is fake, then why in the world has Trump done everything in his power to discredit the investigation? It would seem to be in his interest to get to the bottom of it, publish the findings, then he can wipe his hands clean and bask in the glory of being cleared of any wrongdoing. Trump has not acted like someone who has nothing to hide. Just the opposite.
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Interesting that he right is all over Comey about collusion, when his actual statements were used by Trump to help him discredit Clinton, and get elected.

It was always ironic that he was fired at all, since he had a big part in aiding the Trump presidency. It was a poor tactical move by Trump to release him, since now he is free to write a book without his position in the FBI restraining him from opening up.

I have no idea, although you may be right about this. What I do believe is the book is nothing more than a vendetta for the public embarrassment of being fired, and to increase his wealth through the sale of the book and TV appearances.
The truth may fall way behind in his priorities.
Interesting that he right is all over Comey about collusion, when his actual statements were used by Trump to help him discredit Clinton, and get elected.

It is interesting that left holds Comey up as a hero, when just a few short months ago they said he was compromised and should be fired.

Honestly, how naive are you in how you think this ends? You really think it's going to be cut/dry clear criminality at this point that everyone in the country is going to agree with?
Not 'everyone in the country' needs to agree on anything. The Special Counsel investigation will report its findings, and the DOJ and Congress will have to figure out what to do about it.

Sometimes the things you say are so far off the farm, I don't know what to think anymore.
That's mighty self-righteous of you. I happen to think those are 'so far off the farm' who refuse to put country over party and remain steadfast Trump apologists. So if by 'the farm' you mean Trump's base, then yes, I am very much off the farm.
When was it proven the dossier was fake and by whom? When has it been clarified that Russia doesn't have 'some kind of control' over him? That's the whole point of the Special Counsel investigation. In your view Trump is completely innocent, the dossier is fake, then why in the world has Trump done everything in his power to discredit the investigation? It would seem to be in his interest to get to the bottom of it, publish the findings, then he can wipe his hands clean and bask in the glory of being cleared of any wrongdoing. Trump has not acted like someone who has nothing to hide. Just the opposite.

Everything in his power to discredit the investigation? No, all he’s done is tweeted to deny it. He does have the power to fire Muller and end this at any moment. He’s allowed it to continue.

The irony is liberals accusing Trump of things Obama actually did. Obama is the one who illegally wiretapped Trump’s campaign and illegally unmasked citizens. His justice dept ran fast and furious. He was the one acting a tyrant with all his executive orders to go around congress.

But there’s a document paid for by the Clintons that says Trump peed on a bed. Yeah that’s much worse. Better investigate for years on that one.

By Comey’s own words, Trump did want him to investigate and disprove the dossier. Naturally Comey did not tell Trump it was paid for by the Clintons. His evasive language shows Comey intentionally led Trump to believe it was a legit piece of intelligence. Comey then told him there was no point investigating because you can’t prove a negative.

That’s the whole investigation in a nutshell. You can’t prove a negative, so the libs just keep charging **** that they can’t prove and go on investigating by saying they haven’t disproved it yet.
tape, you and others really need to spend more time reading and studying the facts. Well, you don't have to, but it would be helpful so you don't repeat so many fallacies.

For instance, in what you just wrote:

- Obama did not illegally wiretap Trump's campaign, nor was the unmasking proved to be illegal
- the document wasn't paid for by the Clinton's. It was originally paid for by a right wing newspaper
- the information in the dossier was substantiated by multiple sources. the dossier was just one of several items the FBI had which corroborated the info
- the 'libs' aren't charging ****, the investigation is being run by the FBI/DOJ overseen by Trump appointees and the Cohen investigation by the NY district judge, signed off by a separate, federal judge

That's the irony here, is that every step of the way Trump is fighting various factions of his own government, run by the very people he himself appointed.

The discourse here from Trump supporters is being driven by the fact Trump and his handlers have deemed this to be a witch hunt. That's all you've heard from day one from that side. No surprise then, that here at SN the same talking points are being regurgitated over and over.
tape, you and others really need to spend more time reading and studying the facts. Well, you don't have to, but it would be helpful so you don't repeat so many fallacies.

For instance, in what you just wrote:

- Obama did not illegally wiretap Trump's campaign, nor was the unmasking proved to be illegal
- the document wasn't paid for by the Clinton's. It was originally paid for by a right wing newspaper
- the information in the dossier was substantiated by multiple sources. the dossier was just one of several items the FBI had which corroborated the info
- the 'libs' aren't charging ****, the investigation is being run by the FBI/DOJ overseen by Trump appointees and the Cohen investigation by the NY district judge, signed off by a separate, federal judge

That's the irony here, is that every step of the way Trump is fighting various factions of his own government, run by the very people he himself appointed.

The discourse here from Trump supporters is being driven by the fact Trump and his handlers have deemed this to be a witch hunt. That's all you've heard from day one from that side. No surprise then, that here at SN the same talking points are being regurgitated over and over.

Straight from Rachael Madcow I suspect.
wait, is Trump still President? I thought he was impeached months ago!


Keep dreaming

No worries. Its the same contingency plan as for any Zombie Apocalypse and equally likely.

Pittsburgh Police Prepare For Possible Riots In Event Trump Fires Mueller

“We have received information of a potential large scale protest in the Central Business District. The protest would be semi-spontaneous and more than likely happen on short notice,” the email says. “Beginning Thursday, all Major Crimes detectives are required to bring a full uniform and any issued protective equipment (riot gear) with them to work until further notice.”

When was it proven the dossier was fake and by whom?

You're just another "hypocritical" lemming on the warpath to undermine your President. You will swallow whole any turd Madcow, PMSNBC, HuffPo, NBC, ABC, CBS, and Chuck Todd will feed you and say "this tastes delicious."

This from Forbes. Go on, discredit it.

Did The FBI Vouch For The Crazy Russian Deal From The Steele Dossier?

What we did not know on election day was that
- the Christopher Steele dossier was bought and paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, that
- the dossier itself may have been part and parcel of a Kremlin disinformation campaign, and
- that a FISA (Federal Intelligence Surveillance) court apparently used one of its most bizarre claims to approve the surveillance of a Trump campaign advisor.
- We also have learned that the Steele dossier was commissioned by an opposition-research firm—Fusion GPS—that had Russia among its main clients.

In light of these disclosures, investigators must now determine if the leaders of the Democratic Party, not Trump, colluded with the Kremlin to produce what the Russians call “black PR” against Trump.

We can understand if many Trump-haters [aka Tiberius] swallowed the dossier’s tales of improbable business deals and fictitious meetings as related by anonymous informants, but it now appears that the FBI used the dossier to obtain a warrant to surveil a member of Trump’s campaign team from a FISA court judge. Federal courts should be subject to rules of evidence on hearsay, identification, and authentication, which would seem to nullify the dossier as credible evidence. Federal courts, like FISA, are also not supposed to be swayed by politics and should have the commonsense to recognize nonsense when they see it.

I concluded immediately after the Steele dossier’s publication by BuzzFeed in January of 2017 that it was a fake. No source cited in the dossier had been willing to come forward; most of the information is hearsay or even hearsay of hearsay. There is no way that Steele’s alleged top-level Kremlin informants would spill the Kremlin’s deepest secrets to lowly Steele hirelings. Steele’s informants were therefore either fictitious, or low-level poseurs passing on gossip, OR they were doing the bidding of the Kremlin as part of a classic Russian disinformation campaign.

Persistent media efforts to validate the Steele dossier have failed. After an extensive investigation, the Washington Post disguised its disappointment with verbal gymnastics: “Although it’s impossible to say that the dossier is entirely inaccurate (there are some glimmers of accurate predictions), it is also impossible to say that it has been broadly validated.”

As a matter of fact, the dossier is unverifiable, given the anonymous sources and whether the informants are real people or fabrications. The Steele dossier could not stand up to the most liberal interpretation of rules of evidence. Even more damaging: one of the key verifiable claims of the dossier (that Trump’s personal lawyer orchestrated payoffs from Prague on specific dates) has been shown to be false. When virtually everything else is not verifiable or simply made up, the failure of the one claim that can be validated should call into question the entire dossier.

As a last reed of hope, “dossier Believers” argue that the dossier was after all prepared by a master spy—a former MI6 bigwig—whose “trusted compatriots” gathered intelligence from the innermost sanctums of the Kremlin. They do not note that Steele’s last tour of duty in Russia was a quarter century earlier. The Christopher Steele of dossier fame was long past his sleuthing days, but was instead a consultant hustling to give his clients the dirt they wanted.
I have no idea, although you may be right about this. What I do believe is the book is nothing more than a vendetta for the public embarrassment of being fired, and to increase his wealth through the sale of the book and TV appearances.
The truth may fall way behind in his priorities.

I agree, I don't fault the guy for writing a book while the iron is hot. All the negative press is making him millions. Really he couldn't ask for better marketing.

It is interesting that left holds Comey up as a hero, when just a few short months ago they said he was compromised and should be fired.

That whole situation was crazy. His words ****** Hillary before the election to create doubt in the voters mind about her credibility. Left hated him for that and Hillary still hates him and blames him partly for losing the election. That's why I thought Trump and he would get along.
When was it proven the dossier was fake and by whom? When has it been clarified that Russia doesn't have 'some kind of control' over him? That's the whole point of the Special Counsel investigation. In your view Trump is completely innocent, the dossier is fake, then why in the world has Trump done everything in his power to discredit the investigation? It would seem to be in his interest to get to the bottom of it, publish the findings, then he can wipe his hands clean and bask in the glory of being cleared of any wrongdoing. Trump has not acted like someone who has nothing to hide. Just the opposite.
Did you happen to watch the George S. Interview the other night when Comey said the dossier was unverified at the time of his firing? Comey presented the dossier to Trump as a form of extortion. The rank and file FBI want to see this dirty cop go down. I am sure he was an honerable man at one pont. There is your hero.

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"I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump. I'm sure that it was a factor. I don't remember spelling it out, but it had to have been. That she's going to be elected president, and if I hide this from the American people, she'll be illegitimate the moment she's elected, the moment this comes out."

"It is entirely possible that, because I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president, my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls."



Judge Andrew Napolitano Calls on Jeff Sessions to Prosecute Hillary Clinton For 'Espionage'

Judge Andrew Napolitano wishes the Department of Justice would hurry up and bring charges against Hillary Clinton already.

Yesterday, almost a dozen Republican congressmen signed a criminal referral asking the DOJ to launch new investigations into a host of former Obama officials and other fresh GOP foes. Clinton is the prime target of the referral, though the GOP is also demanding probes on figures like Loretta Lynch, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe.

“The evidence of Mrs. Clinton’s guilt of espionage, failure to safeguard state secrets – that’s the 22 or 23 top secret pieces of information that were on her private server – the failure to do that, the evidence of guilt is overwhelming.”

Napolitano went on to talk about the “serious felonies on [Clinton’s] part” and how she shouldn’t be immune from prosecution. He also said that Comey has undermined his rationale for not bringing charges against her over the course of his ongoing media tour.

In the end, however, Napolitano says he doubts the DOJ will go after Clinton “contrary to all reason.”
