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Dems still trying to steal Florida

In a close election, why wouldn't you count all ballots. Not sure what the Florida rule is, but some states have a 5 day rule to receive mailed in ballots after the election day.
If a serviceman overseas mails in their ballot on election day, should it be counted.

Florida has only had Republican Governors since 2000, if they had any competence, the elections would be running smoothly by now.

Certainly, you know the counties run the election in their county, right?

It isnt about "counting all the votes", it is about counting the legally cast votes.

The rule, apparently, here is that the ballots had to have been delivered by election day. Mailed election day and delivered the next day? Nope.
I think the bottom line is democrats are poor losers. If they dont get their way they throw a hissy fit. Just look at all the meltdowns from '16. If Hillary would have won you would not have seen "cry rooms" in colleges or protesters blocking streets / emergency services. I do not understand the mentality there. Its all part of the everyone gets a participation trophy movement. Obviously it is not working out well.

New votes are being " found " Maybe Trump should open up an investigation. His opponents are for invalid ballots and ballots from non USA Citizens to be counted. This will strengthen his point about voter fraud.

Although Trump accomplished much in two years, Voter ID and better boarder security are still needs. Use executive order powers if needed.
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They are finding votes in the trunk of a rental car parked at the airport. Let's hope they check inside all trunks of all rental cars.
Certainly, you know the counties run the election in their county, right?

It isnt about "counting all the votes", it is about counting the legally cast votes.

The rule, apparently, here is that the ballots had to have been delivered by election day. Mailed election day and delivered the next day? Nope.

In 2000: the Dems and left media got on a high horse about making every vote count (but conveniently forgot that when it came to the absentee ballots which would be heavily republican, not wanting those)

Today, they are just “finding votes” - they won’t say how many ballots they have but it’s not hard to discern they are using deceased people & illegal immigrants—- HOW THE HELL CAN NON TAX PAYERS HAVE A RIGHT IN VOTING???????

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Florida recount: Andrew Gillum won't concede, gains just 1 vote on Ron DeSantis

TALLAHASSEE — Amid a dizzying whir of legal action, questions over uncounted ballots and the failure of two South Florida counties to meet the deadline, a machine recount produced little change in the overall results to three statewide races Thursday.

Even so, the U.S. Senate and agriculture commissioner races are headed to manual recounts, results of which are due to the state by noon on Sunday. Certification of the official election results is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday.

In the governor’s race, the recount showed that Democrat Andrew Gillum trailed Republican Ron DeSantis by 33,683 votes, a net gain of 1 vote for Gillum from the unofficial results reported last week. The margin was 0.41 percent out of more than 8 million votes cast, outside the 0.25 percent threshold needed for a manual recount.

Although the lead appears insurmountable, Gillum would not concede and called for counting to continue. He stopped short, however, of filing a lawsuit to demand tha

Florida recount: Andrew Gillum won't concede, gains just 1 vote on Ron DeSantis

TALLAHASSEE — Amid a dizzying whir of legal action, questions over uncounted ballots and the failure of two South Florida counties to meet the deadline, a machine recount produced little change in the overall results to three statewide races Thursday.

Even so, the U.S. Senate and agriculture commissioner races are headed to manual recounts, results of which are due to the state by noon on Sunday. Certification of the official election results is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday.

In the governor’s race, the recount showed that Democrat Andrew Gillum trailed Republican Ron DeSantis by 33,683 votes, a net gain of 1 vote for Gillum from the unofficial results reported last week. The margin was 0.41 percent out of more than 8 million votes cast, outside the 0.25 percent threshold needed for a manual recount.

Although the lead appears insurmountable, Gillum would not concede and called for counting to continue. He stopped short, however, of filing a lawsuit to demand tha


Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey heeey
Judge just ruled that ballots which did not "strictly follow the rules" would have to be counted.
They're just doing a dry run for 2020. The future of this constitutional republic looks bleak.

Marco Rubio Provides Proof Democrats Planned Voter Fraud Day After Midterm Election

No evidence of fraud in #FloridaElection?Dems got voters to use altered forms to fix & submit as many mail ballots as possible after FL deadline in hopes that a judge would later order state to count them.

Democrats planned to use altered forms to fix mail ballots across Florida after deadline

It's all over but more Dem crying

Gillum concedes again! for reals this time


Gillum officially concedes in Florida gubernatorial race

Democrat Andrew Gillum officially conceded to Republican former Rep. Ron DeSantis in Florida’s gubernatorial race as a recount of votes showed a margin Gillum was unlikely to close.

Gillum positioned himself during the campaign as a staunch opponent of Trump, setting up the race as a battle of the bases against DeSantis, who cast himself as a reliable ally of the president.

FL Supreme Court locked up now too, was Republican held 4-3

But all three Democrat-appointed justices on the court are hitting their mandatory retirement in a few weeks. This means that Republicans will hold all seven seats on the court!

And the mandatory retirement age was just increased (effective next July) to 75... so Republicans will likely hold a lockout majority for years to come!!!

more sweet tears

It’s Over in Florida: DeSantis and Scott Win

The election in Florida is over. In the governor’s race, Ron DeSantis has beaten Andrew Gillum by 32,463 votes.

In the Senate race, Rick Scott has beaten Bill Nelson by 10,033 votes. These numbers includes all overseas and other outstanding ballots.

All statewide races were won by Republicans, except for the one for Agriculture Commission

Democrats in Utah trying to steal election from an African American woman in order to put a white male in office.
Under voter fraud, see: Democrats

Florida Investigating State’s Democratic Party for Fraud

Evidence reported to the Department of State suggests a possible effort by Democrats to have voters fix ballots after the state’s deadline in at least four counties.

Cure forms for mail ballots sent to voters by the party show the return date changed from the day before the election to two days afterwards.

Democratic strategist Steve Schale says it was likely just a mix up.
