to be clear, Tibs and myself are NOT the same person.
No, good lord no. Tibor is now a LEGEND.
Johnny CovidSeed
Tim Steelersfan
Of Tibor CovidSeed,
Two things are known,
That he loved Covid,
That he walked alone.
In Hungaristan,
He was sour as could be,
And as liberal and warped,
As that @$&! AOC.
For two years over
Through lockdowns of You,
He praised the Scamdemic,
And called you all fools.
Though jabbed and boosted,
Once, twice and thrice,
Tibor got Covid,
Now isn’t that nice?
But that didn’t stop him,
Food had to be served,
His restaurant stayed open,
Now that’s some nerve…
From old Budapest,
To the great plain of Szeged,
He shook hands and he hugged,
Patrons and employees.
He spread that virus,
With glee and with vigor,
Each time he shook hands,
He held back his snigger.
Ole Tibor was full,
And like that bad wolf,
He huffed! And he blew!
Like Johnny Appleseed,
It became Tabor’s mission,
To spread the WuFlu,
From tables to the kitchen.
When his mission was done,
When no longer viral,
Johnny CovidSeed cried,
“Is this it, is this final?”
For he loved this new virus,
It became his full passion,
To spread Rona around,
Like a delivery wagon.
Why did he do it?
We do not know.
He wished that Covid-19
Would never let go.
He has no statue.
He has no tomb.
He has his vaccine passports,
Hanging framed in his room.
Consider, consider,
Think well upon
The Hungarian mass spreader,
Of CovidSeed John.