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Dems still trying to steal Florida

Under voter fraud, see: Democrats

Florida Investigating State’s Democratic Party for Fraud

Evidence reported to the Department of State suggests a possible effort by Democrats to have voters fix ballots after the state’s deadline in at least four counties.

Cure forms for mail ballots sent to voters by the party show the return date changed from the day before the election to two days afterwards.

Democratic strategist Steve Schale says it was likely just a mix up.


Yeah , a mix up, thats the ticket... a state form was edited by accident... and several Dems who were privy to it sent emails saying not to do it because it wasn’t legal also were accidentally objecting...
Somewhere...Algore is experiencing flashback butthurt.

Wait....what's this ?

Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President


FLORIDA—As Florida finally wrapped up its contentious recount of the votes tallied in the recent midterm elections, a winner was finally declared: Al Gore is now the president of the United States.

The recount process at long last found the "missing votes" that would have handed Gore the presidency back in 2000, making him the official president of the country.

"Well, it's about time," Gore said in his acceptance speech. "Thanks to all the fine people that made this happen. It really is too bad that the earth is going to be destroyed by fire by 2015--err, I mean, 2019, or else I could really savor my presidency."

Gore will be granted two terms as US president, ousting President Trump and canceling the 2020 election. "We just assume he would have won again and ushered in a liberal golden age," said an election official. "So he's got 8 years to reclaim his lost time. Make the most of it, Al, and great job. You deserve it!"


Please enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving y'all
The Dems are setting back race relations to 1968.

Well yeah, because if race relations are good then Democrats have less reason to exist.
Rick Scott still won despite all of the illegal alien votes and corrupt post-election fraud committed by that criminal libtard poll worker. Justice prevailed.