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Kavanaugh hearing

Little surprised to see all you 'moderates' so giddy to confirm a highly-partisan, emotionally charged judge to the SC. I prefer my supreme court judges less frantic and overtly emotional. Kavanaugh is full of rage and tears, railing against 'the system' and his 'political enemies.' He's not the first or last public figure to face sexual assault charges. How you handle them - provided you're innocent - says a lot about your character. To each his own I guess.

I don't have a problem with how he acted. The only thing i had an issue with is i wouldn't care if the FBI / CIA / KGB / whomever would look into false allegations. I don't have a problem with someone passionately defending themselves especially if my family / friends are being torn apart. All that being said i feel both people were mostly credible so i still have no clue what to believe..I would vote yes, but also want some things looked into. I would especially want to hear mark judge and get more info about the other allegations / witnesses
They should have come forward when there was time to do so. Too late. Imo vote on him just as i requested of Grassley when i called his office on Monday.
Little surprised to see all you 'moderates' so giddy to confirm a highly-partisan, emotionally charged judge to the SC. I prefer my supreme court judges less frantic and overtly emotional. Kavanaugh is full of rage and tears, railing against 'the system' and his 'political enemies.' He's not the first or last public figure to face sexual assault charges. How you handle them - provided you're innocent - says a lot about your character. To each his own I guess.

I'm pretty sure no one cares what you prefer you scumbag.
Little surprised to see all you 'moderates' so giddy to confirm a highly-partisan, emotionally charged judge to the SC. I prefer my supreme court judges less frantic and overtly emotional. Kavanaugh is full of rage and tears, railing against 'the system' and his 'political enemies.' He's not the first or last public figure to face sexual assault charges. How you handle them - provided you're innocent - says a lot about your character. To each his own I guess.

Ha ha ha. You are too funny Tibs. You were hoping they were going to rip him to shreds, instead the opposite happened and now you're grasping at straws, complaining about how vigorously he defended himself.

And he is the first public figure I can recall who has a decades long sterling reputation and is facing allegations that have absolutely no facts or evidence attached to them. As a husband and father it is no surprise that being falsely accused of outlandish charges would be highly emotional for him.
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I don't have a problem with how he acted. The only thing i had an issue with is i wouldn't care if the FBI / CIA / KGB / whomever would look into false allegations. I don't have a problem with someone passionately defending themselves especially if my family / friends are being torn apart. All that being said i feel both people were mostly credible so i still have no clue what to believe..I would vote yes, but also want some things looked into. I would especially want to hear mark judge and get more info about the other allegations / witnesses

He said he has no problem with any investigation into the allegations that the committee deems appropriate...FBI, local law enforcement, anything. He even said he would take a polygraph if the committee requested.
jitter, he wasn’t emotional, he was hysterical. Even more so than Lindsey Graham, who’s completely unhinged. Damn, Trump is really rubbing off on these guys. Anyway, looks like the GOP is gonna confirm an extremist GOP operative & unabashed Trump apologist to the SC. No big hurry or good reason to find out if he’s a sexual predator, facing multiple accusations from multiple women, just like the guy in the WH. Who cares? As long as the base is happy. No big surprise that the GOP circled the wagons today. Birds of a feather....
jitter, he wasn’t emotional, he was hysterical. Even more so than Lindsey Graham, who’s completely unhinged. Damn, Trump is really rubbing off on these guys. Anyway, looks like the GOP is gonna confirm an extremist GOP operative & unabashed Trump apologist to the SC. No big hurry or good reason to find out if he’s a sexual predator, facing multiple accusations from multiple women, just like the guy in the WH. Who cares? As long as the base is happy. No big surprise that the GOP circled the wagons today. Birds of a feather....
God I hope you're right.
I'm pretty sure no one cares what you prefer you scumbag.
Is there anything you could be doing around the house to make yourself useful? Just taking up oxygen here, unilaterally attacking other posters, completely unprovoked. Maybe you’re triggered and unhinged like your heroes Kavanaugh, Trump and Lindsey Graham. But don’t make your problems my problems, thanks.
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Little surprised to see all you 'moderates' so giddy to confirm a highly-partisan, emotionally charged judge to the SC. I prefer my supreme court judges less frantic and overtly emotional. Kavanaugh is full of rage and tears, railing against 'the system' and his 'political enemies.' He's not the first or last public figure to face sexual assault charges. How you handle them - provided you're innocent - says a lot about your character. To each his own I guess.

Dr Ford is a basket case. Bless her for trying. I hope she goes back to her university, to a standing ovation. Then she becomes a footnote.....for her sake. She has been abused...not by the Judge........by the Democratic Senators. Shameful. Shameful.

Tibs, you have lost the moral high ground. The Dems have demonstrated that they are willing to bring a good man down, without evidence, for political gain. Fact.

I predict that this will backfire for the Dems in the midterms. Boy, they played this wrong.

Have a nice day.
The dems also lied about where she was during all of this. They said she was in California and that's why the leadership wanted to fly out to California to interview her. But she wasn't there and the Dems knew it. They LIED. She was at the beach in DELAWARE. They used this "I'm scared to fly" lie to postpone the hearings. But low and behold she wasn't that far and she flies ALL THE TIME. Lies and the liars that tell them.
For the life of me I can't understand why won't he just say: “I would like to have the FBI investigate and I’d like you to call Mark Judge up here to tell you and the country under oath that this never happened.” He seems desperate to avoid saying that. If you were innocent, wouldn’t you say that?

Well, you see in this country one is innocent until proven guilty. Not sure how it is where you live.

It's up to those making the accusations, (BTW he wasn't charged with anything like you alluded to previously), to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty.

Nowhere, absolutely nowhere in today's hearings did that occur.

So, Tibs, suppose someone from your high school accused you of molesting them, and had as much evidence against you as Dr. Ford has on Justice Kavanaugh, should they be believed?
When all is said and done, I think this is gonna be a let down for the #metoo group
jitter, he wasn’t emotional, he was hysterical. Even more so than Lindsey Graham, who’s completely unhinged. Damn, Trump is really rubbing off on these guys. Anyway, looks like the GOP is gonna confirm an extremist GOP operative & unabashed Trump apologist to the SC. No big hurry or good reason to find out if he’s a sexual predator, facing multiple accusations from multiple women, just like the guy in the WH. Who cares? As long as the base is happy. No big surprise that the GOP circled the wagons today. Birds of a feather....

You are the one who's unhinged Tibs. You were hoping he was a rapist but now that he's not you're gonna call him hysterical, an extreme GOP operative and a Trump apologist. The man has been a highly rated lawyer and judge for decades.

Try again. And try not to seem so desperate next time.
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jitter, he wasn’t emotional, he was hysterical. Even more so than Lindsey Graham, who’s completely unhinged. Damn, Trump is really rubbing off on these guys. Anyway, looks like the GOP is gonna confirm an extremist GOP operative & unabashed Trump apologist to the SC. No big hurry or good reason to find out if he’s a sexual predator, facing multiple accusations from multiple women, just like the guy in the WH. Who cares? As long as the base is happy. No big surprise that the GOP circled the wagons today. Birds of a feather....

I hope more are becoming like Trump. Unwilling to let a corrupt media and corrupt political swamp dwellers walk all over them. We can only hope there will be more.
You are the one who's unhinged Tibs. Try again. And try not to seem so desperate next time.
God, you’re good. Keep working at it and you’ll nearly be on Confluence’s level. Just need to sharpen up the barbs a bit, make them sting a little deeper.
You're a rapist! You stuck your penis in someone's face! You participated in gang rape, at least 10 times! You're a blackout drunk! You're a liar! Everyone who knows you is lying!

Wait...why are you so angry?

God, you’re good. Keep working at it and you’ll nearly be on Confluence’s level. Just need to sharpen up the barbs a bit, make them sting a little deeper.

That is rich Tibs, after some of the things you've posted about me in the last couple of weeks. Boo hoo.
Feinstein threw Ford right under the bus and blamed her. Just a horrible look all around for the Dems and her comments and walking it back as her staffers were handing her notes was mindblowing. She actually put at Fords feet as expected when things turned sour.

I noticed this too. The esteemed, Women-Loving Liberals abused this poor woman. She trusted them with her confidential story. Then, today, Feinstein was utterly put on the spot. Time and again, over and over, Diane was attacked for the obvious - that she held this information until the last utter minute as a political ploy. When all of the cards were on the table, she folded. She BLAMED the victim. Threw Ford completely under the bus and implicated Ford in leaking the story to the press.

Despicable...as all Liberals are.

Graham was right, both Kavanaugh and Ford were victims today.

Little surprised to see all you 'moderates' so giddy to confirm a highly-partisan, emotionally charged judge to the SC. I prefer my supreme court judges less frantic and overtly emotional. Kavanaugh is full of rage and tears, railing against 'the system' and his 'political enemies.' He's not the first or last public figure to face sexual assault charges. How you handle them - provided you're innocent - says a lot about your character. To each his own I guess.

Your Supreme Court justices :) Dude, that IS RICH :)

Yeah, the man was full of rage. If I had worked as hard as he had, had lived a spot-free life of duty as a judge, having served on the 2nd highest court in the land without so much as a whisper of any impropriety on my record, with a beautiful wife and daughters and had this Liberal political process accuse me of the things he had been accused of wrongly, I'd be angry as hell. As he stated today, HE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO COACH HIS DAUGHTER'S BASKETBALL TEAM AGAIN because of these scumbag politics you support.

Shame on you Tibs.

It's worth a second listen!

That is going to go down as an incredible moment for due process & calling out these bullshit smear tactics for many years to come (I hope). Was never big fan of Graham until today & I'm going to be writing his office thanking him for sure.
so as the circus leaves town

Brett Kavanaugh committee vote to go on as scheduled Friday

The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on whether to favorably recommend Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court as previously scheduled Friday morning, though top GOP senators did not know as of Thursday night whether enough key Republican votes had been convinced to confirm President Donald Trump's nominee.



one down

**** You Atticus Finch - SHE MUST BE BELIEVED

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