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Kavanaugh hearing

Recently another poster told me.....I'd assault and hurt Tibs. That guy scares me. He's dangerous to the Republic. Couldn't agree more.
Thanks for sharing, that’s good to know. Glad that’s out in the open on this public forum for all to see, including the owners and mods of this message board. This has been saved for public record.

It’s important that you’ve exposed the fact there is in fact a truly extremist element to this board, members here who are willing and able to threaten others with violence, with a clear intent to injure and cause bodily harm. For the sole reason of having differing political opinions. I’ve always known there were members here who held such fringe, extremist views and were prone to violence. Now the cat is out of the bag.

I can’t view your post as anything other than a personal threat, and not even a veiled one at that. You were finally brave enough to step forward and explain in plain English how it is. Lifelong Steeler fans of a liberal persuation are not welcome here. Simple as that.

Have a nice ******* life Tim, I hope you see the light somewhere down the road.

To the rest of you, carry on, I’ve enjoyed the many years of discussion both here and on the football side. Peace out, I hope the Steelers add a few more SB trophies to the case. Godspeed, Tibs
My true colors? Because I live next door to a young man who's life is being ruined by a false accuser? **** you Namlak. I believe in true equality - for both men and women. And we are at an imbalance. You clearly cannot see that. I'm tired of men's lives, their careers, their families being destroyed by women with vendettas.

We are living in "toxic femininity" times.
Thanks for sharing, that’s good to know. Glad that’s out in the open on this public forum for all to see, including the owners and mods of this message board. This has been saved for public record.

It’s important that you’ve exposed the fact there is in fact a truly extremist element to this board, members here who are willing and able to threaten others with violence, with a clear intent to injure and cause bodily harm. For the sole reason of having differing political opinions. I’ve always known there were members here who held such fringe, extremist views and were prone to violence. Now the cat is out of the bag.

I can’t view your post as anything other than a personal threat, and not even a veiled one at that. You were finally brave enough to step forward and explain in plain English how it is. Lifelong Steeler fans of a liberal persuation are not welcome here. Simple as that.

Have a nice ******* life Tim, I hope you see the light somewhere down the road.

To the rest of you, carry on, I’ve enjoyed the many years of discussion both here and on the football side. Peace out, I hope the Steelers add a few more SB trophies to the case. Godspeed, Tibs

Oh shut the **** up with your sanctimonious drivel....you want to point fingers at who you think is an extremist prone to violence when at no time were you ever critical of or spoke against Antifa violence, violence by leftists at Trump campaign rallies, post Trump election riots, the Bernie bot who tried to shoot up Republicans at a baseball game, that ***** holding up the severed head of Trump, smashing cars owed by Trump supporters, Ted Cruz being harassed by leftists...

Apparently those incidents were all just fine with you because by you saying nothing against violence is your approval of it.

Furthermore, your posts amount to nothing but trolling in your attempt to push buttons and touch nerves...so don't cry when you get what you ask for.
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For those who need to be reminded of the facts in this case, the serious breaches of credibility in Kavanaugh's testimony. You can look for and choose to see the boogie man and the 'witch hunt' when it comes to this confirmation hearing, but Kavanuagh, much like Trump, seems to be his own worst enemy. And this is his basic credibility on the line here, arguably the most critical aspect of confirming a Supreme Court justice. We'll learn more facts of the omnious allegations the FBI is looking into regarding multiple allegations of sexual assault charges. But Kavanaugh's basic credibility and level of honesty has already been seriously compromsed, in my view.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNowThisPolitics%2Fvideos%2F2194592847495745%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Holy ******* ****, that was lame, even for you. Let's go through these alleged "falsehoods" by Kavanaugh:

1. All four people Phony Doctor (seriously, nobody is called "Dr." unless he or she is a medical doctor) Ford says were present denied the allegation. Truth - Kavanaugh denies the allegation. As to Mark Judge, here is what he has to offer: "Judge has backed up Kavanaugh’s emphatic denial of the accusations. “It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way,” Judge said. Strike 1, Tibsy. Ford's friend says, Keyser, says, "Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” According to the news outlet, Walsh confirmed that his client and Ford are “lifelong friend." Strike 2, Tibsy. Finally, Smyth stated he has no memory of anything close to what was alleged. "Patrick Smyth, issued a written statement to that effect earlier in the week. Thus far, nobody has backed up the account advanced by Kavanaugh’s accuser, while Kavanaugh and three other named witnesses have rejected it outright. Smyth continued, “Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women." Lying about lies ... Strike 3, buddy ... and you know what that means. "GET THE **** OUT." Oh, and the lying bullshit that Keyser "believes" Pretend Dr. Ford?!? Jee-zus, are you that stupid? (Rhetorical question - don't answer, you will just make yourself look dumb.) She is a longtime friend, disputes the facts, but does not throw her under the bus.

So whose story checks out, and whose does not? Yep, Dr. Kavanaugh 1 - Dr. Ford 0. Keep score, buddy.

2. Ahhhh, the calendar supports Fake Ford!! Yeah, no. The calendar entry specifies, "Tobin's house." Ford does not identify Tobin as being present. Wait, so they broke in?? Funny she forgot that. The entry further states, "Workout ... go to Timmy's for skis, with Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Sq." No reference to any girls - NONE. No reference to a party - NONE. No reference to Ford - NONE. No reference to Keyser - NONE. Further, lazy-*** ************, Tobin's house is ******* MILES from the location Fake Doctor claims. Strike 4, *****.

3. He denies blacking out due to drinking. Evidence to contrary?? Kavanaugh wrote an e-mail in 2001 about a dice game he doesn't recall ... and a 2014 speech where he referred to drinking and "piecing things together." Okay, I am so sick of raping intellectually bankrupt, stupid, lazy kunts who are too dumb and lazy to look **** up. But here we go (again) - the e-mail has does not even refer to drinking. Here is that horrendous e-mail:


No mention of alcohol. No mention of blacking out.

Jesus, if failing to remember a dice game = blackout drunk, then what does that make Fake Dr. "I don't remember the date, the location, how I got there, how I left, who invited me, etc."??? Seriously, how ******* trashed must she have been? Oh, and as to the 2014 speech - Kavanaugh said the following:

I am approaching my eighth anniversary on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. I am approaching the 24th anniversary of my graduation from this school. That means I am approaching the 24th anniversary of my organizing 30 classmates in a bus to go to Boston for a Red Sox game and a night of Boston bar-hopping, only for us to return falling out of the bus onto the front steps of Yale Law School at about 4:45 a.m. One friend of mine, Steve Hartmann, actually had a Labor Law final the next morning. (I checked with him just yesterday to confirm that it was Labor Law.) True story.

On the bus, he actually had his book out and was reading his notes while people were doing group chugs from a keg. He got a P. I think the people doing the group chugs got H’s. Fortunately for all of us, we had a motto, what happens on the bus stays on the bus. Tonight, you can modify that to what happens at the Fed Soc after-party stays at the Fed Soc afterparty.

We had a good run my third year. We got our work done, but we had our share of fun. During our third year class party, it was a beautiful night then as it is tonight. We were at the Lawn Club. No one had done their SAWs. Most people didn’t even have their topics yet. But we didn’t care that night. We had a memorable evening. It is fair to say that we had a few drinks. Indeed, as a classmate of mine and I were reminiscing and piecing things together the other day, we think we had more than a few beers before the banquet. Might have been at Toads. Not a good idea.

Anyway, toward the end of the evening a friend of mine who shall remain nameless—and this is a story that is really about a friend of mine, not about me where I am disguising myself as a friend of mine—my friend broke a table in the Lawn Club reception area. Smashed it into multiple pieces. I actually still possess a photo of him sprawled on the floor on top of the table. How’d did he break it, you might ask? The old-fashioned way. He lost his balance and fell into the table, drink in hand, and the table collapsed. My friend was a big guy.

Now, you might think that we would have quickly left the Lawn Club after that, with some sense of shame. But you’d be wrong. My friend actually tried to get another drink at the bar. Proving something I have always known—that bartenders have a lot more common sense than many law school students—the bartender refused to serve my friend.

But that’s where one of our many fond memories of Yale Law School came in. Professor Steve Duke, who himself might have had a few cocktails, came to the rescue and told my friend that he would take care of the situation and argue his case to the bartender. His actual words, as we recalled the other day, were “I’ll take your case.” And sure enough, Steve Duke—or as we called him for reasons too bizarre to recall now, the Dukie-stick—won the case and got my friend some more beers. That’s probably one Professor Duke deserved to lose. The moral of this story: I suppose there are a lot of them. But here’s one I like: Don’t ever let it be said that Yale Law professors are not there when you most need them.

So strike 5 ... *****.

4. Kavanaugh referred to the legal drinking age in Maryland as being 18. Lie. He said that during PART of his high school years the drinking age in Maryland was 18, and at ALL TIMES during his high school years, the drinking age in D.C. was 18. True. So another lie about the lie.

5. Sheldon Whitehouse has never played quarters (liar), and yet is going to lecture us on the meaning of "devil's triangle"? What the ******* ****?!? "I've never seen a baseball game, but let me lecture you on the proper way to throw a curveball ... " Shut the **** up. Hey, whitemouse, or limpdick, you pansy *********** liar fuckbag, we named our drinking games in the early 1980's, when I was attending college. No internet back then, so limpdick liars (*cough*whitehead or whitemouse) were uninformed losers and preening queefs we excluded from our drinking games.

6. Finally, that wart on the *** of life, Blumenthal - a ******* lying liar who claimed to have served IN Vietnam, when he was never closer than 3,000 miles to Vietnam. Yep, a case of stolen valor - lying kunt who claims to have served in-country, and was outed. So no surprise that the lying kunt got the jury instruction wrong - "lying about one thing means lying about everything." Jesus, the lying, outed douche caught engaging in stolen valor used the wrong instruction, and figured doing so in Latin would protect him.

Nope. The actual instruction is, "Sometimes a witness may say something that is not consistent with something else he or she said. Sometimes different witnesses will give different versions of what happened. People often forget things or make mistakes in what they remember. Also, two people may see the same event but remember it differently. You may consider these differences, but do not decide that testimony is untrue just because it differs from other testimony.

However, if you decide that a witness did not tell the truth about something important, you may choose not to believe anything that witness said. On the other hand, if you think the witness did not tell the truth about some things but told the truth about others, you may accept the part you think is true and ignore the rest.

So no surprise ... lying douchebag Blumenthal lied about something VERY important ("I served in Vietnam" - ******* LIE), so we can and should disbelieve everything that comes out of his stinking, fetid, rotten pie-hole, but Kavanaugh supposedly lied about irrelevant **** having to do with a yearbook??

The jury instruction says, "Who ******* cares?"

Get your **** straight, Blumey.

And Tibsy.
Thanks for sharing, that’s good to know. Glad that’s out in the open on this public forum for all to see, including the owners and mods of this message board. This has been saved for public record.

It’s important that you’ve exposed the fact there is in fact a truly extremist element to this board, members here who are willing and able to threaten others with violence, with a clear intent to injure and cause bodily harm. For the sole reason of having differing political opinions. I’ve always known there were members here who held such fringe, extremist views and were prone to violence. Now the cat is out of the bag.

I can’t view your post as anything other than a personal threat, and not even a veiled one at that. You were finally brave enough to step forward and explain in plain English how it is. Lifelong Steeler fans of a liberal persuation are not welcome here. Simple as that.

Have a nice ******* life Tim, I hope you see the light somewhere down the road.

To the rest of you, carry on, I’ve enjoyed the many years of discussion both here and on the football side. Peace out, I hope the Steelers add a few more SB trophies to the case. Godspeed, Tibs

You'll note the words weren't mine. Just sharing how unpopular and how revolting your views are.

Especially when you are as callous and insensitive as you are to families like mine that have suffered through rape not once but more than once. Your arrogance and your cynicism have no place in a democracy because you label before you listen. You point fingers before you understand. You aren't compassionate because you are only compassionate to those of your political persuasion. You are as evil as that which you scream in protest of Namlak.

I live in a family of survivors on this issue, with a neighbor as well who's had his life ruined by a Dr. Ford-like young, empowered "female" who felt her regret was worth destroying a life. Dr. Ford will spawn countless thousands of false accusers that will ruin the lives of young men like my neighbor and you can't fucken see it because well...politics...people's lives be damned. I dare say you have little clue about reality.

And my family? We are Americans Tibor K. We live ON American soil. We DO NOT live behind a wall in Hungary, sucking at the teat of European socialists. So my opinion of your opinion is the same opinion that I hold of ****.

Good day
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I think the agressive tone of this thread is very representative of how the polarized people from both parties have quietly abandoned civility and declared a cold war on each other
Holy ******* ****, that was lame, even for you. Let's go through these alleged "falsehoods" by Kavanaugh:

1. All four people Phony Doctor (seriously, nobody is called "Dr." unless he or she is a medical doctor) Ford says were present denied the allegation. Truth - Kavanaugh denies the allegation. As to Mark Judge, here is what he has to offer: "Judge has backed up Kavanaugh’s emphatic denial of the accusations. “It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way,” Judge said. Strike 1, Tibsy. Ford's friend says, Keyser, says, "Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” According to the news outlet, Walsh confirmed that his client and Ford are “lifelong friend." Strike 2, Tibsy. Finally, Smyth stated he has no memory of anything close to what was alleged. "Patrick Smyth, issued a written statement to that effect earlier in the week. Thus far, nobody has backed up the account advanced by Kavanaugh’s accuser, while Kavanaugh and three other named witnesses have rejected it outright. Smyth continued, “Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women." Lying about lies ... Strike 3, buddy ... and you know what that means. "GET THE **** OUT." Oh, and the lying bullshit that Keyser "believes" Pretend Dr. Ford?!? Jee-zus, are you that stupid? (Rhetorical question - don't answer, you will just make yourself look dumb.) She is a longtime friend, disputes the facts, but does not throw her under the bus.

So whose story checks out, and whose does not? Yep, Dr. Kavanaugh 1 - Dr. Ford 0. Keep score, buddy.

2. Ahhhh, the calendar supports Fake Ford!! Yeah, no. The calendar entry specifies, "Tobin's house." Ford does not identify Tobin as being present. Wait, so they broke in?? Funny she forgot that. The entry further states, "Workout ... go to Timmy's for skis, with Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Sq." No reference to any girls - NONE. No reference to a party - NONE. No reference to Ford - NONE. No reference to Keyser - NONE. Further, lazy-*** ************, Tobin's house is ******* MILES from the location Fake Doctor claims. Strike 4, *****.

3. He denies blacking out due to drinking. Evidence to contrary?? Kavanaugh wrote an e-mail in 2001 about a dice game he doesn't recall ... and a 2014 speech where he referred to drinking and "piecing things together." Okay, I am so sick of raping intellectually bankrupt, stupid, lazy kunts who are too dumb and lazy to look **** up. But here we go (again) - the e-mail has does not even refer to drinking. Here is that horrendous e-mail:


No mention of alcohol. No mention of blacking out.

Jesus, if failing to remember a dice game = blackout drunk, then what does that make Fake Dr. "I don't remember the date, the location, how I got there, how I left, who invited me, etc."??? Seriously, how ******* trashed must she have been? Oh, and as to the 2014 speech - Kavanaugh said the following:

I am approaching my eighth anniversary on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. I am approaching the 24th anniversary of my graduation from this school. That means I am approaching the 24th anniversary of my organizing 30 classmates in a bus to go to Boston for a Red Sox game and a night of Boston bar-hopping, only for us to return falling out of the bus onto the front steps of Yale Law School at about 4:45 a.m. One friend of mine, Steve Hartmann, actually had a Labor Law final the next morning. (I checked with him just yesterday to confirm that it was Labor Law.) True story.

On the bus, he actually had his book out and was reading his notes while people were doing group chugs from a keg. He got a P. I think the people doing the group chugs got H’s. Fortunately for all of us, we had a motto, what happens on the bus stays on the bus. Tonight, you can modify that to what happens at the Fed Soc after-party stays at the Fed Soc afterparty.

We had a good run my third year. We got our work done, but we had our share of fun. During our third year class party, it was a beautiful night then as it is tonight. We were at the Lawn Club. No one had done their SAWs. Most people didn’t even have their topics yet. But we didn’t care that night. We had a memorable evening. It is fair to say that we had a few drinks. Indeed, as a classmate of mine and I were reminiscing and piecing things together the other day, we think we had more than a few beers before the banquet. Might have been at Toads. Not a good idea.

Anyway, toward the end of the evening a friend of mine who shall remain nameless—and this is a story that is really about a friend of mine, not about me where I am disguising myself as a friend of mine—my friend broke a table in the Lawn Club reception area. Smashed it into multiple pieces. I actually still possess a photo of him sprawled on the floor on top of the table. How’d did he break it, you might ask? The old-fashioned way. He lost his balance and fell into the table, drink in hand, and the table collapsed. My friend was a big guy.

Now, you might think that we would have quickly left the Lawn Club after that, with some sense of shame. But you’d be wrong. My friend actually tried to get another drink at the bar. Proving something I have always known—that bartenders have a lot more common sense than many law school students—the bartender refused to serve my friend.

But that’s where one of our many fond memories of Yale Law School came in. Professor Steve Duke, who himself might have had a few cocktails, came to the rescue and told my friend that he would take care of the situation and argue his case to the bartender. His actual words, as we recalled the other day, were “I’ll take your case.” And sure enough, Steve Duke—or as we called him for reasons too bizarre to recall now, the Dukie-stick—won the case and got my friend some more beers. That’s probably one Professor Duke deserved to lose. The moral of this story: I suppose there are a lot of them. But here’s one I like: Don’t ever let it be said that Yale Law professors are not there when you most need them.

So strike 5 ... *****.

4. Kavanaugh referred to the legal drinking age in Maryland as being 18. Lie. He said that during PART of his high school years the drinking age in Maryland was 18, and at ALL TIMES during his high school years, the drinking age in D.C. was 18. True. So another lie about the lie.

5. Sheldon Whitehouse has never played quarters (liar), and yet is going to lecture us on the meaning of "devil's triangle"? What the ******* ****?!? "I've never seen a baseball game, but let me lecture you on the proper way to throw a curveball ... " Shut the **** up. Hey, whitemouse, or limpdick, you pansy *********** liar fuckbag, we named our drinking games in the early 1980's, when I was attending college. No internet back then, so limpdick liars (*cough*whitehead or whitemouse) were uninformed losers and preening queefs we excluded from our drinking games.

6. Finally, that wart on the *** of life, Blumenthal - a ******* lying liar who claimed to have served IN Vietnam, when he was never closer than 3,000 miles to Vietnam. Yep, a case of stolen valor - lying kunt who claims to have served in-country, and was outed. So no surprise that the lying kunt got the jury instruction wrong - "lying about one thing means lying about everything." Jesus, the lying, outed douche caught engaging in stolen valor used the wrong instruction, and figured doing so in Latin would protect him.

Nope. The actual instruction is, "Sometimes a witness may say something that is not consistent with something else he or she said. Sometimes different witnesses will give different versions of what happened. People often forget things or make mistakes in what they remember. Also, two people may see the same event but remember it differently. You may consider these differences, but do not decide that testimony is untrue just because it differs from other testimony.

However, if you decide that a witness did not tell the truth about something important, you may choose not to believe anything that witness said. On the other hand, if you think the witness did not tell the truth about some things but told the truth about others, you may accept the part you think is true and ignore the rest.

So no surprise ... lying douchebag Blumenthal lied about something VERY important ("I served in Vietnam" - ******* LIE), so we can and should disbelieve everything that comes out of his stinking, fetid, rotten pie-hole, but Kavanaugh supposedly lied about irrelevant **** having to do with a yearbook??

The jury instruction says, "Who ******* cares?"

Get your **** straight, Blumey.

And Tibsy.

How many times I gotta post this this week. Damn ya'll make me work.

We are tired of anyone being assaulted.. It's Libtards like you that label everyone that think we are not. That's what you vermin DemocRATS do. You label us racists. Deplorables. Islamphobes. Homophobes. Xenophobes. Your arrogant statement "assumes" that I don't care. Despite my sister having suffered a rape. So **** you. Take your holier than thou position, your egotistical Democratic bullshit and shove it up your ***. Don't you ever tell me again I don't care.

I repeat my claim. I couldn't wish harder for you to suffer the accusations of a false rape because you sir need a wake up call of the 1000% degree.

So **** you Namlak. Stop speaking for me and labeling me when you know nothing about me. And stop being the AntiFA Liberal.

Whoops. You are AntiFA.

Yeah, you are.

Recently another poster told me...Elfie...she/he/it is just over the top. But I'd assault and hurt Tibs. That guy scares me. He's dangerous to the Republic. Couldn't agree more.
Timothy - rein it in. Discussions of assault aren’t tolerated.
Holy ******* ****, that was lame, even for you. Let's go through these alleged "falsehoods" by Kavanaugh:

1. All four people Phony Doctor (seriously, nobody is called "Dr." unless he or she is a medical doctor) .

Was Dr. Seuss a medical doctor?

The three words that best describe Tibs are as follows, and I quote "STINK", "STANK", "STUNK"!
You want to fix this:

#1 term limits... fixes so much when policians aren’t career politicians
#2 60% to confirm judges... period.. constitutionally remove the option for the 51% super political confirmation
#3 all allegations must be revealed 30 days before the vote.. no exceptions
#4 probably impossible but if you can, then take politics out of judicial nomination decisions... don’t give a name, just paperwork to make the call on... make it a blind confirmation
I think the agressive tone of this thread is very representative of how the polarized people from both parties have quietly abandoned civility and declared a cold war on each other

Don't buy into the notion that fault lies equally between both sides.

The war on conservatism and its values had been declared a long time ago. What we are witnessing is an increasing resistance to it.

We just aint taking this **** anymore.

It isn't a matter of left and right anymore, or simply "differences of opinion" like it was back in the day, rather it's about right and wrong, good and evil...just look at what's been going on!
Tibs ... please watch the analysis by Shapiro, and reply to the FACTS and very SPECIFIC PRESUMPTIONS detailed below:

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Now I know the Country is tilted to the wacko's. I read drivel like this and just can't remember what sanity looked like.

Good evening.

It has been absolutely inspiring watching the continued love and support for Christine and her family pour in throughout today.

I wanted to share a few GoFundMe campaigns that I think would also be great options for people to contribute to.

New update - Dr. Ford has agreed to testify this week. We are going to find out what additional expenses will need to be covered and explain here. Then new donors can decide whether to make donations to cover these additional expenses. Previous donations will go towards security. New donations will go towards security and other expenses determined by the family. We will close the campaign when we have raised enough to cover these expenses.
Thank you again for your support.

Christine Blasey Ford demonstrated a huge amount of courage speaking out this week. She did not initially come forward because she was scared of the response. She was right to be scared. Not only has the right wing smear machine started, but she is receiving serious threats against her and has had to engage a security force to protect her family. This is all really expensive and she needs our help. We need to protect the voices of brave people who speak out - especially when they are part of our community.

Thanks for sharing, that’s good to know. Glad that’s out in the open on this public forum for all to see, including the owners and mods of this message board. This has been saved for public record.

It’s important that you’ve exposed the fact there is in fact a truly extremist element to this board, members here who are willing and able to threaten others with violence, with a clear intent to injure and cause bodily harm. For the sole reason of having differing political opinions. I’ve always known there were members here who held such fringe, extremist views and were prone to violence. Now the cat is out of the bag.

I can’t view your post as anything other than a personal threat, and not even a veiled one at that. You were finally brave enough to step forward and explain in plain English how it is. Lifelong Steeler fans of a liberal persuation are not welcome here. Simple as that.

Have a nice ******* life Tim, I hope you see the light somewhere down the road.

To the rest of you, carry on, I’ve enjoyed the many years of discussion both here and on the football side. Peace out, I hope the Steelers add a few more SB trophies to the case. Godspeed, Tibs

Bye. Fuckhead.
Thanks for sharing, that’s good to know. Glad that’s out in the open on this public forum for all to see, including the owners and mods of this message board. This has been saved for public record.

It’s important that you’ve exposed the fact there is in fact a truly extremist element to this board, members here who are willing and able to threaten others with violence, with a clear intent to injure and cause bodily harm. For the sole reason of having differing political opinions. I’ve always known there were members here who held such fringe, extremist views and were prone to violence. Now the cat is out of the bag.

I can’t view your post as anything other than a personal threat, and not even a veiled one at that. You were finally brave enough to step forward and explain in plain English how it is. Lifelong Steeler fans of a liberal persuation are not welcome here. Simple as that.

Have a nice ******* life Tim, I hope you see the light somewhere down the road.

To the rest of you, carry on, I’ve enjoyed the many years of discussion both here and on the football side. Peace out, I hope the Steelers add a few more SB trophies to the case. Godspeed, Tibs

I think we are supposed to be heartbroken and this is where we beg comrad tibs to stay.
How many times I gotta post this this week. Damn ya'll make me work.

Tibs fits the mold of a typical liberal when facts become irrelevant when obsessed with an agenda.

Rather than hoping and praying that a SCOTUS nominee is not a rapist, they hope and pray he is. How twisted is that.
It does bother me that no matter who Trump picked was going to go through something like this from the Dems. and it also bothers me that no matter who he picked, the republicans were going to treat him as the messiah. As a country we have lost what made us great. We were always Americans before anything else, but now we are dems or republicans 1st then Americans.

My small brain cant figure how a country so divided can be great again. Trump needs to be the one that trys to pull everyone back together. this is insane.
Regarding this FBI investigation....these democRATS could have called for one back in July when this letter first surfaced. Why didn't they?
We know why, because that would have been the proper thing to do.
It does bother me that no matter who Trump picked was going to go through something like this from the Dems. and it also bothers me that no matter who he picked, the republicans were going to treat him as the messiah. As a country we have lost what made us great. We were always Americans before anything else, but now we are dems or republicans 1st then Americans.

My small brain cant figure how a country so divided can be great again. Trump needs to be the one that trys to pull everyone back together. this is insane.

Great. Another "we are both equally guilty" post.

It's quite clear the democrats are the devil...but how did you derive from these proceedings this notion that Republicans think Kavanaugh is the Messiah?
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Looks like this forum is now officially not moderated...

After all ---there is a disclaimer for this forum warning of this on the home page..

Tibs--- seems like folks are threaten by you and your political views..

Personally..I think your one of the last people that I would feel threaten by, especially physically...
I don't agree with everything you stand for politically...but that goes for others on the opposite spectrum of political views on this board also..

If people cant stand to read what you say,... I say they should put you on ignore.
Unless of course this forum is only for certain political views...which at times, its seems to be..
And if so, thats cool...just say it as so..

Personally--I have always appreciated your persistence of your beliefs, and your ability to keep the debate open by making us consider opposing viewpoints,...and as I said...
I dont find you threatening at all...

Keep posting man....your not really going to let some hot air blow you away.....are you?
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