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Immigration Crisis at the border

I only have one question...what happened to Mexico paying for the wall as promised in his campaign?
So you are against helping Mexico pay for the wall? We want to help them, we don't want to help them. Confusing.
So you are against helping Mexico pay for the wall? We want to help them, we don't want to help them. Confusing.

I'm confused on what you're confused with. I don't want to be responsible paying for a wall in my taxes. I wasn't under the impression we were going to have to "help" Mexico pay for a wall, it was said they would pay for the wall and be happy to do so. I'm not against helping anyone for anything as long so long as I don't see a dime of it coming out of my own money.
I'm confused on what you're confused with. I don't want to be responsible paying for a wall in my taxes. I wasn't under the impression we were going to have to "help" Mexico pay for a wall, it was said they would pay for the wall and be happy to do so. I'm not against helping anyone for anything as long so long as I don't see a dime of it coming out of my own money.

Were you ok with your taxes going to Iran?
Nope. Unlike many trump supporters, I didn't always support or agree with Obama, same for Bush, same for Clinton...when they're wrong, I say they're wrong.

Newsflash: Trump supporters did not support Obama on anything.
Tibs, also as far as "sending more money to Mexico", that was Obama's policy.

Here is the website of Aid to Mexico by year:


The last year of Bush (2007) was $65M... then Obama got into office and look what happens:

2008 - $405M
2009 - $432M
2010 - $757M
2011 - $262M
2012 - $413M
2013 - $265M
2014 - $210M
2015 - $165M
2016 - $160M
2017 (Trump) - $138M
2018 (Trump) - $87M (planned)

I quoted Del for the numbers.

Looking at this, and reflecting on what Tibs said, if we cut the funding to Mexico by $50 mil and stick to sending $87 mil, that would definitely be a kick start to building the wall. $50 mil per year for a wall may not seem like much, but over time, it would allow for segments of the wall to be build. Construct the wall in portions of the border where most illegals are caught/detained as that is the most traveled route. I don't believe a physical wall is entirely necessary along the entire border (since there are places where it would be impossible - which would call for increased patrols by Border Patrol agents either physically or with drones).

While we all know that there is a large swath of the Mexican government that is corrupt, it should also be addressed that there is a different culture in Mexico. We see the reports of statutory rapes by Mexican immigrants, but what is not reported or even discussed is the age of consent in Mexico. Google the age of consent and you'll see that it is reported as being 18. Yet it's not prosecuted unless the victim is 12 or younger. Article 261 of Mexico's Federal Criminal Code states:

“Whoever, without the purpose of reaching copulation, performs a sexual act on a person under 12 or on a person that has no capacity of understanding the meaning of the act or that for any reason cannot resist, or demands that the act is performed, will be punished with a term of 2 to 5 years in prison.”

In addition to Mexico City, the age of consent is 12 in the following Mexican states:

-Baja California Sur
-Qunitana Roo
-San Louis Potosi

The age of consent is 15 in Mexico state, 13 in Yucatan and Zacatecas, the age of consent is actually listed as “puberty” in Nayarit and 14 in the seven remaining Mexican states.

so, we're not only dealing with a corrupt government, but also a difference in socially accepted norms. Viewing just this forum will show that there are some who are horrified when the victim in a statutory rape case is a girl getting it from an older guy, but others will high five if the victim is a guy tagging an older woman.

Then, of course, as tibs stated, there's the economic situation. It's truly a mess and the people elected to office who have been in office for decades are not and do not offer a solution to this situation.
We shouldn't give Mexico one dime. We shouldn't give any country any of our money. We have enough **** to fix here and gigantic debt to pay off (thanks Ofucker). Does any country ever give us any money? The cost of the wall is pennies in the big picture. Build it now.

I'm just gonna leave this here.....talk about media bias....holy ****.

oh, but they'll wail, whine, kick, scream and moan incessantly about the ******* jacket Melania wore, while ignoring the disgusting tweet that Peter Fonda sent.

We shouldn't give Mexico one dime. We shouldn't give any country any of our money. We have enough **** to fix here and gigantic debt to pay off (thanks Ofucker). Does any country ever give us any money? The cost of the wall is pennies in the big picture. Build it now.

The uniparty is equally to blame for our trillions of debt, not just the Ofucker you aptly named. Lol
OK now I'm really confused.

Perhaps I needed to add if I was for it in the first place, which I wasn't then, am not now and never believed that Mexico WOULD PAY FOR the wall. If I wanted that, or anything this thing represents for that matter, I would have voted for it. And before it goes to Iran or any other tax money that is spent on things we wouldn't agree with if given a choice by any politician...this was a campaign promise, he ran on this, Mexico will pay for it, no one else. The lies are usually exposed after elected. Don't run a campaign on something you knew was a lie to begin with. But of course, this is donald trump, so.........
Many of the “********” to which you are referring are just people trying to get themselves and their families out of danger. Try to put yourself in their shoes for a minute.... if you can. Imagine how bad things would have to get that you would rather just gather up your children with nothing but the clothes on your backs and start trekking north for hundreds and hundreds of miles instead of staying where you are.... not even being sure that you’re gonna get in once you get there.

For the % of those "souls" that are in danger, there are 9 US Consulates in Mexico. Visit and apply. Problem solved.

****'s not that hard.
But is this happening? If that's going to happen then fine, but I don't want to be responsible paying for a wall.

What did that famous man once say...errr, uhhh...Obama? Oh yeah...right.

Elections have Consequences.

I don't wanna pay for abortions. I don't wanna pay for some Honduran's emergency room bills, or her baby's food, or for her housing. I don't wanna pay a tax for rain.

But I must.
The photographer admits the photo is out of context. But that's ok. The end justifies the means.

Right???? And the uneducated masses swallow it whole, no questions asked.
What did that famous man once say...errr, uhhh...Obama? Oh yeah...right.

Elections have Consequences.

I don't wanna pay for abortions. I don't wanna pay for some Honduran's emergency room bills, or her baby's food, or for her housing. I don't wanna pay a tax for rain.

But I must.

Did you vote for someone who said you would be doing that during their campaign? Would you have voted for someone who said all that during their campaign?

Yes, elections always have consequences, which is why I didn't vote for trump, besides a **** ton of other reasons. He said all throughout his campaign Mexico will pay for the wall, I said bullshit I'm gonna end up paying for the wall that I'm not funding, knew it was a lie right upfront.
We see the reports of statutory rapes by Mexican immigrants, but what is not reported or even discussed is the age of consent in Mexico. Google the age of consent and you'll see that it is reported as being 18. Yet it's not prosecuted unless the victim is 12 or younger.

so, we're not only dealing with a corrupt government, but also a difference in socially accepted norms.

Hmmm, may I address from a different angle...

I seem to recall a different thread when someone proposed that it was the "norm" for some cultures where illegal immigrants come from to rape young women. And this was yet another reason why we don't want these people in our country.

And the person that said this was attacked for being RacistXenophicAssholeCONservativeHomephobe whatever...

But you are saying that it is the SOCIETAL NORM in Mexico to accept and allow as common practice older men raping and/or having sex with 13 year olds? 14 year olds? There are no punishments?

And Liberals want you to believe there is but a "scant tiny" criminal element in the illegal immigration swarm coming into this country?

Can someone explain to me the process by which we recode and retrain these illegal immigrant men that cross the border who have 10, 20 years of experience at raping young women? Do we just tell them "the Law here in the USA is she must be 18 (or 16) so please don't" and all is well and good?

I'm so confused.
Did you vote for someone who said you would be doing that during their campaign? Would you have voted for someone who said all that during their campaign?

Yes, elections always have consequences, which is why I didn't vote for trump, besides a **** ton of other reasons. He said all throughout his campaign Mexico will pay for the wall, I said bullshit I'm gonna end up paying for the wall that I'm not funding, knew it was a lie right upfront.

You miss the point.

You said you don't wanna pay for a wall. Well, as my parents used to say, Sorry Charlie! If it happens during Trump's presidency and you remain an American citizen, you will pay for it. You'll pay for that wall like I pay for illegal immigrants' care and abortions and rain taxes, etc. Life sucks. Boo hoo.

PS...could you translate that sentence in bold?
Perhaps I needed to add if I was for it in the first place, which I wasn't then, am not now and never believed that Mexico WOULD PAY FOR the wall. If I wanted that, or anything this thing represents for that matter, I would have voted for it. And before it goes to Iran or any other tax money that is spent on things we wouldn't agree with if given a choice by any politician...this was a campaign promise, he ran on this, Mexico will pay for it, no one else. The lies are usually exposed after elected. Don't run a campaign on something you knew was a lie to begin with. But of course, this is donald trump, so.........

I'm not sure anyone believed it when he said it. I didn't. I don't know anyone that did. It was completely unrealistic when he first said it, and it is completely unrealistic now. It was a great sound bite, I guess. Acting like Trump is the first politician that told a lie to get elected is disingenuous though.

And on to the bolded part. This is the part that irks me, and it shows just how conditioned we are that we are at the mercy of American politicians. Politicians don't give us a choice. They are there to do business on behalf of what their constituents want. That is it. Representation. And it has gotten so far way from that. Today, politicians on both sides are beholden to an ideology. Perfect example is The Affordable Care Act. If it is so ******* great, why doesn't the law apply to those that voted it into law and signed it into law? That's horse ****. At the time it was made law, something like 89% of Americans were opposed to the bill in the form it was in. How is that representing America? They did what they wanted because they think they are above us, a ruling class. Just like guns. They want you to not be able to have them while they are protected by an arsenal.

These days, people don't even care that their wishes aren't represented. They just know that their guy or gal is opposed to Trump or Pelosi or whoever, and that's good enough. No wonder this country is in the fix it is in. A bunch of easily led automatons being spoon fed by a bunch of sound bites from their ruling class. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.
Perhaps I needed to add if I was for it in the first place, which I wasn't then, am not now and never believed that Mexico WOULD PAY FOR the wall. If I wanted that, or anything this thing represents for that matter, I would have voted for it. And before it goes to Iran or any other tax money that is spent on things we wouldn't agree with if given a choice by any politician...this was a campaign promise, he ran on this, Mexico will pay for it, no one else. The lies are usually exposed after elected. Don't run a campaign on something you knew was a lie to begin with. But of course, this is donald trump, so.........

This is a common argument I hear from liberal friends about how "literal" they took Trump's "Mexico will pay for the wall" campaign slogan. Many of them are holding Trump accountable (even though they didn't vote for him, so there is no accountability to you) that UNLESS we actually get a check (or a trunk of money) for the Wall, Mexico isn't "paying for it".

That is bullshit. And people that actually VOTED for Trump know this. What if Trump reduces aid to Mexico from the $350 million average in Obama years to $100 million during Trump years? That right there is $1 billion dollars. What if Trump renegotiates NAFTA and the U.S. makes out better over the next 20 years? What's the price of that? What if Trump taxes wire transfers and generates $500M to $1B in new tax revenue? What if the wall WORKS and reduces the cost of border security and all the bullshit that is going on right now because so many illegals make it across and gain access to our legal system?

All of these issues could be interpreted as "Mexico paying for the wall" and "U.S. making out better".

Again, quit taking every ******* thing Trump says so literal. Jesus Christ, the "gotcha" bullshit the leftist media loves to play doesn't work on Trump and it doesn't work with the American people (unless you are biased and WANT it to work). I LOVE what Trump is doing with Mexico and I LOVE his hard line on immigration and bringing it to the forefront of issues and demanding (not sure it will work, but he's trying) Congress do something worth our time (not just ******* band aids).

If you are foolish enough to think this past 2 months has changed any Trump voter in how they are going to vote in 2020, you are sorely mistaken in my opinion.