I know we have closing arguments on Monday, but based on what I've heard of the testimony (and granted, it is being filtered by a very liberal and bias media), I think he gets manslaughter as least.
I thought the defense would put up a lot more expert witnesses to create doubt in the jury, but their 8 choices seemed a bit below par. Maybe many experts are just staying away from this trial with a 10' pole so the choices were slim on their side. But I just think, as of right now, the 38 witnesses the prosecution called >>> the 8 the defense called.
Even if there is doubt in one or two jurists, I don't think they come back with not guilty on all counts. No way.
Honestly, I think justice will be served. When I first watched the video, I thought the cop was wrong. When I watched the whole police cam video, it explained a lot, but it still comes down to kneeling on a suspect for much too long while he was completely incapacitated and (for a while) even unconscious. That's wrong. And when that leads to someone's death, no matter how little responsible (even if it was only 10-20% the reason), you should be held accountable.