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Example of why gun control laws are almost always stupid

You look at some of these places and you should know that if something catastrophic happens and society has a complete breakdown. They'll come gut you and your family like deer in your home. Complete chaos is just a light switch away. Hell the only thing that keeps anything in check is held by a thin blue line. Without the buffer of law enforcement it would get real ugly real fast.
How do you want better. It is my personal theory that without religion we have no society. And not necessarily just Christianity, but any afterlife supporting religion. If you, as a human being, truly believe you live on this planet for 75 85 years and then completely and utterly wink out of existence, you have no impetus to behave in a societally beneficial manner.

If you can take something from your neighbor, do it. Because eventually you're going to die. So you want to enjoy your life as much as you can as long as you can and so you gather together with the strongest people you know and you take anything you want.

Modern religious theology counters this idea by saying that if we don't behave as decent human beings and in a societally beneficial way, while we're alive, we'll face consequences after we die. This is the thin thread that holds society together. Because if there is no long-standing consequence, there is no reason to not simply band together with the strongest people you find and take anything you want from the week. No reason whatsoever. In fact, I defy an atheist to explain to me why he doesn't go and kill his neighbor and take his neighbor's wife for his own.
How do you want better. It is my personal theory that without religion we have no society. And not necessarily just Christianity, but any afterlife supporting religion. If you, as a human being, truly believe you live on this planet for 75 85 years and then completely and utterly wink out of existence, you have no impetus to behave in a societally beneficial manner.

If you can take something from your neighbor, do it. Because eventually you're going to die. So you want to enjoy your life as much as you can as long as you can and so you gather together with the strongest people you know and you take anything you want.

Modern religious theology counters this idea by saying that if we don't behave as decent human beings and in a societally beneficial way, while we're alive, we'll face consequences after we die. This is the thin thread that holds society together. Because if there is no long-standing consequence, there is no reason to not simply band together with the strongest people you find and take anything you want from the week. No reason whatsoever. In fact, I defy an atheist to explain to me why he doesn't go and kill his neighbor and take his neighbor's wife for his own.

As I've stated in many threads society is becoming morally bankrupt. If you take God away it crumbles. Man without a higher set of laws in which to live his life is doomed.

If people followed just the 10 laws of God the world would be a much,much better place. There's pure truth in them regardless of what anyone believes.

There's so much proof of intelligent design there's no way it is by chance. The creators signature is even right in the strand of our DNA.
Say, if you were going to get rid of all the guns, for whatever reason, wouldn't you be sure to get the ones the bad guys have, first?
This. This is what I mean when I say politicians want optics and not actually do the hard work. It will be hard to get the guns out of the hands of the festering criminal element in this country. So they pass laws that only affect the people who aren’t shooting up neighborhoods and schools. Just so they can say they did something. Doesn’t matter if it actually makes a difference.
typical MAGA hysteria

Nobody's calling for a ban on guns. Plenty of Democrats own guns, we just don't fetishize them, waving them around like substitute penises, for the whole world to see.

Common sense guns laws, tightening up loopholes, stringent background checks, responsible gun ownership. Maybe take off the tinfoil hat for a sec and realize an overwhelming majority of Americans support stricter gun control. No need to constantly freak out about everything, though I understand that's the default setting on the right.
Nobody's calling for a ban on guns. Plenty of Democrats own guns, we just don't fetishize them, waving them around like substitute penises, for the whole world to see.

Common sense guns laws, tightening up loopholes, stringent background checks, responsible gun ownership. Maybe take off the tinfoil hat for a sec and realize an overwhelming majority of Americans support stricter gun control. No need to constantly freak out about everything, though I understand that's the default setting on the right.
Firstly, yes, they are calling for ban of ALL guns. They openly admit it.
I go out in the public every day and cant remember seeing anyone wearing a gun (except cops). And no one is "waving them around". You are being lied to. We are the ones that live here. We are the ones that see what's going on. Not you.
Nobody's calling for a ban on guns. Plenty of Democrats own guns, we just don't fetishize them, waving them around like substitute penises, for the whole world to see.

Common sense guns laws, tightening up loopholes, stringent background checks, responsible gun ownership. Maybe take off the tinfoil hat for a sec and realize an overwhelming majority of Americans support stricter gun control. No need to constantly freak out about everything, though I understand that's the default setting on the right.
which of my truths did you alter to fit your piss poor take on something in the country you no longer reside?

yes, the Dems are wanting to rid 2A and have been for much longer than you last used an address here to call home.

that's a few links of which you will not click since they do not mesh with your preconceived ideas of what is going on in THIS country.
Firstly, yes, they are calling for ban of ALL guns. They openly admit it.
I go out in the public every day and cant remember seeing anyone wearing a gun (except cops). And no one is "waving them around". You are being lied to. We are the ones that live here. We are the ones that see what's going on. Not you.

He's delusional in fairytale land. They'd love to disarm all of us, but unfortunately for them they're losing that battle. In fact their tyrannical actions,corruption,lies and deceit, only accelerate arms sales.

They're in the minority when it comes to states and cities with unconstitutional gun laws that do nothing but make citizens easy prey for predators.
Hear you on this, Zona.
no. no, you don't.

you're the first to whine and complain about gun violence, then when you're AGAIN shown data that destroys the "gun violence epidemic" in this country you're silent on the subject for few days before doubling down on it.

you'll see "gun violence" and equate that, and rightfully so, with "white flight" and then turn around and call it racist. yet when a ghetto is cleaned up and restored to its original beauty, you and your kind only see gentrification.

so, no, you do not see nor hear anything on this. only what your puppeteers allow you to see or hear.
so, no, you do not see nor hear anything on this. only what your puppeteers allow you to see or hear.

Sigh, okay. My puppeteers... right. Got it.
Firstly, yes, they are calling for ban of ALL guns. They openly admit it.
I go out in the public every day and cant remember seeing anyone wearing a gun (except cops). And no one is "waving them around". You are being lied to. We are the ones that live here. We are the ones that see what's going on. Not you.
Too late Ron, my sister, the family genealogist, has us in this country as early as 1648, so you know what that means.
Your family owned slaves?
I had always thought all my relatives came here in the late 1800's but my sister is also the family genealogist and found that our 1/8 Irish portion on our mother's side was here for quite some time and we're qualified to be in the Daughters of the American Revolution if we want.