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Dems still trying to steal Florida


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
Years before the Bush Gore debacle I had heard a long debate on voter fraud... it centered on a handful of places... one of them was lower Florida, where potential fraud has been routed out so frequently it’s absurd...I bring this up because again Florida is suddenly finding all these democrat votes out of there and somehow its now starting a recount... lol there is definitely a better way to do this...
Years before the Bush Gore debacle I had heard a long debate on voter fraud... it centered on a handful of places... one of them was lower Florida, where potential fraud has been routed out so frequently it’s absurd...I bring this up because again Florida is suddenly finding all these democrat votes out of there and somehow its now starting a recount... lol there is definitely a better way to do this...

I mentioned in a text to some dimwits that it always seems to be heavily democratic places that have voting and counting issues. All the gop places get their votes in and counted on time....just odd, yes?

Happening in AZ, too.
It's the same dem strongholds as always. Broward and Miami-dade. They are digging through ballots that should have been counted the day before the election to "find" more votes for the dem senate and governor races. Strange that Brenda Snipes is in charge there... look her up if you want some fun.
There is always a 72 Plymouth Fury with a trunk full of uncounted ballots.
Didn't Al Franken win because someone had left a whole bumch of "uncounted" ballots in a car? Is that the xjx reference?
Oh, look over there in the corner. Another 500,000 votes...
I don't understand how the greatest country in the world can have a voting system that seems to be so backasswards.

There should be policy, procedures, equipment and timelines that are standardized across the country. Otherwise it smell of corruption.
I don't understand how the greatest country in the world can have a voting system that seems to be so backasswards.

There should be policy, procedures, equipment and timelines that are standardized across the country. Otherwise it smell of corruption.

Florida went to an electronic voting system for a while but went back to paper cause my guess is it was too hard to cheat...
It doesn't matter who votes. It doesn't matter who you vote for. All that matters is who counts the votes.
Spike, you need to round up the boys and have a little talk with that election official.
'We Won't Let Them Steal It': Rick Scott, NRSC Sue Democratic Counties For Vote Count Irregularities In Florida Senate Race

The Florida Senate race is rapidly becoming a clown show. It’s been over two days and Broward County, the largest Democratic bastion in the state, is still counting ballots.


Spike, you need to round up the boys and have a little talk with that election official.

On it

FL Judge To Broward County: Your Shoddy Vote Counting Operation Violated Open Records Laws

Gov. Rick Scott’s legal action against the shoddy ballot counting antics in two of the most liberal counties in the state seems to have clinched its first win: A Florida judge ruled that Broward County, the largest Democratic county in the state, was in violation of state law, and that Brenda Snipes, the county’s elections supervisor, was in violation of open records act.




Can we ban rich liberals from retiring to South Florida? They sure are ******* up South Florida trying to making it like whatever overtaxed cesspool they came from.
Like seriously how obvious can you make it... we “ found “ 100,000 votes or so... days late... every damn year... either you are incompetent or cheating...
Florida races head to recounts

Three statewide races in Florida are heading for recounts after a key deadline for county election officials to submit unofficial vote tallies came and went Saturday.

The first round of machine recounts, which must be completed by Thursday, sets up a bitter fight to the finish in Florida’s races for Senate, governor and agriculture commissioner.

The most closely watched recount is the Senate race between incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Florida’s Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who currently carries a narrow lead of roughly 12,500 votes — about 0.15 points.

In Florida, an automatic machine recount is triggered if two candidates are within 0.5 points of one another. If the candidates are within 0.25 points of one another after that machine recount is conducted, a hand recount is triggered.

That's racist. Everybody knows that blacks can't vote on time and it takes longer to get their ballots counted. The law saying that votes have to be counted within 30 minutes after the polls close is racist.
As with all things rat since Trump, this **** will not stand and will open the national discussion on voter ID's. Mark it.
Voter ID should have been the law of the land a long time ago. This rubbish with trying to allow non citizens to vote if ******* bs too. I swear they're doing all they can to start a civil war. I'm beyond repulsed by these people.
Voter ID should have been the law of the land a long time ago. This rubbish with trying to allow non citizens to vote if ******* bs too. I swear they're doing all they can to start a civil war. I'm beyond repulsed by these people.

Where I vote I.D. Is required. They match your name and address and you need sign your name. People who do not agree with this policy do so for one reason: they want illegal votes. That policy should be universal.