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Covid Vaccine

That has been debunked Tim and you know it but this is what these misinformation sites do. Take incomplete numbers and data and distort and misinterpret them. Almost everything you post here has been debunked numerous times. But since I’m not as committed to producing as much volume as you I guess you win. Again, it’s an exercise in futility but https://www.reuters.com/article/fac...osts-is-based-on-miscalculation-idUSL1N3010NY

STUDIES. We have posted DOZENS of studies showing the vaccines have affected miscarriages, sperm counts, etc. Feel free to go search and pull up the studies (plural) I have posted and show they have been debunked.
STUDIES. We have posted DOZENS of studies showing the vaccines have affected miscarriages, sperm counts, etc. Feel free to go search and pull up the studies (plural) I have posted and show they have been debunked.
No you haven’t. You’ve posted anti-vaxx sites’ warped distorted interpretations of studies that don’t say what they claim they say. Where the authors of the studies deny they say what the anti-vax sites claim they say. And I’ve refuted many of them with actual facts but you just ignore that so why would anyone bother trying to refute all of them.
No, the suspicion created about the scientific community as some intentionally evil entity is causing mistrust in many other life saving vaccines and children will die because of that. And these misinformation sites you frequent will be partially responsible for that.

That's literally what I just said. The mistrust in the scientific community - that THEY created, the Government created, the media created - has led to a wide swath of people who no longer trust those in power. They are to blame.

Not the "misinformation" sites like NBC, the White House, and the CDC that have lied to us over and over and over and over again causing us not to trust them.

I'm reluctant to get a flu shot at this point. Because I literally don't trust I'll be getting "just" a flu shot.

Why has my trust been broken?

Because lied to twice, three times...I no longer sheep.

The sources you trust OFTB have lied, often intentionally, to us for 3 years.

Doubt me? See the Twitter files. I don't have to defend that statement.
No you haven’t. You’ve posted anti-vaxx sites’ warped distorted interpretations of studies that don’t say what they claim they say. And I’ve refuted many of them with actual facts but you just ignore that so why would anyone bother trying to refute all of them.

Use the search function.

Go to Advanced.

Pull up posts by Tim Steelersfan, miscarriage, sperm, reproduction and provide evidence any and all information I provided was wrong.

I'll wait.
Debunked crazy scientific **** here. Misinformation sites, like this one, should be banned.

A new peer-reviewed paper has troubling news for anyone who has received multiple mRNA shots, suggesting the immune system paradoxically weakens a crucial part of its Covid response after the third jab.

The immune shift causes the body to make relatively more of a less potent kind of antibody to Covid, displacing antibodies that attack the virus more aggressively. The change could heighten the risk of Covid infection and mean that people who are infected suffer longer and more serious cases.

It may also increase the chance of certain autoimmune disorders, though that connection is more speculative.

Worse, the researchers found evidence that being infected with Sars-Cov-2 after receiving a booster worsens rather than reverses the shift.
Use the search function.

Go to Advanced.

Pull up posts by Tim Steelersfan, miscarriage, sperm, reproduction and provide evidence any and all information I provided was wrong.

I'll wait.
Just refuted all of that with facts. Did you not read any of it? Of course you didn’t. You’re not interested.
Just refuted all of that with facts. Did you not read any of it? Of course you didn’t. You’re not interested.

No, you did not. You have not refuted the litany of scientific studies and facts I've provided on the topic. You provided a study. It doesn't "refute" the totality of what's been provided in the least.

Here's just one I provided. Pfizer's own data.

Use the Search function.
Debunked crazy scientific **** here. Misinformation sites, like this one, should be banned.

A new peer-reviewed paper has troubling news for anyone who has received multiple mRNA shots, suggesting the immune system paradoxically weakens a crucial part of its Covid response after the third jab.

The immune shift causes the body to make relatively more of a less potent kind of antibody to Covid, displacing antibodies that attack the virus more aggressively. The change could heighten the risk of Covid infection and mean that people who are infected suffer longer and more serious cases.

It may also increase the chance of certain autoimmune disorders, though that connection is more speculative.

Worse, the researchers found evidence that being infected with Sars-Cov-2 after receiving a booster worsens rather than reverses the shift.
Can you point me to where in that article it states anything you just stated?
The jabs don't cause miscarriages. Misinformation. Lies.

FDA Knew 44% of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Suffered Miscarriages​

Shockingly, as the FDA releases Pfizer trial data each month per court order, a Pfizer adverse events report transferred on July 1, 2022, reveals that after the women lost their babies, the billion-dollar big pharma giant reported that the heartbreaking miscarriages were unrelated to the trial. The volunteer team at Daily Clout discovered the intentional deceit by scouring through the thousands upon thousands of Pfizer trial documents released each month that form the rationale behind the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) and subsequent August 23, 2021, “approval” of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” product.

According to an article in Daily Clout, the women listed in Listing of Subjects Reporting Pregnancy After Dose 1 each received between one and four of Pfizer’s mRNA injections. Forty-two received the trial drug right away, and eight received the placebo and were then unblinded and given the vaccine. Thus, by March 31, 2021, all of the pregnant women in the trial—there were 50 of them—had received Pfizer’s BNT162b2 version of its experimental “vaccine.” Summarizing Pfizer’s deceptive efforts after the miscarriages, the article explained:

View attachment 9239
View attachment 9240

With access to this startling data by April 1, 2022, the article points out that the FDA was aware that a “significant percentage of pregnancies ended in ‘Abortion Spontaneous.'” Yet, despite this, the agency “failed in its duty to study the data and investigate what basis Pfizer had for marking the fetal deaths as unrelated to the vaccine and having ‘Other’ causes.” Moreover, the FDA failed to inform the public of this life-changing, serious adverse event. Most importantly, Daily Clout’s Berberine wrote, “without that information, women were not able to give informed consent for receiving Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine.”
I literally just posted the debunking of that which apparently you did not read https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-pfizer-covid-vaccine-trial-44-percent-miscarriage-545842340316

Normal stuff right there. It's every day. When it didn't used to be...

Yes thousands of people die of heart attacks every day. It is somewhat normal. But you know when heart attacks started dramatically increasing? When Covid hit…
What is not normal is that every time someone relatively famous dies unexpectedly now, hundreds of antivaxx ghouls start exploiting their deaths claiming they were caused by vaccines with literally zero evidence. Many of them later turn out to have died from overdoses or congenital heart conditions or even car accidents or suicides but that doesn’t matter to the anti vax ghouls.
No that is not normal at all. It’s ******* sick and twisted.
So many evil scientific people in the world working so hard to lie to people and poison them with their evil vaccines! I guess they all own stock in Pfizer or something.
Millennials dying at exorbitant rates.

Smoking Gun #1

Millennial Excess Deaths in 2021

On March 7th my partner Josh Stirling, former #1 ranked sell side insurance analyst, created the now infamous millennial excess death chart ( full PDF below )
sourced from CDC data which showed an 84% spike of excess mortality into the Q3 vaccine mandates by the Biden administration and the lockstep follow on by schools, colleges and corporations.

Between March of 2021 and february of 2022, 61,000 millennials died excessively above the prior 5 year base trend line.

More millennials died in 2021 than American soldiers were killed in the Vietnam War.

The relative timespan and rate of change into the fall of 2021 is a signal that a harmful event occurred to this 25-44 age group.

This means that millennials started dying in large numbers at the same times when vaccines and boosters were rolled out.

The vaccine clearly had a role, as many previously hesitant folks were forced into compliance.

The naysayers claim the excess deaths were due to drug overdoses, suicides and missed medical treatment...

We have fact-checked the fact-checkers.

It's statistically impossible that in a three month period, all those events up-ticked simultaneously across the country.
Exhibit 5 from PDF #1 ( below ) shows how excessive amounts of millennials died at the same times
that lockdowns, vaccinations, mandates and boosters were rolled out.


Download Full PDF #1 here;

Download File

You can compare Josh's charts with the CDC data yourself;
Step 1: Load https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm#dashboard <
Step 2: Scroll down on the CDC page until you see this interactive chart;

On the CDC website, hover your mouse over the red + symbols on the chart to verify that the CDC dates match Josh's chart shown above.

Smoking Gun #2 Mix Shift

On March 14th, Josh Stirling made his second most important discovery in the CDC data.
( See Josh's correlating chart below )

It was the mix shift from old to young that occurred from 2020 to 2021.

126,000 of the 592,000 excess deaths in 2020 were people under the age of 65 or approximately 21%.

181,000 of the 512,000 excess deaths in 2021 were people under the age of 65 or approximately 35%.

More millennials died in excess than any other age group in 2021.

The number of excess millennial deaths in 2020 was 42,000, but jumped a whopping 45% to 61,000 in 2021.

In 2021, Covid strains were already mutating and becoming less virulent.

Also, it had already determined that
the virus affected mostly older people with co-morbidities.

This indicates that the mix shift of excess deaths in 2021 was not likely due to COVID19 but rather some other external source.

SIXTY ONE THOUSAND more millennials died in 2021 than the average baseline from 2015 to 2019.
The virus was weaker in 2021, but yet more millennials died.
What else happened in 2021 at the same times with millennial excess deaths spiked?
Jabs and mandates.

It’s important to note that 45,000 more people died under the age of 65 in 2021 versus year 2020.

Did the virus suddenly decide to only target younger folks disproportionately?

Did the virus change from respiratory to pulmonary in year 2?

The only thing that changed in 2021 was the introduction of the vaccine and mandates, which to simple deductive reasoning is the obvious culprit.

However, the authorities and the mainstream media simply refuse to acknowledge much less comment on this data.

The reason it is not allowed is because the obvious question would begin to be asked about the vaccines.
Exhibit 1 from PDF #2 ( below ) shows more young people died in 2021, after vaccines and boosters rolled out.


Click here to load > https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm#dashboard <


Download File

Smoking Gun #3 SOA Confirmation

On August 17th the Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SOA) published their Group Life Covid 19 Mortality Survey Report.

This report represents approximately 80 percent of the group life US revenues.

Table 5.7 in the report is Excess Mortality by Detailed Age Band and as you can see below there was an event that occurred in Q3 of 2021 (highlighted in red) for the two age groups 25-34 and 35-44 which represented excess mortality of 78% and 100% respectively.

In March, we reported 84% excess mortality into the fall of 2021.
Bottom line...
Our analysis has been verified by SOA and their group life claims into the third quarter as well.

It is clear that a causative event which occurred in Q3 of 2021. We are 100% of the belief it was the vaccine mandates ordered by the Biden administration.
This is what we call "democide",
or death by government action.
Table 5.7 PDF #3 ( below ) shows how excessive amounts of millennials died at the same times
that lockdowns, vaccinations, mandates and boosters were rolled out.


From theyliedpeopledied.com. Who in their right mind pays attention to that? Seriously.
Damn this thread just won't die. It's like an infinitely mutating virus.

That ****** experimental clot shot still sucks though. No mutating that.
None that I know of. How many has misinformation killed? Answer OFTB’s concern.

Reality, Tim. Reality.
Like Don Lemon type misinformation?
Let's not debate if Ivermectin has any effect on COVID.
Don Lemon especially, but most MSM repeatedly called Ivermectin, the NOBEL PRIZE WINNING FDA approved human drug, horse paste that kills people.
When in fact, Ivermectin is one of, if not, the safest prescription medication on the planet......for humans.
They make acetaminophen for horses, too, but nobody goes out of their way to call Tylenol 8 horse paste.

Rich of you demanding someone answer someone's concern.
You've ducked Tim and others' repeated questions like they're bill collectors.

You're a troll of Kauffman proportions. Kudos.
You inject illogical hypocrisy with every comment and deflect and ignore like a White House Press Secretary ( from ANY administration ).
The reason you're continually dragged is your stubborn resistance to admitting that you were previously wrong.
Not by any doing of your own, but simply for bum information you were fed.

Most everyone on here has changed at least something they formally believed when all this first started compared to now.
One way or the other.
Not you. You're a miracle.
You're like the parishioner whose priests get dragged out in cuffs in the middle of mass, and they show the trove of videos they took of them groping and raping alter boys, and you sit there putting your fingers in your ears singing, "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA LA!" instead of pragmatically looking at the facts in front of you and saying, "You know, it's hard to believe, but just maybe there's something to all this. Perhaps I should read up on ALL aspects and draw my own conclusions instead of just listening to the Pope tell me it's not true."
So many evil scientific people in the world working so hard to lie to people and poison them with their evil vaccines! I guess they all own stock in Pfizer or something.
Yeah, scientific people never invented a drug, that Pfizer never manufactured, and the FDA never approved, that was later found to be harmful and pulled from the market.
Never after one year.
Never after 5 years.
Certainly not after 50 years.
Never once.
Not ever.
Yeah, scientific people never invented a drug, that Pfizer never manufactured, and the FDA never approved, that was later found to be harmful and pulled from the market.
Never after one year.
Never after 5 years.
Certainly not after 50 years.
Never once.
Not ever.
How many people’s lives have been saved by drugs and vaccines vs how many have been harmed by them? Any idea what the percentages are on that? Do you believe the harm has been intentional? Do you believe pharmaceuticals are by and large mostly harmful or mostly beneficial? Do you really think people who work in that industry don’t want to save lives and don’t care about harming people?

Sad what this misinformation campaign has done to the world.
Would seem pretty dumb of the pharmaceutical industry to kill us off actually. Why would they want to shrink their customer base? Especially kill a lot of young people with one or two relatively cheap vaccines who could become lifelong customers. I’m sure they have their reasons.
They "dumped the control groups" because it was unethical to keep thousands of people who got the placebo unprotected from severe disease in the midst of a pandemic. It's hilarious how you guys twist this ****. https://www.science.org/content/art...-options-many-thousands-who-received-placebos
It was never a severe disease for most people.
Never serious for young people under 40.
Never seriouus for older folks unless they had multiple health issues, in a manner similar to any other strong flu year.

They dumped the control groups because they needed to, not because they were ******* humanitarian!

If your logic held, they why is ANYONE suggesting kids get more useless (at best) or dangerous (at worst) Covid flu shot NOW??

Probably your friend is just another innocent duped employee of the morally bankrupt corporate kleptocracy called Pfizer. If I am overstating the bad intentions of Pfizer, then please point out any other corporation, in American history, that has paid more in fines for their corporate misdeeds. I mean, its not like they even fought over the largest penalty ever!