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Kavanaugh hearing

It’s amazing to me just how angry and contentious you all get in the face of opposition.
It does bother me that no matter who Trump picked was going to go through something like this from the Dems. and it also bothers me that no matter who he picked, the republicans were going to treat him as the messiah. As a country we have lost what made us great. We were always Americans before anything else, but now we are dems or republicans 1st then Americans.

My small brain cant figure how a country so divided can be great again. Trump needs to be the one that trys to pull everyone back together. this is insane.

neil gorsuch went through pretty easily all things considered. i wonder how it would have went if he picked the female judge instead of kavanaugh.
neil gorsuch went through pretty easily all things considered. i wonder how it would have went if he picked the female judge instead of kavanaugh.

It was a pick replacing an already conservative member this pick changed the swing vote.
You want to fix this:

#1 term limits... fixes so much when policians aren’t career politicians
#2 60% to confirm judges... period.. constitutionally remove the option for the 51% super political confirmation
#3 all allegations must be revealed 30 days before the vote.. no exceptions
#4 probably impossible but if you can, then take politics out of judicial nomination decisions... don’t give a name, just paperwork to make the call on... make it a blind confirmation

Couple of points:

1. If you do away with career politicians then you open yourself up to people that have a limited time to make as much money as they can. They could be MORE easily corrupted by special interested simply because they have so little time to rack in the dough.

2. I don't want a 60% vote. Because what will happen is that dems will get ALL their nominees confirmed and the Reps will get NONE of the ones they want confirmed. It will shift the court to the far left because dems will BORK every conservative. Notice there has NEVER been a liberal judge not confirmed but there has been one conservative judge not confirmed and 2 others that had to go through hell. It never happens the other way around. And this has happened in the past 30 years for a court with only 9 judges.

So I don't want either of those.
Well u all ran Tibs off so there's nothing to argue about now, I hope ur happy

The untold story of the vegetable peeler that changed the world


When we were developing this OXO line, we knew we had to have one handle that could be applied to a number of different tools. It’s the economics of the business. Different gadgets would have one handle to make it more economical to produce.

So we immediately started trying to understand the various disabilities we wanted to help. We went to the American Arthritis Foundation, and got volunteers. They introduced us to some of their staff members that had arthritis that were willing to be test subjects and talk about it.

We had to design a handle that would work for various uses. You might be pulling, pushing, using it like a paintbrush. We started developing what that handle would be. We realized it needed to be better than anything out there. Like the theory behind large crayons for preschoolers, they need something bigger to hang onto firmly. It’s the same thing with people with arthritis. They need something with a larger dimension. A larger oval gave someone a little control. It was fairly short-handled because in some cases, like an apple corer, it would have to be able to fit into the palm of your hand.

We also knew we needed a special material, a tactile rubber material to get a better grip, especially when the tool was wet.

At that time, there were no kitchen tools made with rubber. We didn’t even know what the rubber would be for it. Sam and I were flying back and forth from Taiwan, thinking that’s where we’d manufacture it, talking to factories, asking if they have a material. I remember joking with Sam, sitting on a Northwest Airlines flight. The dinner roll they served was in a plastic bag with the right feel and texture. It was certainly food-safe.

I can’t remember how we were turned onto a material called Santoprene. From Monsanto, it was created following several years of research and development to find a new material for injection-molded tires. It was a polymer a lot like rubber, and it had all the right characteristics, but at the time, it was only used for gaskets and things to seal dishwashers. Nothing you’d actually touch. Monsanto got very excited about their material being used in a consumer product. So we were offered lots of support.


I talked a lot about the shape, but we still wanted some indication of where your forefinger might go on the grip.

There were some advantages to having a depression for your fingers, but it didn’t seem all that interesting. So we were looking at having soft spots instead, where your thumb and forefinger were. We had a way of doing that by making it hollow in the handle, so it could squeeze easier but you wouldn’t have to see those hollow spots.

Sam was looking, and said it’s nice to have that feature, but people need to see the feature at retail. There needs to be something about it that will attract them to it, signifying there’s something special about this handle. If you hide it, they’ll never know unless they pick it up.


I think one of the things about this product, one of the reasons it’s been so successful and lasted so many years, is that every time I tell the story of how it came about, I’ll hand people the peeler, and without fail, this has probably been thousands and thousands of times–the very first thing they do when they pick it up is start squeezing those fins with their thumb and forefinger. Literally without fail. It’s instantaneous.

And as soon as they do that, they’re interacting with it in a playful way, which says that there’s something special about this handle. You could do the same thing with an ergonomic shape, maybe. You’d grab it and say, “Okay, whatever.'”With this, the handle is almost like a conversation between your hand and the peeler itself. They’re conversing back and forth as you’re pushing those fins around.

The design was on the right track, but it was extremely difficult to be made. We had a U.S. manufacturer who refused to make it. They said the fins were so thin that the injection molding tools would wear out too fast, and wouldn’t touch it. Taiwanese manufacturers didn’t have the technical skill to do something like that at the time.

We went to knife companies in Japan. One company called Mitsubohi Cutlery, dated back to the 1800s when they made samurai swords. We went to a meeting there to see if they’d make the product at a high-quality factory. We were sitting across the table from this Japanese man in a business suit, and we’re wearing polo shirts.
We finally get when they say they’re not sure whether they can make it or not. And they had the handmade model I’d made in our shop. They said, “We have to ask Mr. So-and-So in the tooling factory.”

We hop in the the limousine to the tooling factory, and there’s this guy with overalls, with a remote controller and a giant steel tool over his head they’re moving from one side of the shop to the other. They showed him the model I’d made, conversing back and forth in Japanese. We had no idea what they were talking about. Then all the sudden, they started to laugh, and they came over and said, “Yes, Mr. So-and-So said we can make this.” I asked, “What did you decide that based on?” When they were talking, they kept pointing at me, so I didn’t know what was going on. Apparently, Mr. So-and-So said that if I could make it, he could make it.

No one had ever seen big, black rubber tools and were not quite sure this would work. The only major retailer that decided to take a risk on it was a store called Lechters, a predecessor to Bed Bath and Beyond. They had housewares stores all over the country.

They took it on, and initially sales were very, very slow. We brainstormed how we’d get this to pick up. We convinced them they should put out big stainless steel bowls we provided with peelers and carrots, so people could pick up a peeler and try it. With that display, it took off.


Meanwhile, to this day, everybody attributes the function of the peeler to the handle. But the handle isn’t actually the reason why it works. The reason the peeler works so well is because the blade is really sharp. If you put a dull blade on our peeler, it won’t peel any better than our peeler. If you put a sharp blade on a stick, it will peel was well as our peeler. At a factory, we’d just hold the blades and peel carrots. If you couldn’t hear it cut, it was sharp. The factory thought we were crazy. But that was actually the secret behind it, and is true to most of the tools. The performance is more important than anything else, second to that is the design that communicated what it does.

The bottom line is that while the Dems handling of this particular matter is disgusting, the overall political climate that has allowed this absolutely is both parties fault... we are several decades into the swinging pendulum effect form both parties eroding checks and balances in mad power grabs... its a ****** up game of any rule you can break i can break better, and it has killed civil discourse in this country.

If people did vote third parties neither of these two hodgepodge shitshow parties would have tge balls or the power to do a third of the shady politics they pull.. as it is many libs view the Republicans as utterly evil and many conservatives feel equally about the Dems, so they each overlook their own party doing ****** stuff....

And my second point thats going to get me defriended on Facebook by most of the people who didn’t defriend me over that first point is that Mrs Fords actions are no more “courageous” than a robber holding up a bank...

Does it take balls, sure, but its not noble in way the true courageous definition....

One of two things is true here
Either A. She is telling the truth and hid these accusations for almost four decades while a man she claims to feel is dangerous roamed free to potentially do this to someone else

Or b she is exaggerating or outright lying to take out a political enemy..

Both are understandable and both have challenges but both have serious flaws that don’t really describe some noble action...

Whether you believe her or not, this was used as a political hit... it wasn’t accidental or a weird coincidence on the timing... it was meant to handicap the potential investigation so the dems could have a chance to block it in the future if they win in November...

Being the weapon in a gang hit isn’t noble... it isn’t courageous... she gets fame and glory from her political party, money, the best lawyers, and most importantly her accusations get immediately rewarded by advancing her hardcore political viewpoint...
Couple of points:

1. If you do away with career politicians then you open yourself up to people that have a limited time to make as much money as they can. They could be MORE easily corrupted by special interested simply because they have so little time to rack in the dough.

2. I don't want a 60% vote. Because what will happen is that dems will get ALL their nominees confirmed and the Reps will get NONE of the ones they want confirmed. It will shift the court to the far left because dems will BORK every conservative. Notice there has NEVER been a liberal judge not confirmed but there has been one conservative judge not confirmed and 2 others that had to go through hell. It never happens the other way around. And this has happened in the past 30 years for a court with only 9 judges.

So I don't want either of those.

Please, point one is the same argument as “we should pay them a fortune so they aren’t tempted by bribes”

The fix is greater sunshine laws and scrutiny on politicians... make bribery as hard as possible and punish it vigorously.. make the only real reason to get into politics is civil duty...

60% vote is how the conservatives won the court in the first place... its been conservative since Reagan and it was working fine.... there is no reason to force extremists on the bench, and thats what 51% is going to do... the next time a democrat has the presidency and they have the senate and a vacancy the progressives will force someone that makes the current batch look moderate... it was always meant to get a bipartisan judge nominated... to avoid this kind of ****...

51% is always the death knell of democracy

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Great. Another "we are both equally guilty" post.

It's quite clear the democrats are the devil...but how did you derive from these proceedings this notion that Republicans think Kavanaugh is the Messiah?

Ok maybe not messiah. But Republicans rally around him and Democrats rally against him. He xan do no wrong for 1 party and no right for the other. It just shouldn't be l I'll ke that.
And it is both parties. Not just the Democrats. I dont see how anyone can disagree with that
i can't believe he would keep calendars from that long ago, not everyone has their quirks. I just hope they are not made up although that would require a huge effort on his part. Not sure how far the fbi will go, but they should be able to tell how old the ink is. I hope he comes back clean, but i was not too fond of some of his answers. Lube he would say "its assumed drinking was on the weekends" then he would reference the calendar. Then he was asked about drinking on the weekdays, but just started talking about his accomplishments.
Well u all ran Tibs off so there's nothing to argue about now, I hope ur happy

The untold story of the vegetable peeler that changed the world


When we were developing this OXO line, we knew we had to have one handle that could be applied to a number of different tools. It’s the economics of the business. Different gadgets would have one handle to make it more economical to produce.

So we immediately started trying to understand the various disabilities we wanted to help. We went to the American Arthritis Foundation, and got volunteers. They introduced us to some of their staff members that had arthritis that were willing to be test subjects and talk about it.

We had to design a handle that would work for various uses. You might be pulling, pushing, using it like a paintbrush. We started developing what that handle would be. We realized it needed to be better than anything out there. Like the theory behind large crayons for preschoolers, they need something bigger to hang onto firmly. It’s the same thing with people with arthritis. They need something with a larger dimension. A larger oval gave someone a little control. It was fairly short-handled because in some cases, like an apple corer, it would have to be able to fit into the palm of your hand.

We also knew we needed a special material, a tactile rubber material to get a better grip, especially when the tool was wet.

At that time, there were no kitchen tools made with rubber. We didn’t even know what the rubber would be for it. Sam and I were flying back and forth from Taiwan, thinking that’s where we’d manufacture it, talking to factories, asking if they have a material. I remember joking with Sam, sitting on a Northwest Airlines flight. The dinner roll they served was in a plastic bag with the right feel and texture. It was certainly food-safe.

I can’t remember how we were turned onto a material called Santoprene. From Monsanto, it was created following several years of research and development to find a new material for injection-molded tires. It was a polymer a lot like rubber, and it had all the right characteristics, but at the time, it was only used for gaskets and things to seal dishwashers. Nothing you’d actually touch. Monsanto got very excited about their material being used in a consumer product. So we were offered lots of support.


I talked a lot about the shape, but we still wanted some indication of where your forefinger might go on the grip.

There were some advantages to having a depression for your fingers, but it didn’t seem all that interesting. So we were looking at having soft spots instead, where your thumb and forefinger were. We had a way of doing that by making it hollow in the handle, so it could squeeze easier but you wouldn’t have to see those hollow spots.

Sam was looking, and said it’s nice to have that feature, but people need to see the feature at retail. There needs to be something about it that will attract them to it, signifying there’s something special about this handle. If you hide it, they’ll never know unless they pick it up.


I think one of the things about this product, one of the reasons it’s been so successful and lasted so many years, is that every time I tell the story of how it came about, I’ll hand people the peeler, and without fail, this has probably been thousands and thousands of times–the very first thing they do when they pick it up is start squeezing those fins with their thumb and forefinger. Literally without fail. It’s instantaneous.

And as soon as they do that, they’re interacting with it in a playful way, which says that there’s something special about this handle. You could do the same thing with an ergonomic shape, maybe. You’d grab it and say, “Okay, whatever.'”With this, the handle is almost like a conversation between your hand and the peeler itself. They’re conversing back and forth as you’re pushing those fins around.

The design was on the right track, but it was extremely difficult to be made. We had a U.S. manufacturer who refused to make it. They said the fins were so thin that the injection molding tools would wear out too fast, and wouldn’t touch it. Taiwanese manufacturers didn’t have the technical skill to do something like that at the time.

We went to knife companies in Japan. One company called Mitsubohi Cutlery, dated back to the 1800s when they made samurai swords. We went to a meeting there to see if they’d make the product at a high-quality factory. We were sitting across the table from this Japanese man in a business suit, and we’re wearing polo shirts.
We finally get when they say they’re not sure whether they can make it or not. And they had the handmade model I’d made in our shop. They said, “We have to ask Mr. So-and-So in the tooling factory.”

We hop in the the limousine to the tooling factory, and there’s this guy with overalls, with a remote controller and a giant steel tool over his head they’re moving from one side of the shop to the other. They showed him the model I’d made, conversing back and forth in Japanese. We had no idea what they were talking about. Then all the sudden, they started to laugh, and they came over and said, “Yes, Mr. So-and-So said we can make this.” I asked, “What did you decide that based on?” When they were talking, they kept pointing at me, so I didn’t know what was going on. Apparently, Mr. So-and-So said that if I could make it, he could make it.

No one had ever seen big, black rubber tools and were not quite sure this would work. The only major retailer that decided to take a risk on it was a store called Lechters, a predecessor to Bed Bath and Beyond. They had housewares stores all over the country.

They took it on, and initially sales were very, very slow. We brainstormed how we’d get this to pick up. We convinced them they should put out big stainless steel bowls we provided with peelers and carrots, so people could pick up a peeler and try it. With that display, it took off.


Meanwhile, to this day, everybody attributes the function of the peeler to the handle. But the handle isn’t actually the reason why it works. The reason the peeler works so well is because the blade is really sharp. If you put a dull blade on our peeler, it won’t peel any better than our peeler. If you put a sharp blade on a stick, it will peel was well as our peeler. At a factory, we’d just hold the blades and peel carrots. If you couldn’t hear it cut, it was sharp. The factory thought we were crazy. But that was actually the secret behind it, and is true to most of the tools. The performance is more important than anything else, second to that is the design that communicated what it does.


That was fascinating thanks. I own a few OXO tools, love them. Never knew any of this. Great line - if he can make it I can make it haha.

Ok maybe not messiah. But Republicans rally around him and Democrats rally against him. He xan do no wrong for 1 party and no right for the other. It just shouldn't be l I'll ke that.
And it is both parties. Not just the Democrats. I dont see how anyone can disagree with that

I think the point is that at this very point in time, Kavanaugh has done no wrong. There isn't so much as a crumb of a spot on this man's record. He's been so far an exemplary candidate.

I made an example to your point pages back. It is both parties. But it's not the same. We did prevent Garland getting to the court through stall tactics. Those tactics were political but legal as we had control of the Senate and simply delayed the vote.

Democrats don't have that control and are instead destroying people's lives and likely outright lying to an entire nation to try to get their way.

Sure you can say we've been the same, but in the same breath, not at all the same. There is a worse side to this equation in my mind.
Please, point one is the same argument as “we should pay them a fortune so they aren’t tempted by bribes”

The fix is greater sunshine laws and scrutiny on politicians... make bribery as hard as possible and punish it vigorously.. make the only real reason to get into politics is civil duty...

60% vote is how the conservatives won the court in the first place... its been conservative since Reagan and it was working fine.... there is no reason to force extremists on the bench, and thats what 51% is going to do... the next time a democrat has the presidency and they have the senate and a vacancy the progressives will force someone that makes the current batch look moderate... it was always meant to get a bipartisan judge nominated... to avoid this kind of ****...

51% is always the death knell of democracy

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

Sotomayor Ginsburg and Kagan aren't radical lefties? We confirmed them even though they were as far left as you can get.
Thanks for sharing, that’s good to know. Glad that’s out in the open on this public forum for all to see, including the owners and mods of this message board. This has been saved for public record.

It’s important that you’ve exposed the fact there is in fact a truly extremist element to this board, members here who are willing and able to threaten others with violence, with a clear intent to injure and cause bodily harm. For the sole reason of having differing political opinions. I’ve always known there were members here who held such fringe, extremist views and were prone to violence. Now the cat is out of the bag.

I can’t view your post as anything other than a personal threat, and not even a veiled one at that. You were finally brave enough to step forward and explain in plain English how it is. Lifelong Steeler fans of a liberal persuation are not welcome here. Simple as that.

Have a nice ******* life Tim, I hope you see the light somewhere down the road.

To the rest of you, carry on, I’ve enjoyed the many years of discussion both here and on the football side. Peace out, I hope the Steelers add a few more SB trophies to the case. Godspeed, Tibs

Wah Wah Wah!

You personally insulted people then act shocked and hurt when they take exception.

Run you curr.

Cowardly dog.

Craven mongrell.
Looks like this forum is now officially not moderated...

After all ---there is a disclaimer for this forum warning of this on the home page..

Tibs--- seems like folks are threaten by you and your political views..

Personally..I think your one of the last people that I would feel threaten by, especially physically...
I don't agree with everything you stand for politically...but that goes for others on the opposite spectrum of political views on this board also..

If people cant stand to read what you say,... I say they should put you on ignore.
Unless of course this forum is only for certain political views...which at times, its seems to be..
And if so, thats cool...just say it as so..

Personally--I have always appreciated your persistence of your beliefs, and your ability to keep the debate open by making us consider opposing viewpoints,...and as I said...
I dont find you threatening at all...

Keep posting man....your not really going to let some hot air blow you away.....are you?

Did you not see the warning that was issued by a moderator in response to the post? It is moderated.
Did you not see the warning that was issued by a moderator in response to the post? It is moderated.

My bad...

Way to step up there Supe!

My point is this....

Politics and Religion(18 Viewing)
WARNING: Forum is lightly moderated. Words such as God and Christmas will be used. Brace yourself accordingly

There is a warning if you enter this forum...

as stated "Brace yourself accordingly"....

You almost have to expect the name calling and veiled, and sometimes not so veiled threats if you want to "play"
along in here.....

Oh BTW--
I probably owe someone this on this forum..

up your *** with a red hot poker you lame brained *******!
Sotomayor Ginsburg and Kagan aren't radical lefties? We confirmed them even though they were as far left as you can get.

Kagans record was actually quite moderate... to the point that progressives opposed her nomination.judges often shift when appointed... some might argue to fill a role in how the court is perceived.... there have been some with very conservative records that rolled leftist before... it wouldn’t surprise me at all that kagan move toward the middle as she ages... Kennedy went left of his traditional voting record for a long while but by the end fell back to leaning more conservative ...

The court takes pains to play somewhat both sides so people respect its decision making...

I also think that while older RBG seems awfully leftist, that isn’t as far left as judges get... i think we are looking at guys like Tibs as extremists and thats not the case... much as they do with the conservatives here, they are just not moderates... they aren’t the ridiculous extremists that exist on either side...
It’s amazing to me just how angry and contentious you all get in the face of opposition.

I agree.

The left resorts to violence with alarming frequency. If not for the Second Amendment leftists would happily murder conservatives for not submitting meekly to their rule.
After 56 pages I've concluded that Tibs doesn't believe half of what he's saying.

He just enjoys being an *** looking for a reaction here.

Or he could be batshit nuts, what do I know.
After 56 pages I've concluded that Tibs doesn't believe half of what he's saying.

He just enjoys being an *** looking for a reaction here.

Or he could be batshit nuts, what do I know.

He's taken over an Elfie sort of troll persona. I agree that 75% of what he has posted in the past year is just to try and get under Conservative posters' skin just because he's a Liberal who has contracted a terminal case of TDS. I think he actually believes the other 25% of what he posts. Trump has made lots of Liberals say things they don't actually believe. Christ.....he has gotten Liberals to actually defend MS 13 gang members publicly!
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I think the point is that at this very point in time, Kavanaugh has done no wrong. There isn't so much as a crumb of a spot on this man's record. He's been so far an exemplary candidate.
I was thinking that it's not believable because he has no other history of doing those things. For example, if you heard of Ben Roethlisberger sexually assaulting a woman or trying to get sloppy seconds from a porn star after President Trump was done with her, you could easily believe it because he has a history of that and otherwise being a douchebag with hundreds of witnesses around Tahn who would attest to that. Judge Kavanaugh, not so much.

I made an example to your point pages back. It is both parties. But it's not the same. We did prevent Garland getting to the court through stall tactics. Those tactics were political but legal as we had control of the Senate and simply delayed the vote.
Frankly I never thought they should have held off hearings on Garland because I knew it would lead to crap like this and he was as Conservative a justice as Bomma was likely to nominate anyway with a Republican-controlled Senate.
I was thinking that it's not believable because he has no other history of doing those things. For example, if you heard of Ben Roethlisberger sexually assaulting a woman or trying to get sloppy seconds from a porn star after President Trump was done with her, you could easily believe it because he has a history of that and otherwise being a douchebag with hundreds of witnesses around Tahn who would attest to that. Judge Kavanaugh, not so much.

Frankly I never thought they should have held off hearings on Garland because I knew it would lead to crap like this and he was as Conservative a justice as Bomma was likely to nominate anyway with a Republican-controlled Senate.

I feel that the Republicans used the tools that the dems opened the pandora box on. However, i saw nothing of the Republican party engaging in the corrupt, dirty, devisive, slandering tactics so common with the traitorous dems. It has become part and parcel of their playbook. Disgusting.
I agree.

The left resorts to violence with alarming frequency. If not for the Second Amendment leftists would happily murder conservatives for not submitting meekly to their rule.

LMFAO. Whatever, skippy.
Looks like this forum is now officially not moderated...

After all ---there is a disclaimer for this forum warning of this on the home page..

Tibs--- seems like folks are threaten by you and your political views..

Personally..I think your one of the last people that I would feel threaten by, especially physically...
I don't agree with everything you stand for politically...but that goes for others on the opposite spectrum of political views on this board also..

If people cant stand to read what you say,... I say they should put you on ignore.
Unless of course this forum is only for certain political views...which at times, its seems to be..
And if so, thats cool...just say it as so..

Personally--I have always appreciated your persistence of your beliefs, and your ability to keep the debate open by making us consider opposing viewpoints,...and as I said...
I dont find you threatening at all...

Keep posting man....your not really going to let some hot air blow you away.....are you?

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