Narcissistic much? I've never seen a post with 'buy a mirror" in it.
Oh, you saw it:
Narcissistic much? I've never seen a post with 'buy a mirror" in it.
This whole thing is about their religion so let the Arabs handle it.Nobody to cheer for here
Syrian war planes strike inside Iraq
Syria war planes struck two separate Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) convoys near the town of Al Qaim just inside Iraq over the weekend
The Syrian planes struck on Saturday with the help of Iranian intelligence
U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Sunday that a militants' claim of killing Iraqi troops "is horrifying and a true depiction of the bloodlust that those terrorists represent."
shhh....everything is going as planned
ISIS moving seized US tanks, Humvees to Syria
Syrian and Iraqi terrorist forces obtained significant numbers of tanks, trucks, and U.S.-origin Humvees in recent military operations in Iraq and those arms are being shipped to al Qaeda rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials.
now maybe we help Assad?
Same story - one tribe against another
Like it used to be here...
Our Native Americans were in a near constant state of warfare with one another, many tribes became extinct and disappeared even before Columbus, as a result of tribal conflict. Basically as cultures of nomadic hunter gatherers they were in constant competition over hunting grounds, with the stronger tribes exercising their control over the more fertile areas.
Not only did these tribes compete for food but also it became common practice to raid one another for women and slaves. Inbreeding in many tribes was a severe problem and child mortality rates were extremely high.
Contrary to popular opinion the cultures/tribes of the Americas were extremely violent, full of warfare, strife and conflict. Modern archeology has dispelled much of these myths about "peaceful" Native American cultures and tribes.
The few tribes/cultures that experimented with agriculture were forced to establish themselves in difficult, easy to defend areas, building their adobe dwellings in the sides of cliffs. Very few of these stationary tribes/cultures survived to meet the "Europeans" having met their demise long ago.
And there was almost no mixing/intermarriage between the different Nations. That is clearly demonstrated simply by looking at language. More then half of the worlds “Language Families” are in the Americas. There were thousands of distinct Nations and languages.
When Lewis a Clark explored through North America many of the tribes welcomed the alliance with the settlers for the purpose of weapons of war to extract vengeance upon the various tribes that had harassed them in the past.
The Americas had a long history of bloody violence long before the "round eyes" set upon the continent.
All false. The Native Americans lived in peace an harmony amongst each other trading pots of gold they found at the end of rainbow and riding unicorns to love fests.
Then came the WHITE man to destroy them. You ******* revisionists irk me.
The American taxpayer saved GM. Not Obama. The American taxpayer is owed big-time by GM. Really what was saved was the union cronies. Should have been left to fail.
Bin Laden. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
I have read a number of places that there are still in excess of 30 million people without health care.
He has had almost 6 years on the economy, and it isn't improving at all. It was left decimated by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the housing bubble. Bush wanted it investigated, some of your boys like Barney Frank shut that down.
Muslim or not, he feels that the Taliban and the like are legit.
` can still leave YOUR COUNTRY anytime you want. that sig of yours. Perfect that you carry that around on these boards as a badge of ignorance.
If it were anywhere near to being true, Christians would all be dead.
Your sig is merely wishful thinking on your part.
Your sig is merely wishful thinking on your part.
I Like the original quote, but his modification is also true.
I know a large number of people who live by their belief "God will provide". When he doesn't it is because he loves them so much that he wants them to suffer horendous pain and suffering. On the upside, if you believe hard enough and pass his "Tests" you get a free pass to the "Magic Kingdom" where it is all rainbows and unicorn farts.
I find that sig remarkable as well. On one hand, this idiot states that the Christian white man is responsible for all the evils of the world, taking over other peoples, big business, industrial revolution and who the hell knows what else. To do all that takes drive and initiative, an unwillingness to let the other guy do it. They do it themselves. People like that would certainly fish for themselves, right?
I can't believe how blatantly sexist you are. How often did you allow the women in your tribe to go out hunting or be chief? You should be ashamed of your bigotry.
I know you didn't ask me, but I would say he's neither. He has no religious ideology, he's simply a radical leftist. What he shares with radical Muslims is a disregard for human life and a hatred of individual liberty. What he shares with Reverend Wright is a victim mentality and a hatred for white achievement and economic success.
` can still leave YOUR COUNTRY anytime you want. that sig of yours. Perfect that you carry that around on these boards as a badge of ignorance.
If it were anywhere near to being true, Christians would all be dead.
Your sig is merely wishful thinking on your part.
And sometimes, they do not recognize that God did, indeed, provide but not what they expected. Like the story of the man on top of the house during the flood. Refuses the boat ride, helicopter, etc. all on the basis that God would provide. When he winds up at the pearly gates he wonders, WTF?
Show me where I said the white man is responsible for all the evils of the world.
Do you know what a straw man is son? I'll give you time to wiki.
Now use that public school education and tell me when woman were given the vote in 'White America'.
.Now use that public school education and tell me when woman were given the vote in 'White America'