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Kavanaugh hearing

Feinstein and the Democrats had every opportunity to bring this to light early in the process. They could have gotten their sacred FBI investigation. But they decided instead to use this poor woman as a political pawn in the Washington game of chess.

They played their shameful game, and they lost. In the process, they shamefully destroyed two families.

This is going to leave a mark,.....for decades.
Sure. Lets do all of that after he gets confermed. Will you still be on board? After all the truth needs to be known. Right?
Sure, why not? If we can have a sitting President under FBI/Special Counsel investigation, might as well have a Supreme Court judge join him in the ranks. A signature moment of the Trump era, that's for sure.
Sure, why not? If we can have a sitting President under FBI/Special Counsel investigation, might as well have a Supreme Court judge join him in the ranks. A signature moment of the Trump era, that's for sure.

Oh, there are going to be investigations. But I don't think you are going to like them.
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.

Umm...first of all collusion is not a crime, and Trump has not been charged with conspiring with another nation or anything else you whiney little hater.

Now that we've cleared that up...The FBI can't clear anyone's name nor charge anyone with anything. They submit a report and someone else makes conclusions from it....

Durbin had asked Kav if he would "call for an investigation", not if he would submit to one.

Kav clearly had stated that he would submit to any investigation. Calling on an investigation of yourself would be rather insulting for a man of such high integrity.

And just so you're aware...The Department of Justice issued a statement shortly after Democrats began calling for an investigation, explaining that the matter was not in the FBI's jurisdiction, given that Ford did not accuse Kavanaugh of a federal crime, nor is there any evidence that he may be a national security risk.
Because you took a leave of absence after Trump was elected. You ******* couldn't stand to be here coward.
Sigh, yet another triggered, unhinged right-winger choking on having Trump’s tiny balls perpetually stuck in his throat. Carry on, little man.
Sigh, yet another triggered, unhinged right-winger choking on having Trump’s tiny balls perpetually stuck in his throat. Carry on, little man.

Tibs, here is a suggestion for you................

Durbin had asked Kav if he would "call for an investigation", not if he would submit to one.

Kav clearly had stated that he would submit to any investigation. Calling on an investigation of yourself would be rather insulting for a man of such high integrity.

And just so you're aware...The Department of Justice issued a statement shortly after Democrats began calling for an investigation, explaining that the matter was not in the FBI's jurisdiction, given that Ford did not accuse Kavanaugh of a federal crime, nor is there any evidence that he may be a national security risk.

I got into a discussion with the friend of a friend on FB. I said he'd already been background checked six times for other jobs. She said if he wasn't charged it wouldn't show up. Burgundy moves in for the kill. I said you don't know WTF you're talking about since they don't merely look at court records. They talk to a whole lot of friends, relatives, and neighbors and I know this because I was questioned by the FBI about someone I was in college with who I didn't even know very well when he applied for a job that required security clearance. How they found me I don't know, whether the guy listed me or if they looked at who was at that college at the same time, but they called me, made an appointment, an agent came to my house and we chatted for a few minutes. If any of this was true they would have found out already. They asked me a lot of questions about did this guy drink, did he drink a lot, did he talk a lot when he was drinking.
Tibs, here is a suggestion for you................
Ha ha, that’s exactly what I’m doing, swatting away negative annoying gnats like Stewey, but thanks for the heads up.
Sigh, yet another triggered, unhinged right-winger choking on having Trump’s tiny balls perpetually stuck in his throat. Carry on, little man.

LOl…me calling you a coward must have struck a nerve. "Triggered" "unhinged" , that's right Tibby just go with the projection again if that's what works for you.

Tell the truth Tibby, you took a hiatus from here after Trump got elected because you couldn't stand being here amid the all the elation and celebrating right? You became unhinged and it was your absence that became your safe space. Tell the truth now you *****.
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I got into a discussion with the friend of a friend on FB. I said he'd already been background checked six times for other jobs. She said if he wasn't charged it wouldn't show up. Burgundy moves in for the kill. I said you don't know WTF you're talking about since they don't merely look at court records. They talk to a whole lot of friends, relatives, and neighbors and I know this because I was questioned by the FBI about someone I was in college with who I didn't even know very well when he applied for a job that required security clearance. How they found me I don't know, whether the guy listed me or if they looked at who was at that college at the same time, but they called me, made an appointment, an agent came to my house and we chatted for a few minutes. If any of this was true they would have found out already. They asked me a lot of questions about did this guy drink, did he drink a lot, did he talk a lot when he was drinking.

When I was living in the DC area, I had a friend who did background checks for the Gov't for security clearances. Interviewing people is what she did all day, every day.
Again, i think that 100% they should confirm him, straight up say that this is because the dems played politics with an accusation... and keep their mouths shut when the shoe is on the other foot and an extreme left wing judge gets ramrodded through in some future dem controlled senate...
Tell the truth now you *****.
See this is the m.o. of so many of you. We’re having a discussion on Kavanaugh’s nomination and you jump in and start taking personal shots at me, completely unprovoked. So I ***** slap your *** to the ground and you wilt like a flower. Then Tim, Confluence or some other right-wing jackass will come running to your defense, holding the seams of their dresses up high, and call me out for reacting to your unprovoked, personal attack. Just goes round and round in circles, perpetually. I love this board for its predictability, like a fine Swiss watch. Have a great weekend Stewey.
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.

You are ridiculous.

There is nothing for the FBI to investigate and you know it. The minute that "investigation" concludes some other whack job will come forth insisting they investigate her claim. Serious allegations should be investigated. Allegations with literally no possible way to prove or disprove them should be ignored.

I guarantee if I went into the police station today and said someone groped me 36 years ago but I don't know when or where it happened, the police would say "Sorry, we can't help you." You know that as well as I do.
I had to watch Lindsey Graham's statement again to start my day. A thing of f'n beauty! Pure, raw emotion that told it like it is.

I don't deny Dr. Ford's claims, but to accuse someone of attempted rape 36 years later, your details better be more in-line with the evidence and your memory. She couldn't recall the majority of the details, but is 100% certain it was him. She was a pawn and absolutely used as a political chess piece. It's embarrassing for this country. We can be called out at any time, by anyone and would have to defend our honor and morals. It's bullshit. It's a setback for victims and the accused.
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.

So you're driving down the road, obeying all the traffic laws, but you have a tail light out and get pulled over. Police officer asks you to open your trunk. After all you have nothing to hide.
I don't know, I would have expected Kavanaugh to stay the norm and be calm in the middle of the storm, steady hands on the wheel, etc. His reaction seems a bit over the top. Like with Trump and Russia, it's hard for me to understand why Kavanaugh wouldn't want an FBI investigation into these charges that clear his name beyond reproach. Instead, we're getting a visceral, emotional plea that's intended to pull on heartstrings and sway public opinion. From a bird's eye view, not very reassuring given he's up for a Supreme Court seat.

His wife and DAUGHTERS are getting death threats, FOR ****'S SAKE. How else should he respond? His daughters are young....one is 10. So you tell me you would be calm in that scenario? **** you.
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.

Bullshit you would sue for libel.

It's even harder to prove libel in this country than rape! Libel for allegations about something that happened 36 years ago? Are you ******* crazy? How do you prove that?

You really are a clueless ******* sometimes. And if you look at all these allegations, they are so coded with "feelings and emotions" that it's almost impossible to disprove how someone felt or perceived the situation.

You never accuse someone of something that couldn't possibly happen, you accuse people with some facts and ADD the bad parts. That way it's hard to disprove.

The biggest hole in Ford's story is how she got to and from the party. She HAD to be with a friend that drove her. She HAD to. How does she forget who that person was? I understand forgetting the date. I understand forgetting the house. I understand forgetting the when (exact part of the day).

But you forget WHO you were with driving but then remember the guys that were at the party. No way. She testified this was a small gathering (so her driver was there). She testified she was distraught IMMEDIATELY after this happened. She felt like she was escaping for her life. Yet she doesn't remember her getaway car and who was driving? There was no friend/witness of her in the car leaving while she was crying/emotional? Seems to me that person (whoever that is) is the most important witness in this entire story. Where is she? Who is she?

That part of her testimony just doesn't jive.
When I was in college, my friends threw many parties at their house in Mt. Wash I would attend. Alcohol and women were always around. Some passed out, some got stupid and there were fights. Of course, the bedrooms were occupied, as well. Do I know everything that went on? Hell no. I wasn't really a drinker then or now. The fact that one of my friends could be accused today by someone at one of those parties of sexual assault became very real. That was 25 years ago. Why the Hell not? Who do I believe, my friends over 25+ years or a party goer? That's scary and a scenario I hope I never have to go through.
When the shift in American politics comes shortly, the trump election will be remembered as the turning point, but i suspect yesterday was when people finally got how busted things are... its a its a civil cold war heating up... both side just unleashing weapons of mass destruction on each other and all the party acolytes unable to see past the spin their sides media puts out...

This ends badly if we don’t stop the politics. We need a third party to be the go between here so logic can reign over polorized hysteria
When I was in college, my friends threw many parties at their house in Mt. Wash I would attend. Alcohol and women were always around. Some passed out, some got stupid and there were fights. Of course, the bedrooms were occupied, as well. Do I know everything that went on? Hell no. I wasn't really a drinker then or now. The fact that one of my friends could be accused today by someone at one of those parties of sexual assault became very real. That was 25 years ago. Why the Hell not? Who do I believe, my friends over 25+ years or a party goer? That's scary and a scenario I hope I never have to go through.

Yeah, me too. I could Never run for public office. I'm ok with that though, it was a hell of a lot of fun.
These women accusing Justice Kavanaugh must remind you of the children who accused Father Kavanaugh. How could such upstanding men do such things? Right?

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.
This might have been asked at the circus yesterday but does anyone know why she (or any of the other accusers) failed to file a police report if the event affected her life so badly? Even if she did not know all the details, she should have filed a report.
Looks like it's going to happen. Flakey just said he's going to vote yes. If that libtard in GOP disguise is voting for him then I bet all the R;s are too.