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Kavanaugh hearing

butt, waiter, there's more




So Tibs likes his politicians to be unemotional.
he must hate these *******






because they are HYPOCRITES! They think nothing of speaking out both sides of their mouth. They are doing everything they can to delay the vote and nomination. "FBI. . . FBI . . . FBI!!! He's guilty! Investigate! Investigate! Bar Association!!!!!!! Investigate!"
The biggest hole in Ford's story is how she got to and from the party. She HAD to be with a friend that drove her. She HAD to. How does she forget who that person was? I understand forgetting the date. I understand forgetting the house. I understand forgetting the when (exact part of the day).

But you forget WHO you were with driving but then remember the guys that were at the party. No way. She testified this was a small gathering (so her driver was there). She testified she was distraught IMMEDIATELY after this happened. She felt like she was escaping for her life. Yet she doesn't remember her getaway car and who was driving? There was no friend/witness of her in the car leaving while she was crying/emotional? Seems to me that person (whoever that is) is the most important witness in this entire story. Where is she? Who is she?

That part of her testimony just doesn't jive.

Spot on.
So Tibs likes his politicians to be unemotional.

I have no problem with politicians being emotional, they are people too. The issue here is unhinged, belligerent, batshit crazy, hysterical meltdowns, as we've seen of late from Trump, Kavanaugh and Graham. Evidently you're all cool with it. Because, jobs...



Tibs, put you or your friends or family in his position right now. Are you going to sit by, take it and not be emotional or you going to fight for your innocence and good name? Answer honestly if you are being railroaded.

Wow, you are off the rails. Kavanaugh has spent his entire life working hard, raising a family, being in high profile positions, and nobody has ever accused him of malfeasance before the "groped me at a party nobody else remembers, can't recall anything about the party other than the titty grab" allegation was revealed.

For 10 days, Kavanaugh wants a hearing to answer the charge. He wants to testify under penalty of perjury. Senate does its delay game, and lo and behold, the "rape gang" bullshit is revealed. Kavanaugh now has to refute one of the most inane allegations ever raised.

His entire life is trashed. Dozens of women attorneys working for him say he is a great person and great judge? Pfffft. Dozens upon dozens for former high school and college classmates say the allegations are not in keeping with his character? Pfffffft. Dozens of women have seen their careers and futures strengthened and advanced by the same guy who supposedly serially raped dozens of women?!? Pfffft.

So he is emotional during the hearing - emotional when talking about his daughter, and father, and the girls he has coached.

You are just embarrassing yourself, Tibs. You have been swept up in the insanity that is the (D)'s right now due to Trump. Kavanaugh is the antithesis of what the (D)'s claim. He is not a sexual assaulting serial rapist; he is the exact opposite, somebody who has used his position to advance women in the workplace, somebody who has volunteered his time to coach sports for his girls, somebody who was described as having the highest character and integrity by his coworkers, classmates, employees, and teachers.

Torn apart by allegations that are refuted and/or ridiculous. Torn apart by some of the dumbest, lowest-character assclowns ever to hold public office. Seriously, I am supposed to place value on Corey Booker's opinions? A liar, a fraud, corrupt, a blowhard scumbag professional office holder and tax thief, calling Kavanaugh evil?

Oh, there's evil abounding all right, the evil of false charges, the evil of destroying somebody to have a body to stand on when grandstanding, the evil of perpetuating lies for political gain.

And that evil resides squarely with Corey and the Clowns.
Go cry to the American Bar Association and ask them why are they demanding an FBI investigation?

What a joke -
“We make this request because of the ABA’s respect for the rule of law and due process under law,” the letter read. “The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI.”
- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...tt-kavanaugh-vote-until-fbi-investigates.html

What child wrote that crap? Clearly they have no inkling of the principles that underscore the Advice and Consent clause, and ironically not much familiarity with due process.
Tibs, put you or your friends or family in his position right now. Are you going to sit by, take it and not be emotional or you going to fight for your innocence and good name? Answer honestly if you are being railroaded.
You fight it with dignity. You fight it trusting the process. You fight it through your trust and belief in the Constitution and the rule of law. That is, if you happen to be up for a Supreme Court nomination.

If you're a rich, entitled beer-guzzling frat boy with a shady past, well you react just like Kavanaugh did yesterday.
I have no problem with politicians being emotional, they are people too. The issue here is unhinged, belligerent, batshit crazy, hysterical meltdowns, as we've seen of late from Trump, Kavanaugh and Graham. Evidently you're all cool with it. Because, jobs...

really? jobs? this is about jobs? because people should be able to work and have the ways and means to provide for themselves and their families? really, Tibs? you think no one should work? if so, how would that effect your cute little cafes? would unworking people who have no money or ways to pay for the services provided at your eateries be served? how would you afford that? but, all that is besides the point.

you forget that this man - he's a man, husband and father before being a judge - had his credibility attacked over absolutely nothing provable. nor disprovable. your side just attacked Fred Rogers, and you think that's a-ok. The man hired how many female employees and never even a sniff, whiff or hint of impropriety in his entire ******* career. he was a solid choice. a solid man. a provider and a solid father figure. his children were affected by this. would you be ok with your child being attacked? if not, why? would it disgust you? if so, why?
Tibs, please post a video of one of Trump's recent batshit crazy hysterical meltdowns.

How pathetic. You watched the hearing, you saw that the guy's face was animated because he was continuously trying not to break down. His family was right behind him and he was fighting for his entire life's work and reputation and he was justifiably emotional. Some people wear their emotions on their sleeves more than others. Talk about grasping at straws.
You fight it with dignity. You fight it trusting the process. You fight it through your trust and belief in the Constitution and the rule of law. That is, if you happen to be up for a Supreme Court nomination.

If you're a rich, entitled beer-guzzling frat boy with a shady past, well you react just like Kavanaugh did yesterday.

Shady past? A past no one can confirm, but these accusers are claiming. His family is being harassed, his name is being drug through the mud, his kids are being threatened at school, death threats, but he's supposed to trust and believe in a process of the jackals that are doing this to him? Come on man, take off your Blue tinted glasses and look at it from a moral standpoint. Her story has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese and you know it. The timing, the leak, can't remember ****, but it was him. . .
The biggest hole was not how she got to and from the party, there are a ton of lies in her story.

1} Why did she go upstairs to go to a bathroom, was she going to take a shower?

2} There was no music playing downstairs yet when she went up the stairs, Kavanaugh and Judge who were highly intoxicated went in stealth mode to sneak up behind her and push her into bedroom.

3} The boys put on music upstairs and kept turning it up yet she could hear their laughing in her brain, it is etched their in stone

4} After the assault the two boys did not try and follow her into the bathroom and even jiggle the door to continue the assault or to try and talk to her.

5} They convenient;y turned off the music upstairs so she could both hear the previously real drunk boys not in stealth mode now bang into the walls as they made their way downstairs. Of course she can
also hear them talking and yet she can easily escape the house without detection

How does 5-4 sounds for the next 20 years? Well if RGB ( 85 ) , or Breyer ( 80 ) create a vacancy under Trump, it will be more like 6-3.

Tibbs, your not a bad guy at all. I suggest beers this afternoon, regardless of which what the vote goes. What do you like?
if not, why? would it disgust you? if so, why?
Why all the histrionics,https://www.google.com/search?clien...d=0ahUKEwjrnaX9l97dAhUBElAKHXNkD0MQkeECCCkoAA Supe? The simple question is why is Kavanaugh scared shitless from the FBI looking into these recent allegations? He's gone through multiple background checks, great. New allegations arose, they reopen the file, look into it and clear his name. Standard practice. Kavanaugh is not fit for this job any more than you or I are. I get it, he's emotional, he's defending his family, blah blah. But he's not looking to get hired at a Subway making sandwiches. A Supreme Court justice can't have a public meltdown like this during a job interview, crying about how much he loves to drink beer and railing against the liberal deep state out to get him. He's unhinged, just like Trump. He's a partisan hack, which is why Trump nominated him in the first place. Again, if you can elect Trump President, you can certainly confirm Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. This is how far America has fallen in 2018. Not sure if there's a road back.
Tibs, please post a video of one of Trump's recent batshit crazy hysterical meltdowns.
Dude just watch and listen to his most recent press conference from two days ago at the UN. He was either high as **** on lord-knows-what prescription meds, or was on the verge of being taken away in a straight jacket. It was one or the other, not sure which. The meandering, aimless stream of counsciousness, the endless rambling, the anger, the hurt feelings, the lashing out at reporters. I wouldn't put Trump in charge of a hot dog cart, much less running the country.
If you're a rich, entitled beer-guzzling frat boy with a shady past, well you react just like Kavanaugh did yesterday.

WTF? Kavanaugh's past is the exact opposite of shady. What are you talking about?

Republican=guilty no matter what he says, what others say about him- he's guilty!
No, not necessarily guilty. But for whatever reason, scared shitless of an FBI investigation into these recent allegations. You do the math.
He's unhinged, just like Trump. He's a partisan hack, which is why Trump nominated him in the first place. Again, if you can elect Trump President, you can certainly confirm Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court.

at least you are transparent, Tibs. He's a Trump boy, so he's bad, unhinged, rapist, evil, etc.
Why all the histrionics,https://www.google.com/search?clien...d=0ahUKEwjrnaX9l97dAhUBElAKHXNkD0MQkeECCCkoAA Supe? The simple question is why is Kavanaugh scared shitless from the FBI looking into these recent allegations? He's gone through multiple background checks, great. New allegations arose, they reopen the file, look into it and clear his name. Standard practice. Kavanaugh is not fit for this job any more than you or I are. I get it, he's emotional, he's defending his family, blah blah. But he's not looking to get hired at a Subway making sandwiches. A Supreme Court justice can't have a public meltdown like this during a job interview, crying about how much he loves to drink beer and railing against the liberal deep state out to get him. He's unhinged, just like Trump. He's a partisan hack, which is why Trump nominated him in the first place. Again, if you can elect Trump President, you can certainly confirm Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. This is how far America has fallen in 2018. Not sure if there's a road back.

you're goddamned hopeless. not a shred of decency in you at all, the way you so brush off what this man is going through. you're displaying a lot of the lack of integrity you have when it comes to family, as well. I notice you didn't answer ANYTHING I asked. nothing.

what would you do, tibs, if an allegation arose at your work place that you drunkenly groped your server? and that allegation was made in front of your wife and daughter? how would this effect you when your child(ren) told you that their school classmates were bullying them over this?

oh, let's just say this person accusing you is the daughter of the guy who's cafe is across the street from you - your direct competitor - and the allegation is now a very public spectacle.

so just brush this off, and casually dismiss this as you are wont to do.
because you cannot exercise empathy, as it is simply not something you have ... for anyone.