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It seems shooting thugs has it's perks Darren Wilson is now a millionaire
Note to self #2, for future reference > Shoot unarmed civilian, become a millionaire.
I love how everyone throws the word "unarmed" in to try and spin it. Like Wilson was supposed to just know that? If some ******* has the stones to attack a cop (who obviously is armed) then it is a natural assumption to figure that said ******* is also armed.

I suppose he should have just read his mind.
**** the physical evidence, it is the mythology of the event that needs to be repeated enough to convince the most gullible among us. How else are we to keep Victimhood Inc. in business?
Note to self #2, for future reference > Shoot unarmed civilian, become a millionaire.

Brown was unarmed when he roughed up the convenience store clerk and stole cigarettes.

So I guess that was not a crime?

Brown tried to become armed by grabbing the cop's gun.

Because he failed to wrest it loose and turn the gun on the cop, I guess it was not a crime?

If I walk up to you on the street without a knife or a gun, and punch you in the face and then stomp on your head, I guess you are precluded from using your own weapon to defend yourself?

Is that how it works, counselor?

Uhhh, yeah, not so much:

"A person can lawfully use force to protect himself against an unlawful attack. However, an initial aggressor, that is, one who first attacks or threatens to attack another, is not justified in using force to protect himself from the counterattack that he provoked." (State v. Anthony, 319 S.W.3d 524 (MO Ct. App. 2010); Mo. Annotated Code, Section 563.031 ["1. A person may, subject to the provisions of subsection 2 of this section, use physical force upon another person when and to the extent he or she reasonably believes such force to be necessary to defend himself or herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of unlawful force by such other person, unless: (1) The actor was the initial aggressor; except that in such case his or her use of force is nevertheless justifiable provided: (b) He or she is a law enforcement officer and as such is an aggressor pursuant to section 563.046; Mo. Annotated Code, Section 563.074 ["1. A person who uses force as described in sections 563.031, 563.041, 563.046, 563.051, 563.056, and 563.061 is justified in using such force and such fact shall be an absolute defense to criminal prosecution or civil liability".)


Further, like most states, Missouri law precludes citizens from resisting a stop or arrest, even if the citizen believes the arrest to be unlawful or unjustified. That limitation applies to stops or arrests with or without a warrant. Once Brown made contact with the police officer and refused to stop, he was committing a felony and was subject to stop and arrest. His resistance was unlawful. (See, Mo. Annotated Code, Section 575.150. ["1. A person commits the crime of resisting or interfering with arrest, detention, or stop if, knowing that a law enforcement officer is making an arrest, or attempting to lawfully detain or stop an individual or vehicle, or the person reasonably should know that a law enforcement officer is making an arrest or attempting to lawfully detain or lawfully stop an individual or vehicle, for the purpose of preventing the officer from effecting the arrest, stop or detention, the person: (1) Resists the arrest, stop or detention of such person by using or threatening the use of violence or physical force or by fleeing from such officer; or (2) Interferes with the arrest, stop or detention of another person by using or threatening the use of violence, physical force or physical interference. 2. This section applies to: (1) Arrests, stops, or detentions, with or without warrants"].)


Further, the officer was well within his rights to take all reasonable efforts he believed necessary to stop and arrest Brown. (See, Mo. Annotated Code, Section 563.046. ["1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he or she reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, a law enforcement officer is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he or she reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody].)


The grand jury is instructed on these laws in deciding whether or not to issue an indictment. I know that actually learning the controlling law is work (I spent a ton of time and money learning my trade), but failing to do so leads to uninformed, incorrect analysis.

Like yours.
Note to self #3, for future reference > Shoot unarmed civilian, become a millionaire, have right-wing lawyer wanna-be rationalize your every move on right-wing, tea party message board. Bingo!
Note to self #3, for future reference > Shoot unarmed civilian, become a millionaire, have right-wing lawyer wanna-be rationalize your every move on right-wing, tea party message board. Bingo!

Indeed. My analysis pales in comparison to your brilliant, point-by-point, legally-supported argument.

If you wish to engage in dialogue on the case, please do so. I provided links to the relevant law and evidence, since you are apparently unable or disinclined to find the information yourself.

However, spare me the "Oh, woe is me" bullshit when you get punked in the debate.
Note to self #3, for future reference > Shoot unarmed civilian, become a millionaire, have right-wing lawyer wanna-

Oh, and p.s., dumbass.

I am not a "wannabe" lawyer. That term actually describes you.

I am an actual lawyer with 25 years of experience.

How bizarre that you accuse me of being what you actually are, despite the patent evidence showing otherwise.

You are so wed to your ideology that rational discourse is beyond you. You repeat memes and talking points, without the ability to investigate the truth or research issues in dispute.

When confronted with contrary evidence, with detailed analysis and links to the information cited, you simply ignore the data and repeat the incorrect mantra.

So how much hand-wringing would you be doing if Brown succeeded in taking the gun and killing Wilson? Yeah, none.
Note to self #4, for future reference > Don't call right-wing wanna-be lawyer a "wanna be lawyer," cause he'll get his panties in a bunch.
Note to self #4, for future reference > Don't call right-wing wanna-be lawyer a "wanna be lawyer," cause he'll get his panties in a bunch.

Further proof of your genius - you actually fail to realize that you are the wanna-be.

Sorry, chief, you may have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but you're not now nor ever will be a lawyer.
...but you're not now nor ever will be a lawyer.
Nor would I ever want to be one. There are more than enough smart-***** in the world for the job, thanks.
Nor would I ever want to be one. There are more than enough smart-***** in the world for the job, thanks.

Interesting that you spend a lot of time pretending to be a lawyer ...

So are you pretending to be an *******? If so, good work.
Liberals always self implode with facts. It's comical reading it and then having the theory proven to be true as it unfolds.
Exactly, nice to see those Rams players standing up for something they believe in. Kudos to them!

They believe in something that has been proven by forensic evidence to be factually inaccurate. Therefore they are idiots.
Note to self: Don't punch armed people in the face, stay alive.
Exactly, nice to see those Rams players standing up for something they believe in. Kudos to them!

I was referring to the St. Louis police, who called it like it is. If I were the police commissioner, I'd be tempted to refused game-day security services, tell them to go piss up a rope until those players show some sort of atonement for their actions.
The idea that Brown had his hands up when he was shot, and was trying to surrender rather than involved in a physical altercation with the officer, demonstrates how the initial narrative becomes ingrained, even if untrue. Two witnesses, one of whom was with Brown before the shooting, offered the "hands up" and on his knees when shot version.

But in the grand jury proceeding, the evidence showed that the "hands up" claim was just not true. Here is a very detailed summary from the Washington Post, with links to relevant information sources, describing the physical injuries and comparing it to Wilson's description of events.


I can tell you, based on my experience working with clients, that Wilson's lawyer went over the ME report in great detail with Wilson and prepared his version of events to coincide with the physical evidence. I can also tell you that Dorian Johnson and the other witnesses who offered the "shot in the back" and "on his knees with his hands up" versions did not prepare their versions to coincide with the physical evidence.

But the simple point is this: The only evidence indicating that Wilson committed a crime (testimony from 2 eyewitnesses) was contradicted by physical evidence. That is never going to convince a jury. Ever. A law school classmate and good friend of mine who works with the public defender in Los Angeles told me that with the advent of shows like "CSI," juries expect direct physical evidence supporting the prosecution, and if it is not there, the jury is dubious of the prosecution.

I was saying Godbless the cops for calling out those punks on the rams' roster.
Liberals always self implode with facts. It's comical reading it and then having the theory proven to be true as it unfolds.

President Obama said Tuesday he understood the frustration of the Ferguson rioters. This could fix another problem. The big reason so many immigrants come here from Latin America is that the U.S. is such a desirable place to live, and President Obama is working as hard as he can to turn that around.
Liberals always self implode with facts. It's comical reading it and then having the theory proven to be true as it unfolds.

I find it difficult to believe that, in this case "Tibs", can be so ignorant. Unless he/she has a problem with oppositional defiance, it can only be that it's done to stir the pot.
President Obama said Tuesday he understood the frustration of the Ferguson rioters. This could fix another problem. The big reason so many immigrants come here from Latin America is that the U.S. is such a desirable place to live, and President Obama is working as hard as he can to turn that around.

Obama is a divisive racist douche bag .
President Obama said Tuesday he understood the frustration of the Ferguson rioters. This could fix another problem. The big reason so many immigrants come here from Latin America is that the U.S. is such a desirable place to live, and President Obama is working as hard as he can to turn that around.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SteelChip again.