You speak of people making better choices and they wouldn't be in the position they are, but that door swings both ways. Chauvin wouldn't be in the position he is in if he had made better choices that day as well.
No doubt. He's been fired, is being prosecuted and likely to spend a lot of time in jail.
Floyd made a lifetime of bad choices, seemed to be doing a lot better in Minneapolis, but took a very dangerous drug that a lot of experts believe played a significant role in his death. For prosecution of a crime for causing harm, the unknown condition that can lead to serious harm is a big issue. In tort law, you "take the victim as you find him," i.e., it is no defense that you were unaware the person had a condition which predisposed him to more serious injury. That is called the "eggshell plaintiff" theory.
However, in criminal law, where motive and intentional behavior must be proved for the harm to have resulted, an unknown condition can negate intent. If I punch someone in the stomach, and unknown to me the person suffers from hemophilia, suffers internal bleeding and dies, I am guilty of assault, possibly aggravated assault and manslaughter, but not murder.
This is why a lot of us bring up the drug use issue - not because we are racist white supremacists rooting for the black man to die, but because these facts matter in terms of what crime Chauvin may have committed.'
Everything isn't just black and white, and I try to look at things from different perspectives. You speak about the protests that happened over the summer and paint all of them with a broad brush of breaking out into riots. There were WAY more protests that the news didn't show, because they didn't break out into violence and the media loves the drama. Of course once they realized it was hurting Biden more than Trump they kind of went low key on that coverage. Didn't want to hurt ole Biden with that.
Wait, broad brush and Indy or anybody else? You mean like the January 6 riots, where hundreds of thousands did nothing wrong and Decaf is screeching about "locking them up and throwing away the key"? Like that? Or like the "mostly peaceful" refrain where the Floyd riots directly resulted in more than $2 billion in property damage and at least 17 people have been killed? Or what about the "white supremacist" chant for January 6 protesters, when there is literally zero evidence of any significant racial component at all to the entire protest and that line is a lie furthered by moron mouth-foamers like Decaf?
Like that broad brush approach?
As far as Michael brown and Trayvon: The Brown shooting was justified, but it did end having the DOJ investigate the Ferguson police and uncover issues within that dept. There is a whole report on it you can find online, but I'm sure you aren't interested. Trayvon, yes he could have made a better choice to not attack Zimmerman, but you know, Zimmerman could have made a better choice in listening to the dispatcher telling him not to follow. He wasn't a cop and it wasn't his part to play for the neighborhood watch.
What you say in both instances is true, NC, but what you fail to mention is the avalanche of allegations to the contrary. Brown shooting racially motivated, Brown shooting not justified, Brown shot in the back, Brown had his hands up, Martin a little kid who did nothing to warrant Zimmerman using force, Zimmerman a Hispanic white supremacist.
Finally, your comment about very few things being black and white is certainly true. Perhaps the protester class could take that to heart.