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Kavanaugh hearing

Yeah, me too. I could Never run for public office. I'm ok with that though, it was a hell of a lot of fun.

****, I had many girls/women growing up grab my crotch, etc. and that was in the 80's as well. Everyone of them, by today's standard would be guilty of sexual assault. It's ridiculous. Just like steroids, they are saying what happened 30 or 40 years ago is now illegal because it is illegal today but was not back then.

Also, based on what they described as sexual encounter at yesterdays hearing, anyone that goes dancing today and bumps and grinds on the dance floor with someone of the opposite sex, committed sexual assault.
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name.

No, you wouldn't. For two reasons.

One, it would take character to make that request. You have none.

Two, the FBI wouldn't take the case. Did you even HEAR Joe Biden's comments used from long ago? And even IF they did, they present no conclusion.

Bow down and admit your beloved party just committed one of the most despicable political ploys in US History. And got their ***** handed to them for doing so.

I got into a discussion with the friend of a friend on FB. I said he'd already been background checked six times for other jobs. She said if he wasn't charged it wouldn't show up. Burgundy moves in for the kill. I said you don't know WTF you're talking about since they don't merely look at court records. They talk to a whole lot of friends, relatives, and neighbors and I know this because I was questioned by the FBI about someone I was in college with who I didn't even know very well when he applied for a job that required security clearance. How they found me I don't know, whether the guy listed me or if they looked at who was at that college at the same time, but they called me, made an appointment, an agent came to my house and we chatted for a few minutes. If any of this was true they would have found out already. They asked me a lot of questions about did this guy drink, did he drink a lot, did he talk a lot when he was drinking.

This happened to me twice within a year. Moved into our new home back in 2002. We had these neighbors next to us for about the first 3 years. Really never saw them though we'd watch their house and feed their cats on 2 occassions. They move. Like 2 weeks later, knock on the door - "Hi I'm with the FBI." After me screaming "I didn't do it!!" and cleaning out my underwear, they sit all of us down and spend 50 minutes asking questions just like you said. Ever seen them drink, etc.

They came back two weeks later and repeated the drill.

Turns out both the husband and wife had been spooks and relocated and had clearances etc.

So I ***** slap your *** to the ground and you wilt like a flower.

I can assure you Namlak that you have never ***** slapped anyone on this board. But I will take some of whatever the hell it is you smoke. That Hungarian cannabis must be some serious ****.
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This might have been asked at the circus yesterday but does anyone know why she (or any of the other accusers) failed to file a police report if the event affected her life so badly? Even if she did not know all the details, she should have filed a report.

She didn't do it because she was only 15 and didn't want to get in trouble with the parents and police. I don't know why the other 2 didn't?
Alyssa Milano sure showed up. I don't have time or I'd post the pics of her boobies. I bet that you men could "get behind that".
KAVANAUGH KICKS AWAY DEMOCRATS’ POLITICAL HIT-Christine Blasey Ford flops in “Summer of 82” hearing

Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, a key holdout, announces support for Supreme Court nominee

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), one of the key holdouts on Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh’s confirmation, announced Friday morning that he would support him after more than eight hours of testimony from Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused the nominee of assaulting her.

His statement comes ahead of a key Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination Friday. In a statement, Flake called Ford’s testimony before the committee “compelling,” and Kavanaugh’s response “persuasive.”

“I wish that I could express the confidence that some of my colleagues have conveyed about what either did or did not happen in the early 1980s, but I left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty,” Flake said. “What I do know is that our system of justice affords a presumption of innocence to the accused, absent corroborating evidence. That is what binds us to the rule of law.”

With Flake’s support, the Judiciary Committee — which includes 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats — is expected to vote along party lines Friday afternoon to advance Kavanaugh’s nomination a day after hearing riveting testimony from the judge and Ford.

When the shift in American politics comes shortly, the trump election will be remembered as the turning point, but i suspect yesterday was when people finally got how busted things are... its a its a civil cold war heating up... both side just unleashing weapons of mass destruction on each other and all the party acolytes unable to see past the spin their sides media puts out...

This ends badly if we don’t stop the politics. We need a third party to be the go between here so logic can reign over polorized hysteria

It may be too late mad. The Libs are already out of control and the Right is starting to get vocal about it...I'm aghast.

The blatant hypocrisy and double standards are off the charts.....


Just the outrageous story behind a so called injustice that can never be proven one way or another is ludicrous at best and insulting on it's face.


I posted a meme a while back that mentioned that the only thing the Dems are accomplishing is making a very probable supreme court justice hate them to their core.

"This is a circus," he said. "This grotesque, character assassination will dissuade confident and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country, and as we all know in the political system of the early 2000s, what goes around comes around," Kavanaugh said.

TDS Libs are melting in impotent rage everywhere!

Here come the ***** hats, ha ha

"This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups," Kavanaugh said.
Little surprised to see all you 'moderates' so giddy to confirm a highly-partisan, emotionally charged judge to the SC. I prefer my supreme court judges less frantic and overtly emotional. Kavanaugh is full of rage and tears, railing against 'the system' and his 'political enemies.' He's not the first or last public figure to face sexual assault charges. How you handle them - provided you're innocent - says a lot about your character. To each his own I guess.

Tibs, did you equally find Ford's emotional outbursts innapropriate and beneath her? No? Weird...
jitter, he wasn’t emotional, he was hysterical. Even more so than Lindsey Graham, who’s completely unhinged. Damn, Trump is really rubbing off on these guys. Anyway, looks like the GOP is gonna confirm an extremist GOP operative & unabashed Trump apologist to the SC. No big hurry or good reason to find out if he’s a sexual predator, facing multiple accusations from multiple women, just like the guy in the WH. Who cares? As long as the base is happy. No big surprise that the GOP circled the wagons today. Birds of a feather....

Dude... Who's hysterical?
Tibs, here are the facts:

1. Blasey Ford identifies four potential witnesses, one of whom is a long-time friend. All four deny her claims.
2. Blasey Ford told nobody - NOBODY - about the allegations until 30 years later.
3. Blasey Ford never told the police. Or her parents. Or her friend who was supposedly there.
4. Blasey Ford raised the allegation in a letter that she did not want disclosed, i.e., she wanted to avoid questioning.
5. Blasey Ford says that Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth with such force that she was worried he would "accidentally" kill her.
6. Blasey Ford somehow miraculously escaped any physical harm from the assault, i.e., not even a swollen lip.
7. Blasey Ford's memory of the alleged incident is - how shall we put it? - sketchy. Vague. Full of holes. Suspicious. Phony.
8. The "gang rape" allegation is so stupid as to be a joke, if it were not so serious.
9. Really, dozens of gang rape victims, many more gang rapists, and nobody ever said a word to anybody about anything, ever, despite repeated FBI investigations??? Really? You'd think that perhaps just one former classmate might say, oh I don't know, "Hey, I always wondered how many women he drugged and gang-raped."

The allegations are just talk - air. They are so vacuous and unsupported as to be worthless. Just the way it is.
Is there a Democrat alive that thinks there is proof of corroborated guilt here? Just asking.
Tibs, here are the facts:

1. Blasey Ford identifies four potential witnesses, one of whom is a long-time friend. All four deny her claims.
2. Blasey Ford told nobody - NOBODY - about the allegations until 30 years later.
3. Blasey Ford never told the police. Or her parents. Or her friend who was supposedly there.
4. Blasey Ford raised the allegation in a letter that she did not want disclosed, i.e., she wanted to avoid questioning.
5. Blasey Ford says that Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth with such force that she was worried he would "accidentally" kill her.
6. Blasey Ford somehow miraculously escaped any physical harm from the assault, i.e., not even a swollen lip.
7. Blasey Ford's memory of the alleged incident is - how shall we put it? - sketchy. Vague. Full of holes. Suspicious. Phony.
8. The "gang rape" allegation is so stupid as to be a joke, if it were not so serious.
9. Really, dozens of gang rape victims, many more gang rapists, and nobody ever said a word to anybody about anything, ever, despite repeated FBI investigations??? Really? You'd think that perhaps just one former classmate might say, oh I don't know, "Hey, I always wondered how many women he drugged and gang-raped."

The allegations are just talk - air. They are so vacuous and unsupported as to be worthless. Just the way it is.

#2 might be wrong, if you believe her. She said she told her Husband. I'd rather be 100% accurate then let the media blow up one mistake and run with it, pandering to their crowd while omitting the other excllent facts
And evidently, neither were the Jesuits. Damn Catholics
I KNOW you're not trying to paint the Catholic Church as the guys in white right now...

Tubs, do you respectfully agree that any investigation should be delayed until AFTER the confirmation vote so there is truly time to do it justice? Why rush it so it has to be complete in 3 days?

Cause again, I KNOW you aren't suggesting an investigation should delay the vote.
Zona, if I was up for a Supreme Court nomination and I was completely innocent of such charges, I would demand the FBI fully investigate (the false charges) and clear my name. I would also sue for defamation, libel and slander. Same thing, if I was President and was accused of collusion and conspiracy with a foreign nation, a crime I did not commit or had any knowledge of, I would race to give sworn testimony and demand a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of it.

Neither Trump nor Kavanaugh act anything close to how an innocent man carries himself dealing with such allegations. It is what it is. And a wholly corrupt and complicit GOP is helping both of them get away with it. These are the times we live in.

Interesting take. Not sure how you believe this and also support black lives matter positions or the anthem protests.
Lastly... Going forward, all SCOTUS votes should be done by a bipartisan team of elected officials with an even number of representatives on each side.

However, they must be sequestered and they waive part of their annual salary for the time it takes them to finish the vote. AND they can't be involved in ANY OTHER political business while they're sequestered.
#2 might be wrong, if you believe her. She said she told her Husband.

In 2012, 30 years after the alleged event, during "couples therapy" ... when she said four boys were in the room.
Lastly... Going forward, all SCOTUS votes should be done by a bipartisan team of elected officials with an even number of representatives on each side.

However, they must be sequestered and they waive part of their annual salary for the time it takes them to finish the vote. AND they can't be involved in ANY OTHER political business while they're sequestered.

I'd add: Advice & consent hearings would not allow cameras/reporters at any point during hearings/conferences (maybe an exception made for C-SPAN to record and air on a time-delay). A stenographer would provide transcripts to interested parties after the hearing. This deters political grandstanding and posturing for upcoming elections.
Kavanaugh provided a calendar, documenting pretty much every day of the summer of 1982.

Too bad Blasey cannot recall the exact date, as he could simply look at his calendar and show the claim is a lie. He pretty much did exactly that, by focusing on the three weekends where he was in the D.C. area. He could not have attended the alleged party, as he can document where he was on each weekend, and it was NOT at this alleged party.
In 2012, 30 years after the alleged event, during "couples therapy" ... when she said four boys were in the room.

I agree with you very much in a marco sense, I just want 100% accuracy is this is an easy open and shut case for the accused. Otherwise one small thing will be blown up by the lefties.
So Tibs likes his politicians to be unemotional.
he must hate these *******




