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Kavanaugh hearing

Here's the problem and why the dems got a potential "win" today.

If the FBI is given a maximum of 1 week to investigate, you know they'll take that entire week. Every second of it. They'll chase down whatever leads they can dig up, talk to hundreds of people and ultimately at the end of the week, provide a poorly formulated report regarding their investigation.

DURING that time, the democrats will likely roll out 6 more woman who have been accosted, assaulted, sold into the sex-trade and generally mistreated by somebody while Kavanaugh was IN the country.

THEN at the end of the week (Remember midterm voting is happening starting next week) the democrats will demand that the reports be "looked over", "researched", "vetted". That will take more time. Ultimately elections will be happening WHILE this is going on.

THEN after all the senate investigation of the FBI investigation is complete (And those 6 NEW women have trashed Kavanaugh even more) They will say "Too many seats have flipped and we cannot in good conscious endorse this vote because technically, according to the votes, the Republicans don't have the majority anymore and we REALLY need to wait until the new electees get seated to hold our vote.

THAT's the NEW ploy!

just a little bit wrong. i corrected it.
Here's the problem and why the dems got a potential "win" today.

If the FBI is given a maximum of 1 week to investigate, you know they'll take that entire week. Every second of it. They'll chase down whatever leads they can dig up, talk to hundreds of people and ultimately at the end of the week, provide a poorly formulated report regarding their investigation.

DURING that time, the democrats will likely roll out 6 more woman who have been accosted, assaulted, sold into the sex-trade and generally mistreated by somebody while Kavanaugh was IN the room.

THEN at the end of the week (Remember midterm voting is happening starting next week) the democrats will demand that the reports be "looked over", "researched", "vetted". That will take more time. Ultimately elections will be happening WHILE this is going on.

THEN after all the senate investigation of the FBI investigation is complete (And those 6 NEW women have trashed Kavanaugh even more) They will say "Too many seats have flipped and we cannot in good conscious endorse this vote because technically, according to the votes, the Republicans don't have the majority anymore and we REALLY need to wait until the new electees get seated to hold our vote.

THAT's the NEW ploy!

This is it in a nutshell. Liberals will deny this is the play but they know it is.

It will NOT last a week. Porn Lawyer and feminazis will come forward in droves stating Kavanaugh sodomized them in the Bahamas and in Taipei. At the end of the week DemocRATS will demand more time and further investigation.

It's a complete **** you play and everyone's seen it from day one.

My ire is with the Republicans. Stand in unison.
What a criminal **** show,but that political party is as nasty as they come.

They have 12 out of 35 States so far needed for a Convention of the States. Washington is a lost cause anyway you slice it.
What would happen if the victim does a disappearing act and can’t be interviewed?

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Are you kidding. The ***** has made almost $700,000 on gofundme and counting. she is now a libtard icon and will get speaking fees, book deals, etc . The problem for her is the FBI will also investigate her past and her 64 sex partners from 11th grade through college, her Eazzie Christie nickname form high school, etc will come to fore.
A little much needed levity while Kavanaugh's fate twists in the wind for another week.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/lZDRtMTD2Z">pic.twitter.com/lZDRtMTD2Z</a></p>— C H I L I (@heyitschili) <a href="https://twitter.com/heyitschili/status/1045718359713681408?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Are you kidding. The ***** has made almost $700,000 on gofundme and counting. she is now a libtard icon and will get speaking fees, book deals, etc . The problem for her is the FBI will also investigate her past and her 64 sex partners from 11th grade through college, her Eazzie Christie nickname form high school, etc will come to fore.

She's like a professional hooker.
What would happen if the victim does a disappearing act and can’t be interviewed?

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she didnt accuse a Clinton. speaking of ...

because you cannot exercise empathy, as it is simply not something you have ... for anyone.
Supe spare me the crocodile tears and the sanctimonious bullshit. You weep on each other's shoulders for Kavanaugh while happily slandering and ridiculing Dr. Ford and the other women who've come forward with allegations of sexual abuse. You want me to 'exercise empathy' for Kavanaugh, yet at the same time ignore your complete lack of empathy and decency when it comes to others. Hypocrisy much?

Well, it looks like all three of these cases, the allegations brought forth by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick are deemed credible and will now be investigated by the FBI. This is a good thing which should be applauded by all. It is also a much needed reminder America is still a functioning constitutional democracy. Let the chips fall where they may.
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Supe spare me the crocodile tears and the sanctimonious bullshit. You weep on each other's shoulders for Kavanaugh while happily slandering and ridiculing Dr. Ford and the other women who've come forward with allegations of sexual abuse. You want me to 'exercise empathy' for Kavanaugh, yet at the same time ignore your complete lack of empathy and decency when it comes to others. Hypocrisy much?

Well, it looks like all three of these cases, the allegations brought forth by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick are deemed credible and will now be investigated by the FBI. This is a good thing which should be applauded by all. It is also a much needed reminder America is still a functioning constitutional democracy. Let the chips fall where they may.

and when the FBI finds nothing, you will be back to cry they were not given enough time or some other bullshit hysterical liberal fucktarded ****.
and when the FBI finds nothing, you will be back to cry they were not given enough time or some other bullshit hysterical liberal fucktarded ****.
Nah, just thought they should look into it, and was confused why Kavanaugh was so fearful of it. If they find nothing credible, then move on with the confirmation. Not too much to ask, seemed like a no brainer to me.
If this **** show has to happen, give them both real polygraph tests. Not in some hotel room and paid for by an interested party.
It will be interesting to see what was in all the social media that this lying ***** deleted.
3 days. The FBI should have until Tuesday. Report in by Wednesday a.m.

Vote on Friday. Regardless of who has or has not taken the time to read the report.
If this **** show has to happen, give them both real polygraph tests. Not in some hotel room and paid for by an interested party.

Pretty ironic that all three of these women have demanded a thorough FBI investigation into their allegations, which inherently include polygraph tests. Seems they're not a least bit fearful, but simply want to get to the truth.

Kavanaugh, gulp, not so much.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I questioned Judge Kavanaugh, repeatedly, on whether he would ask for an impartial FBI investigation into the allegations against him. He declined. <br> <br>Repeatedly. <a href="https://t.co/BGdfrtJ3g6">pic.twitter.com/BGdfrtJ3g6</a></p>— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) <a href="https://twitter.com/SenatorDurbin/status/1045426801831530501?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Well, Kavanaugh did say he'll do 'whatever the committee wants me to do,' so he'll have no other choice but cooperate with FBI investigators. I have no idea how anyone still thinks he's qualified to be a Supreme Court justice after yesterday's testimony, but I'm sure you have your reasons.
<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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It's frightening to imagine what hanky panky the likes of Byron White, Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren, Rehnquist, Scalia, Souter, etc may have done when they were teens.
Pretty ironic that all three of these women have demanded a thorough FBI investigation into their allegations, which inherently include polygraph tests. Seems they're not a least bit fearful, but simply want to get to the truth.

Kavanaugh, gulp, not so much.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I questioned Judge Kavanaugh, repeatedly, on whether he would ask for an impartial FBI investigation into the allegations against him. He declined. <br> <br>Repeatedly. <a href="https://t.co/BGdfrtJ3g6">pic.twitter.com/BGdfrtJ3g6</a></p>— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) <a href="https://twitter.com/SenatorDurbin/status/1045426801831530501?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Well, Kavanaugh did say he'll do 'whatever the committee wants me to do,' so he'll have no other choice but cooperate with FBI investigators. I have no idea how anyone still thinks he's qualified to be a Supreme Court justice after yesterday's testimony, but I'm sure you have your reasons.
<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Interesting how you left out that he had already answered that that same question 7 time already.........
Pretty ironic that all three of these women have demanded a thorough FBI investigation into their allegations, which inherently include polygraph tests. Seems they're not a least bit fearful, but simply want to get to the truth.

Kavanaugh, gulp, not so much.

I have no idea how anyone still thinks he's qualified to be a Supreme Court justice after yesterday's testimony, but I'm sure you have your reasons.

You're such a moron. You do nothing but avoid simple questions and do character assignations against people you don't like. How is he NOT qualified? I guess Bill isn't qualified to be president right? But you don't give a **** about that. How is Corey Booker qualified to be a senator? You still won't answer questions. Just blatant bullshit and no evidence of anything.

There is NOTHING for the FBI to investigate. That's why they said they didn't want it. Just ask Joe Biden (another Dem perv) said many years ago. But continue to bloviate about unfounded accusations and innuendo. They will find nothing because there is nothing to find. None of these woman have given ONE SINGLE SOLITARY piece of evidence.
Senate Panel Approves Kavanaugh, but Flake Wants F.B.I Investigation Before Final Vote

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines on Friday to advance Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's nomination to the full Senate, but in a dramatic reversal, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona said he would not support final confirmation until the F.B.I. investigates accusations of sexual assault leveled against Judge Kavanaugh.

After hushed negotiations with Democrats outside the hearing room
, Mr. Flake, who is retiring at the end of the term, chose a different course. His decision threw the nomination into uncertainty just moments before the panel was set to vote.

“I think it would be proper to delay the floor vote for up to but not more than one week in order to let the F.B.I. to do an investigation limited in time and scope to the current allegations that are there,” he said.




more payoffs?
I find it odd, that all the dems that questioned Judge Kavanaugh never asked him any questions about what he is being accused of doing. They just went on and on about a ******* year book or that he OH MY GOD drinks beer.
Meh i think all the random new accusations bullshit can be mitigated in the narrow scooe objectives... anything outside of mrs Fords accounts will not be part of the findings. period...

And the Republicans have Bush pushing for him now... so the moderates will be easier to pursuede when Trump is out of the picture...
U.S.—Democrats across the nation have threatened that they will abandon their final remaining shred of sanity should the Republican-controlled Senate vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in the next few weeks.

From Democratic senators to lay voters, liberal-leaning citizens have promised they will begin their wacky antics in earnest should the inevitable confirmation occur.

“I know it seems like we’re already totally nuts,” said Senator Cory Booker. “But believe you me—you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’re talking rending our garments and smashing stuff, constantly comparing ourselves to tragic martyrs on film and television, even punching ourselves in the face. And we’ll do it around the clock.”

Run-of-the-mill Democrat voters across the country have joined their nearly unhinged leaders in vowing to destroy their last vestige of reasonable behavior if the judge is confirmed for a SCOTUS seat.

“I’m going to dress up as genitals, go out into the streets, and yell at passersby for no reason at all, every day,” said Santa Clarita progressive Dennis Anderson. “I’m warning you: the last shred of sanity I have will go up in flames should Kavanaugh be confirmed. It’s my scorched earth policy.”

The beginning of Democrats’ final plunge into eternal insanity is scheduled for the moment Kavanaugh is confirmed, when millions of Democrats will gather outside the Capitol building to scream at the sky.

Nah, just thought they should look into it, and was confused why Kavanaugh was so fearful of it. If they find nothing credible, then move on with the confirmation. Not too much to ask, seemed like a no brainer to me.

You have made this claim four times.

I am calling you a liar on that claim. Kavanaugh specifically testified yesterday that he welcomes ANY investigation the Senate recommends.


So post one statement by Kavanaugh or his attorney - ONE - supporting your bullshit, phony claim that he is quaking in his boots about another (the 8th) investigation of his background.

Go ahead ... we'll wait.