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El Paso TX Mass Shooting; 19 Dead, 40 Injured at Walmart

but, but, but that would mean that we're being lied to by someone.

I'm not sayin' nuttin...

we can say the gun is not the problem, but it's awfully difficult to convince the other 50% of the population that guns arent the problem. doing "something" for the sake of doing something is essentially doing nothing. I've seen it said that the average person doesnt need access to an AR-15. That's fine and dandy. What about AK-47s, AR-10s, semi-auto shotguns, etc? We cannot ban all guns, as it's not feasible.

Banning guns would kill a viable economic market as well. Which is why politicians will be - or should be - reluctant to do that. Gun sales contribute to sales taxes, etc. We've also seen and argued all the defenses FOR guns. I do agree that there are people who do not need to have a gun of any kind, but how do we establish that? There are so many slippery slopes to gun confiscation and banishment that it's difficult to decide what to do. Or not to do.

Does one person's right to own a gun override their victim's right to live? Certainly not, but that is how the Left is receiving the gun resistance debate.

For the record, I'm as pro-gun as it gets. I also advise to never take your guns on a bird watching expedition in the Everglades on a standup paddleboard during a hurricane. Bad things happen.

No you can not ban all guns, but you can ban high capacity magazines. The Dayton shooter had a 100 round drum and killed 9 people in 30 seconds while firing off 41 shots. My hunting rifle holds 6 bullets and my SKS default magazine was only 10 bullets I believe. In my opinion there is no need for civilians to have any type of high cap magazines. I would be for stricter background checks, eliminating the sales of high cap magazines, and a type of gun licensing system. If you purchase a gun then you get a govt issued license. Any violent issues / tendencies / mental health problems your license get suspended / revoked and you turn in your guns till your cleared or you permanently lose your right to purchase them again. If you had the choice of having a toy that could shoot 100 bullets or saving a life which would you choose?
If you had the choice of having a toy that could shoot 100 bullets or saving a life which would you choose?

Your argument is flawed, because you are assuming that because I have a high capacity magazine that I am automatically going to go out and start shooting people. Punish the many for the sins of a few, even if it saves one life. I haven’t committed any crimes, so why are my rights being stripped? It’s a weak argument for people who don’t want to do the hard work of solving a complex problem.
Not saying you are going to go shoot someone, but the point is civilians don't need 100 round magazines. They are nothing more than a fun toy that in the wrong hands can be very deadly. There is no doubt it is a complex problem, but if having to give up high cap mag can save even one life then Id say it's worth it.
Not saying you are going to go shoot someone, but the point is civilians don't need 100 round magazines. They are nothing more than a fun toy that in the wrong hands can be very deadly. There is no doubt it is a complex problem, but if having to give up high cap mag can save even one life then Id say it's worth it.

So rights are now based on what you think people need? I hope to hell you never get into politics.
Like banning guns would work anyway. How long have drugs been illegal? Those things are everywhere, yet banning guns will stop mass shootings. Whatever.
Not saying you are going to go shoot someone, but the point is civilians don't need 100 round magazines. They are nothing more than a fun toy that in the wrong hands can be very deadly. There is no doubt it is a complex problem, but if having to give up high cap mag can save even one life then Id say it's worth it.

Whether we NEED ot or not is irrelevant.
I don't need a new Mustang with 600+ HP, potentially in the wrong hands someone could get hurt.

Do I need permission to buy it?

Fortunately people are not using mustang's to shoot up schools / kill innocent people. Some things should just not be in civilian hands period. Id love to have a rocket launcher i think it would be fun to play with. Should those be legal to anyone who wants one because rights? A free country doesn't mean you can have or do whatever you want. There has to be some boundaries.
I believe it was the Vegas shooter who had magazines taped together so he could flip them around when a magazine emptied. So, even if you make a "legal" magazine's capacity of 10, there will be ways to get around that. Additionally, there are already a metric **** ton of magazines out there that are already 25 or more. Banning "high capacity" magazines is like putting one of those little round bandaids on a gaping axe wound. It's doing "something", but it's also doing nothing.

Aside from that, why should I, a legal gun owner, not be allowed to have a magazine of 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 or more magazine - or even a drum - when I'm at the shooting range? I'm at the shooting range to shoot. If you've ever been at the shooting range, you know you reserve your lane in hour increments. Reloading a magazine takes time away from shooting. Unless you buy a lot of magazines and fill them before you go in. Some people do that, others will buy ammo on the way to the range.

If you remove the 2A, you're going to start the second CW.
If we continue to "do nothing" - even though stats dictate that mass shootings per guns sold is rare - the other half of the population is not in agreement.
Fortunately people are not using mustang's to shoot up schools / kill innocent people. Some things should just not be in civilian hands period. Id love to have a rocket launcher i think it would be fun to play with. Should those be legal to anyone who wants one because rights? A free country doesn't mean you can have or do whatever you want. There has to be some boundaries.


How hard is it to get your hands on a grenade launcher
November 10, 2017 05:46 PM

ALBANY - It's perfectly legal to own a machine gun in Vermont, according to law enforcement. And in many states, a grenade launcher is not out of the question either. Just don't bring it to New York.

"Anybody who wants to go out and buy a grenade launcher, don't plan on it. It's illegal in the state of NY," said Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple.

But Edward Reis,43, had one of them, according to Albany County investigators. They said they went to check on Reis at his home because he threatened to harm himself. When police got there, they found guns, grenades, trip wires, canisters of tear gas, a grenade launcher and bulletproof vests. They tracked him down in a motel room in East Greenbush where they said he had an AR-15 locked and loaded with 50 rounds.

"I don't really got most of it. I don't know how he acquired it. But most of it was illegal," Apple said,.

The question is, how does someone get their hands on a grenade launcher or a grenade for that matter? Apparently it's not as difficult as you might think.

"You can go to a neighboring state and machine guns are legal. Silencers are legal," Apple said.

Officials said a grenade launcher is considered a destructive device and falls under the National Firearms Act. As long as you can get an ATF permit and pay the $200 tax, you can own one. You can order one online and ship it to a local dealer. Machine guns fall under the same rule. But each state can make their own rules, like New York where grenade launchers are not allowed under the Safe Act.

"If you're buying it from somebody that's reputable, they'll tell you where are you, in New York, can't sell it to you," Apple added.

The tear gas, the grenade, the AR-15 and AK-47 they found in Reis's home are also illegal, according to Apple. And for the most part, trip wires are legal. But if you can rig it with shot gun shells that can blow off your leg, Apple said that's illegal.

More charges are pending in Reis's case.
No you can not ban all guns, but you can ban high capacity magazines. The Dayton shooter had a 100 round drum and killed 9 people in 30 seconds while firing off 41 shots. My hunting rifle holds 6 bullets and my SKS default magazine was only 10 bullets I believe. In my opinion there is no need for civilians to have any type of high cap magazines. I would be for stricter background checks, eliminating the sales of high cap magazines, and a type of gun licensing system. If you purchase a gun then you get a govt issued license. Any violent issues / tendencies / mental health problems your license get suspended / revoked and you turn in your guns till your cleared or you permanently lose your right to purchase them again. If you had the choice of having a toy that could shoot 100 bullets or saving a life which would you choose?

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What about that do people not understand? All this superfluous BS is heating the planet.
No you can not ban all guns, but you can ban high capacity magazines. The Dayton shooter had a 100 round drum and killed 9 people in 30 seconds while firing off 41 shots. My hunting rifle holds 6 bullets and my SKS default magazine was only 10 bullets I believe. In my opinion there is no need for civilians to have any type of high cap magazines. I would be for stricter background checks, eliminating the sales of high cap magazines, and a type of gun licensing system. If you purchase a gun then you get a govt issued license. Any violent issues / tendencies / mental health problems your license get suspended / revoked and you turn in your guns till your cleared or you permanently lose your right to purchase them again. If you had the choice of having a toy that could shoot 100 bullets or saving a life which would you choose?

Yeah no. That's a non starter. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What about that do people not understand? All this superfluous BS is heating the planet.

define "well regulated militia". I am not saying to take guns away. Also im tired of the second amendment argument. When that was written look at the weapons they had. Give the dayton shooter a 1776 infantry rifle and see how far he gets. He would be lucky to get more then 1 shot off. I don't think the forefathers could have ever imagined the type of weaponry we have today. Like i said before whether you have a 100 round mag or single shot gun it is not going to help against true military power. You may as well be throwing pebbles. The main point is if the govt decided to use the military to oppress people and the military followed through "the people" would be dead or surrender. If the military turned on the govt then the govt wouldn't stand a chance regardless of the weapons civilians had. I have 0 issue with people having guns. I have guns and i grew up around many mamy guns. I enjoy shooting them, but i certainly never think "this gun is going to save me from a govt raid or takeover". I guess we will agree to disagree i just hope none of you lose a son/daughter/grandchild/ friend/ relative to something that could have possibly been prevented.
define "well regulated militia". I am not saying to take guns away. Also im tired of the second amendment argument. When that was written look at the weapons they had. Give the dayton shooter a 1776 infantry rifle and see how far he gets. He would be lucky to get more then 1 shot off. I don't think the forefathers could have ever imagined the type of weaponry we have today. Like i said before whether you have a 100 round mag or single shot gun it is not going to help against true military power. You may as well be throwing pebbles. The main point is if the govt decided to use the military to oppress people and the military followed through "the people" would be dead or surrender. If the military turned on the govt then the govt wouldn't stand a chance regardless of the weapons civilians had. I have 0 issue with people having guns. I have guns and i grew up around many mamy guns. I enjoy shooting them, but i certainly never think "this gun is going to save me from a govt raid or takeover". I guess we will agree to disagree i just hope none of you lose a son/daughter/grandchild/ friend/ relative to something that could have possibly been prevented.

Wow that is a total load of horseshit. What the weapons of the moment were has no bearing as both sides were more or less equal. That makes the case for less restriction on the ownership of weapons to keep that equality not less. You really think with the sheer amount of weapons out there they government could effectively win? No the numbers are not in their favor and like you said most of the military would side with the people.
Not saying you are going to go shoot someone, but the point is civilians don't need 100 round magazines. They are nothing more than a fun toy that in the wrong hands can be very deadly. There is no doubt it is a complex problem, but if having to give up high cap mag can save even one life then Id say it's worth it.

So you believe that a person who planned a mass murder would not dare break the law and have a high capacity magazine.

They had a so called assault weapons ban under Clinton and it was allowed to expire because it had absolutely no effect on crime stats. Why? Because crimes are done by criminals, not the law abiding.

They should just make murder illegal and then there wouldn't be any.
define "well regulated militia". I am not saying to take guns away. Also im tired of the second amendment argument. When that was written look at the weapons they had. Give the dayton shooter a 1776 infantry rifle and see how far he gets. He would be lucky to get more then 1 shot off. I don't think the forefathers could have ever imagined the type of weaponry we have today. Like i said before whether you have a 100 round mag or single shot gun it is not going to help against true military power. You may as well be throwing pebbles. The main point is if the govt decided to use the military to oppress people and the military followed through "the people" would be dead or surrender. If the military turned on the govt then the govt wouldn't stand a chance regardless of the weapons civilians had. I have 0 issue with people having guns. I have guns and i grew up around many mamy guns. I enjoy shooting them, but i certainly never think "this gun is going to save me from a govt raid or takeover". I guess we will agree to disagree i just hope none of you lose a son/daughter/grandchild/ friend/ relative to something that could have possibly been prevented.

If you do not like the second amendment and want it to be changed, there is a process in the Constitution for doing that. It's called amending the Constitution.That's a difficult thing to accomplish and that is by design. We don't lightly and casually deprive people of rights that thousands of people died to preserve.

Will your guns save you from a government takeover? Maybe not. Will they save you and your family from a major civil unrest, gangs of looters, people who've decided that they have a right to punish you for some grievance? Maybe. Do you want to be able to only fire off 6 rounds at a time if they show up at your house?

I don't even own guns, but no restriction on the right to bear arms should be taken lightly or laughed off. Mitch McConnell just had people at his home who wanted to stab him. Castro just tweeted out the names of San Antonio's largest Trump donors.
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Mitch McConnell just had people at his home who wanted to stab him. Castro just tweeted out the names of San Antonio's largest Trump donors.

Oh, the left are a stitch! They make the argument for high-caps.