With ours the only way that'll happen is if you're getting water from the 60s era water fountain or using the restroomMy DMV I'm always in and out under 15 min.
With ours the only way that'll happen is if you're getting water from the 60s era water fountain or using the restroomMy DMV I'm always in and out under 15 min.
Move rural. It just makes sense.With ours the only way that'll happen is if you're getting water from the 60s era water fountain or using the restroom
Fine by me that you've chosen to go through life being so utterly ignorant. It's no skin off my back.
You posting that lie about car accidents proves you are simply pushing a narrative.
You posting that lie about car accidents proves you are simply pushing a narrative.
You posting that lie about car accidents proves you are simply pushing a narrative.
Notice your “study” doesn’t break down the data into how many deaths were homicides versus other events? Its just propaganda and lieing with statistics.
Notice your “study” doesn’t break down the data into how many deaths were homicides versus other events? Its just propaganda and lieing with statistics.
Notice your “study” doesn’t break down the data into how many deaths were homicides versus other events? Its just propaganda and lieing with statistics.
I guess when facts don't work, we just offer up emotionalism?
“Permitless carry became law in the state in April.” Yoo hoo, more guns! Way to go MAGA. Way to go DeSantis. What a way to live.
The law isn't in place yet but fills the narrative of the twit.I dare you to show me the correlation between the new law and this event. Try.
The current process for a permit involves a class, fingerprinting and a nearly three month wait period. With permitless carry, gun owners can skip those steps and just go through the three day waiting period when getting a gun. The change is a part of sweeping legislative moves by DeSantis and state Republicans that hold a supermajority in the legislature.
* "The sound of children screaming has been removed,” should be an asterisk on the Second Amendment.![]()
I guess you shouldn't come here then. Right?It's not Florida, it's not DeSantis, it's not this recent permitless carry law. It's the overriding, all-consuming, Gun Fetishizers Club, who envision America as an apocalyptic warzone. Where, instead of implementing & tightening gun control legislation, the answer is evidently adding *even more* guns, with *fewer* laws and restrictions, thereby exacerbating the problem, throwing fuel on the fire. It's 2A above all else, 2A above the rest of the Constitution, guns before people, guns before country. The Gun Fetishizers Club is a textbook case of extremism, that has put this nation on the path of self-destruction.
How is this going to make Florida, and America, a safer place to live? The GOP is hellbent on seeing the world burn.
“Permitless carry became law in the state in April.” Yoo hoo, more guns! Way to go MAGA. Way to go DeSantis. What a way to live.
So, you can't show a connection?
Yeah, except none of that is actually happening. Look at who is actually committing these atrocities. Most of them have mental health issues or some sort of grievance with the victim. A large majority of it is inner city gang related, you disrespected me, you're wearing the wrong colors kind of BS. The average gun owner isn't committing these crimes. I will be damned if I am going to get behind the government restricting the rights of Americans because they are unwilling or too lazy to do the hard work needed to address the problem. Taking guns from the average American isn't going to solve those problems.Have it your way. A general population armed to the teeth, ammo packed to the ceiling, everyone's carrying heat, easy access to semi-automatic weapons & high capacity ammo.... let the American Killing Fields commence! Shoot your way though your day at work, at school, dinner at restaurants, night out on town, trip to beach or the park. Shoot, shoot, shoot first and ask questions later. What a life! What a country!![]()
Jesus Tibs. Can you possibly get more dramatic? Somehow I managed to live 65 years and never witness any of that BS you just mentioned.Have it your way. A general population armed to the teeth, ammo packed to the ceiling, everyone's carrying heat, easy access to semi-automatic weapons & high capacity ammo.... let the American Killing Fields commence! Shoot your way though your day at work, at school, dinner at restaurants, night out on town, trip to beach or the park. Shoot, shoot, shoot first and ask questions later. What a life! What a country!![]()