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Kavanaugh hearing

It’s amazing to me just how angry and contentious you all get in the face of opposition.

Um..pretty superficial there...it goes a little more deeper than just "opposition". It's what the opposition brings...hate, the advocating of violence, sleaze, toxic femininity.....yeah, why get angry..
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LMFAO. Whatever, skippy.

I got news for you Slapdick, it’s not Republicans Who are rioting to stop people from speaking on college campuses. It wasn’t republicans pelting Hillary supporters with rocks and eggs. Republicans aren’t the ones blocking highways. And a Republican didn’t shoot up The congressional Democrats baseball practice and almost kill a Democrat member of Congress.
I got news for you Slapdick, it’s not Republicans Who are rioting to stop people from speaking on college campuses. It wasn’t republicans pelting Hillary supporters with rocks and eggs. Republicans aren’t the ones blocking highways. And a Republican didn’t shoot up The congressional Democrats baseball practice and almost kill a Democrat member of Congress.

To Liberals, we are just seeing ghosts. None of this stuff happens. Or the stuff that you mention that did happen - if a Leftist remembers it, they easily swipe it away some hair brained response...

So what if Soros hired mercenaries to attack Trump at rallies....you do know he's racist right?
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I said it at the time, and will say it again today. The Republicans should have held hearings on Judge Garland just like if they were going to give him a chance, then just vote no. Though in reality, I do see a number of Republicans going against their party and voting to confirm.
I said it at the time, and will say it again today. The Republicans should have held hearings on Judge Garland just like if they were going to give him a chance, then just vote no. Though in reality, I do see a number of Republicans going against their party and voting to confirm.

They would have confirmed him they would not have done what the Dems are doing.
Saying something makes it true, right? No evidence needed, right?


The Miami Herald over the weekend made its endorsements in a local congressional race, an otherwise routine development that is making headlines for an odd reason: The candidate endorsed by the newspaper in the Republican primary not only believes in aliens, she claims to have been abducted by them, reports Newsweek.

The Herald does not try to dodge the issue in backing Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera for the 27th District. "We realize that Rodriguez Aguilera is an unusual candidate," the editors write.

"Last year, she told the Miami Herald-and several Spanish-language media outlets-that she believes in extra-terrestrials. She says when she was 7, she was taken aboard a spaceship and, throughout her life, she has communicated telepathically with the beings, which remind her of the concrete Christ in Brazil. There you have it." However, the newspaper agrees with Rodriguez Aguilera that this is a "non* issue" and irrelevant to the race.

The Herald instead praises her political and business background, along with her "Working Class Agenda." Rodriguez Aguilera tells the Washington Post that "what people care about is a candidate that can bring jobs," not anything she might have to say about extra-terrestrials.

Rodriguez Aguilera says·she learned from the aliens that Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction in South Miami* Dade, is, in fact, an ancient pyramid.


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Hold yur breath

CNN Does Not Correct Fake News Story about ABA Asking for Kavanaugh Delay

Did you know that the American Bar Association recommended that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed? Only one problem with the story. It's not true.

Before Senator Jeffrey Flake made his vote for Kavanaugh contingent on an FBI investigation, CNN published a story by Manu Raju on August 27 about the ABA making a similar recommendation. It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole. So where is the correction?

After 56 pages I've concluded that Tibs doesn't believe half of what he's saying.

He just enjoys being an *** looking for a reaction here.

Or he could be batshit nuts, what do I know.

It's both IMO. And I wouldn't think too much about it beyond that. Some people are pretty strange, and this political climate isn't helping those who are already a little out in left field or socially awkward. Trolling for reaction (whether it's positive or negative) is a huge thing on social media nowadays and people use that platform rather than just speak to one another in a respectful way because, well, it's just easier and more entertaining that way. And the political division is just insane and we really have no leaders that are helping to steer us in the right direction IMO. Michelle Obama recently said she's depressed by this chaotic and divisive social climate. Well look in the mirror and ask your husband a few questions about that.

Christ, just an example of some ****** up communication I'm dealing with now -- have a pretty young kid who's really good at his job wanting to install shower doors in two bathrooms for me. After we agreed to price and materials last week he said he'd be here this week or worst case today (he works a regular job and is busy). Well, I tried contacting him by phone several times this week to just get the confirmation of time/day. Never heard back from him until this morning when he texts me that he'll be here tonight (Saturday night) at 6:00-7:00pm. That doesn't work for me. That wouldn't work for most reasonable human beings. I don't want someone in my bathroom at potentially 9-10pm at night on a Saturday (I'm assuming it's going to be a 2-3 hour job at least). I told him that's not acceptable and to cancel. Okay long story short, he texts me back asking what works for me. I tell him to please call me so we can hash out the details in a regular manner! Still haven't spoken to him on the phone and that's all I want to ******* do! Such serious problems I have, lol.

But seriously, the political climate is getting really bad. People in politics on the TV are outwardly showing their exhaustion and exasperation. Something's gotta give already.
Any Coney Barret
Trump should telegraph that she is next in line if Kavanaugh doesn't make it. A practicing pro-life Catholic woman who believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, and who believes that there are sexual differences between men and women (how archaic!). It would be interesting to see how the dems survive politically after tearing her down.
Hold yur breath

CNN Does Not Correct Fake News Story about ABA Asking for Kavanaugh Delay

Did you know that the American Bar Association recommended that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed? Only one problem with the story. It's not true.

Before Senator Jeffrey Flake made his vote for Kavanaugh contingent on an FBI investigation, CNN published a story by Manu Raju on August 27 about the ABA making a similar recommendation. It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole. So where is the correction?


So you're telling me that Tibs was propagating lies??

Um..pretty superficial there...it goes a little more deeper than just "opposition". It's what the opposition brings...hate, the advocating of violence, sleaze, toxic femininity.....yeah, why get angry..

Yeah, right, the hate. Some of things that have been posted in this thread are so over the top filled with hate - especially when you know damn well you’re NOT changing anyone’s opinions and stances. Whatever happened to civility?

Oh right... it’s the internet. Forget I asked.
Yeah, right, the hate. Some of things that have been posted in this thread are so over the top filled with hate - especially when you know damn well you’re NOT changing anyone’s opinions and stances. Whatever happened to civility?

Oh right... it’s the internet. Forget I asked.

Well the left has been calling conservatives racist/sexist/bigot/homophobes for 30 years now. Then started screaming “hate speech” if there was any criticism of anything the left did. That has ratcheted up to “anyone who isn’t a progressive is a NAZI” and that is used to justify actual violence against anyone politically to the right of Stalin.

We know you hate us and we are starting to hate you back.
i can't believe he would keep calendars from that long ago ...

He explained in some detail when and why he started keeping track of things on a calendar.

I suspect that Ford and her side knew that Kavanaugh kept the calendars, and that is why she claimed to have been unable to recall the date of the phony alleged incident - they and she knew Kavanaugh could refer to his calendar and immediately disprove the allegation. Hence, the lengthy testimony about brain chemistry wrapping neurons and burning memories of traumatic events ... except of course the date and location of the event.
I do not understand pro-choice / womens right to choose etc etc.... The women choose to have sex in the first place. You cant have a baby w/o sex. If you make the choice to have sex then you should live with the consequences. I would support abortion if the woman was raped, if her life was in danger, or if the baby were going to suffer some severe deformations or something along those lines. The only problem I have is you have people popping out 5-6 babies and no way to take care of them. There is no happy solution.
Anyone find it odd that this "hero and credible witness" sobs and cries with no tears, then seconds later giggles then 30 seconds later smiles at the camera before reverting on cue to sobbing? Is it not odd that every time a question has been asked about her past, she must look at lawyer notes in order to answer?

The one thing I was very dubious about in terms of her presentation was her voice. It sounded like she adopted the voice of some 12-year old girl still anxiously awaiting puberty, and did so to make herself seem meek and victimized.

Jesus, give that squeaky wheel some grease.
I have said this from the beginning, this is not a "Who do I believe" debate.

The media has turned it into that because they love to divide us. And it is so easy to pick sides. Women will pick her because they see themselves in that shy 15-year old trying to make the popular 17-year old boys like them and the trauma that comes with that. Men will pick him because getting wasted with your friends and laughing at girls doesn't make you a rapist.

But that's really not what this is about as much as the "experts" tell you.

This is about due process and fairness. It's about the power of accusation vs. the power of evidence and how, as a culture, we want to balance the two. If you personalize this whole issue, you will degrade into "groups" that defend our views and trench themselves into their opinions like modern day Verdun.

We should strive to be better than that. We should be debating not the SPECIFICS of this case, but the bigger meaning behind it. What precedence does this set? What lessons does this teach us? What is fair the NEXT time this happens?

In my entire analysis of this confirmation, I have tried (sometimes failed) to stay away from the specifics and selaciousness of the accusations. I have tried to leave my emotions out of it. I try to imagine what if the case was turned? What if a man accused a liberal female judge of this? How would it play out? What is fair? What is the best course of action that would set the correct precedent for the NEXT time, not just this time.

We talk about #metoo, but what is really important is how do we establish a way women CAN be heard and document their accusations that is immidiate, fair and thourough without judgement and without persecution. That's the goal. Not punishment or retribution of past failures.

This Kavanaugh hearing epitomized everything about the modern left movement. Their goal isn't how do we really make is better. Their goal is how do we make people pay for the sins of the past. I refuse to go down that path. I refuse to feel guilty about how men acted in 1982 (which at its core is what this case is about).

I have said this before and Tibs (or whatever liberal is still left around here) has refused to debate me. Fundementally, there is NOT enough collaborating evidence to her story to tear down this nomination. Her words, no matter how sincere or believable, are not enough. Period. They can't be or else we set wrong precedent forever moving forward. There has to be more or we can't let this type of accusation only decide the fate of this position and confirmation in a fair, modern society. We can't.
I have said this from the beginning, this is not a "Who do I believe" debate.

The media has turned it into that because they love to divide us. And it is so easy to pick sides. Women will pick her because they see themselves in that shy 15-year old trying to make the popular 17-year old boys like them and the trauma that comes with that. Men will pick him because getting wasted with your friends and laughing at girls doesn't make you a rapist.

But that's really not what this is about as much as the "experts" tell you.

This is about due process and fairness. It's about the power of accusation vs. the power of evidence and how, as a culture, we want to balance the two. If you personalize this whole issue, you will degrade into "groups" that defend our views and trench themselves into their opinions like modern day Verdun.

We should strive to be better than that. We should be debating not the SPECIFICS of this case, but the bigger meaning behind it. What precedence does this set? What lessons does this teach us? What is fair the NEXT time this happens?

In my entire analysis of this confirmation, I have tried (sometimes failed) to stay away from the specifics and selaciousness of the accusations. I have tried to leave my emotions out of it. I try to imagine what if the case was turned? What if a man accused a liberal female judge of this? How would it play out? What is fair? What is the best course of action that would set the correct precedent for the NEXT time, not just this time.

We talk about #metoo, but what is really important is how do we establish a way women CAN be heard and document their accusations that is immidiate, fair and thourough without judgement and without persecution. That's the goal. Not punishment or retribution of past failures.

This Kavanaugh hearing epitomized everything about the modern left movement. Their goal isn't how do we really make is better. Their goal is how do we make people pay for the sins of the past. I refuse to go down that path. I refuse to feel guilty about how men acted in 1982 (which at its core is what this case is about).

I have said this before and Tibs (or whatever liberal is still left around here) has refused to debate me. Fundementally, there is NOT enough collaborating evidence to her story to tear down this nomination. Her words, no matter how sincere or believable, are not enough. Period. They can't be or else we set wrong precedent forever moving forward. There has to be more or we can't let this type of accusation only decide the fate of this position and confirmation in a fair, modern society. We can't.

The problem is i can bring you hundreds... hundreds of moderates who sometimes vote dem and sometimes vote republican that feel like you do... the only ones on the other side of this are the progressive democrats that are extremely biased... thats it... and catering to that ilk will win them a handful of progressive areas, but nationally that viewpoint is not a winner... the dems are going to alienate 30 to 40 percent of their potential voting base to pacify the vocal 20 to 30 percent that like winat all cost plays.... its how we have trump and why he will win again... because they are blind idiots to a losing agenda
The one thing I was very dubious about in terms of her presentation was her voice. It sounded like she adopted the voice of some 12-year old girl still anxiously awaiting puberty, and did so to make herself seem meek and victimized.

Jesus, give that squeaky wheel some grease.

The whole thing is dubious if you look at the background and connections of Ford.
Her background being scrubbed and hidden speaks volumes..Some one doesn’t want the public to know certain things
Interesting background and connections, from Savage - https://michaelsavage.com/is-dr-ford-deeply-tied-to-cia/




The one thing I was very dubious about in terms of her presentation was her voice. It sounded like she adopted the voice of some 12-year old girl still anxiously awaiting puberty, and did so to make herself seem meek and victimized.

Jesus, give that squeaky wheel some grease.

Funny how now that Reps and Trump have caved to the FBI demand, it’s not about sexual assault anymore. It’s about his temperament, his yearbook, his drinking habits in high school. Next week it will be about something else. It’s striking how he can be raked over the coals day in and day out and hardly anyone will even question her for fear of being accused of attacking her. They treated her with kid gloves and still I keep reading that she was attacked and revictimized. I’m not sure how any falsely accused man can ever defend himself against something like this in this climate. It’s scary.
The problem is i can bring you hundreds... hundreds of moderates who sometimes vote dem and sometimes vote republican that feel like you do... the only ones on the other side of this are the progressive democrats that are extremely biased... thats it... and catering to that ilk will win them a handful of progressive areas, but nationally that viewpoint is not a winner... the dems are going to alienate 30 to 40 percent of their potential voting base to pacify the vocal 20 to 30 percent that like winat all cost plays.... its how we have trump and why he will win again... because they are blind idiots to a losing agenda

I hope they keep it up.