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Covid Vaccine

Nope. Lost weight during the pandemic, gained 15lbs since Oct 2022. I was walking my dog on the golf course twice a day during the pandemic. Probably walked 40+ miles/week.

Sitting at a desk at home isn’t any less active than sitting at a desk in an office.
did your dog die? probably gave it the WooFloo.
Where are you getting that definition of long Covid?

Again, what are you talking about? They are two separate things. One comes after getting Covid, the other comes after vaccination. They are scientifically studied separately.
Definition comes from the pFizer clinical studies. Look it up.

Using pre-Covid definitions, there were Covid shots but no Covid vaccinations. Again look it up.
You're prone to exaggeration (or, lies as @Steeltime directly states). Ain't a person here believes you walked between 5-6 miles a day, especially given your level of obesity.

The average person "walks" a mile in 15-22 minutes.
40 miles in a week (if you count all 7 days) is 5.71 miles/day
That means daily you spent between 1 hr 26 mins to 2 hours 6 mins walking.

The only person buying that you spent 96 to 126 mins a day walking (weather be damned) is you.

Negative. It is different.

The commuter gets up, showers, walks to the car, drives the car, parks the car (often in a garage, or in a parking lot), walks from the car to the building/elevator, etc.
While in the office, said person has a longer walk to the restroom than at home...to the coffee/water than at home.
For lunch, the commuter will often go out to eat.
If not, the walk from their desk to the refregerator/break room for lunch is longer than the walk from the home office to the kitchen.
Working in an office is often social and one will walk to their manager's office, or to conference rooms to meet, or down the hall to shoot the **** with a coworker.
People in office buildings move.

I'm scientifically guestimating here, but I would believe the person sitting behind the desk in an office will get at a bare minimum 3K more steps than JellyrollFlogg sitting at home.

I sit behind a desk when working from home. I'll often have about 1,500 steps logged by 6-7PM when I go to work out (and get those steps in).
We are on a return to work and 3 days a week I go to a corporate office. At 6-7PM I'm always over 4K steps if not more.
When I travel (air travel), I'll get 8K to 10K steps easy walking from parking garages, through airports, to baggage claim, getting to rental cars, etc.

Working from home offers far less opportunity for movement (unless you make it happen) than working in an actual office somewhere.
I have a health tracker on my phone. I’m well aware of daily steps and how they equate to miles walked. I don’t walk nearly as much as I did during the pandemic and for the year I’m still averaging about 6,500 steps and 3 miles a day.
I did lose my sense of smell for a period of time. You're equating that with real Long Covid. It's not. Long Covid symptoms that matter and are potentially harmful are listed below from the Mayo Clinic

What are the symptoms of post-COVID-19 syndrome?​

The most commonly reported symptoms of post-COVID-19 syndrome include:
  • Fatigue
  • Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort
  • Fever
  • Lung (respiratory) symptoms, including difficulty breathing or shortness of breath and cough
Other possible symptoms include:
  • Neurological symptoms or mental health conditions, including difficulty thinking or concentrating, headache, sleep problems, dizziness when you stand, pins-and-needles feeling, loss of smell or taste, and depression or anxiety
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Heart symptoms or conditions, including chest pain and fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Digestive symptoms, including diarrhea and stomach pain
  • Blood clots and blood vessel (vascular) issues, including a blood clot that travels to the lungs from deep veins in the legs and blocks blood flow to the lungs (pulmonary embolism)
  • Other symptoms, such as a rash and changes in the menstrual cycle
And the NIH: "Anosmia, the loss of the sense of smell, occurs in a majority of individuals with COVID-19."

It's common and if it lingers for a period of time, not cause for alarm such as the symptoms listed above.
Yes, even if it was a minor symptom due to Covid and you had it for an extended period of time I would think that qualifies as having long Covid. Bizarre disease.
You're prone to exaggeration (or, lies as @Steeltime directly states). Ain't a person here believes you walked between 5-6 miles a day, especially given your level of obesity.

I have run a marathon, 3 half marathons, and at least 30 10k's. I would train for marathons by running 25-30 miles per week.

Could not run more because of time constraints.

For Dr. Flogstain to claim he supposedly walked 40 miles per week is ludicrous.

Yes, even if it was a minor symptom due to Covid and you had it for an extended period of time I would think that qualifies as having long Covid. Bizarre disease.
Yes, even if it was a minor symptom due to Covid and you had it for an extended period of time I would think that qualifies as having long Covid. Bizarre disease.

Translation: Covid did me no harm.

It did give me powerful natural immunity however.
Translation: Covid did me no harm.

It did give me powerful natural immunity however.
So it’s very possible that the Covid vaccine could harm people who are seemingly fine after vaccination, but the same isn’t true for unvaccinated people who are seemingly fine after infection? How do you figure?
So it’s very possible that the Covid vaccine could harm people who are seemingly fine after vaccination, but the same isn’t true for unvaccinated people who are seemingly fine after infection? How do you figure?

Once again, Dr. Flogstain ignores the obvious. Let's say you are correct that natural immunity may have unwanted side effects, just like the vax/shot.

One is the result of an infection not desired or voluntarily contracted; the other is the result of knowingly and voluntarily exposing oneself to the risk.

Get it?
Once again, Dr. Flogstain ignores the obvious. Let's say you are correct that natural immunity may have unwanted side effects, just like the vax/shot.

One is the result of an infection not desired or voluntarily contracted; the other is the result of knowingly and voluntarily exposing oneself to the risk.

Get it?
you need to simplify that extensive summation, Jimmy.

Once again, Dr. Flogstain ignores the obvious. Let's say you are correct that natural immunity may have unwanted side effects, just like the vax/shot.

One is the result of an infection not desired or voluntarily contracted; the other is the result of knowingly and voluntarily exposing oneself to the risk.

Get it?
No. That’s like taking comfort in the fact that someone killed in a car accident wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Your anti-Covid vax ideology has corrupted your logic.
So it’s very possible that the Covid vaccine could harm people who are seemingly fine after vaccination, but the same isn’t true for unvaccinated people who are seemingly fine after infection? How do you figure?

You're once again conflating and putting words into people's mouths. Covid isn't harmless and does affect some negatively long term. I've never denied that.

Not only is it proven that Covid can harm some long term, it's likewise proven the vaccines harm a % of the population long term as well.

The issue at hand is that you truly believe the Holy Shots from on High have never harmed a single human being.
No. That’s like taking comfort in the fact that someone killed in a car accident wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

That may possibly go down as your worst analogy ever. And there's a ton of analogies you've made competing for that trophy.
You're once again conflating and putting words into people's mouths. Covid isn't harmless and does affect some negatively long term. I've never denied that.
You literally just said Covid did you no harm. I’m neither conflating or putting words in your mouth.
Not only is it proven that Covid can harm some long term, it's likewise proven the vaccines harm a % of the population long term as well.

The issue at hand is that you truly believe the Holy Shots from on High have never harmed a single human being.
Uh, no. Just that the reward far outweighs the risk. Oddly, the most common side effect of the vaccine is never discussed here.
That may possibly go down as your worst analogy ever. And there's a ton of analogies you've made competing for that trophy.
No, your ideologically corrupted logic is bad, the analogy is spot on. Arguing that the vaccine has contributed to death and injury is very much like arguing that seatbelts have contributed to death and injury.
No, your ideologically corrupted logic is bad, the analogy is spot on. Arguing that the vaccine has contributed to death and injury is very much like arguing that seatbelts have contributed to death and injury.
that is a fuuckin terrible analogy because seatbelts do not go in your body, do not bring foreign DNA into your body, do not cause localized or sometimes widespread adverse health events, nor is their a lingering long term effect from the seatbelt used many days ago.
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