uh oh
this just in ........9 of 12 on grand jury are whiteys
7 men 5 women
States main eyewitness was arrested for lying to police
I bet this case is never going to court
uh oh
this just in ........9 of 12 on grand jury are whiteys
7 men 5 women
States main eyewitness was arrested for lying to police
I bet this case is never going to court
Your slave **** is played.
uh oh
this just in ........9 of 12 on grand jury are whiteys
7 men 5 women
States main eyewitness was arrested for lying to police
I bet this case is never going to court
. The state and court system is racist.
**** all things from dallas....****** *** yankee ******* city in my State.....
Arrested for lying about the theft not the murder of Brown. Nice attempt at obfuscation
Dr. Baden also stated ' That officer should have been arrested' Not looking good at all.
Reading PoloElfie defend Brown has been the funniest thing I have read all week. Waiting for the head explosion.
It has to really frost the left, the "administration", and the outa-towners that 5,902 racists donated $235,010 to Darren Wilson in just 4 days, and the fund closed because they had reached their goal. Is this a great country or what?!
Look at your avatar...friendo.
Is that like the line the police use on cowards(or the ignorant) without a record who won't stand up for their 4th amendment rights when they ask;
" You don't mind if I serach your car, I mean you've got nothing to hide?" Are you one of those ankle grabbers who even crack open a fresh jar of KY for the officer when he pulls up?
Here is just one example why you shoudn't trust the police, the judge is not going to help you either they all work for the same racket:
Actually, you're wrong dipshit. He was not arrested for "lying about the theft." He was previously arrested back in 2011 for theft and making a false report. He also has a warrant out for his arrest for a separate (it would appear) theft from 2011 as well.
I'm sure this is one of those instances where PoloCommunist will say "I mistyped, what I meant was..."
Yeah, save it. We see whatcha said.
And meanwhile: "In addition, a St. Louis Dispatch reporter has qualified her statement that more than a “dozen” eyewitnesses have come forward to confirm the police’s version of events."
Of course, only PoloCommunist's witnesses matter. They speak the truth. These dozen others? Reich Wingers, I bet. All a part of the big, bad conspiracy.
Semantics, is that all you're left with? My point still stands that he was not arrested for lying about the Brown shooting, which is how the original poster tried to frame it. He had something to gain by lying in that '11 situation, not so much here.
You know when I call you an idiot I don't do it to try to be funny or mean. I do it in the hope that you'll realize that you are an idiot and maybe do something to rectify that situation, idiot.
That's the part of my posts you choose to address? You're a ******* joke.
Here, let me help..... http://steelernation.com/showthread.php?975-Ferguson/page30 #'s 592 and 594......
Oh, look who's all concerned with the Constitution all of a sudden......does it only matter to you when some people **** on it?
No semantics, you flat out posted incorrect ****. Own it. You stated "Arrested for lying about the theft not the murder of Brown. Nice attempt at obfuscation"
He was never arrested for lying about anything to do with Brown. Period.
Yet you are the purveyor of facts here. LMAO. You're so full of ****, so consistently incorrect, and you've the balls still to call others idiots? Go have a pint or 4, Injun.
Why would my head explode? You think seeing this guy walk would surprise me? It would just validate everything I've said and everything I know to be true.
Meet PolioElfie
A lot more.
BTW, what up with that black cop that killed the white kid in Utah? Even a peep from the "media"? Do we all get free shoes? Some free lottery tickets? Gum?
I could use some new work boots...
Any of those left?