Thanks Supe. Sheds a lot of light to an officer doing his job.
game over. again.
Even if he assulted the cop, that many shots seems excessive. This is not the case in many other civilized countries, where shooting to wound is the first plan.
The guy already physically assaulted him, and continued to come at him. You take as many shots necessary to take him down. Four shots hit his arm. That didn't do the trick. it took two more. When you are getting bumrushed like that, it is not surprising that he was inaccurate with some shots.The last two shots could have been in rapid succession, the last one hitting as he was falling forward.
Makes sense to me.
game over. again.
I don't buy that he was "Charging" the officer
Has this been authenticated? I cannot believe that he would be posting this on social media for liability reasons and I am sure that the attorneys for the city / PD would have advised against this.
Unfortunately, the media has already convicted the cop of murdering an unarmed INNOCENT CHILD
photoshopping racists.......
Has this been authenticated? I cannot believe that he would be posting this on social media for liability reasons and I am sure that the attorneys for the city / PD would have advised against this.
Weird how you left out the assault no Zimmerman in your rebuttal.
Actually, not weird at all. It's irrelevant if 911 told him not to follow, he did. And even if that was a mistake in so doing, based on the evidence he didn't deserve to be assaulted for it. Which is a lot like the existing argument about Michael Brown - "IF" Michael Brown assaulted the Officer, but turned and ran he didn't deserve to be shot in the back.
He was lying head first facing towards the police officers truck. If he was on his knees as you say the force of the multiple gunshots would have propelled him backwards not spread out head first towards the police car. It looks like from the evidence he was coming towards the cop. I want to see the blood test, that will clear up the picture more.
You have seen too many movies. Rounds from a hand gun will not propel a human body backwards. A person will fall forward when they lose consciousness.
One store in Ferguson that wasn't looted....
When you use right wing websites, blogs, as sources your credibility is certain to end up at 0 shortly.
You have seen too many movies. Rounds from a hand gun will not propel a human body backwards. A person will fall forward when they lose consciousness.
so they are still above your negative credibility.....