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Kavanaugh hearing

Sorry Tibs, that's not the FBI's job. He's been background checked 6 SEPARATE times by the FBI already.
He's been background checked by the FBI 6 separate times. Good try though
seriously what is there to investigate that they haven't already asked the pertinent players?
they would take statements under oath, which they have.. that is it.
Dems: FBI investigation. That's all those scumbags have. He's already been investigated.
Grassley drops the Biden FBI quote. Game over. Confirm now.
As has been stated...This is not an FBI case.
This accusation, no matter how heartfelt and honest appearing, does not have adequate corroberating evidence.
This is pure bullshit by Feinstein and her posse and you know it. They were exposed today.
For the 10000000000 time. There is NOTHING for the FBI to investigate.
Judge already did so under oath. Give it up. You're full of **** like your dem heroes.
NO evidence, NO witnesses, NO corroboration.
They should have come forward when there was time to do so. Too late.
"the matter was not in the FBI's jurisdiction"
There is nothing for the FBI to investigate and you know it.
the FBI wouldn't take the case.
The allegations are just talk - air. They are so vacuous and unsupported as to be worthless.
"FBI. . . FBI . . . FBI!!! He's guilty! Investigate! Investigate! Bar Association!!!!!!! Investigate!"
Her story has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese and you know it.
what exactly do you want the FBI to investigate?
There's no need for another delay or investigation of a bullshit accusation with zero evidence.
The swamp strikes again.
Just blatant bullshit and no evidence of anything. There is NOTHING for the FBI to investigate.

Looks like the whole lot of you now have a bone to pick with President Trump.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New: A White House official says President Trump will authorize and order a supplemental FBI background investigation into Brett Kavanaugh.</p>— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) <a href="https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1045778538639626241?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Well, Kavanaugh did say he'll do 'whatever the committee wants me to do,' so he'll have no other choice but cooperate with FBI investigators. I have no idea how anyone still thinks he's qualified to be a Supreme Court justice after yesterday's testimony, but I'm sure you have your reasons.
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The mere fact that you and libtards like you believe he is not qualified is a very good reason to believe that he is.
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Looks like the whole lot of you now have a bone to pick with President Trump.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New: A White House official says President Trump will authorize and order a supplemental FBI background investigation into Brett Kavanaugh.</p>— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) <a href="https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1045778538639626241?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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So when the FBI questions 75 people, and turns in their statements, confirming what we already know ...

What then, Sherlock??

You have not actually watched the testimony, have you? You are simply parroting bullshit lies from bowelmovement.org and other such shithole sites, isn't that true?
So when the FBI questions 75 people, and turns in their statements, confirming what we already know ...What then, Sherlock??
Well Dr. Watson, that's what investigations are for, to get to the truth, are they not?

You have not actually watched the testimony, have you?
I actually watched the entire thing, till the end, as painstaking as it was.

You are simply parroting bullshit lies from bowelmovement.org and other such shithole sites, isn't that true?
No counselor, that is not true. Any other questions, your highness?
Here's something that is both befuddling to me and enrages me...

I just heard that for the upcoming FBI investigation, Dr. Ford's lawyers have said she can't be cross investigated, i.e., she will not turn over her year books, her therapist notes, etc.

How in the HELL can this double standard exist if it is true?? An accuser, who likely has falsely accused the good Judge, has to drop his shorts around his ankles, but the FBI cannot look into her background, her social posts, her writings, her year books, and more importantly her therapist notes that directly will affect this investigation?

Someone tell me this cannot be true.
Well Dr. Watson, that's what investigations are for, to get to the truth, are they not?

I'm curious, what investigation will satisfy your partisan backside? 6 prior FBI background checks provided nothing. The FBI has no crime scene to investigate. There are no forensics, no reports. NOTHING.
Quite literally the ONLY thing they can investigate are memories.

I'm laying it down now because you're as predictable as the sun rises...when this FBI conclusion concludes you will say it was inconclusive.
Tibs is such a douche. I mean a real, grade A, no common sense having douche. With severe TDS.
Meh i think all the random new accusations bullshit can be mitigated in the narrow scooe objectives... anything outside of mrs Fords accounts will not be part of the findings. period...
No, I believe the FBI will be looking into the cases of all three seperate allegations -- Ford, Ramirez and Swetnick.
Here's something that is both befuddling to me and enrages me...

I just heard that for the upcoming FBI investigation, Dr. Ford's lawyers have said she can't be cross investigated, i.e., she will not turn over her year books, her therapist notes, etc.

How in the HELL can this double standard exist if it is true?? An accuser, who likely has falsely accused the good Judge, has to drop his shorts around his ankles, but the FBI cannot look into her background, her social posts, her writings, her year books, and more importantly her therapist notes that directly will affect this investigation?

Someone tell me this cannot be true.

Doesn’t matter... the republicans wouldn’t have caved so easily if they didn’t know it was a nothingburger... they just don’t want to stir the pot anymore... the important thing is no new allegations are on the docket... so a million dems can come flailing around with sordid tales of debauchery and it won’t matter... they will still cry unfair, but lets face facts... the republicans are not going to let this go into the election...

And there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth because the second he is confirmed, twenty years of democratic bad strategy collapses in on itself....
Well Dr. Watson, that's what investigations are for, to get to the truth, are they not?

No, you fuckknob, the FBI does nothing other than take statements. THAT'S IT.

We already have the statements, under penalty of perjury, from THE SAME WITNESSES.

So I ask again, because as expected you are a blithering nitwit as to the process ...

The FBI gets the sworn statements, saying the same things already known.


I actually watched the entire thing, till the end, as painstaking as it was.

I think you are lying. The hearings ran from approximately 10:00 a.m. EST to generally 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m., EST.

The time difference is 7 hours from Washington, D.C. to Turkey. So you claim that you stayed up until 1:00 a.m. to watch this ****? Not believing it.

No counselor, that is not true. Any other questions, your highness?

What do you say to the girl who accuses you of grabbing her tit at an unknown location, and unknown date, and who first brought it up just today, 36 years later?

How many gerbils do you own? Where EXACTLY are they currently located??
I'm curious, what investigation will satisfy your partisan backside? 6 prior FBI background checks provided nothing. The FBI has no crime scene to investigate. There are no forensics, no reports. NOTHING. Quite literally the ONLY thing they can investigate are memories.
I don't know, you should ask Trump why he ordered the FBI investigations. Maybe there's a WH hotline for that.

I'm laying it down now because you're as predictable as the sun rises...when this FBI conclusion concludes you will say it was inconclusive.
Who am I to judge what the FBI investigations will bring to light. They will speak for themselves and be entered into the public domain. What do you care what I think about them?

Tibs is such a douche. I mean a real, grade A, no common sense having douche. With severe TDS.
What a sad, little man you are Indy. You've got nothing left but your limp dick in your hand, wondering what went wrong. It's okay buddy, you'll get through this.
And here is the most important thing... the hard core left is going to lose its ****... the moderate left is going to get pushed away... the dems had best hope they crush this midterm because if they don’t at least take the house they are relatively doomed as a party...

Im hoping they lose big for selfish reasons now... i just need one of the two to split so my political views can be appeased for once
Looks like the whole lot of you now have a bone to pick with President Trump.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New: A White House official says President Trump will authorize and order a supplemental FBI background investigation into Brett Kavanaugh.</p>— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) <a href="https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1045778538639626241?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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And now you wanna suck his bone.

Trump a sly one he is.
When the FBI turns in their reports and nothing of value to democrat pond scum is presented, Trump will have exposed these democrats as being nothing more than the unethical, unprincipled, political thugs Americans always thought they were.
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No, you fuckknob...you are a blithering nitwit
So many raw emotions, try to settle down a little and gather yourself.

the FBI does nothing other than take statements. THAT'S IT. We already have the statements, under penalty of perjury, from THE SAME WITNESSES. So I ask again, because as expected as to the process ...The FBI gets the sworn statements, saying the same things already known. THEN WHAT???
I dunno. You should ask Donald J. Trump why he ordered the FBI to open an investigation into his own nominee, involving three women who've stepped forward with seperate allegations of sexual assault. If there was nothing there, Trump surely would have nipped this in the bud.

I think you are lying. So you claim that you stayed up until 1:00 a.m. to watch this ****? Not believing it.
Jesus Christ, don't be such a wuss. I'm a night owl and stay up well past that regularly, to watch Steelers games among other things. And stop prying into my personal life, you creepy douche lawyer.
Trump a sly one he is. When the FBI turns in their reports and nothing of value to democrat pond scum is presented, Trump will have exposed these democrats as being nothing more than the unethical, unprincipled, political thugs Americans always thought they were.

Nah but he will get the Dems to admit that the FBI is politicized again.... if they clear Kavanaugh, how can the dems support and bash them at the same time? They will Comey them all...lol
So many raw emotions, try to settle down a little and gather yourself.

I dunno. You should ask Donald J. Trump why he ordered the FBI to open an investigation into his own nominee, involving three women who've stepped forward with seperate allegations of sexual assault. If there was nothing there, Trump surely would have nipped this in the bud.

Jesus Christ, don't be such a wuss. I'm a night owl and stay up well past that regularly, to watch Steelers games among other things. And stop prying into my personal life, you creepy douche lawyer.

I support anyone calling lawyers creepy douches... even the ones I like... lol
Trump a sly one he is. When the FBI turns in their reports and nothing of value to democrat pond scum is presented, Trump will have exposed these democrats as being nothing more than the unethical, unprincipled, political thugs Americans always thought they were.
I actually think this is accurate, as far as what Trump is thinking. At the minimum, it was the right thing to do, to show Americans that sexual assault allegations will be taken seriously. These women all seem credible, we'll see what the FBI will uncover, if anything. It was a smart move by Trump to defuse the situation. Adding a single week to the confirmation process is just a bump in the road. If Kavanaugh checks out, he gets confirmed and doesn't have this hanging over his head as he serves on the SC till the end of time. That's what I've been arguing for the past two days now, but everyone got their panties in a bunch that I dared suggest the FBI investigate these cases.

And if the allegations are true, then Kavanaugh is ******, and rightfully so. Trump will simply put forward another nominee and life will go on.
If she is refusing access into her notes and information then they should just say **** off no investigation. Seriously if that is true EVERYONE should have a problem with that. It isn't a real investigation if they don't.
It also makes her really look like she is hiding something like maybe her saying she did not remember who did it or worse.
If they have the votes, they will take it to the floor. The Dems will try to stall this as long as they can. If this investigation finds nothing else, not one Democrat will change their mind,and support the Judge's nomination.

The Dems knew about this since July. If they wanted an investigation, they should have requested it then. **** em.

I'm pretty excited to see these ***** still vote no after the 1 week.
This is just weak Reps wanting the political cover of an FBI investigation. And a pure delay tactic by the Dems. They will simply demand something else once this is complete.

If i’m Trump. Just to avoid the possibility of a deep stater like Strozk (sp) getting assigned the case, i would announce that to ensure the impartiality, he will even insist the FBI agent involved have their emails and other correspondence checked going back 10 years. Then ask for volunteers to lead the investigation.
So if I'm the FBI investigator on this dog and pony I fly to Frisco, get a nice hotel room, order a lot of room service, maybe go see some attractions and write a report up of information we already know. We used to call that a boondoggle.
So many raw emotions, try to settle down a little and gather yourself.

Says the thin-skinned guy who then writes ...

Jesus Christ, don't be such a wuss. I'm a night owl and stay up well past that regularly, to watch Steelers games among other things. And stop prying into my personal life, you creepy douche lawyer.

Don't believe you, and not buying that you stayed up until 1:00 a.m. to watch assclowns like Booker and Harris.

I dunno. You should ask Donald J. Trump why he ordered the FBI to open an investigation into his own nominee, involving three women who've stepped forward with seperate allegations of sexual assault. If there was nothing there, Trump surely would have nipped this in the bud.

No, you moron, he knows that the FBI will take statements, stating what we already know, and that nothing will change. Nothing. He knows it is a waste of time and money.

So again, for the third time - the FBI questions witnesses, turns in the statements ("302's"), repeating what we already know.

I need a beer. I’m having a beer. Here’s to you Kav [emoji482]

Yeah, no doubt if this SC justice gig doesn't pan out, Kav will have beer co's banging down his door for endorsements. He seems like a Coors Light or Bud Light kind of guy.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Does Brett Kavanaugh like drinking beer? Here, let him tell you. <a href="https://t.co/zA0I6XrTcI">pic.twitter.com/zA0I6XrTcI</a></p>— Deadspin (@Deadspin) <a href="https://twitter.com/Deadspin/status/1045432536992702465?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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