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A. Let's address X. We already have affirmative action, welfare, etc., what else can we do? I suggest spending more on better schools in those areas and increasing our spending on programs that help youth get into college maybe more summer work programs, you know since those type things helped people like Dr. Ben Carson get out of those situations.

Don't you agree....? LOL! Of course not! Never, you're just capable of repeating sound byte thinking. You don't want an actual solution.

Correct for once....I don't agree. How long have these programs been in place? How much has been spent on them since then? If they were successful ideas we wouldn't have X anymore or at least far less of it. In fact I believe that the programs you cite encourage sloth and laziness and in the case of affirmative action embody the racism you claim to revile. My feelings are that people like Dr. Carson will for the most part find success because they are driven to improve their lot. Not everyone has that drive or desire to the point that they are willing to suffer some hardships en route. That's just life. Always been that way, always will be.

B. As far as your 'white guilt' that's not what it's about, it's about empathy ,something sociapaths like you do not posess. You deny white privilege, you deny that the white majority( your ancestors) created all these conditions through their evil.

You know nothing about me except the conclusions you choose to draw from your limited exposure to my posts here which you view through your extremely narrow, angst ridden, perpetually offended, white men are responsible for all the bad in the world prism. I really am starting to feel a little bit sorry for you. Sociopath? Please.

You deny reality, that is textbook delusion.

C. This is not about Ferguson this is about AmeriKKKa as a whole. Ferguson could just as easily be Dallas, Philly, etc.

Nice touch with the question of where black people are 'apposed to get their 40' because of course that's all they think about malt liqour. You do know they like watermelons too right?

That's pretty racist right there. Or is it okay because you're down with the struggle?

Why would anyone ever call you racist?.......................Why?

You are stupid enough to believe that any sentient being has offered that analysis.

No, the analysis is as follows:

  • The Ferguson police shoot an unarmed 18-year old.
  • Hundreds of people who do not live in nor had ever heard of Ferguson descend on the town to incite riots. (Check out the data for those arrested and the percentage who do not live in Ferguson ... do your own research for once.)
  • The narrative being offered by those inciting riots is that Brown was an average, decent kid set to start college, who was shot in the back while his hands were raised.
  • But the fact is that Brown had pushed around a 150 lb. shopkeeper minutes before the incident. That is not consistent with the narrative of him being a normal 18-year old kid looking forward to starting college.
  • The witness who claimed that Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back was present when that event occurred, and then lied about the incident. The private coroner - hired to make a civil case and get money and a retained expert - disproved the shot-in-the-back claim.
  • Did the cop have cause to shoot Brown? Was the shooting within department policy? There is no way to conclude either way based upon the incredibly limited information available to us.
  • But the fact that Brown had pushed around a shopkeeper not 10 minutes before the event is very relevant as to HIS STATE OF MIND.
  • Specifically, if Brown believed that he was being stopped due to that event, and knew he was in trouble, his actions were very likely a lot different than they would have been had he not just walked out of a convenience store after roughing up a clerk.
  • But one point is astonishingly clear - your vile comments and race-baiting show that you are an inveterate racist, to whom the color of the cop and the color of the guy who was shot matter more to you than the actual facts.

By-the-by - how many juries have you selected, and how many cases have you tried? You proffer comments about the judicial system as if you know what the **** you are talking about - you don't. I have been a lawyer for 25 years, and have picked dozens of juries and tried nearly 100 cases. You are a know-nothing about evidence, how the jury views the evidence, and the effect of a clear indication that a witness is lying. (California has something called a jury instruction, which tells the jury, "If you believe the witness has knowingly misrepresented a fact, you may distrust or disbelieve all evidence from that witness." I call this the "liar, liar, pants on fire" instruction.)

I addressed this in detail, above.

Because people were traveling to Ferguson to incite riots. Those riots and the burning and the looting caused the city substantial damage. The cops were trying to change the narrative - to force those who were there not to cause damage and incite riots but to protest to re-think what they were saying and doing.

Finally, you act as if Brown's actions just minutes before the incident are somehow irrelevant. They are not, for the reasons I explained - and unlike you, I actually know what constitutes relevant evidence. (Evidence of Brown's state of mind at the time of the incident will not come from Brown obviously, but instead from his actions that day, his comments on Facebook, testimony from his family and friends. That evidence includes the fact that he had roughed up a small store clerk minutes before interacting with the cop.) Your ignorance on the relevance of this information likely accounts for your flawed analysis.

Just like a lawyer....use a hundred words when three would do. Just say it....."I'm a racist."

Obama is sending a 3 person delegation to Brown's funeral today. He couldn't be bothered to send a delegation to General Green's funeral 2 weeks ago. Guess if the general had been a black thug, he'd have gotten Presidential treatment.

No justice, no peace.
“Separate but equal” is in bad odor as a governing philosophy. It seems to be the only one that works. If voluntary, wherein lies the evil? Less contact means less conflict.

Ethnic mixing doesn’t work, gang. Not Moslems and Parisians, Irish Catholics and Protestants, Shias and Sunnis, Indonesians and Chinese, nor even New Yorkers and Alabamans. We think it should work, insist that it will, punish those who observe that it doesn’t. Yet still it doesn’t work. The greater the difference between groups, the less well it works. If we realized this, and let people do as they choose, the country would be much better off.

Quoted for truth.
cops or other non blacks killing blacks is overwhelmingly tied to racism.

Actually, according to the facts of the two cases you have mentioned, it seems like it is tied to self defense.
This is not about Ferguson this is about AmeriKKKa as a whole. Ferguson could just as easily be Dallas, Philly, etc.

This comment shows how depraved you are. You really believe that this country is South Africa, circa 1981, don't you?

Except for two points ... first, whites are actually the majority (75% of the population), and elected an African-American as President (twice).

What other nation has EVER elected a minority as leader of the nation? Please, share your genius and answer the question ...
You are stupid enough to believe that any sentient being has offered that analysis.

No, the analysis is as follows:

  • The Ferguson police shoot an unarmed 18-year old.
  • Hundreds of people who do not live in nor had ever heard of Ferguson descend on the town to incite riots. (Check out the data for those arrested and the percentage who do not live in Ferguson ... do your own research for once.)
  • The narrative being offered by those inciting riots is that Brown was an average, decent kid set to start college, who was shot in the back while his hands were raised.
  • But the fact is that Brown had pushed around a 150 lb. shopkeeper minutes before the incident. That is not consistent with the narrative of him being a normal 18-year old kid looking forward to starting college.
  • The witness who claimed that Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back was present when that event occurred, and then lied about the incident. The private coroner - hired to make a civil case and get money and a retained expert - disproved the shot-in-the-back claim.
  • Did the cop have cause to shoot Brown? Was the shooting within department policy? There is no way to conclude either way based upon the incredibly limited information available to us.
  • But the fact that Brown had pushed around a shopkeeper not 10 minutes before the event is very relevant as to HIS STATE OF MIND.
  • Specifically, if Brown believed that he was being stopped due to that event, and knew he was in trouble, his actions were very likely a lot different than they would have been had he not just walked out of a convenience store after roughing up a clerk.
  • But one point is astonishingly clear - your vile comments and race-baiting show that you are an inveterate racist, to whom the color of the cop and the color of the guy who was shot matter more to you than the actual facts.

By-the-by - how many juries have you selected, and how many cases have you tried? You proffer comments about the judicial system as if you know what the **** you are talking about - you don't. I have been a lawyer for 25 years, and have picked dozens of juries and tried nearly 100 cases. You are a know-nothing about evidence, how the jury views the evidence, and the effect of a clear indication that a witness is lying. (California has something called a jury instruction, which tells the jury, "If you believe the witness has knowingly misrepresented a fact, you may distrust or disbelieve all evidence from that witness." I call this the "liar, liar, pants on fire" instruction.)

I addressed this in detail, above.

Because people were traveling to Ferguson to incite riots. Those riots and the burning and the looting caused the city substantial damage. The cops were trying to change the narrative - to force those who were there not to cause damage and incite riots but to protest to re-think what they were saying and doing.

Finally, you act as if Brown's actions just minutes before the incident are somehow irrelevant. They are not, for the reasons I explained - and unlike you, I actually know what constitutes relevant evidence. (Evidence of Brown's state of mind at the time of the incident will not come from Brown obviously, but instead from his actions that day, his comments on Facebook, testimony from his family and friends. That evidence includes the fact that he had roughed up a small store clerk minutes before interacting with the cop.) Your ignorance on the relevance of this information likely accounts for your flawed analysis.

If the insufferable **** had any dignity left, this should have shredded it. Of course, it won't.
oh good. another 500-page thread debating the definition of a single word.
'If' doesn't disqualify their presumption for the simple reason that the poster would NEVER presume that Brown didn't do that. It's skewed to one side.

Simply put you will NEVER hear the combined suggestion" Even 'If' Brown was just minding his own business " and " it will not end well" You haven't up to this point from any of you Reich Wingers on this board and I doubt we will. That reality does not exist for you. There is no racism and cops never murder innocent people, even though I've given several examples here.

So in other words you are saying you're omniscient?
"IF" Brown had been walking his *** on the sidewalk and obeying the laws...

like that?
T.J. Holmes ‏@tjholmes 57m
Man in a red suit being escorted away after dancing in the front row and touching the forehead of MLK III. #MikeBrownFuneral

So that apparently happened....
mfkers arrest Santy Claus?

oh, it's ON!
I don't care what the white man say, Santa Claus is a black man.
he's a muzloid?

where's Burgundy? We need a ruling.
I figured he was Italian since Christmas colors are red, white, and green.
Alleged audio of the gunshots. 11 shots is what they are saying. Missing 5 hitting six doesn't really jive with a stationary target of that size, IMO. Seems like two seperate groups of shots, like he shot a few and paused, then opened up again. Prosecution (if there is) will try to sell that as an execution. Defense will try to sell it as waiting to see if the kid would stop coming after he got shot already.
Alleged audio of the gunshots. 11 shots is what they are saying. Missing 5 hitting six doesn't really jive with a stationary target of that size, IMO. Seems like two seperate groups of shots, like he shot a few and paused, then opened up again. Prosecution (if there is) will try to sell that as an execution. Defense will try to sell it as waiting to see if the kid would stop coming after he got shot already.

It is tough to aim when you have been cracked in the face by an innocent college bound 280 lb teenager that was on his way to church.