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Holder focusing on home grown terrorists


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
From - http://news.yahoo.com/u-revives-group-fight-homegrown-extremists-officials-155621629.html

"We must also concern ourselves with the continued danger we face from individuals within our own borders who may be motivated by a variety of other causes from anti-government animus to racial prejudice," Holder said in announcing the group, named the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee.

He continued, "However, when we find them in enemy territory, we will trade their release for the release of many more real terrorists, and we will treat them as heroes."
"We must also concern ourselves with the continued danger we face from individuals within our own borders who may be motivated by a variety of other causes from anti-government animus to racial prejudice," Holder said

Yeh like them damn tea-baggers right Eric, can't have them wavin' those racist snake flags demanding stuff like free speech and limited Govt. and gun rights and you know, all that crazy stuff.

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Yeh like them damn tea-baggers right Eric, can't have them wavin' those racist snake flags demanding stuff like free speech and limited Govt. and gun rights and you know, all that crazy stuff.

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You mean like the Cliven Bundy fan club? Personally I would have backed off BLM and drone striked that worthless pool of taxpayer mooching, anti-American, racist DNA while they were bunched up. Of course I'm not a politician.
You mean like the Cliven Bundy fan club? Personally I would have backed off BLM and drone striked that worthless pool of taxpayer mooching, anti-American, racist DNA while they were bunched up. Of course I'm not a politician.

Be clear, you mean you're not an idiot liberal democrat politician....you're just an idiot liberal.

Yeah I know, liberal idiot.. how redundant.
Be clear, you mean you're not an idiot liberal democrat politician....you're just an idiot liberal.

Yeah I know, liberal idiot.. how redundant.

No friend. Idiots point weapons at federal agents while sticking up for a racist welfare leach criminal rancher. That's why I said what I said.

They need to thank their imaginary sky friend a real patriot didn't take them out.



This bunch in Washington is ichin' for a fight 43, they keep up the BS and there's gonna be one..mind ya. Federal agents or no, there is a war brewing over govt overreach and corruption and people are fed-up with it.

If Bundy is a racist for saying;

I'm wondering if they're better off under a government subsidy and their young women are having the abortions and their young men are in jail and their older women and children are sitting out on the cement porch without nothing to do.

I'm wondering: Are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were when they were when they were slaves and they was able to their family structure together and the chickens and the garden and the people have something to do?

So in my mind, are they better off being slaves in that sense or better off being slaves to the United States government in the sense of the subsidy? "

... then there are more racists out there than you would ever imagine, including me. But I'm getting used to being called a racist, it's like the new badge of honor to be called that by a lefty..it means their argument just ran out of facts.

Oh, you do know that BLM stands for Bureau of Land Management right...In that exchange you posted, they were not talkin' about drones ( which can not be used against US citizens, by the way ) they were talkin' about the govt snipers being painted !

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Polo is fine with the government showing up with guns. At least, he will be until they show up to take his.
Polo is fine with the government showing up with guns. At least, he will be until they show up to take his.

gov't ALWAYS knows what is best.
unless a Republican is in office.
1. We won't be having any Tianamen Squares here, buddy.

2. 1 of every 3 people in a "militia" or similar org is a plant of a 3 letter agency.

have a nice freedom.
1. We won't be having any Tianamen Squares here, buddy.

2. 1 of every 3 people in a "militia" or similar org is a plant of a 3 letter agency.

have a nice freedom.

Quite possibly so don't organize till you need to and keep it to people you know well.
Just goes to proove that this administration's priority is to protect the government, and not the people.
I need to read the Dailykos more often. Comedy gold.
This bunch in Washington is ichin' for a fight 43, they keep up the BS and there's gonna be one..mind ya. Federal agents or no, there is a war brewing over govt overreach and corruption and people are fed-up with it.

If Bundy is a racist for saying;

... then there are more racists out there than you would ever imagine, including me. But I'm getting used to being called a racist, it's like the new badge of honor to be called that by a lefty..it means their argument just ran out of facts.

Oh, you do know that BLM stands for Bureau of Land Management right...In that exchange you posted, they were not talkin' about drones ( which can not be used against US citizens, by the way ) they were talkin' about the govt snipers being painted !

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Being a racist is not a crime, I just include that so we can grasp the totality of the character of a man like Bundy. What he is without a doubt is a thief.

The irony being of course that a person like him is so deluded by his racism and wacky anti-government views that he can't see his own thievery and mooching but sees it clearly in the 'negro'.

It's sort of like the people who rail constantly about government 'socialism', meanwhile do they ever do the right thing and refuse unemployment, S.S. benefits, G.I. bill benefits after their service, farm subsidies(especially in the south), and on and on. Of course they don't, ever.

You're not going to fight the feds, they'll crush you like a bug. I know you won't believe this but most people aren't as insane and paranoid as you tea party types.
Being a racist is not a crime, I just include that so we can grasp the totality of the character of a man like Bundy. What he is without a doubt is a thief.

The irony being of course that a person like him is so deluded by his racism and wacky anti-government views that he can't see his own thievery and mooching but sees it clearly in the 'negro'.

It's sort of like the people who rail constantly about government 'socialism', meanwhile do they ever do the right thing and refuse unemployment, S.S. benefits, G.I. bill benefits after their service, farm subsidies(especially in the south), and on and on. Of course they don't, ever.

You're not going to fight the feds, they'll crush you like a bug. I know you won't believe this but most people aren't as insane and paranoid as you tea party types.

Just like people who claim to want free speech but won't let conservatives come to their college. Or people that love choice when it is killing a baby but hate choice when it comes to which school kids go to. Or like liberal who love for others to pay high taxes but they take every deduction and don't pay their "fair" share?
Being a racist is not a crime, I just include that so we can grasp the totality of the character of a man like Bundy. What he is without a doubt is a thief.

The irony being of course that a person like him is so deluded by his racism and wacky anti-government views that he can't see his own thievery and mooching but sees it clearly in the 'negro'.

It's sort of like the people who rail constantly about government 'socialism', meanwhile do they ever do the right thing and refuse unemployment, S.S. benefits, G.I. bill benefits after their service, farm subsidies(especially in the south), and on and on. Of course they don't, ever.

You're not going to fight the feds, they'll crush you like a bug. I know you won't believe this but most people aren't as insane and paranoid as you tea party types.

I'm sure there were dumbasses like you in the 1700's. Look, the fact of the matter is that Reid wants the land for a deal with his son's pet solar project. It's been proven. The government is corrupt, it's over reaching in its powers, and it's blatantly stripping away at our rights. Those men training their firearms on Federal agents are Americans willing to stand up to tyranny. I pray that we may never see the day where a revolution begins.
You're not going to fight the feds, they'll crush you like a bug. I know you won't believe this but most people aren't as insane and paranoid as you tea party types.

Kinda like the military crushed Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the Haqqani network like bugs? In spite of our efforts, they are still out there killing our best. To think that militias have no chance is foolish. It has been proven, REPEATEDLY, that our military cannot fight a guerilla war. I doubt FEMA or DHS would fare much better. Our government counts on guys like you, that quit the fight before it has ever started.

For me, it is not a 'R' or 'D' thing. The whole damn system is corrupt. No one in government represents the people anymore. They represent their own self interests, their ideology. Too many people are too blind or too stupid to care. Eventually, this will all come to a head, regardless of which party controls the white house or congress.
Being a racist is not a crime, I just include that so we can grasp the totality of the character of a man like Bundy. What he is without a doubt is a thief.

The irony being of course that a person like him is so deluded by his racism and wacky anti-government views that he can't see his own thievery and mooching but sees it clearly in the 'negro'.

It's sort of like the people who rail constantly about government 'socialism', meanwhile do they ever do the right thing and refuse unemployment, S.S. benefits, G.I. bill benefits after their service, farm subsidies(especially in the south), and on and on. Of course they don't, ever.

You're not going to fight the feds, they'll crush you like a bug. I know you won't believe this but most people aren't as insane and paranoid as you tea party types.

Wow that's a lot of hate !!

"as insane and paranoid as you tea party types"

This statement alone tells us a lot about your makeup and delusional ideals. Either you were trained in the field of Marxist beliefs or just listened to the govt 'educators' very well during your yout....... either way I hope that during this next century, when America returns to the roots and the beliefs that our founding fathers did not want to replicate the same systems that they escaped from, that you do not get caught up in the wash.

You may hate the "tea party" but the ideals they espouse are the same ideals this country was founded on, not the Marxist principles being pushed by progressives. If you hate this Country so much, don't believe in the history based on the religious and capitalist principles, don't believe in American exceptionalism and don't believe in the right to speak out against tyranny...why are you still here ?

...and yeh, I'm gonna refuse the SS benefits that I paid for and the GI benefits that I earned....
( did you, by the way, did you serve your Country ? )
.....that's as dumb an argument as the "gun free zone".

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Just goes to proove that this administration's priority is to protect the government, and not the people.
I need to read the Dailykos more often. Comedy gold.
That's who the real threat to the Oministration is.
Yeah, I know, I ended a sentence with a preposition. Deal with it.