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Why would my head explode? You think seeing this guy walk would surprise me? It would just validate everything I've said and everything I know to be true.

What you claim to know as true is repeatedly and routinely shown to be complete fiction by members of Steeler Nation, Elfie.

One bit of advice. Why don't you just make up a 3rd identity after once again, you are shown to be a sniveling know-nothing racist bigot, and the evidence shows that your idiotic and groundless comments about the Brown shooting were false.

The witnesses do NOT support the claim that the shooting was criminal.

The one witness you claim to be credible lied in claiming Brown was shot in the back, is a thug and a criminal, and has zero credibility.

The guy who was shot was NOT some gentle, hard-working young student, and instead was a 290 lb. bully who thought it appropriate to steal and push around a 150 lb. store clerk.

And yet again, you are shown to be wrong - wrong about the facts, wrong about those who proffer a contrary opinion, wrong about those you ally yourself with, wrong about the motives of those involved, wrong about the motives of other Steeler Nation posters ... wrong about everything. As usual.

Elfiemolo's (or is it Polelfie?) reply:


LOL if you don't rebuild what we looted and burned, we'll loot and burn other ****.

City Officials should simply pass out hard hats and power tools to the mob and tell them to have at it. Of course assign a foreman crew to help them so they know what to do. Then let's see how badly they want the stuff they destroyed back. And maybe the next time something happens that they don't like, they won't be as quick to rip it apart if it was their hands that built it. Hell they might even stop others from trying to destroy it.
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I want back and read your babbling, do you actually think you have a cogent point?

I've already explained this and won't again. Blacks kiling blacks is overhelmingly tied to socio-economic reasons, cops or other non blacks killing blacks is overwhelmingly tied to racism.

It doesn't matter what the reasons are. It shouldn't even matter in your deluded ******* world. If exponentially more people are being killed by X than by Y it's just common sense that X is the bigger problem and is what should be addressed first. But I don't recall you wailing, gnashing your teeth and rending your clothing about that issue. Your public angst accomplishes nothing regardless, but my point was if you are really the sad clown you present yourself as regarding the death of one black man I would think you suicidal over detroit, Chicago, et al.

"Socio-economic reasons" .......you do understand that there are micrcosms in societies, right? And that the people living within those microcosm's are at least partly responsible for their condition(s). And one thing is for sure, by excusing the types of behavior that allow and accelerate the declines of those portions of society (by saying **** like "socio-economics made me do it" doesn't help.Don't try to lay that white guilt **** at my doorstep I've read that book.

I'll even answer the question you posed to the other guy about economic destruction being counter productive:

When the dominant factor the system cares about and answers to is threatened(money/profit) change comes about. If you don't know this simple fact, you don't know **** about American history.

Do you seriously believe there are major economic interests in Ferguson ******* Mo.? Those have long since had the sense to gtfo. So what you're left with is people looking around the day after a night of looting and burning their own resources and going "Hey...where the **** I'm apposed to get my 40 at"?

As far as 'slave **** is played out' I'll say it again, you have the word 'cracker' in your avatar... why? I'd say it's because you are an insensitive racist POS, but hey what do I know?

No, I'm not. But keep working at it. I could learn.


LOL if you don't rebuild what we looted and burned, we'll loot and burn other ****.
What you claim to know as true is repeatedly and routinely shown to be complete fiction by members of Steeler Nation, Elfie.

One bit of advice. Why don't you just make up a 3rd identity after once again, you are shown to be a sniveling know-nothing racist bigot, and the evidence shows that your idiotic and groundless comments about the Brown shooting were false.

The witnesses do NOT support the claim that the shooting was criminal.

The one witness you claim to be credible lied in claiming Brown was shot in the back, is a thug and a criminal, and has zero credibility.

The guy who was shot was NOT some gentle, hard-working young student, and instead was a 290 lb. bully who thought it appropriate to steal and push around a 150 lb. store clerk.

And yet again, you are shown to be wrong - wrong about the facts, wrong about those who proffer a contrary opinion, wrong about those you ally yourself with, wrong about the motives of those involved, wrong about the motives of other Steeler Nation posters ... wrong about everything. As usual.

Elfiemolo's (or is it Polelfie?) reply:

Typical Ad Hominem Deepthroattime. You would think after all the investment in time I've made in your education here, you could string together a real argument.

You just repeat the Ferguson P.D. CYA narrative that ' a black person shoplifting cigars and grabbing a store owner's shirt should be punished with death and our guy is telling the truth cause your guy is a bad guy' Rush can't provide you with anything else? What about Faux News?

Here's something that someone with critical thinking skills contemplates; why did the police release the shoplifting tape the SAME day Wilson's name was released?

Can you take a shot at answering that honestly? Oh and calling me a racist......you can't make this **** up.
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Rod Farva----> It doesn't matter what the reasons are. It shouldn't even matter in your deluded ******* world. If exponentially more people are being killed by X than by Y it's just common sense that X is the bigger problem and is what should be addressed first. But I don't recall you wailing, gnashing your teeth and rending your clothing about that issue. Your public angst accomplishes nothing regardless, but my point was if you are really the sad clown you present yourself as regarding the death of one black man I would think you suicidal over detroit, Chicago, et al.

"Socio-economic reasons" .......you do understand that there are micrcosms in societies, right? And that the people living within those microcosm's are at least partly responsible for their condition(s). And one thing is for sure, by excusing the types of behavior that allow and accelerate the declines of those portions of society (by saying **** like "socio-economics made me do it" doesn't help.Don't try to lay that white guilt **** at my doorstep I've read that book.

Do you seriously believe there are major economic interests in Ferguson ******* Mo.? Those have long since had the sense to gtfo. So what you're left with is people looking around the day after a night of looting and burning their own resources and going "Hey...where the **** I'm apposed to get my 40 at"?

A. Let's address X. We already have affirmative action, welfare, etc., what else can we do? I suggest spending more on better schools in those areas and increasing our spending on programs that help youth get into college maybe more summer work programs, you know since those type things helped people like Dr. Ben Carson get out of those situations.

Don't you agree....? LOL! Of course not! Never, you're just capable of repeating sound byte thinking. You don't want an actual solution.

B. As far as your 'white guilt' that's not what it's about, it's about empathy ,something sociapaths like you do not posess. You deny white privilege, you deny that the white majority( your ancestors) created all these conditions through their evil.

You deny reality, that is textbook delusion.

C. This is not about Ferguson this is about AmeriKKKa as a whole. Ferguson could just as easily be Dallas, Philly, etc.

Nice touch with the question of where black people are 'apposed to get their 40' because of course that's all they think about malt liqour. You do know they like watermelons too right?

Why would anyone ever call you racist?.......................Why?
You just repeat the Ferguson P.D. CYA narrative that ' a black person shoplifting cigars and grabbing a store owner's shirt should be punished with death and our guy is telling the truth cause your guy is a bad guy

Nobody is saying that. Most of us are saying "let's wait until all the facts come out and not convict this cop in the media". Except you. You are the only one here who seems convinced his opinion of what happened is fact.

I don't care if you are white, black, stole some cigars, were jaywalking or were on your way to serve food at a soup kitchen. If you physically attack a police officer, it's not going to end well for you. If you have any children of your own I hope you are teaching them this, regardless of their race. If this is indeed what happened then I am sorry this young man lost his life over it, but he brought it on himself.
Nobody is saying that. Most of us are saying "let's wait until all the facts come out and not convict this cop in the media". Except you. You are the only one here who seems convinced his opinion of what happened is fact.

I don't care if you are white, black, stole some cigars, were jaywalking or were on your way to serve food at a soup kitchen. If you physically attack a police officer, it's not going to end well for you. If you have any children of your own I hope you are teaching them this, regardless of their race. If this is indeed what happened then I am sorry this young man lost his life over it, but he brought it on himself.

I guess you are immune from waiting on the facts? Like I said you can't make this stuff up.
I guess you are immune from waiting on the facts? Like I said you can't make this stuff up.

Weird. I guess you missed the "If" at the beginning of her sentence.
Weird. I guess you missed the "If" at the beginning of her sentence.

'If' doesn't disqualify their presumption for the simple reason that the poster would NEVER presume that Brown didn't do that. It's skewed to one side.

Simply put you will NEVER hear the combined suggestion" Even 'If' Brown was just minding his own business " and " it will not end well" You haven't up to this point from any of you Reich Wingers on this board and I doubt we will. That reality does not exist for you. There is no racism and cops never murder innocent people, even though I've given several examples here.

You sure do use "if" a lot. What if you weren't a commie? What if you were self sufficient? What if you didn't hate the white man? What if you could hold down a job? What if you had common sense? What if you weren't on crack? What if you listened to Zep instead of 2 Live? What if you weren't the most racist mf'er any of us have ever witnessed?
I thought poor black people didn't want to work just leech off the system? I don't understand how immigrants affect them, could you clarify how those two Reich Wing talking points you guys always fling about reconcile.


Your idiocy on the issue of illegal aliens and native-born employment, particularly among African-Americans, is simply astonishing. I doubt that one could be less-informed on the topic if he tried.

50 years ago in Los Angeles, African-Americans made up a significant percentage of the construction labor force, most notably, painting and drywall. Presently, immigrants - many (if not most) illegal aliens - have displaced African-Americans in the construction industry in Los Angeles. (See, INS, The Triennial Comprehensive Report on Immigration, 1999 ["The critical potential negative impacts of immigrants are displacement of incumbent worker groups from their jobs and wage depression for those who remain in the affected sectors, particularly for low-skilled jobs in the construction industry"].) http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Resources/Reports and Studies/tri3fullreport.pdf

Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, states that based upon INS data and research in employment patterns, 56 percent of the rise in U.S. employment from 2000 to 2005 can be attributed to undocumented immigrants. In the same period, jobs disappeared for U.S.-born adults aged 16 to 24 and African-Americans without college degrees. "The greater the influx of illegal immigrants into any state, the greater the employment loss among people under the age of 35, particularly men without college degrees." ("US debates deportation of skilled illegal workers," Jason Szep and Luis Andres Henao, Reuters, June 23, 2006.) http://www.boston.com/news/educatio...bates_deportation_of_skilled_illegal_workers/

Further, the prevalence of illegal aliens drives down wages. Illegal aliens will work for very low wages. Contractors will use illegal aliens to lower costs, and thereby underbid the competition. The competition then faces the prospect of going out of business if it does not pay low wages, below what the pre-illegal alien market bore.

So illegal aliens have driven down wages and taken a substantial number of jobs, particularly in the construction industry. Some other examples:

In the last three decades years, the meatpacking industry has reorganized around the use of immigrant rather than native labor. IBP, the nation's leading meatpacking company, recruits workers from Mexico and directly along the border. As a result, the proportion of the labor force protected by union contracts and the share of native-born Americans in meat processing has dropped substantially. (L. Lamphere and A. Stepick, Newcomers in the Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy, 1994; D. Stull, D. Griffith, and M. Broadway, Any Way You Cut It: Meat Processing and Small-Town America, 1995.) http://books.google.com/books?id=tp...ocessing and Small-Town America, 1995&f=false

After a 2007 raid on the Smithfied plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina, unskilled native-born citizens soon filled vacancies left by illegal immigrants. That shift contributed to the workers’ unionization the following year, followed by increased wages and employee protection. (See, Jerry Kamer "Labor Effects of Immigration Enforcement at Meatpacking Plants," Center for Immigration Studies, November 2009.) http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2009/03/19/Study_Wages_rose_after_immigration_raids/UPI-85951237464719/

In Los Angeles, unionized janitors (a large percentage of whom where African-Americans) had been earning $12 an hour, with benefits. But the advent of crews of Mexican and El Salvadoran laborers performing those jobs - the vast majority illegal aliens - caused the pay to drop to the then minimum wage of $3.35 an hour. Within two years, the unionized crews had all been displaced by the foreign ones, and without any other skills, most of the native workforce did not find new work. (R. Mines and Avina, "Immigrants and Labor Standards: The Case of California Janitors," Labor Market Interdependence, 1992.)

Was that Reich wing enough for you, Elfie? [Oh, I tremble at the intellectual demonstration soon to issue forth from the Elfster ... ]
I thought poor black people didn't want to work just leech off the system?
That's partly true but I've always said here that in almost all urban areas (invariably run by Democrats) there are not nearly enough jobs even if someone wanted one.

I don't understand how immigrants affect them, could you clarify how those two Reich Wing talking points you guys always fling about reconcile.
That's because you don't understand economics (shocking news to everyone else here, I realize). As we have more illegal immigrants they increase the supply of labor, thereby driving down the price of labor (wages). One of the laws of economics is that if the supply of something goes up, then the price goes down. The reverse is also true. Illegals go to parts of the country where their labor is needed, which is why we don't see them where I live. Now then, if you had less or magically no illegal immigrants then businesses and people would have to pay more money to attract workers, which would eventually be enough to entice people to move from St. Louis, Gary, Detroit, wherever. But instead they are paid to stay in ghettos where their labor is not needed in exchange for voting reliably Democrat. Ever wonder why politicians of both parties fall all over themselves trying to win Hispanic votes? It's because the Hispanics keep their vote in play. But no one, and I mean NO ONE, gives a crap about the black vote because they are going to vote Democrat with 95% certainty all the time. The Dems know they can screw the blacks left and right but they're not going anywhere. Black unemployment is higher under Bomma than it was before He was elected.

You're welcome, happy to help.
You just repeat the Ferguson P.D. CYA narrative that ' a black person shoplifting cigars and grabbing a store owner's shirt should be punished with death and our guy is telling the truth cause your guy is a bad guy'.

You are stupid enough to believe that any sentient being has offered that analysis.

No, the analysis is as follows:

  • The Ferguson police shoot an unarmed 18-year old.
  • Hundreds of people who do not live in nor had ever heard of Ferguson descend on the town to incite riots. (Check out the data for those arrested and the percentage who do not live in Ferguson ... do your own research for once.)
  • The narrative being offered by those inciting riots is that Brown was an average, decent kid set to start college, who was shot in the back while his hands were raised.
  • But the fact is that Brown had pushed around a 150 lb. shopkeeper minutes before the incident. That is not consistent with the narrative of him being a normal 18-year old kid looking forward to starting college.
  • The witness who claimed that Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back was present when that event occurred, and then lied about the incident. The private coroner - hired to make a civil case and get money and a retained expert - disproved the shot-in-the-back claim.
  • Did the cop have cause to shoot Brown? Was the shooting within department policy? There is no way to conclude either way based upon the incredibly limited information available to us.
  • But the fact that Brown had pushed around a shopkeeper not 10 minutes before the event is very relevant as to HIS STATE OF MIND.
  • Specifically, if Brown believed that he was being stopped due to that event, and knew he was in trouble, his actions were very likely a lot different than they would have been had he not just walked out of a convenience store after roughing up a clerk.
  • But one point is astonishingly clear - your vile comments and race-baiting show that you are an inveterate racist, to whom the color of the cop and the color of the guy who was shot matter more to you than the actual facts.

By-the-by - how many juries have you selected, and how many cases have you tried? You proffer comments about the judicial system as if you know what the **** you are talking about - you don't. I have been a lawyer for 25 years, and have picked dozens of juries and tried nearly 100 cases. You are a know-nothing about evidence, how the jury views the evidence, and the effect of a clear indication that a witness is lying. (California has something called a jury instruction, which tells the jury, "If you believe the witness has knowingly misrepresented a fact, you may distrust or disbelieve all evidence from that witness." I call this the "liar, liar, pants on fire" instruction.)

Here's something that someone with critical thinking skills contemplates; why did the police release the shoplifting tape the SAME day Wilson's name was released?

I addressed this in detail, above.

Because people were traveling to Ferguson to incite riots. Those riots and the burning and the looting caused the city substantial damage. The cops were trying to change the narrative - to force those who were there not to cause damage and incite riots but to protest to re-think what they were saying and doing.

Finally, you act as if Brown's actions just minutes before the incident are somehow irrelevant. They are not, for the reasons I explained - and unlike you, I actually know what constitutes relevant evidence. (Evidence of Brown's state of mind at the time of the incident will not come from Brown obviously, but instead from his actions that day, his comments on Facebook, testimony from his family and friends. That evidence includes the fact that he had roughed up a small store clerk minutes before interacting with the cop.) Your ignorance on the relevance of this information likely accounts for your flawed analysis.
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You are stupid enough to believe that any sentient being has offered that analysis.

No, the analysis is as follows:

  • The Ferguson police shoot an unarmed 18-year old.
  • Hundreds of people who do not live in nor had ever heard of Ferguson descend on the town to incite riots. (Check out the data for those arrested and the percentage who do not live in Ferguson ... do your own research for once.)
  • The narrative being offered by those inciting riots is that Brown was an average, decent kid set to start college, who was shot in the back while his hands were raised.
  • But the fact is that Brown had pushed around a 150 lb. shopkeeper minutes before the incident. That is not consistent with the narrative of him being a normal 18-year old kid looking forward to starting college.
  • The witness who claimed that Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back was present when that event occurred, and then lied about the incident. The private coroner - hired to make a civil case and get money and a retained expert - disproved the shot-in-the-back claim.
  • Did the cop have cause to shoot Brown? Was the shooting within department policy? There is no way to conclude either way based upon the incredibly limited information available to us.
  • But the fact that Brown had pushed around a shopkeeper not 10 minutes before the event is very relevant as to HIS STATE OF MIND.
  • Specifically, if Brown believed that he was being stopped due to that event, and knew he was in trouble, his actions were very likely a lot different than they would have been had he not just walked out of a convenience store after roughing up a clerk.
  • But one point is astonishingly clear - your vile comments and race-baiting show that you are an inveterate racist, to whom the color of the cop and the color of the guy who was shot matter more to you than the actual facts.

By-the-by - how many juries have you selected, and how many cases have you tried? You proffer comments about the judicial system as if you know what the **** you are talking about - you don't. I have been a lawyer for 25 years, and have picked dozens of juries and tried nearly 100 cases. You are a know-nothing about evidence, how the jury views the evidence, and the effect of a clear indication that a witness is lying. (California has something called a jury instruction, which tells the jury, "If you believe the witness has knowingly misrepresented a fact, you may distrust or disbelieve all evidence from that witness." I call this the "liar, liar, pants on fire" instruction.)

I addressed this in detail, above.

Because people were traveling to Ferguson to incite riots. Those riots and the burning and the looting caused the city substantial damage. The cops were trying to change the narrative - to force those who were there not to cause damage and incite riots but to protest to re-think what they were saying and doing.

Finally, you act as if Brown's actions just minutes before the incident are somehow irrelevant. They are not, for the reasons I explained - and unlike you, I actually know what constitutes relevant evidence. (Evidence of Brown's state of mind at the time of the incident will not come from Brown obviously, but instead from his actions that day, his comments on Facebook, testimony from his family and friends. That evidence includes the fact that he had roughed up a small store clerk minutes before interacting with the cop.) Your ignorance on the relevance of this information likely accounts for your flawed analysis.
Obama is sending a 3 person delegation to Brown's funeral today. He couldn't be bothered to send a delegation to General Green's funeral 2 weeks ago. Guess if the general had been a black thug, he'd have gotten Presidential treatment.
'If' doesn't disqualify their presumption for the simple reason that the poster would NEVER presume that Brown didn't do that. It's skewed to one side.

Simply put you will NEVER hear the combined suggestion" Even 'If' Brown was just minding his own business " and " it will not end well" You haven't up to this point from any of you Reich Wingers on this board and I doubt we will. That reality does not exist for you. There is no racism and cops never murder innocent people, even though I've given several examples here.

Once again, since you apparently have reading comprehension problems, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED. I am waiting for all of the facts and evidence. IF Brown in fact attacked a police officer and punched him in the face, he got the expected result.

The facts I DO have are that witnesses said he was shot in the back while running away. We now know that is false, due to the autopsy reports. Those are facts.
Once again, since you apparently have reading comprehension problems, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED. I am waiting for all of the facts and evidence. IF Brown in fact attacked a police officer and punched him in the face, he got the expected result.

The facts I DO have are that witnesses said he was shot in the back while running away. We now know that is false, due to the autopsy reports. Those are facts.

Racists like PMS43 do not care about facts, only about color.
The story according to Fred......and he hasn't changed his tune.

What actually happened in Ferguson? God only knows. Of course we are hearing from talking heads with bargain-basement IQs that a policeman, from racial motives, shot an unarmed black kid because he refused to stop walking in the street. Did it happen? Possibly. I wasn’t there. But the story smells.

Reflect: Every white cop short of the orbit of Neptune knows that if he shoots a black, he faces dismemberment in the media, loss of job and pension, probable criminal charges locally by a publicity-seeking prosecutor, a well-funded civil suit that he can’t afford filed by surviving family members, and trumped-up federal civil-rights charges from an attorney general who doesn’t like whites.

All this because he wants to shoot a black kid for jaywalking?

The feds have turned police into low-brow SS, but racial conflict would exist even if this weren’t true. As long as white policemen work in black neighborhoods, Fergusons will continue.

White cops tend to be from the lower middle class, often former military, with the accompanying values. Theirs is a conventional morality of obedience to the law, birth within wedlock, mowing the lawn, neat clothes, making sure the kids do their homework, orderliness, and avoidance of obscenity in mixed company. They are quietly but intensely contemptuous of the blacks of the deep city, whom they see as slovenly, criminal, shiftless, parasitic, and violent.

Don’t write me email about stereotypes etc. I’m telling you what a great many white policemen (I believe I could safely say nearly all) think. What they think and what they see governs their behavior, not whether you or I agree with it.

Meanwhile the blacks see white policemen as hostile occupiers, much as Parisians in 1943 saw their Wehrmacht masters . White cops seem agents of an alien and hostile race, always pushing them around. Speaking as one who has spent many, many nights patrolling with cops in black regions, I know well why the blacks feel this way:

“Hey, you! Yeah, you, with the beer in your hand. Pour it out. You can’t drink in public. I said pour…it…out.”

Note that the togetherheid pushed endlessly on us is almost entirely rhetorical, preached by people who mean that others should practice it. I lived for years in the city with many liberal, racially correct friends. They spent all their time with other whites, and the restaurants and bars they patronized seldom had more than a token black, if that.

“Separate but equal” is in bad odor as a governing philosophy. It seems to be the only one that works. If voluntary, wherein lies the evil? Less contact means less conflict.

Ethnic mixing doesn’t work, gang. Not Moslems and Parisians, Irish Catholics and Protestants, Shias and Sunnis, Indonesians and Chinese, nor even New Yorkers and Alabamans. We think it should work, insist that it will, punish those who observe that it doesn’t. Yet still it doesn’t work. The greater the difference between groups, the less well it works. If we realized this, and let people do as they choose, the country would be much better off.

He also has a very distinct view of cops from his time riding with them.

Back on the real street. A 250-pound guy crazy on PCP charges you with the clear intention of doing you harm. How much harm? He could kill you. It isn’t part of your job description to find out. You don’t have time in three seconds to try pepper-spray (which doesn’t work well on PCP heads anyway) or send for a Taser, or shout, “Halt in the name of the law, oh evil emissary of the forces of chaos!”

Bang. Maybe he was just going to give you a hug and a kiss.
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