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Kavanaugh hearing

**** You Atticus Finch - SHE MUST BE BELIEVED

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HOocTXKPVVU" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

that is one of my favorite movies.....
Dems after Fox News interview "Why is he so unemotional? He must be lying."
Dems today "Why is he so emotional? He must be lying."

You can't make this **** up.

and if he had been calm and collected they would have said he should have shown some emotion...so he must be lying
TV is the worst thing to ever happen to politics. Ever since Kennedy beat Nixon mainly because Nixon looked sweaty on TV without makeup, it became show business instead of public service.

These hearings are not even required. This all used to be done on paper. The bar association would give a report on whether the person was qualified, basically in good standing with the bar, and then they voted up or down.

Then liberals decided that making laws through courts was easier than through congress so they spent all their energy on appointing judges who will ignore written laws and rule in favor of an agenda.

Let's be clear. The only thing libs have against Kavanaugh is that he bases his decisions on what laws actually say.
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So I just read a statement from Jeff Flake. You never know what he's gonna do but he talked about not being able to corroborate the allegation in this case and that Kavanaugh gave a compelling argument.

Get the other 4 (or so) on board and get the vote confirmation going tomorrow. Go go go.
So you can be a member of a "choom gang" and confess to doing 'blow' all through high school, and still become President? But if you've had a beer....?
Someone should've told the Kennedys.

While we're on the subject: Someone needs to tell Senator Blumenthal that drinking beer in high school and college doesn't make you a blackout rapist anymore than eating nime chow makes you a Vietnam veteran
And anyone who didn't see just a few seconds of this woman's testimony and immediately realize that she is mentally ill really needs to shake the cobwebs out of their heads. She is beyond troubled, and it isn't the result of being kissed/groped by a boy in high school. Its unconscionable that Senate democrats took advantage of this woman.
And anyone who didn't see just a few seconds of this woman's testimony and immediately realize that she is mentally ill really needs to shake the cobwebs out of their heads. She is beyond troubled, and it isn't the result of being kissed/groped by a boy in high school. Its unconscionable that Senate democrats took advantage of this woman.

I haven't watched her testimony, yet, but if that is true i believe that all hell should come crashing down on the dim " leadership ".
The bar association would give a report on whether the person was qualified, basically in good standing with the bar, and then they voted up or down.

Yeah, you could say the Bar Association wasn't overly impresssed with Kavanaugh yesterday.

American Bar Association requests to delay Brett Kavanaugh vote until FBI investigates


The American Bar Association late Thursday urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay the vote to confirm Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh pending a full FBI investigation, according to multiple reports.

In a letter addressed to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein, the organization requested the committee hold off on voting until allegations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and others can be fully vetted by the FBI.

“We make this request because of the ABA’s respect for the rule of law and due process under law,” the letter read. “The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI.”

And evidently, neither were the Jesuits. Damn Catholics and their moral compasses.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">While we previously endorsed the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh on the basis of his legal credentials and his reputation as a committed textualist, it is now clear that the nomination should be withdrawn.<a href="https://t.co/CXqVGkaTdY">https://t.co/CXqVGkaTdY</a></p>— America Magazine (@americamag) <a href="https://twitter.com/americamag/status/1045465487986036736?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Ford, a mentally damaged woman, was used by Democrats to further their agenda. I hope voters can see that even the handicapped will be used as tools by the left. They will likely continue to use her. Has any "investigative reporters" looked to see if she or the other accusers are getting paid? Who is paying?
And the right's favorite celebrity lawyer, Trump's personal lapdog chimes in.

Alan Dershowitz: Postpone Kavanaugh confirmation until FBI can investigate accusations against him

The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to slow down and postpone its vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court until the FBI can investigate accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against him by three women.

The accusers and other witnesses should be questioned by the FBI and then be summoned to testify before the Judiciary Committee. All sides have an interest in a full and
thorough examination of these serious charges.

Maybe we can get closer to the truth, although that is not certain. But right now there are too many unanswered question to bring the confirmation of Kavanaugh – currently a judge on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia – to a vote of the Judiciary Committee as scheduled on Friday, much less to a vote of the full Senate.

Hmmm, the Bar Association, the Jesuits and Alan Dershowitz all oppose this rush to confirm. All are calling for the FBI to re-open their investigation into Kavanaugh. I thought it was the deranged, looney left that was missing the mark here, what gives?
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So, Tibs, suppose someone from your high school accused you of molesting them, and had as much evidence against you as Dr. Ford has on Justice Kavanaugh, should they be believed?
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.
jitter, he wasn’t emotional, he was hysterical. Even more so than Lindsey Graham, who’s completely unhinged. Damn, Trump is really rubbing off on these guys. Anyway, looks like the GOP is gonna confirm an extremist GOP operative & unabashed Trump apologist to the SC. No big hurry or good reason to find out if he’s a sexual predator, facing multiple accusations from multiple women, just like the guy in the WH. Who cares? As long as the base is happy. No big surprise that the GOP circled the wagons today. Birds of a feather....

You libtards are so obfuscated by hate for Trump that common sense, reason, and logic go out the window..and Kavanaugh is paying for it.

This accusation occurred when he was teeneager, 36 years ago.

He has had a spotless, impeccable resume all his adult life and highly respected by every female associate he has ever worked with.

This woman Ford had no witnesses and doesn't remember anything.

What the fukk does common sense and reason tell you Tibby?...if you can somehow manage to pull it out of you.

Unhinged? You are unhinged.
You are so delusional you cant distinguish between passion and becoming unhinged.

It was you unhinged leftists who disrupted and delayed these hearings from the start with all the arrests and outbursts.
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You libtards are so obfuscated by hate for Trump that common sense, reason, and logic go out the window..and Kavanaugh is paying for it.
If you can stop raging for a moment, explain that to the American Bar Association, the American Jesuits and Alan Dershowitz. It seems your judgement is clouded by your triggered, unhinged hatred of liberals. You're not seeing clearly here, but that's not a shock to anyone who reads this board.
If you can stop raging for a moment, explain that to the American Bar Association, the American Jesuits and Alan Dershowitz. It's seems your judgment is clouded by your unhinged hatred of liberals, you're not seeing clearly here.

I don't think any of those 3 get a vote. Time to end this bullshit and confirm him. Wow I bet the Dems have made a new friend on the highest court in America.
And the right's favorite celebrity lawyer, Trump's personal lapdog chimes in.

Alan Dershowitz: Postpone Kavanaugh confirmation until FBI can investigate accusations against him

Hmmm, the Bar Association, the Jesuits and Alan Dershowitz all oppose this rush to confirm. All are calling for the FBI to re-open their investigation into Kavanaugh. I thought it was the deranged, looney left that was missing the mark here, what gives?

Sadly the SJ is not what it once was and is now a heavily politicized leftist influenced ecclesiastical order. (See Commie Pope) Dershowitz and the Bar Association are Leftist trial lawyers, of course they are going to be against an originalist judge.

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TV is the worst thing to ever happen to politics.

I'm not sure

I think it woke up many traditional Republicans (NeverTrumpers, middle of the roaders, independents) to the absolute insanity of the Dem party.

It showed you have to fight to win!. Take them down, expose them, and shut them up. Feinstein was completely obliterated to the point she couldn’t speak.

Their own filthy lies exposed before the entire country, it blew up in their faces. just as I perdicted.

The rats screwed themselves royally, I am hearing Kethridge after this for Breyer or Thomas. There will be another, as well. Trump might get 4 SCOTUS picks!
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.

Sure. Lets do all of that after he gets confermed. Will you still be on board? After all the truth needs to be known. Right?