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Hungary's Wall Called a 'Spectacular Success'


“They don’t even try,” a local border guard told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We haven’t had a Syrian in six months.”

And these are some nice features:

Hungary’s 96-mile long, 14-foot tall double-line fence includes several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks. The barrier features cameras, heat sensors and loudspeakers ready to tell migrants they’re about to break Hungarian law if they as much as touch the fence, the April 30 Daily Caller report said.
There needs to be a mine field between the fences.

Hungary’s 96-mile long, 14-foot tall double-line fence includes several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks. The barrier features cameras, heat sensors and loudspeakers ready to tell migrants they’re about to break Hungarian law if they as much as touch the fence,

Illegals who are caught are arrested and dropped off on the Serbian side of the fence. They don’t get a chance to apply for asylum unless they do so at a “transit zone” where they are held in housing containers while their cases get processed,

No way this ever happens on our borders. The snowflakes would asplode, every libtard in the Country would scream bloody murder at the insensitivity and discrimination towards the potential citizens fighting for better lives....blah-blah-blah

There needs to be a mine field between the fences.

I have said this 100 times. Lay a mine field 1 mile wide along the entire southern border. Put the mines six inches apart. You make it across that, you can stay.

Remember the news media highlighting the caravans heading for the border? Calling it a crisis?

Then they told us there was no crisis.

Then they shifted gears to remind us there's really no immigration problem at all.

Yeah, hold my beer...

After holiday lull, Central American family migration returns to record levels, new figures show

U.S. border officials said Friday they saw an abrupt drop-off in illegal crossings during the holiday season, but the number of Central Americans arriving in family groups has returned to record levels since then.

The lull in unauthorized crossings suggests some Central American migrants - and the smuggling organizations that deliver them to the border - may have taken a break or deferred the journey north until after the holidays.

During the first week of January, when the extended Christmas season was still being celebrated in Mexico and Central America, the number of migrant family members taken into custody by U.S. agents fell to as low as 200 on some days, according to preliminary data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

By the middle of January, the number of families members arriving jumped again, reaching as high as 1,400 per day, and smuggling organizations once more began delivering groups of 300 or more parents and children to remote border crossings in Arizona and New Mexico.

A CBP official told reporters Friday that about 75 percent of the family members detained in January arrived during the second half of the month. Family groups accounted for 59 percent of all border apprehensions, and although the total number of parents and children taken into custody - 24,116 - declined slightly from December, "that still represents one of the highest totals we have on record," one official said.

Overall, CBP carried out 58,207 arrests and detentions in January, down 4 percent over the previous month, the latest figures show.

President Donald Trump last spring ordered a "zero tolerance" prosecution push at the border that led to the separation of at least 2,500 families before he halted the measures amid a torrent of criticism. Since then, the number of parents arriving with children has accounted for an ever-growing share of border arrests, as the family groups arrive seeking to turn themselves in to U.S. agents and request asylum or some form of humanitarian protection.

The families are typically processed and released from federal custody after a few days, with a hearing in immigration court that may be months or years away. Critics deride this model as "catch and release," and say it is adding to a legal backlog that has pushed U.S. immigration courts to the brink of collapse.

The number of "family unit" members taken into custody is up 290 percent during the first four months of the government's 2019 fiscal year, compared with the same period last year.

While migration trends have historically followed seasonal patterns, the holiday lull documented last month was especially pronounced.

Homeland Security officials say they are studying intelligence data to better understand why arrest numbers fell so sharply. The arrival of large groups of Central American families is once more placing strains on Border Patrol stations, officials said Friday.

On Thursday a group of 325 parents and children crossed the border illegally west of Lukeville, Arizona, according to CBP officials in the agency's Tucson sector.

The crowd was first spotted by one of the agency's remote cameras, and a CBP team arrived by helicopter to find a large group of people making a bonfire in freezing temperatures.

It was the latest in a series of mass border-crossings in isolated areas with few agents and minimal fencing. According to CBP, "the group illegally entered the country through an area where there is only a vehicle barrier designed to prevent crossings."

The migrants told CBP officials that buses and trucks had dropped them off along a desert highway throughout the night, and the 325 crossed the border together at 8 a.m. to wait for Border Patrol agents to pick them up.

The CBP officials, who insisted on anonymity to share the data with reporters, said narcotics traffickers use these large groups as a diversion to move drugs into the United States while agents are busy processing families with children.

Trump ordered 3,750 additional military personnel to the border this week. Typically, the troops do not interact with migrants, but CBP officials said service members have provided some transportation and medical support to assist busy border agents.
Stand strong, stand strong

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">EAGLE PASS, TEXAS — More than 60 law enforcement vehicles lined up on the border in what Border Patrol is calling a “show of force” to warn caravan migrants who are just over the Rio Grande River in Piedras Negras against illegally crossing <a href="https://t.co/wXopZp8etu">pic.twitter.com/wXopZp8etu</a></p>— Anna Giaritelli (@Anna_Giaritelli) <a href="https://twitter.com/Anna_Giaritelli/status/1094407987823894530?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 10, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Who wants to get into Hungary? Their wall is likely to keep people in.
Who wants to get into Hungary? Their wall is likely to keep people in.

I suppose NYTimes Best Selling authors are only good at writing, not reading. Had you bothered to read the posted article, you wouldn't have just stuck your proverbial foot into your cake hole.

On the day its border fence was completed, the influx of illegals entering Hungary went down from 6,353 one day to 870 the next...

By the mid-year it was well beyond 100,000 people who came across,” said Zoltan Kovacs, a spokesman for the Hungarian government...
Who wants to get into Hungary? Their wall is likely to keep people in.

Obviously you know nothing about Europe and especially Hungary. They are trying to stop people from crossing from Serbia and Croatia. Most of them were Syrian refuges. I guess you think Syria is better than Hungry? Just so you know:

"Hungary is an OECD high-income mixed economy with a very high human development index and a skilled labour force, with the 13th lowest income inequality in the world; furthermore it is the 14th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index."
Obviously you know nothing about Europe and especially Hungary. They are trying to stop people from crossing from Serbia and Croatia. Most of them were Syrian refuges. I guess you think Syria is better than Hungry? Just so you know:

"Hungary is an OECD high-income mixed economy with a very high human development index and a skilled labour force, with the 13th lowest income inequality in the world; furthermore it is the 14th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index."

Just add it to the long list of things 21 doesn't understand.
Who wants to get into Hungary? Their wall is likely to keep people in.

Tibs will be very offended. But then again, I love watching liberal vs. liberal cat fights....

Wonder how he's doing on FB.