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Iran's response ... missile attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq

My guess is they had some sort of defensive anti aircraft system that they activated and somebody forgot that a plane taking off could trigger it.

I’m also going to guess that Trudeau will just blame Trump for the plane blowing up. He’ll say some **** about his actions creating the situation that put Iran on alert and forced them to blow up the plane
Killing Bin Laden > killing Solewhateverthefuck 10X

Is this something you believe or is this ideology speaking?

Iran is a STATE sponsor of world-wide terror. For 40 years they have funded terrorism around the globe. Iran and Soleimani have/had deeper pockets, wider reach and far more influence than Bin Laden. They've paid for more terrorism, fomented more of it, trained more terrorists than Bin Laden ever did.

This isn't to say Bin Laden wasn't a tremendous evil on this planet, he was. He orchestrated one of, if not the greatest day of terror in modern world history.

But to compare Soleimani with Iran's backing to Bin Laden and Al Quaeda is a joke at best.

And to this day, we never have seen proof of death with Bin Laden. Funny, that.

Oh...and I'll add an Al Baghdadi to the conversation and drop the mic.

Posting it in full, thank you for the link.

'This is bigger than bin Laden': Petraeus says it's 'impossible to overstate' impact of Soleimani death

Retired Gen. David Petraeus said Sunday that the death of his former battlefield enemy, Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani, in a drone airstrike outside the Baghdad airport was a more dramatic event than the deaths of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden or Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Petraeus said during an interview on CBS News' "Face the Nation" that he considered Soleimani a "very capable" adversary during his time commanding troops in Iraq and that "it's impossible to overstate the significance of the attack" that killed Iran's top military figure.

Soleimani led Iran's elite Quds Force, an irregular group within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that supported militias loyal to Iran around the Middle East. Under Soleimani, the Revolutionary Guard trained Iraqi militants to fight U.S. troops after the 2003 invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein and taught them to make the roadside bombs that killed and maimed many American service members.

Petraeus said he was surprised to learn Soleimani had been killed.

"We'd never gone after him before, although I hasten to add that he never dared set foot inside Iraq to my recollection, when I was commanding the surge, nor in the time that I was the commander of U.S. Central Command," Petraeus said.

But he said Soleimani became bolder as Iran began to support Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad in that country's civil war and to bolster militias in Iraq to fight against ISIS.

"That was a period when he was helping Iraq go after the same enemy that we eventually helped Iraq defeat," Petraeus said of Soleimani's role in taking on ISIS. "And make no mistake about it, those militias and the Iraqi security forces could not have defeated the Islamic State in Iraq without our enabling forces, our drones, our precision munitions and our intelligence and advice."

Petraeus said he did not recall any discussions about taking out Soleimani when he was leading the U.S. forces in Iraq because "we just didn't have the opportunity." He said he could not discuss whether conversations along those lines took place during his time as director of the CIA.

The retired general said the biggest question following Soleimani's death is how Iran will respond.

"Will they dare to respond directly with Iranian missiles against our forces, our embassies, our bases, our shipping or what have you? Or do they continue to operate through proxies, which I'm pretty confident they will do," he said.

Petraeus said killing Soleimani was the equivalent of an enemy taking out a top U.S. general, the head of the CIA, the head of U.S. special forces and a Middle East presidential envoy all in one strike.

"This is bigger than bin Laden. It's bigger than Baghdadi," he said.

Whatever the Iranian response, Petraeus said it was critical that the U.S. finds a diplomatic way out of the escalating conflict. He called on the Trump administration to reach out to Iran "about how to get back to the nuclear deal that was had its strengths, as well as some shortcomings, to be sure."

Trump pulled the U.S. out of the deal, which was brokered by the Obama administration, that staved off Iran's development of nuclear weapons in exchange for sanctions relief. On Sunday, Iran effectively ended its commitment under the agreement.

Petraeus suggested the issue of Iran's support for Shiite militias in Iraq could be addressed in a new nuclear agreement.

"We truly do want to deescalate. Everyone is going to lose if this continues to ratchet upward," he said.
Please. Wrap up your circle jerk.

Killing Bin Laden > killing Solewhateverthefuck 10X

Bin Laden was hiding out in a windowless house when he was killed; and at that point, had such limited abilities and communication to others in his terrorist network to do anything of any significance.

Soleimani was being tapped to be the next supreme leader of Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Tibs is "Randy" at the Holidays -- "His name is Donald.."

Tibs might need to put down the pálinka or whatever he's drinking, and stop and try to use that brain of his for a bit. If you had just ventured to this board, you'd think Trump started WWIII from Tibs' asinine posts.
As far as the plane crash goes, no doubt about it. That plane was accidentally shot down by some dumbass with a Stinger missile, because because they thought it was one of our planes or maybe they were expecting we'd have our aircraft flying around by then and they rigged the plane to blowup in order to make it look like we shot it down. They force entire cities to demonstrate so they can show the world their collective outrage, wouldn't put it past them to take down a plane and blame it on us.

Also, if you're expecting WW III, and hell from above after their show last night, who in their right mind would get on an airplane before the missile launchers have had time to cool down. Seems incredibly fishy to me.
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Ole Tibs was blasting off at the mouth last night about now we are gonna get what we voted for. Well doesn't look so much like doom and gloom now does it Tibs?
It looks to me as if Trump is continuing to make sound decisions, despite his off the wall tweets.
Crisis averted, WWIII cancelled

Bad guy still dead

Trump wins again!

No wonder all the Dems are crying, lol
It's a relief disaster was avoided, at least momentarily. Not clear how we're any better off after Trump's reckless move. He seemed drugged/sedated at the podium yesterday, slurring his words. The man is not well. Onto the next crisis. #MAGA
Trump wins again!

The net-net result of Trump's wildly reckless adventure in Iran.

  • Iran has cast off nuclear curbs so that it is now potentially within five months of having enough fuel for a nuclear warhead, down from almost 15 years when Trump took office.
  • United States forces may be pushed out of Iraq, allowing Suleimani to achieve in death one of his foremost goals in life.
  • American forces in Syria may be difficult to support without the military presence in Iraq, so some or all of them might pull out as well, another strategic victory for Iran.
  • The military campaign against ISIS is on hold, giving terrorists a chance to regroup.
  • Iran’s regime, which had been threatened by enormous protests at home and in Iraq, has been rescued by Trump’s actions. Iranians have rallied around the flag, and the Iraqi narrative has changed overnight from the bullying of Iranians to the bullying of Americans.
  • Instead of bringing troops home, Trump has had to deploy more to the Middle East at huge cost. We may think we can’t afford universal pre-K, but we don’t blink at lavishing billions of dollars on these military deployments.
  • North Korea has gained leverage, because it knows that Trump has little appetite for two international security crises at the same time. Kim Jong-un has also surely absorbed the lesson that he must never give up his nuclear warheads, as Trump will strike countries that lack nuclear weapons while schmoozing with leaders who have them.

As far as the long-term fallout and the true nature of Iran's response to the assassination of Soleimani, I'd hesitate celebrating prematurely, as the MAGA camp is currently doing. That's your prerogative.
The net-net result of Trump's wildly reckless adventure in Iran.

As far as the long-term fallout and the true nature of Iran's response to the assassination of Soleimani, I'd hesitate celebrating prematurely, as the MAGA camp is currently doing. That's your prerogative.
GroundHog Day Tibsy,
back to report that things are actually worse now with the top-ranked Iranian terrorist dead. Lather, rinse, repeat.

"Wildly reckless" would probably best describe the actions of an American President who, without the knowledge of Congress, shipped off pallets of US cash to Iran, alerted that same terrorist to others attempts to end his terrorism and even removed the man from the terrorism watch list. If that isn't wildly reckless, what is it? Poor judgment? Criminal?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
The best part of the Presidents speech was him laying out once again, for the whole world to hear, how those missiles were paid for with Obama cash, lol
Tibs, I have not been adverse towards you here, so it's in this spirit that I ask this.

Are you suggesting that the troops over there are a good thing? Are you saying that we should have let that man live? If so, are we just supposed to be OK with his actions? Are you saying that the population of Iran is completely behind the current leadership there? Do you have any evidential reason to believe that Trump wanted a full scale war with Iran, and not just a stoppage to their terrorist activities? Do you really think that North Korea is a legitimate threat to the US even if we give some very short term military attention to other rouge nations like Iran?

Not looking for a fight. Just want clarity.
Instead of bringing troops home, Trump has had to deploy more to the Middle East at huge cost.

And when Trump wanted to remove troops from Syria and Afghanistan, you guys were howling about that and how it would be a disaster and blah, blah, blah. Come on. Do you want Soldiers in the ME, or do you want them out? You can't keep trying to have it both ways.
I thought our troops are in the ME to fight ISIL/ISIS? If that's no longer a threat, and we're okay with letting Putin/Erdogan/al-Assad dictate terms over there, then sure, let's pack up and bring our troops home. May be best for everyone, assuming Israel is ok with it, and terror cells don't start reorganizing with an ability to strike US interests here or abroad.
This just in....

Breaking News Alert!

Deceased Iranian General Soleimani surges into 4th place in Democratic primary race

Relatively unheard of outside of intelligence circles, deceased Iranian General Qassem Soleimani has surged into 4th place in the national Democratic primary poll among likely Democratic voters.

Just days after President Trump ordered Soleimani’s killing in Iraq for orchestrating an attack on the Iraqi US embassy and decades of bombings in the region, many Democrats think he has the stuff to beat Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

“He was a great man,” Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said of Soleimani. “That’s why I am proud to endorse him as my favorite candidate in the 2020 primary.”
How long before Trudy asks for the US’s help to get the black box?

Canada has their own black box lab

Emotional scenes as friends pay tribute to victims at Ukraine's international airport



Ukraine says multiple possible theories are being discussed with Iranian investigators: including the plane being hit by an anti-aircraft missile, a collision, technical failure or a terrorist act.



Trudeau demands significant role for Canada in Iran plane crash probe

When Mr Trudeau was asked by reporters if he could rule out the possibility that the plane was shot down, the prime minister said he could not but added “it is too early to speculate”.

Sixty-three Canadians among 176 killed on Ukraine International Airlines flight

Iran has refused to hand over the black boxes from the Boeing 737-800 plane to the company or US investigators.

Tibs, I have not been adverse towards you here, so it's in this spirit that I ask this.
And for that you have my respect and admiration. Quite the outlier around here, almost seems strange to have a somewhat normal conversation.

Are you suggesting that the troops over there are a good thing? Are you saying that we should have let that man live? If so, are we just supposed to be OK with his actions? Are you saying that the population of Iran is completely behind the current leadership there? Do you have any evidential reason to believe that Trump wanted a full scale war with Iran, and not just a stoppage to their terrorist activities? Do you really think that North Korea is a legitimate threat to the US even if we give some very short term military attention to other rouge nations like Iran?

Soulimani has been on a watch/hit list for years. The cons always outweighed the pros as far as taking him out in a targeted strike. He was no rogue, underground terrorist running around with armed militiamen, hiding out in a cave somewhere, but the 2nd in command in Iran, a government official. No doubt he deserved to die, for the atrocities committed over many years. My issue is mainly the timing and recklessness with how this was carried out. This could have easily escalated in wide ranging attacks on US personnel in the ME and around the world. It still may come to that. The risk of human life and injury was simply too significant. That's why he wasn't taken out earlier. Thank God, as of now, it seems things have scaled back somewhat. I will be tarred and feathered for saying this, but I agree with those who view this as Trump trying to distract public opinion from his impeachment, more than anything. I think the storyline Pompeo concocted about some grave and immediate threat is bullshit. See how some of the GOP senators reacted yesterday, including Paul Ryan and Mike Lee. They were irate over the lack of info they were given. As is the case with all things Trump, he lies and decieves so often, it's hard to believe anything coming out of this cabinet. As far as your final question, I don't think this has much relevance re NK, althought that situation is nowhere near being resolved, as Trump has claimed these past three years.
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Everyone agrees...Trump wins again!

The Chicken Littles got everything wrong on Trump and Iran

If you went to bed early Tuesday, you were surprised to wake up Wednesday and learn that World War III has been delayed. No doubt you were also shocked that Iran blinked, oil prices were tumbling and the stock market was soaring.

Once again, the Chicken Little chorus got everything all wrong. The sky isn’t falling and Donald Trump pulled off a huge victory. Oh, and he’s still president.

Iran’s decision to pretend it was retaliating for the death of Qassem Soleimani, by lobbing ineffective missiles is terrific news for America and freedom loving people everywhere. So was Trump’s Wednesday offer of negotiations, which he wrapped in even tougher economic sanctions and warnings against any new attacks on Americans.

Still, if you’re keeping score at home, this marks approximately 1 million times Trump has escaped a doomsday certainty. Alas, his survival only seems remarkable because he has such fools for opponents. And I don’t refer just to the Iranians.

Democrats are still delusional about Trump even after Qassem Soleimani death. Blinded by hate, the Democrat/media industrial complex has created a daily soap opera where they predict Trump’s imminent collapse, and usually openly cheer for it.

Over the last week, the president has put on a clinic in seeking peace while projecting strength. Just don’t expect to find the outcome described that way in The New York Times or on CNN.

He seemed drugged/sedated at the podium yesterday, slurring his words.

That's literally all you got?

Yet you're ok with drunken, word-slurring, incoherent Speaker of the House, Nancy Smirnoff Pelosi, drunk off her *** during working hours most days??

Good lord your never ending hypocrisy...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zbxJ5KcyHKE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Is this something you believe or is this ideology speaking?

Iran is a STATE sponsor of world-wide terror. For 40 years they have funded terrorism around the globe. Iran and Soleimani have/had deeper pockets, wider reach and far more influence than Bin Laden. They've paid for more terrorism, fomented more of it, trained more terrorists than Bin Laden ever did.

This isn't to say Bin Laden wasn't a tremendous evil on this planet, he was. He orchestrated one of, if not the greatest day of terror in modern world history.

But to compare Soleimani with Iran's backing to Bin Laden and Al Quaeda is a joke at best.

And to this day, we never have seen proof of death with Bin Laden. Funny, that.

Oh...and I'll add an Al Baghdadi to the conversation and drop the mic.

Speaking of ideology, do/did you support the following:

U.S. war in Afghanistan
U.S. war in Iraq
U.S. war in Iran

Oh, and Bin Laden is alive and well and in the women’s restroom at your local Target.