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Dems still trying to steal Florida

It doesn't matter who votes. It doesn't matter who you vote for. All that matters is who counts the votes.

I have said this for years.
Once nore so people don’t forget... during ‘16 a very very shady votecounting proceedure was shut down in Florida early, and 60,000 mysterious pre filled ballots were found on a doorstep to an abandoned warehouse where they were mysteriously addressed at... you want to know why trump won it was cause they caught those two major cheats in states he won...
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'We Won't Let Them Steal It': Rick Scott, NRSC Sue Democratic Counties For Vote Count Irregularities In Florida Senate Race

The Florida Senate race is rapidly becoming a clown show. It’s been over two days and Broward County, the largest Democratic bastion in the state, is still counting ballots.



How does this happen? They do this every election? Unreal
One more example of how this President is exposing the corrupt system of government/media collusion which has been living in the shadows.
**** like this makes me believe another civil war won’t be such a bad thing.

Remember these are the people that want to end your right to keep and bear arms. Seems like they have a reason for that.
One more example of how this President is exposing the corrupt system of government/media collusion which has been living in the shadows.

The swamp is real. He's proven it time and time again.and backed up his claims. Of course most people who voted for him knew it all along. But it's nice to see it brought to light.
Why does voter fraud always help the Dems?

Why anyone votes Dems in this day and age is baffling to me. Is half the country stupid?

It doesn’t only help the Dems... there are some pretty weird statistal anomalies that allude to cheating on both ends in different places, but the Republicans traditionally have smaller population bases so while sometimes you see hand count vote weirdness like in Wisconsin not that long ago, you usually see them try to invalidate votes rather than create them, and very rarely does it go past election day...

Dems in big population centers can easily create votes through shady methods... thats what they do cause we haven’t sealed the loopholes

If the Republicans never cheated, all the loopholes would have been closed by now....

This was from 2017 and the commission was shut down because of incessant legal battles with state election reps instead of actually investigating voter fraud. It's now under the purview of the DHS. Either way vote corruption in mostly dem strongholds like Broward is a swamp of it's own that needs draining. Will it happen is the question.
'Incompetence': Broward election chief likely to be forced from office by Scott, DeSantis

Counting unlawful votes. Destroying ballots. Sunshine Law violations. Busted deadlines. So many controversies have bedeviled Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes — culminating in her office’s troubles in the aftermath of Florida’s chaotic 2018 elections — that her days in office are now numbered, insiders and lawmakers say.

She’s losing support from fellow Democrats and faces the increasing likelihood of an embarrassing suspension from office at the hands of either Gov. Rick Scott or his likely successor, Ron DeSantis. Suspending Snipes from office would put a final exclamation point on one of the most contested midterms in recent Florida history


How does this happen? They do this every election? Unreal

And only to democRATS. Always has been.

They don't like the results, so something must have gone wrong.

Why does this never happen to Republicans?
I think the bottom line is democrats are poor losers. If they dont get their way they throw a hissy fit. Just look at all the meltdowns from '16. If Hillary would have won you would not have seen "cry rooms" in colleges or protesters blocking streets / emergency services. I do not understand the mentality there. Its all part of the everyone gets a participation trophy movement. Obviously it is not working out well.
**** like this makes me believe another civil war won’t be such a bad thing.

Remember these are the people that want to end your right to keep and bear arms. Seems like they have a reason for that.

And they ain't about to give up even if it does make them look like complete idiots.

In a close election, why wouldn't you count all ballots. Not sure what the Florida rule is, but some states have a 5 day rule to receive mailed in ballots after the election day.
If a serviceman overseas mails in their ballot on election day, should it be counted.

Florida has only had Republican Governors since 2000, if they had any competence, the elections would be running smoothly by now.
In a close election, why wouldn't you count all ballots. Not sure what the Florida rule is, but some states have a 5 day rule to receive mailed in ballots after the election day.
If a serviceman overseas mails in their ballot on election day, should it be counted.

Florida has only had Republican Governors since 2000, if they had any competence, the elections would be running smoothly by now.

See this is how democratic sheep mislead the narrative on these kinds of issues... there is a known amount of registered mail in ballots that are sent out... there is a known amount of poeple who voted at the polls. There is a known amount of provincial ballots cast on voting day....

You are absolutely 100% able to say how many potential votes you can have within 10 minutes of the polls closing.... every single other place in Florida does except the two cheat factories down south.....

There are rules about opening mail ins early, but they do it there... there are rules about both sides getting to monitor the vote counting process, yet these two counties perpetually violate that...

21 this isn’t a debate... either they have a 30 year plus history of total incompetence and stupidity or they intentionally cheat there.... and all the signs point to it being grosscheating
Florida has only had Republican Governors since 2000, if they had any competence, the elections would be running smoothly by now.

65 of the 67 counties have been running smoothly. Wonder why those 2 aren't?
AZ, stolen.

Doug Ducey rep Governor won by over 328,000 votes.
Sinema dem won senate seat by over 32,000 votes?
Ducey won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
Sinema won Maricopa by 32,000 votes?
350,000+ vote swing to Sinema?

So you're supposed to believe that 350 K people voted rep for governor but saw the light with a dem senator? Something is amiss in the AZ.