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Kavanaugh hearing

Poor impotent Dems got nothing but bile to choke on, ignore them, they are irrelevant

NeverTrumpers are onboard!

George W. Bush Calling Up Lawmakers to Push for 'Yes' Vote on Kavanaugh

Former President George W. Bush has reportedly been calling up lawmakers in recent days and pushing them to vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Sources cited by The Washington Post late Thursday said Bush has been trying to sway some senators who are key votes in the confirmation process but are unlikely to be receptive to President Trump. Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Joe Manchin III (D-WV), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

No, not necessarily guilty. But for whatever reason, scared shitless of an FBI investigation into these recent allegations. You do the math.

oooor, he knows that delaying the vote will get the Dems EXACTLY what they have set out to do. If you know their game plan, you know how to beat them at it.
WTF? Kavanaugh's past is the exact opposite of shady. What are you talking about?


The guy has calendars filled with detailed information from the 1980's and has been in high-profile public positions his entire adult life. Tibs is confused again.
A Supreme Court justice can't have a public meltdown like this during a job interview, crying about how much he loves to drink beer and railing against the liberal deep state out to get him. He's unhinged, just like Trump. He's a partisan hack, which is why Trump nominated him in the first place. Again, if you can elect Trump President, you can certainly confirm Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. This is how far America has fallen in 2018. Not sure if there's a road back.

Public meltdown? It was a powerful and emotional defense of his entire life's work and his reputation. Even Dems have said so. And a partisan hack? He's respected on both sides of the aisle and it was none other than SCOTUS Elena Kagan who pegged him to take her job when she filled her Court seat. You're confused.
Dude just watch and listen to his most recent press conference from two days ago at the UN. He was either high as **** on lord-knows-what prescription meds, or was on the verge of being taken away in a straight jacket. It was one or the other, not sure which. The meandering, aimless stream of counsciousness, the endless rambling, the anger, the hurt feelings, the lashing out at reporters. I wouldn't put Trump in charge of a hot dog cart, much less running the country.

So it should be easy for you to find a video of one of the batshit crazy hysterical meltdowns. Just one.
Why all the histrionics,https://www.google.com/search?clien...d=0ahUKEwjrnaX9l97dAhUBElAKHXNkD0MQkeECCCkoAA Supe? The simple question is why is Kavanaugh scared shitless from the FBI looking into these recent allegations? He's gone through multiple background checks, great. New allegations arose, they reopen the file, look into it and clear his name. Standard practice. Kavanaugh is not fit for this job any more than you or I are. I get it, he's emotional, he's defending his family, blah blah. But he's not looking to get hired at a Subway making sandwiches. A Supreme Court justice can't have a public meltdown like this during a job interview, crying about how much he loves to drink beer and railing against the liberal deep state out to get him. He's unhinged, just like Trump. He's a partisan hack, which is why Trump nominated him in the first place. Again, if you can elect Trump President, you can certainly confirm Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. This is how far America has fallen in 2018. Not sure if there's a road back.

I don’t know who’s house it happened at or even what year it happened. I don’t know if I got there before everyone else or after. I don’t know how I got there or how I got home over 8 miles away (at the age of 15).

My life time friend doesn’t remember any of this ( and the other 3 people I said were there testified under oath they don’t know anything about this).

I have a fear of flying , but have no problem jet-setting all over the world while on vacation. I’ve been on airplanes more in the past two months than most people in a year, but my fear is completely legit.

I don’t know who paid for my hotel and polygraph test( the afternoon of my grandmothers funeral, or maybe it was the next day, who knows). And guess what? I flew there. Oh and that polygraph, it was only two questions, neither of which were about Kavanaugh. But hey, I passed so that’s all that matters. And my PhD in psychology definitely, in no way, helped me with it or my testimony today.

My friends on the beach encouraged me to continue contacting the media with my story (because we were running out of time). I can’t name them, so we’ll just call them beach friends. Yet while giving such great advice, none were willing to be character witnesses. Meanwhile, Judge Kavanaugh had hundreds of character witnesses step up in a matter of days.

My lawyers, out of the kindness of their hearts, are helping me for FREE yet I have a “needed” gofundme page that currently is sitting at $473,622. I’m so desperately in need of help there’s even a second gofundme with $209,987. I promise though I’m not getting anything out of my testimony, that money is just going to cover my expenses.

I’m super smart. I have a PhD and I teach graduate students. I know lots of big words, but it should be totally believable that I don’t understand basic questions.

I was the only person in the United States that didn’t know Congress agreed to come to me instead of me going to DC. They really do care about my flying phobia after all.

Get the picture yet, what exactly do you want the FBI to investigate?
Public meltdown? It was a powerful and emotional defense of his entire life's work and his reputation. Even Dems have said so. And a partisan hack? He's respected on both sides of the aisle and it was none other than SCOTUS Elena Kagan who pegged him to take her job when she filled her Court seat. You're confused.

I'm telling you, the logic escapes certain people. The Trump hate is so wide and large, they can't see straight. I don't give a flying fart who is the Supreme Court judge to be frank, but I listened with an open mind, heard facts from his youth, what a hard worker is he, family man, seems rather honorable and BAM! Days before a vote, the Atom Bomb hits from the same people in the Senate that said they will do anything to keep him from that seat. The. same. people. They were working overtime to find something, anything from 36 years ago.
So Flake has put this on the white house to call for a limited fbi investigation, but Kavanaugh made it out of committee. Don't they investigate crimes? What crime has been committed?
So Flake has put this on the white house to call for a limited fbi investigation, but Kavanaugh made it out of committee. Don't they investigate crimes? What crime has been committed?

Tibs will tell you as soon as he gets back from the upswing on Flake's nutsack.
If they have the votes, they will take it to the floor. The Dems will try to stall this as long as they can. If this investigation finds nothing else, not one Democrat will change their mind,and support the Judge's nomination.

The Dems knew about this since July. If they wanted an investigation, they should have requested it then. **** em.
Tibs will tell you as soon as he gets back from the upswing on Flake's nutsack.
Boy you have a lot of misguided anger brewing inside of ya. May want to get that checked out.
Flake doesn't have the authority to call for an investigation. If he's a no vote then maybe they'll need Pence to cancel him out. Vote Tuesday. There's no need for another delay or investigation of a bullshit accusation with zero evidence.
If McConnell says up yours Flakey and proceeds with vote, it'd probably be 50-50 assuming they had the votes before today, lose Flake then Pence breaking tie. Kavanaugh in. Or Trump can say enough of this crap, no further investigation. Good thing Grassley said it was just a friendly agreement to advance the investigation which left granny feinstein perplexed lol.

The swamp strikes again.
Boy you have a lot of misguided anger brewing inside of ya. May want to get that checked out.

no anger. just telling the truth.
rut roh, raggy


Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee, privately told GOP senators she would not prosecute Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh based on the evidence she heard, according to the Washington Post.

That detail was spotlighted Friday by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, whose office sent out a news release Friday referring to Mitchell's conclusion.

Mitchell was hand-picked to lead the questioning of Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when both were high school students in the posh suburbs of suburban Maryland.

Mitchell avoided a high-decibel grilling Thursday and instead displayed a considerate, business-like manner befitting an experienced sex crimes prosecutor.

Cornyn, who as Senate majority whip is deputy to GOP Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News' Fox & Friends Friday morning that he thought Mitchell performed admirably.

“I spent 13 years as a judge back in Texas, and I recognize the need to have somebody who does this for a living day after day carefully question somebody who has claimed to be a victim of sexual assault," he said. "I thought she did a good job getting the basic facts out."
I don’t know who’s house it happened at or even what year it happened. I don’t know if I got there before everyone else or after. I don’t know how I got there or how I got home over 8 miles away (at the age of 15)....I don’t know who paid for my hotel and polygraph test( the afternoon of my grandmothers funeral, or maybe it was the next day, who knows).

Because..... Hippocampus. Don't you right-wingers understand simple psychology? Geez...
Im fine with a limited fbi investigation under 3 circumstances.
1. Totally limited scope... nothing but the facts Ford brought to the table, maybe the other two as cursory interviews ... no wierd tax tangents or redoing the entire initial background check.
2. Very limited timeframe... the fbi is huge... they can do this in a week
3. A no whining clause so nobody gets to complain when the FBI explains that no one had any actual facts to investigate... and everyone just gave vague denials.
Im fine with a limited fbi investigation under 3 circumstances.
1. Totally limited scope... nothing but the facts Ford brought to the table, maybe the other two as cursory interviews ... no wierd tax tangents or redoing the entire initial background check.
2. Very limited timeframe... the fbi is huge... they can do this in a week
3. A no whining clause so nobody gets to complain when the FBI explains that no one had any actual facts to investigate... and everyone just gave vague denials.

And honestly id still rather the republicans just say **** off, we don’t reward ******** that weaponized accusations. No soup for you...
The FBI investigation for a week I think is a good idea. Not because its needed, but because the Democrats will not be able to use that as a rallying cry for voters or in political ads.

Kavanaugh has been cleared by the FBI several times. So give them a week, and vote. I'm not saying the FBI won't find smaller stuff, like Dr. Ford credibility is even less than we thought.

Investigate away for the week, then vote. Time's up.
I don’t know who’s house it happened at or even what year it happened. I don’t know if I got there before everyone else or after. I don’t know how I got there or how I got home over 8 miles away (at the age of 15).

My life time friend doesn’t remember any of this ( and the other 3 people I said were there testified under oath they don’t know anything about this).

I have a fear of flying , but have no problem jet-setting all over the world while on vacation. I’ve been on airplanes more in the past two months than most people in a year, but my fear is completely legit.

I don’t know who paid for my hotel and polygraph test( the afternoon of my grandmothers funeral, or maybe it was the next day, who knows). And guess what? I flew there. Oh and that polygraph, it was only two questions, neither of which were about Kavanaugh. But hey, I passed so that’s all that matters. And my PhD in psychology definitely, in no way, helped me with it or my testimony today.

My friends on the beach encouraged me to continue contacting the media with my story (because we were running out of time). I can’t name them, so we’ll just call them beach friends. Yet while giving such great advice, none were willing to be character witnesses. Meanwhile, Judge Kavanaugh had hundreds of character witnesses step up in a matter of days.

My lawyers, out of the kindness of their hearts, are helping me for FREE yet I have a “needed” gofundme page that currently is sitting at $473,622. I’m so desperately in need of help there’s even a second gofundme with $209,987. I promise though I’m not getting anything out of my testimony, that money is just going to cover my expenses.

I’m super smart. I have a PhD and I teach graduate students. I know lots of big words, but it should be totally believable that I don’t understand basic questions.

I was the only person in the United States that didn’t know Congress agreed to come to me instead of me going to DC. They really do care about my flying phobia after all.

Get the picture yet, what exactly do you want the FBI to investigate?
Judge just said he will cooperate. This should be good, if he tells a different story than his signed statement he is going to be guilty of perjury. There is no way more wacko libtards don;t come out amd make more ridiculous charges.
Here's the problem and why the dems got a potential "win" today.

If the FBI is given a maximum of 1 week to investigate, you know they'll take that entire week. Every second of it. They'll chase down whatever leads they can dig up, talk to hundreds of people and ultimately at the end of the week, provide a poorly formulated report regarding their investigation.

DURING that time, the democrats will likely roll out 6 more woman who have been accosted, assaulted, sold into the sex-trade and generally mistreated by somebody while Kavanaugh was IN the room.

THEN at the end of the week (Remember midterm voting is happening starting next week) the democrats will demand that the reports be "looked over", "researched", "vetted". That will take more time. Ultimately elections will be happening WHILE this is going on.

THEN after all the senate investigation of the FBI investigation is complete (And those 6 NEW women have trashed Kavanaugh even more) They will say "Too many seats have flipped and we cannot in good conscious endorse this vote because technically, according to the votes, the Republicans don't have the majority anymore and we REALLY need to wait until the new electees get seated to hold our vote.

THAT's the NEW ploy!

Yesterday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault accusation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh lasted about nine hours (including breaks), but it could have accomplished as much (or as little) in half that time. Grandstanding, bloviating senators on both sides of the aisle were not content to make a point once when three, 13, or 20 times would do. Kavanaugh also was prone to repetition, which was only partly his fault, since the senators kept asking the same questions over and over again. This index gives you a sense of the hearing's priorities:

Number of times Kavanaugh confessed to liking beer (in so many words): 7

Number of times Kavanaugh confessed to sometimes drinking too much beer: 3

Number of times Kavanaugh denied having alcohol-induced memory lapses: 10

Number of time Kavanaugh alluded to conflicts with the freshman college roommate who said he was a mean drunk: 4

Number of times Kavanaugh noted that the three people Ford has said were at the gathering where he allegedly attacked her do not recall the event: 15

Number of times Democrats called for an FBI investigation: 20

Number of time Kavanaugh dodged the question of whether he would support an FBI investigation: 12

Number of times Republicans quoted Joe Biden on the inconclusiveness of FBI investigations: 3

Number of time Democrats praised Ford's courage: 13

Number of times Kavanaugh or a Republican senator complained that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sat on Ford's allegations for a month and a half: 12

Number of times Feinstein said she was respecting Ford's wish for confidentiality: 3

Number of times Kavanaugh or a Republican senator argued that the allegations could have been investigated by the committee while maintaining Ford's confidentiality: 5

Number of times Feinstein denied leaking the allegations to the press: 4

Number of times Kavanaugh's high school yearbook came up: 5

Mentions of vomit: 8

Mentions of flatulence: 4

As I watched yesterday, some of the questions reminded me of:
