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elfies whiny libtard insult the President thread

A desperate attempt by some Trump hating liberal vermin ... as if those "lies" are right up there with what Obamao has spewed the last 8 years.

Obama and Obama alone will always be remembered as the Liar in Chief....so carry on posting more of your fake outrage Elfie.
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I could give two ***** if trump is impeached.. i didnt vite for him cause i find him immature...however all you liberal crybabies have made it impossible not to root for him over your tantrum filled absurdity... know this... i once voted for obama... i will likely never vote dem again cause yonze offer nothing but moral rage over ****... you lost the middle.. maybe for good... i hope you are proud of your safety pin wearing ways.. cause it pretty much gave this country over to the far right for the next twenty years

I appreciate this post.

The lefts "tantrum filled absurdity" is right. All this fake outrage and false hysteria that's been coming from the left since Trumps election is only going to further cause more Democrats to jump ship.

Little do leftist morons like Elfie realize that it was the left that created Trump. Trumps election was the repudiation of Obama and liberalism. Even millions of democrats who had voted for Obama got sick and tired of ******* whiney *** liberal ******* and the path they were taking this country.
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Well just off the top of my head
1. banks are loaning money to business(youll have to look for your own articles)

2. Both Ford and GM have stated their decisions were made before Trump became potus. Mark Fields Ford CEO stated it had to do with excess U.S. plant capicity NOTHING to do with Trump. GM made a similiar statement.

But don't let the real facts get in the way of your " alternative facts" in your alternative reality.

I'm not sure about the money. I haven't researched it yet. I do know that under your hero things weren't good. The auto-cloglomerates may have decided to beef up their US plants before Trump was president but it seems they were keeping it to themselves somewhat.
Well just off the top of my head
1. banks are loaning money to business(youll have to look for your own articles)

2. Both Ford and GM have stated their decisions were made before Trump became potus. Mark Fields Ford CEO stated it had to do with excess U.S. plant capicity NOTHING to do with Trump. GM made a similiar statement.

But don't let the real facts get in the way of your " alternative facts" in your alternative reality.
Yeah, but we did **** too.......in no way resembles "Making America Great Again". Too late.
A corporation will invest in America again if the government will invest enough tax incentive tit to offset the difference between a Mexican working for 3 dollars an hour or an American working for 20. Period. There is no magic there. Just math.
Reagan OMB Dir. 'Trump is complete insanity’ and the markets are in a fantasy land:


Trump administration is ‘complete insanity’ – and the markets are in a fantasy land: Stockman

Stocks are booming under President Donald Trump, but long-time critic David Stockman warns traders are living in a "fantasy land" that can't last —and Trump's policies will derail the market for years to come.

The former Reagan administration OMB director appeared on CNBC's "Futures Now"last week to emphasize that Trump has become seemingly distracted by issues other than his proposed economic agenda.

That should be a particular point of worry for investors, who Stockman argued have been far more optimistic about Trump's presidency than might be warranted by the facts.

In other words, while all three major market indexes continued to hit record highs last week, the former Reagan aide sees the current market rally as moot and not reflective of the current political climate.

"What's going on today is complete insanity," said Stockman. "The market is apparently pricing in a huge Trump stimulus. But if you just look at the real world out there, the only thing that's going to happen is a fiscal bloodbath and a White House train wreck like never before in U.S. history."

Since the election, the S&P 500 Index has rallied more than 8 percent, the Nasdaq about 6 percent and the Dow Jones Industrial Average a whopping 10 percent. Last week, all three benchmarks rallied to new record highs.

Yet if anything, according to Stockman's predictions, those gains may be lost.

Most of Trump's actions "[have] nothing to do with the economic agenda" he's proposed, Stockman told CNBC. That, along with a debt ceiling debate that will take place on March 15 in Congress, and a market rally that has gone on for a while, leads Stockman to think that a big downturn is on the way.

"There's going to be no tax action this year," said Stockman, echoing the concerns of Goldman Sachs and a few other Wall Street economists who say Trump's plans for the economy are facing mounting political risks. Last week, the president vowed that tax reform could happen this year, and promised an announcement within the next few weeks.

"If there's any next year it will be deficit neutral, which means it's not going to add the $15 to earnings like these people expect," Stockman said, speaking of the rosy expectations of some analysts who think tax reform could boost corporate earnings in the medium-term.

"My argument is there is not going to be any economic rebound, there is not going to be any profit surge," Stockman added. "Therefore the market will be repricing dramatically downward once it's clear that that's the case."

Stockman had previously made similar calls on CNBC, even before Trump's election victory and inauguration. On "Fast Money"in November, he argued that a recession was down the pipeline in 2017 thanks to Trump, following up on comments last year when he urged investors to sell stocks and bonds ahead of the election.

As of Friday morning, the S&P and the Nasdaq were on pace for their third consecutive positive week since the post-election rally, with tech as the leading sector that drove stocks to all-time highs.
The sky is falling.

There's a 50/50 chance Elfie is right. The market will either go up or down, who knew!

I'm heavily invested in steel for that wall, so I'll be fine.
Everybody's a critic. CNBC. How many jobs retained/or new is he figuring into this fantasy land?
Like the markets weren't inflated before. It's all a huge card game anyway. It's clear that the puppet masters don't want the USA to succeed. Their mission has been going on for a long time. These are but bumps and valleys in the road. Good times.
The sky is falling.

There's a 50/50 chance Elfie is right. The market will either go up or down, who knew!

I'm heavily invested in steel for that wall, so I'll be fine.

Elfie showing progress. Instead of never being right he was 50/50 with that one.
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NSA holding back on most sensitive intel. fear Russian mole in White House

The buffoon in chief and his clown posse are not to be trusted.....there's a surprise!

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins

Intelligence Community pushes back against a White House it considers leaky, untruthful and penetrated by the Kremlin

In light of this, and out of worries about the White House’s ability to keep secrets, some of our spy agencies have begun withholding intelligence from the Oval Office. Why risk your most sensitive information if the president may ignore it anyway? A senior National Security Agency official explained that NSA was systematically holding back some of the “good stuff” from the White House, in an unprecedented move. For decades, NSA has prepared special reports for the president’s eyes only, containing enormously sensitive intelligence. In the last three weeks, however, NSA has ceased doing this, fearing Trump and his staff cannot keep their best SIGINT secrets.

Since NSA provides something like 80 percent of the actionable intelligence in our government, what’s being kept from the White House may be very significant indeed. However, such concerns are widely shared across the IC, and NSA doesn’t appear to be the only agency withholding intelligence from the administration out of security fears.

What’s going on was explained lucidly by a senior Pentagon intelligence official, who stated that “since January 20, we’ve assumed that the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM,” meaning the White House Situation Room, the 5,500 square-foot conference room in the West Wing where the president and his top staffers get intelligence briefings. “There’s not much the Russians don’t know at this point,” the official added in wry frustration.

Just part of this great article written by John Schindler. Who is Schindler?

John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he’s also been a Navy officer and a War College professor. He’s published four books and is on Twitter at @20committee.

But...but.....Schindler is a "fake spy" a real spook....he's rigged "very rigged".

No Trump Chumps©.

You told us over and over how Obama was a traitor and blah blah..blah.

Yet who is it that can't be trusted with the nations most important secrets?

Who's administration's top people can't be trusted?.........who does the CIA now KNOW is involved with the Russians?

I said I couldn't wait for the 2018 elections, but no need. This clown **** show looks like it's going to crumble way before that.

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An Opinion piece written by the dick twerker himself, John Schindler

NSA Spook-Turned-Twitter-Pundit Goes Dark After Dick Pic Surfaces

John Schindler, former NSA officer has deleted all of his social media accounts after screenshots leaked this weekend that appeared to show him sending sexy messages and a shot of his soft penis to a Twitter follower who was not his wife

"In one screencapped exchange, he sent her a picture of his mostly flaccid penis."


The Twitter user to whom the texts and pics were apparently sent both confirmed that Schindler was the sender and expressed regret for their publication
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It sounds like what I've heard about forces trying to overthrow our duly elected government could be true. Heads should roll if information is being kept from the president.
Greatest Eye Roll Ever

Gotta love the "I'm really going to have to deal with this idiot for 4 years" look Abe puts on when he rolls his eyes.

Trump turns and asks" What are they saying?" Abe Answers" Please look at me" Meaning of course that the reporters said that.

Trump turns and looks at Abe instead with that phony Cheeto face, then proceeds to stroke his hand awkwardly like the good little cuck he is. Trump is such an idiot he doesn't even realize Abe was answering his question. Abe even points toward the reporters, does no good.

Thank you cuckservatives for making us the laughingstock of the world by electing this jackass.

which page of which chapter will you include this in your goddamned book?
yeah I would not have noticed that.
Stereotypes of trump voters by the leftist elite are pretty horrible... if the same type of insulting assumptions were applied to some of the classes these hardcore dems defend rigorously, they would cry bloody murder... i find the hypocrisy deliciously ironic...
Stereotypes of trump voters by the leftist elite are pretty horrible... if the same type of insulting assumptions were applied to some of the classes these hardcore dems defend rigorously, they would cry bloody murder... i find the hypocrisy deliciously ironic...

Yes leftist elites created the term "libtard"

You can't make it up.......