Curfews are racist.
Damn I'm gone for a few days and the world goes to ****.
Whoever talked about the personal cameras is dead on. If a guy riding a bicycle can film his entire ride then an officer can do the same.
So they set a midnight curfew. I bet they don't do **** to enforce it though. They are scared of offending the looters. Lunatics firmly in charge.
The wave of the future might be mobile businesses that you can drive into the hood and drive them back out after dark. This **** is ridiculous.
Does Brown deliver to those places or are they racist and send drones?It's here. It's called the Internet.
There's like a massive echo in here today
Y'know the whole "picture worth thousand word" thang?
Those are three very brave white boys. The partial bottle of cold medicine is funny. Looks like somebody made a little sizzurp before adding it to the shrine. There's no way all that hooch will still be there in the morning.
Dude was a Pirates fan? One of those words should be loser.Y'know the whole "picture worth thousand word" thang?
Dude was a Pirates fan? One of those words should be loser.
Where is all the video from this incident? I know there was evidently no police video, but whenever something like this happens, a witness pulls out their cellphone and either records or takes pictures. I'm sure all of the witnesses had cellphones which they bought with their hard earned money. Could it be that they are not willing to share because it will not support their eyewitness accounts?
Just food for thought.
........ I said it to friends the first day and I reiterate it here today; I hope they burn that ************ from city limit sign, to city limit sign.
No matter how you try to demonize this kid because he's black and stole some cigars; the cop executed an unarmed civilian.