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Kavanaugh hearing

Yeah, no doubt if this SC justice gig doesn't pan out, Kav will have beer co's banging down his door for endorsements. He seems like a Coors Light or Bud Light kind of guy.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Does Brett Kavanaugh like drinking beer? Here, let him tell you. <a href="https://t.co/zA0I6XrTcI">pic.twitter.com/zA0I6XrTcI</a></p>— Deadspin (@Deadspin) <a href="https://twitter.com/Deadspin/status/1045432536992702465?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Definitely a bud guy. Kavanaugh on the seat. Dilly dilly!
So again, for the third time - the FBI questions witnesses, turns in the statements ("302's"), repeating what we already know.
You have no ******* idea what a legitimate FBI investigation will uncover. For instance from Mark Judge, who can be considered a co-suspect in at least two of these alleged crimes. The flimsy letter(s) sent thus far from his lawyers mean jack ****. Or Kavanaugh's calendar entry for July 1st, 1982, which places all of the persons named by Dr. Ford at the same place, at the same time.

Also, you seem to be ignoring the fact the FBI may well be looking into both of the other cases, which we know little about at this point. All new information, new allegations, new witnesses, etc.

The Trump base:

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Jesus Christ, don't be such a wuss. I'm a night owl and stay up well past that regularly, to watch Steelers games among other things. And stop prying into my personal life, you creepy douche lawyer.

So many raw emotions, try to settle down a little and gather yourself.

If she is refusing access into her notes and information then they should just say **** off no investigation. Seriously if that is true EVERYONE should have a problem with that. It isn't a real investigation if they don't.

It also makes her really look like she is hiding something like maybe her saying she did not remember who did it or worse.

This is the **** that is scary in today's #MeToo (which literally translated reads 'pound me too') day and age. The accuser must be believed. Damn all evidence. Damn it all. Despite UVA, despite Duke Lacrosse, despite Michael Irvin, despite Jerome Bettis, despite Bryan Banks, despite my neighbor's son and countless others wrongly accused (some of whom have served jail time), ALL women must believed.

This is scary ****. And an INCREDIBLE power and weapon to grant women.

I can only hope Tibs life is affected by this like my next door neighbor's son has been - wrongfully accused, acquitted, but will pay the price for the rest of his life (a post Tibs intelligently chose not to reply to).

I think I'd dance in glee watching him thrown off his high horse after being wrongfully accused by a woman for a crime he didn't commit, his career ruined, his business lost, possible jail time... then to hear him cry "this isn't fair!"

I'd drink a beer or twelve to that. And Tibs, before you say I'm evil and go posting and crying about meanies here again, I'll stop your hypocrisy in advance. You're relishing in Democrats destroying this man and his family. So don't tell me I'm evil because I'd celebrate you getting a taste of it.
The FBI "investigation" of 36 year old claims with no information about when, where, and where the witnesses say it did not happen calls to mind this great exchange about "promising leads":

So many raw emotions, try to settle down a little and gather yourself.
Good one Tim, kudos.

The accuser must be believed. Damn all evidence. Damn it all...ALL women must believed.
No, not at all. Putting your hysterics aside, this a lifetime SC nomination at stake. The bar is high for a reason, as it should be. If there are (multiple) credible allegations of sexual offenses, they need to be looked into. Simple as that. Nobody forced Kavanaugh to react to these accusations in the manner he did. He's a federal judge, allegedly of impecable character. False accusations pop up, stand your ground, maintain your composure, let it play out, investigate, clear your name, get confirmed, move on. Yes, we live in a heightened, 24-hour news cycle. The media runs with everything. So what, it's reality, it's what public figures deal with day in and day out. If you have nothing to hide, you've done nothing wrong, it's someone like Kavanaugh that stood a chance to fight this with moral fortitude and a stiff upper lip. He did the opposite, and melted down on live television for the world to see. Look, the FBI will now investigate these allegations, if he's cleared I see no reason why he won't live a comfortable life of privilege serving as a SC judge. He can proudly say he withstood these false allegations and came out unscathed. No reason at all he couldn't have an outstanding career moving forward. If it's found there's fire to all the smoke, well then he'll crash and burn, deservedly so. But to whine and cry about due process for a federal judge, a public official, a nominee to the highest court in the land, please spare us the crocodile tears, really.

This is scary ****. And an INCREDIBLE power and weapon to grant women
Now you're letting your true colors show. Nothing has been established, nobody's life has been ruined here. If these three women are full of ****, and they are indeed found to be part of some liberal scam to disenfranchise Kavanaugh's nomination, he will come out stronger than ever after the chips fall. You do understand something like 2/3's of sexual abuse cases are never reported, right? You do understand - as far as we know - Kavanaugh could very well have committed these acts? Are you related to him, do you know him personally? I ask that given your willingness to point blank vouch for him and believe his every word. All we know he's been hand-picked by Trump, who has his own dubious skeletons in the closet, more than anyone on the right will willingly admit.

I can only hope Tibs life is affected by this - wrongfully accused, acquitted, but will pay the price for the rest of his life. I think I'd dance in glee watching him thrown off his high horse after being wrongfully accused by a woman for a crime he didn't commit, his career ruined, his business lost, possible jail time... then to hear him cry "this isn't fair!" I'd drink a beer or twelve to that.
Very classy Tim, very classy. Again, you reveal your true self here each and every day.

You're relishing in Democrats destroying this man and his family.
I'm not, as difficult as that may be to accept. He purposefully went down this path to play the weeping, enraged victim here. He could have taken the high road and stayed true to his stoic, calm, pragmatic nature. His testimony yesterday was out of character, a clear attempt to sway public opinion, which you and many others bought into, hook, line and sinker. Now we'll let the FBI sort out fact from fiction.
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I don't know, you should ask Trump why he ordered the FBI investigations. Maybe there's a WH hotline for that.

Who am I to judge what the FBI investigations will bring to light. They will speak for themselves and be entered into the public domain. What do you care what I think about them?

What a sad, little man you are Indy. You've got nothing left but your limp dick in your hand, wondering what went wrong. It's okay buddy, you'll get through this.

You’re so stupid that you need to break out limp dick insults. My sex track record speaks for itself. I don’t have the time to relay it all, You are a weak, petty, terrified, Hungarian fuckup excuse of a man. I’m fine with the FBI investigation. It’s only one week and will continue to expose you unhinged libtards for the idiots that you are.
You’re so stupid that you need to break out limp dick insults. My sex track record speaks for itself. I don’t have the time to relay it all, You are a weak, petty, terrified, Hungarian fuckup excuse of a man. I’m fine with the FBI investigation. It’s only one week and will continue to expose you unhinged libtards for the idiots that you are.

Now you're letting your true colors show.

My true colors? Because I live next door to a young man who's life is being ruined by a false accuser? **** you Namlak. I believe in true equality - for both men and women. And we are at an imbalance. You clearly cannot see that. I'm tired of men's lives, their careers, their families being destroyed by women with vendettas.

Nothing has been established, nobody's life has been ruined here.

Kavanaugh's wife, his career, and his children disagree with you...and for the moment win.

I'm not, as difficult as that may be to accept.

You are. Of this there is no longer denial. The populace sees it and has denoted it. You can wallow and scream all you want. You've become a despicable human bent on politics over humans.
I believe in true equality - for both men and women. And we are at an imbalance. You clearly cannot see that. I'm tired of men's lives, their careers, their families being destroyed by women with vendettas.
You should equally be tired of women being sexually assaulted, particulary at a young age when their lives are ruined and tainted forever due to the animalistic behavior of privileged young men, or older men or middle-aged men. Men who are prone to get black-out drunk and are used to getting their way.

The populace sees it and has denoted it. You can wallow and scream all you want

The populace? You mean the Trump nut-hugging circle jerk on this board? Color me impressed you've got a bunch of guys who agree with you here at SN. Whoop de do.

You've become a despicable human bent on politics over humans.
Nah, I'm not a despicable human being, not by a long shot. Demonize me all you want. That's your problem, not mine.

**** you Namlak.
Sure, **** you too Tim. Have a wonderful weekend. Hope the Steelers bash the Ravens Sunday night.
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Do you have any idea how serious this for our country moving forward?

If it means getting one more Democrat judge, not a single Liberal gives a ****. They would gleefully wreck an innocent man's life for one more seat and would smile all the way to the bank. Hateful, power hungry, bunch.
I bet if and when Kavanaugh is confirmed elfies brain melts.... like a scanners head explosion... it would be magnificent to be a fly on that wall in that scenario.... guys like Tibs will be upset... but the real lunatics are going to get to some special kind of sanity deprived mental state...
If it means getting one more Democrat judge, not a single Liberal does. They would gleefully wreck an innocent man's life for one more seat and would smile all the way to the bank. Hateful, power hungry, bunch.
That's funny. I'll gladly take a moderate conservative judge on the SC. But keep building your castle of false premises, brick by brick. I believe in our constitutional democracy and prefer judges who abide primarily by the Constitution. See, right there I'm a living example of a 'single liberal' who breaks the mold. I don't want partisan, rock star judges on the SC, with a chip on their shoulder. And that includes - gasp - left leaning judges. Nothing is black and white as you may perceive it to be. The fact is the extreme right in America wants judges who will be exactly that, partisan hacks who'll revoke abortion rights, same sex laws, etc. We should all be collectively supporting nominees who are middle of the road, strict Constitutionalists. With clear moral character and mental fortitude. That's why you didn't hear a peep out of me regarding Neil Gorsuch, and I thought Obama's candidate Merrick Garland was also a fine candidate. He was railroaded by the partisan GOP for months on end, never got a hearing. Kavanaugh seems utterly fishy to me, above and beyond these 'last minute' sexual allegations. I think we, as a nation, deserve better. And yes I say that as an American living and working abroad.
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I honestly wouldn’t mind 3 liberals 3 conservatives and 3 moderates... but given the choice between persons who legislate from the bench or just blindly rule according to law and precedent ill take the latter over the former out of pure checks and balances purposes

What libs don’t get is Kavanaugh wasn’t the ideal superconservative for many conservatives... he was just a really squeaky clean guy... he still is a bush republican and they have other candidates many prefered over him.

Much like obamas last choice wasnt a liberal judge, just a guy he thought would sometime lean liberal and who the republicans would confirm, and who was old enough he wouldn’t spend 20 to 30 years on the bench
If Trump nominated him, im not sure the Libs would confirm him either... they would hold out to 2020 cause this isn’t about the country ... its all powermad politics.

There are probably just as many Dem senators holding their nose and backing these charges as republicans senators who disapprove of the rushed confirmation hearings....
For those who need to be reminded of the facts in this case, the serious breaches of credibility in Kavanaugh's testimony. You can look for and choose to see the boogie man and the 'witch hunt' when it comes to this confirmation hearing, but Kavanuagh, much like Trump, seems to be his own worst enemy. And this is his basic credibility on the line here, arguably the most critical aspect of confirming a Supreme Court justice. We'll learn more facts of the omnious allegations the FBI is looking into regarding multiple allegations of sexual assault charges. But Kavanaugh's basic credibility and level of honesty has already been seriously compromsed, in my view.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNowThisPolitics%2Fvideos%2F2194592847495745%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
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My true colors? Because I live next door to a young man who's life is being ruined by a false accuser? **** you Namlak. I believe in true equality - for both men and women. And we are at an imbalance. You clearly cannot see that. I'm tired of men's lives, their careers, their families being destroyed by women with vendettas.

Kavanaugh's wife, his career, and his children disagree with you...and for the moment win.

You are. Of this there is no longer denial. The populace sees it and has denoted it. You can wallow and scream all you want. You've become a despicable human bent on politics over humans.

Have to agree with Tim.

Anytime a man is about to advance in a higher position, it seems some bat **** crazy lady accuses said man of sexual assault so many years ago.

It's sad that labels and finger pointing go on.
Cause these are serious cases. But honestly, why wait so many years?
For those who need to be reminded of the facts in this case, the serious breaches of credibility in Kavanaugh's testimony.
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNowThisPolitics%2Fvideos%2F2194592847495745%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Which breaches would those be? That he had beers and got drunk when he was in college? Because I haven't heard anything more damning than that which can be substantiated. What have you heard? I'm curious as to why I should even entertain the thought that this isn't a political hit job. What evidence have you seen that I don't?
President Trump touts FBI investigation of Kavanaugh: He'll some day be recognized as a 'truly great' justice

President Trump touted the beginning of what he called the “seventh” FBI investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, expressing confidence for the judge's nomination, despite facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.

“Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh,” Trump tweeted on Friday night. “He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!”

Trump asked the FBI to investigate sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh after Senate Republicans agreed to a one-week investigation, temporarily delaying the judge's nomination to the Supreme Court.

“I’ve ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file. As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week,” Trump said in the statement released by the White House.



All the FBI is going to do is re-interview everybody that they interviewed before and submit their findings, which will pretty much be the same findings like 6 times before.

and make sure we get the rightest wingest woman judge we have an put her up for the next opening
You should equally be tired of women being sexually assaulted, particulary at a young age when their lives are ruined and tainted forever due to the animalistic behavior of privileged young men, or older men or middle-aged men. Men who are prone to get black-out drunk and are used to getting their way.

We are tired of anyone being assaulted.. It's Libtards like you that label everyone that think we are not. That's what you vermin DemocRATS do. You label us racists. Deplorables. Islamphobes. Homophobes. Xenophobes. Your arrogant statement "assumes" that I don't care. Despite my sister having suffered a rape. So **** you. Take your holier than thou position, your egotistical Democratic bullshit and shove it up your ***. Don't you ever tell me again I don't care.

I repeat my claim. I couldn't wish harder for you to suffer the accusations of a false rape because you sir need a wake up call of the 1000% degree.

So **** you Namlak. Stop speaking for me and labeling me when you know nothing about me. And stop being the AntiFA Liberal.

Whoops. You are AntiFA.

Nah, I'm not a despicable human being, not by a long shot.

Yeah, you are.

Recently another poster told me...Elfie...she/he/it is just over the top. But I'd assault and hurt Tibs. That guy scares me. He's dangerous to the Republic. Couldn't agree more.
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That's funny. I'll gladly take a moderate conservative judge on the SC. But keep building your castle of false premises, brick by brick. I believe in our constitutional democracy and prefer judges who abide primarily by the Constitution. See, right there I'm a living example of a 'single liberal' who breaks the mold. I don't want partisan, rock star judges on the SC, with a chip on their shoulder. And that includes - gasp - left leaning judges. Nothing is black and white as you may perceive it to be. The fact is the extreme right in America wants judges who will be exactly that, partisan hacks who'll revoke abortion rights, same sex laws, etc. We should all be collectively supporting nominees that are middle of the road, strict Constitutionalists. With clear moral character and mental fortitude. That's why you didn't hear a peep out of me regarding Neil Gorsuch, and I thought Obama's candidate Merrick Garland was also a fine candidate. He was railroaded by the partisan GOP for months on end, never got a hearing. Kavanaugh seems utterly fishy to me, above and beyond these 'last minute' sexual allegations. I think we, as a nation, deserve better. And yes I say that as an American living and working abroad.

Well well, the truth has come out. You've just confirmed what we knew you were all about all along.

Admit it Tibby, Kavanaugh's testimony has not convinced you that he is a sex offender....you have convinced yourself he is a sex offender...why? because by your own admission you don't like his record as judge, and that he is too partisan, and "too far right" , therefore he needs to be destroyed, isn't that right Tibby?

So you had no problem with Gorsuch because he was middle of the road.
Tell me something Tibby., if Kavanaugh had been a moderate like Gorsuch, would you be engaging in this charade?
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Jerry Springer show had more class than those redikulus Democrats on that committee.